scholarly journals Translation Technique Analysis of Verbal Abuse in The Dark Heroine: Dinner With A Vampire by Abigail Gibbs

Jahnu Sekar Ayum Kumaralalita ◽  
M.R. Nababan ◽  
Djatmika Djatmika

This study highlights English-Indonesian translation of verbal abuse in the novel The Dark Heroine: Dinner With A Vampire by Abigail Gibbs. The novel is a thrilling paranormal set in London, published by HarperCollins in 2012. The novel was the New York Times Best Seller and also dubbed as “The Sexiest Romance You’ll Read This Year”. The purpose of this study is to find out the translation technique that the translator used in translating verbal abuse. This study is descriptive and qualitative in nature by doing an analysis of documents and FGD (Focus Group Discussion). The findings of the study showed that 12 techniques were used by the translator to translate the verbal abuse in The Dark Heroine: Dinner With A Vampire; established equivalent, variation, explicitation, pure borrowing, implicitation, modulation, compensation, reduction, generalization, deletion, reduction, paraphrase, and transposition.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 68
Yurike Suhertian Poyungi ◽  
Mangatur Nababan ◽  
Riyadi Santosa

This is a descriptive qualitative research that aims to analyze the types of modality metaphor and their translation techniques in the novel entitled Anne of Green Gables. It is a translation research using Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL) approach. Data were collected by content analysis and focus group discussion (FGD). The data were analyzed by Spradely’s data analysis method. The content analysis is used to analyze the types of modality metaphor based on Halliday and Matthiessen’ theory. Furthermore, the translation technique is analyzed by Molina and Albir’s classification and is done by focus group discussion. The result of this research shows that there are two types of modality metaphor found in the novel, they are probability and obligation. Moreover, the translation techniques that used to translate the modality metaphor are established equivalence, compensation, paraphrase, modulation, deletion, discursive creation and implicitation. The use of these translation techniques shows the translator creativity to translate the modality metaphor. 

Liannisa Mandasari ◽  
M. R. Nababan ◽  
Djatmika Djatmika

The purpose of this study is to find the type of predicting and the quality of translation on the acceptability aspect. This research can be classified as a descriptive qualitative research with an embeded study and translation of product-oriented. The source of the data in this study is novel in English, entitled Deception Point and its translation in Bahasa. The data were collected through document analysis, questionnaire and focus group discussion. The data was sentence that contains predicting utterances. From the data collected in the novel Deception Point, there were 87 data. Type of predictive modality with acceptable were 97.06% (81 data) and less acceptable translation were 2.94% (6 data). Then, on the type of hypothetical prediction were  66.67% with acceptable translation and 33.33% with less acceptable, then 100% were type of habitual prediction with an acceptable translation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 95
Taufik Nur Hidayat ◽  
M.R Nababan ◽  
NFN Djatmika

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan teknik penerjemahan dari Molina dan Albir (2002) yang digunakan dalam menerjemahkan jenis proses beserta maknanya pada sistem transitivitas (Halliday, 2014). Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan teknik purposive sampling. Terdapat 152 jumlah data untuk setiap pidato dalam penelitian ini. Data tersebut adalah klausa yang mengandung unsur jenis proses versi Bahasa Inggris dan terjemahannya. Data kualitatif diperoleh melalui mengkaji dokumen dan arsip (content analysis), kuesioner, dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Validasi data kualitatif menggunakan triangulasi sumber data dan triangulasi metode. Dalam menentukan penilai (raters), peneliti menerapkan criterion-based selection sampling technique. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, 152 data dalam pidato Barack Obama,terdapat sembilan teknik penerjemahan yang muncul. Kesembilan teknik tersebut adalah sebagai berikut: a) padanan lazim (163 data atau 77,25 %; b) modulasi (10 data atau 4,73%; c) implisitasi (16 data atau 7,58 %); d) eksplisitasi (5 data atau 2,36 %); e) transposisi (6 data atau 2,84 %); f) reduksi (3 data atau 1,42 %); g) adisi (2 data atau 0,94 %); h) literal (2 data atau 0,94%); i) kreasi diskursif (4 data atau 1,89%). Sementara dari 152 data dalam pidato Donald Trump, terdapat sebelas teknik penerjemahan yang muncul. Kesebelas teknik tersebut adalah sebagai berikut: a) padanan lazim (155 data atau 67,39%); b) implisitasi (14 data atau 6,08 %); c) modulasi (22 data atau 9,56 %); eksplisitasi (11 data atau 4,78 %; transposisi (6 dataatau 2.60 %); reduksi (6 data atau 2,60 %); adisi (5 data atau 2,17 %); literal (5 data atau 2,17 %); kreasi diskursif (4 data atau 1,73 %; generalisasi (1 data atau 0,43 %); dan variasi (1 data atau 0,43 %).

Rimalinda Lukitasari ◽  
Elsita Lisnawati Guntar ◽  
Ni Ketut Veri Kusumaningrum

The designing of promotional media is an important thing in supporting the development of a tourism destination. With the tight competition among the destinations, the tourist choices are swinging choices. These days, the storytelling method is a method that highly buzzed in the marketing because it is considered effective to influence the future consumen emotionally. The novel of Cintaku di Lembata is a travellougue novel which tells about a tour to Lembata Island. Seing to its many predecors that has successfully raise the popularity of the destination that being used as the setting in the novel, then the potential of this novel to become a promostional media for Lembata – NTT is also worth to be researched. The purpose of this research is to know the potential of the novel of Cintaku di Lembata as a promotional media and the strategy that can be applied to maximize its utilization. The researched was conducted qualitatively with the data collection method of observation, interview, and focus group discussion (FGD). The theory that was applied was the theory of tourism promotion and the data analysis was done by using the SWOT method. The result shows that the novel of Cintaku di Lembata is very potential to become a tourism promotional media for Lembata because the content is informative and persuasive. However, there are some adjustments needed to maximize the utilization of the novel Cintaku di Lembata to promote Lembata – NTT. Those adjustments include, among others, in the matter of transforming the form into a film form and to choose the focus of attraction to be shown. Keywords: Promotion, Destination, Storytelling, Cintaku di Lembata, NTT, SWOT

Pathy Yulinda ◽  
Mangatur Rudolf Nababan ◽  
Djatmika Djatmika

 AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi fungsi pertanyaan retoris dan mendeskripsikan kualitas terjemahan, khususnya pada tingkat keberterimaan dalam novel Five On A Treasure Island karya Enid Blyton dan terjemahannya dalam bahasa Indonesia Lima Sekawan Di Pulau Harta yang diterjemahkan oleh Agus Setiadi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu kualitatif deskriptif melalui analisis konten dan focus group discussion (FGD). Hasil temuan pada penelitian ini terdapat 14 fungsi pertanyaan retoris dari 177 data yang ditemukan, yaitu memastikan (71 data), menunjukkan rasa heran/kaget (36 data), menekankan fakta yang sudah diketahui (12 data), menyarankan (11 data), mengajak (10 data), menunjukkan keragu-raguan/ketidakpastian (8 data), menunjukkan kekaguman (8 data), memerintah (6 data), meminta (4 data), menunjukkan rasa marah (3 data), menunjukkan kebingungan (3 data), mengeluh (2 data), memperkenalkan topik baru (2 data), dan mengingatkan (1 data). Terdapat 9 fungsi baru pertanyaan retoris yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini yang sebelumnya belum disebutkan oleh Larson (1998) dan hasil FGD menunjukkan bahwa kualitas terjemahan pertanyaan retoris, khususnya tingkat keberterimaan, menghasilkan terjemahan dengan kualitas yang cukup baik atau berterima. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pertanyaan retoris merepresentasikan banyak fungsi dalam sebuah percakapan dan untuk penerjemah, dalam menerjemahkan pertanyaan retoris sebaiknya memahami maksud pertanyaan retoris pada teks bahasa sumber dengan baik.  Kata kunci: pertanyaan retoris, penerjemahan, kualitas terjemahan, keberterimaan AbstractThis study aims to identify the function of rhetorical questions and to describe the quality of the translation in terms of acceptability on the novel of Five On A Treasure Island by Enid Blyton and its Indonesian translation Lima Sekawan Di Pulau Harta translated by Agus Setiadi. The research method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative with content analysis and focus group discussion (FGD). The findings are:  there are 14 functions of rhetorical questions from 177 data identified, namely: to confirm (71 data), to show surprise (36 data), emphasize a known fact (12 data), to suggest (11 data), to persuade (10 data), to show uncertainty (8 data), to show amazement (8 data), to command (6 data), to request (4 data), to show angry (3 data), to show confusion (3 data), to complain (2 data), to introduce a new topic (2 data), and to admonish (1 data). There are 9 new functions of rhetorical questions that have not been identified from Larson’s concept (1998) and from FGD shows the quality of rhetorical questions translation in terms of acceptability of the novel is high quality translation. The results of this study is rhetorical question represents many functions in conversation and the translator should be wisely in understanding the intention of rhetorical questions in the source text. Keywords: rhetorical question, translation, quality of translation, acceptability

Adilla Achmad Syahputri ◽  
Mangatur Rudolf Nababan ◽  
Tri Wiratno

The choice of translation technique in translating subtitles greatly affects the quality of translation, both in terms of accuracy, acceptability, and readability. This study aims to determine the impact of choosing a translation technique on the quality of translation and the impact of shifts that occur due to the selection of an inappropriate technique. This study focuses on Judgment's expressions that describe the main character. This is a descriptive qualitative research that focuses on translation research. Data collection uses focus group discussion analysis content. From the results of the study, it was found that there were 5 types of Judgment expressions with a total of 194 data. The type of Judgment that is most used in describing the main character is propriety (-). There are 8 techniques used in this translation and the techniques that most affect the accuracy of the translation are deletion and discursive creation. The results of the focus group discussion also show that although it was found that there were 41 data that experienced a shift, the quality of the translation in terms of accuracy, acceptability, and readability had a good score.

Inovasi ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-162 ◽  
Wanda Kuswanda

Salah satu habitat gajah yang masih tersisa adalah Kawasan Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser (TNGL), terutama di wilayah Besitang. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi karakteristik sosial ekonomi, kepemilikan lahan, pemetaan wilayah dan mitigasi konflik manusia dengan gajah di Resort Besitang, TNGL. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan penyebaran kuesioner, wawancara dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Analisis data menggunakan tabel frekuensi dan analisa deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa wilayah yang memiliki potensi konflik gajah di Resort Besitang adalah Daerah Halaban, Aras Senapal, Sekundur, Bukit Selamat dan Bukit Mas dengan intensitas konflik rendah sampai tinggi. Penyebab utama konflik manusia dengan gajah adalah fragmentasi kawasan hutan,  ketidakpastian status lahan di daerah penyangga, pertumbuhan penduduk yang tinggi dan meningkatnya pendatang di wilayah Besitang, perambahan dan ilegal logging yang terus terjadi, minimnya kesadaran masyarakat dan peranan lembaga desa dalam mendukung konservasi gajah. Rekomendasi resolusi mitigasi konflik gajah diantaranya: 1) memperbaiki habitat gajah yang sudah terfragmentasi di dalam kawasan TNGL; 2) meningkatkan peran Tim CRU (Conservation Response Unit); 3) membentuk unit reaksi cepat penanganan konflik gajah dengan melibatkan para pihak; 4) menanam jenis tanaman yang tidak disukai dan dijauhi oleh gajah; 5) mereduksi ketergantungan masyarakat akan sistem pertanian yang membutuhkan lahan yang luas; 6) mengembangkan program untuk membantu peningkatan hasil panen; dan,  7) penyuluhan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman bahwa gajah merupakan bagian dari ekosistem yang harus lestari.   Kata kunci: gajah, konflik, habitat, Besitang, Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-21
Rili Windiasih

Perkembangan Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi di era globalisasi, demokratisasi dan desentralisasi sudah menjadi kebutuhan sekaligus tantangan khususnya bagi pemerintah daerah dalam komunikasi pembangunan untuk pelayanan publik dan pemberdayaan masyarakat. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif studi kasus, dengan pengumpulan data melalui dokumentasi, wawancara, pengamatan dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Subjek penelitian dipilih secara purposif yaitu pemerintah daerah di Eks-KaresidenanBanyumas Jawa Tengah, akademisi dan civil society. Penelitian dianalisis dengan analisis interaktif melalui reduksi data, penyajian data, penarikan kesimpuan dan verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Pentingnya komunikasi pembangunan dengan media teknologi informasi dan komunikasi melalui e-Government untuk meningkatkan pelayanan publik yang baik, cepat dan responsif, adanya partisipasi aktif dari publik dan transparansi baik anggaran serta program pembangunan. (2) Perlunya mengantisipasi adanya kesenjangan teknologi informasisehingga membutuhkan peningkatan kompetensi sumber daya manusia di pemerintahan daerah dan publik, serta memperluas fasilitas akses jaringan informasi.Kata kunci: komunikasi pembangunan, pelayanan publik, partisipasi, teknologi informasi, transparansi 

Widyaparwa ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 45 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-164
Novita Sumarlin Putri

Tindak tutur komisif merupakan salah satu aspek pragmatik yang harus diperhatikan oleh penerjemah ketika menerjemahkan teks. Hal itu dilakukan agar menghasilkan terjemahan yang berkualitas dari aspek keakuratan dan keberterimaan. Berdasarkan alasan tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan mendiskripsikan tingkat keakuratan dan keberterimaan terjemahan kalimat yang mengakomodasi tindak tutur komisif dengan pendekatan pragmatik. Data yang digunakan ialah tuturan komisif dan hasil penilaian kualitas terjemahan. Data bersumber dari novel Insurgent karya Veronica Roth dan informan. Data dikumpulkan dengan cara analisis dokumen, kuesioner dan Focus Group Discussion. Selanjutnya, data dianalisis dengan cara analisis domain, taksonomi, komponensial, dan tema budaya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terjemahan dalam novel Insurgent mempunyai nilai keakuratan dan keberterimaan yang cukup tinggi. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat keakuratan dan keberterimaan pada setiap jenis tindak tutur komisif memiliki dampak terhadap kualitas keseluruhan terjemahan kalimat yang mengandung tindak tutur komisif.Commissive speech act is one of the pragmatic aspects to regard by the translator in translating the text. It aims to produce a qualified translation in regarding accuracy and acceptability aspects. According to the aspects, this research aims to describe accuracy and acceptability of translation in sentences which accommodate commissive speech act using pragmatic approach. The data used is commissive speech and qualitative translation value result. The sources of the data are an Insurgent novel by Veronica Roth and informants. The data were collected through document analysis, questionnaire, and Focus Group Discussion then analyzed the domain, taxonomic, componential analysis, and cultural theme. The result shows that translation in the Insurgent novel has high accuracy and acceptability values. This research concludes that the accuracy and acceptability level in each commissive speech act has an impact on quality of whole translated sentences which contain commissive speech act.

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