Analisis Kualitas Butir Soal UTS Mata Pelajaran IPA Tahun Pelajaran 2019/2020 Kelas VII di SMPN 6 Kota Langsa

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (01) ◽  
pp. 29-32
Cindy Rasta Br Ginting ◽  
Dion Bagus Ds ◽  
Nurul Yusya Miranti ◽  
Nurmasyitah Nurmasyitah

The purpose of this study is to determine the quality of the results of the vii class science class in 2019/2020, a class of validity, reliability, depth of adversity and contrasting power. And this study USES a descriptive method. The subject in this study is a student class vii middle school n 6 langsa. Data-collection techniques are done using methods of documentation and observation. Data obtained use manual calculations by helping excel programs. This study is: (1) based on validity, problem no. 1 is low-predicated, validity of article 2 is insufficient, validity of article 3 is extremely low, and the validity of grains of 4-5 is fairly categorized. (2) reliably, the results of these studies have found that the peculiar midterm problems for the class vii class 6 of langsa for the 2019/2020 school are not religious, (3) based on reclassification power, from exam problems are low, only article no. 4 has enough categories. (4) for her level of suffering from no. 1 to no. 5, she was categorized as a simple group. Tests are good as a gauge when they meet the following requirement: good validity, good reliability, good objectivity, normal practicality and good economic value. Well, according to research conducted, the fact that entire grains of matter were rated as inferior.  Because of validity, reliability, contrition power and severity it does not meet well-defined standard scores.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 297-306
Attin Warmi

AbstrakBanyak siswa yang kesulitan dalam memahami konsep matematika. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui kemampuan pemahaman konsep siswa dalam menyelesaikan soal-soal pada pokok bahasan Lingkaran. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini  adalah metode deskriptif dengan penelitian kasus. Materi tentang Lingkaran merupakan materi yang terdapat di SMP kelas VIII pada semester genap dan materi ini merupakan salah satu materi yang berhubungan dengan kehidupan sehari hari. Kelas VIII F SMPN 3 Karawang Barat dipilih sebagai subjek penelitian. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan pemberian tes tertulis kemampuan pemahaman konsep. Soal berbentuk uraian yang sebelum digunakan sudah di uji validasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan rata-rata nilai kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematis siswa adalah 10,06 termasuk dalam kriteria sedang.  Hasil analisis konsep per indikator, diketahui siswa sangat kurang pada indikator menerapkan hubungan antar konsep dan prosedur, kemudian dalam menerapkan konsep secara algoritma. Masih terdapat banyak siswa yang memiliki pemahaman konsep yang kurang.  Understanding of Mathematical Concepts Class VIII Students in Circle MaterialsAbstractMany students have difficulty understanding mathematical concepts. The purpose of this study is to determine the ability to understand students' concepts in solving questions on the subject of the Circle. The method used in this research is descriptive method with case research. The material about Circles is the material found in class VIII SMP in the even semester and this material is one of the materials related to daily life. Class VIII F of SMP 3 Karawang Barat was chosen as the research subject. Data collection is done by giving written tests the ability to understand concepts. Questions in the form of descriptions that have been validated before being used. The results of this study show the average value of the ability to understand students' mathematical concepts is 10.06 which is included in the criteria of being. The results of concept analysis per indicator, it is known that students are very lacking in indicators applying relationships between concepts and procedures, then in applying the concept algorithmically. There are still many students who lack an understanding of concepts.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 92-112
Andreas Noviyanto ◽  
Titin Rohayatin ◽  
Lukman Munawar Fauzi

The implementation of public services at the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Bekasi Regency has not been optimal. If public services in the Department of Population and Civil Registration are seen from the implementation of the principles of Good Governance, such as aspects of accountability, transparency, and participation, they are still not optimal. This study uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Observation data collection techniques and interviews with several informants related to research. The results of the study, which led to the implementation of the principles of Good Governance in population administration services at the Population and Civil Registration Service, have not run optimally, judging from the accountability of the mismatch between implementation and operational standards (SOP), as well as unclear service completion, not timely in providing services to the community. When viewed from the transparency aspect of the lack of availability regarding population administration services, the Department of Population and Civil Registration has not maximally used the official website in providing information to the public. And from the last aspect, namely participation, the community has not been fully involved in providing criticism and suggestions and the community is not involved in evaluating services. Keywords: Good Governance Principles, Accountability, Transparency, Participation, Population Administration Services

Imaji ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
Pramularsih Wulansari

Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan perkembangan tata busana tari klasik gaya Yogyakarta tahun 2011 – 2015. Objek penelitian ini adalah perkembangan tata busana tari klasik gaya Yogyakarta. Sebagai subjek penelitian adalah tata busana pada pertunjukan tari festival sendratari DIY, tata busana ujian Koreografi Tari FBS UNY, ujian Tata BusanaTari FBS UNY, display pictures blackberry masanger, serta pictures from geogle. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi studi pustaka dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan reduksi data, display data, dan pengambilan kesimpulan. Hasil Penelitian ini bahwa perkembangan tata busana dibedakan atas: Perkembangan tata busana dari kraton, seperti tata busana wayang Orang, Bedhaya Srimpi, dan repertoar tari tunggal, Konsep perkembangan tata busana yang bersumber dari kraton memberikan kesan apik yaitu memberikan kesan artistik yang mendalam inovatif yaitu menggunakan bahan-bahan busana yang lebih modern dan original. Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan tata busana tari klasik gaya Yogyakarta adalah media televise dan pariwisata.Kata kunci: trend Tata Busana Tari, Tari Klasik Gaya Yogyakarta  AbstrakThis research is aims to describe the fashion trend of Yogyakarta classical dance on 2011-2015. The object of research is the fashion trend of Yogyakarta classical dance. The subject of research is fashion of DIY ballet festival, fashion of Dance Choreography Exam in FBS UNY, display pictures blackberry messenger, and picture from google. Data collection was done through review study and documentation study observation. Data analysis was done by data reduction, display of data, and deduction. The result of this researchcan be classified as: 1) The trend of fashion from Kraton, like Wayang Orang fashion, Bedhaya Srimpi, and solo dance. The concept of fashion trend of Yogyakarta classical dance shows an elegan design in terms of the fabric which is more modern and original. progress of arable Yogyakarta classical Dance. It is influenced by the modern fashion trend on TV and tourism. Keywords: Fashion trend, Yogyakarta classical dance

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Amanda Rizky Amalia ◽  
Antika Suri Tauladan ◽  
Fani Aulia Sari

Language has an important role in everyday human life in society. Jargon is a kind of language that is only used by certain communities as daily communication among its members. The jargon used by the transgender community is very interesting to understand because the jargon has its own form and meaning in its disclosure and can find out how the variety of jargon-shaped language used by transgenders in hiding their secrets so as not to be known by the public. It is evident that not all users of other languages understand the jargon. In this study, the researchers analyzed the jargon used by the waria community in the salon. This study aims to determine the jargon and describe and understand the meaning of the jargon used by the transgender community in interacting orally. The source of the research data was obtained from the subject, namely the transgender women who worked at the Retah salon in Pamulang, who used jargon in their daily communication with transgender women and sometimes with their customers. The method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive method, which describes and conveys data objectively. Describe the jargon terms of transgender language as the object of research. The data collection technique used is observation or see and note. The result of this research is the jargon used by waria in the form of transgender language vocabulary. Based on the results of the data analysis, it was found that 20 pieces of jargon used by transgender women in the salon were akika, rapose, capcus, endang gurindang, ink, sekong, belenjong, cucok, metong, hamidah, lekong, sapose, capcay, begindang, bala-bala, sindang. , lambreta, grasshopper, mesong, and mursida.Keywords: Waria, Jargon, Vocabulary

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 33-39
Mas ning Zahroh

Abstrak : Theoretically the results of the discussion of this research is expected to provide scientific contributions to the development of science, to provide some suggestions to the school and other schools in terms of teacher performance in improving the quality of education, to be the evaluation for Yayasan Pondok Al Kenaniyah to provide better service in the quality of their education. This study is also expected to be the contribution for the researcher in the field of education. This study uses a qualitative method of data collection. The data is achieved by conducting interviews, observation and checklist. The data is obtained to analyze the performance of teachers in improving the quality of education with the subject of 60 people in Yayasan Al Kenaniyah, East Jakarta to investigate. Based on the data obtained can be summarized as follows: regarding to the performance of teachers in the learning plan, the performance of teachers in the implementation of learning, the performance of teachers in the assessment of learning outcomes, also discipline of the teachers in performing their duties to get good performance. Thus, the quality of education will be better in the future.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 75-82
Eneng Fitri Handayani ◽  
Mariati Tirta Wiyata

The research aims to obtain an overview of the (1) The quality of e-learning systems, (2) The quality of e-learning information, (3) The quality of e-learning services, and (4) e-Learning user satisfaction in the online learning process at the Institut Manajemen Wiyata Indonesia. This research uses the descriptive method of weighted average evaluative. Data collection is implemented by spreading the questionnaire. The results showed: (1) The quality of E-learning systems in the online learning process is categorized (well), (2) The quality of E-learning information on the online learning process is categorized (well), (3) The quality of E-learning services on the category of online learning is not good, (4) The satisfaction of E-learning users in the online learning process is categorized well.

Heba Ahmed Abdulltef khalefa

The study aimed to identify the effectiveness of the quality of performance of women in NGOs. The results showed that the quality of the performance of women in NGOs was determined by the study sample (Speed ​​of service delivery, development and improvement of services provided, continuity in service delivery, service delivery method, cooperation with members of NGOs. Cooperation with citizens to meet their needs). She also showed professional proposals to increase the effectiveness of the quality of women's performance in NGOs. The results reached a suggested concept to increase the researcher used the descriptive method suitable for the social survey method using a comprehensive questionnaire based on the questionnaire as a data collection tool. Data will be coded and analyzed statistically using SPSS.V. 21.0

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-135
Samsul Hadi

This study aims to determine how the implementation of academic supervision of class visits by school principals in order to improve the performance of teachers in SMP NW Jerua and can provide technical assistance and guidance to teachers to be able to improve the quality of performance in carrying out tasks and carrying out teaching and learning processes. This research is a qualitative study using descriptive methods. To describe this research, a measurement will be carried out on the implementation planning and evaluation of the academic supervision of class visits by the school principal in NW Jerua Middle School. For this reason, this research is intended to find out more about the data collection about the academic planning documents for class visits, the academic supervision documents for class visits, the academic supervision documents for class visits. The informants in this study were the principal and teachers at NW Jerua Middle School. Data collection techniques in this study using observation techniques, documentation studies, and interviews. Observations were made to obtain data and conditions of academic supervision by the principal's class visit to improve teacher performance in NW Jerua Middle School by direct observation. Documentation studies are conducted to view and obtain authentic data that can be used to match the same data using other techniques. Interview with the teacher as an informant to get information related to the academic supervision techniques of class visits. The flow of this research reveals academic supervision in the NW Jerua Middle School. The supervision management system is as follows: The headmaster conducts academic supervision supervision of the visit by discussing with the teacher first. Then conduct academic supervision of class visits by applying principles and preparing instruments. The final stage is the evaluation and academic follow-up of class visits.

Dahlia Dahlia

The problem of this study is how the effectiveness of the use of the Lembak language in the delivery of subject matter by teachers to Class VII Students of Tanjung Tanjung State Junior High School Terdana Bengkulu Tengah. The purpose of this study was to find out in detail the effectiveness of the use of Lembak language in the delivery of subject matter by teachers to Grade VII Students of SMP Negeri 1 Tanjung Terdana Bengkulu Tengah, this study used a descriptive method using a quantitative approach. The population in this study were students in grade VII Tanjung 1 State Middle School There were 117 people in Central Bengkulu. In this study the sample was taken as much as 25% of the population so that the sample amounted to 29 people. Data collection techniques in this study used observation, questionnaire, and documentation techniques. Data analysis techniques were carried out with the help of interpretation based on percentage calculation (proportion interpretation) and using the help of the Likert Scale. The results of the study show an explanation of the subject matter delivered by the teacher through the Lembak language to students in grade VII of Tanjung 1 Middle School SMP Menghana Bengkulu Tengah can be said to be effective. This is based on the results of the average score of 59.59 if consulted with the Likert scale used, the score is in the interval 51-62 in the effective category. The use of Lembak language by the teacher according to respondents can influence the achievement of learning objectives, the subject matter can be understood by students, the material is mastered by students, students have better learning outcomes and students are motivated to learn.

2014 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 110 ◽  
Muzakar Muzakar

The performance of the school head master is one of the efforts of the school head master to improve the graduate quality. The aim of this research is to describe the work of the school head master in improving the students’ quality of MTsN Meurebo. The method of the study is descriptive method through qualitative approach. The data collection techniques are: observations, interviews and documentations. The subjects of the research are: the school head master, school administrative chairman, teachers. The result of the study shows that: 1) the ability of school headmaster in improving the quality of the graduates is met the graduate criteria because the school head master has run various abilities to support the achievement of the graduates’ quality, both abilities as an educator, manager, administrator, supervisor, leader, and innovator . 2), In practice , it is indeed need motivation of the school head master and all the school members to manifest the graduates quality. 3), the school head master is able to identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats faced by the school, so that it can be used as a reference in making decisions concerning the improvement of the quality of graduates. In its implementation that various efforts require s a consensus commitment of all the school members in order to achieve the optimal quality of the school graduates.

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