scholarly journals Sekartaji Mask Ballet in Surakarta

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 139-147
Darmasti Darmasti ◽  
Eko Wahyu Prihantoro ◽  
Suharji Suharji ◽  
Budi Setyastuti

ABSTRAKSendratari  Topeng Sekartaji merupakan tari tradisi garapan baru yang diilhami oleh Serat Panji yang ditulis pada Jaman Jenggala Kediri abad XI-XII. Tujuan penelitian Sendratari  Topeng Sekartaji adalah untuk menggali kreativitas tari di sekitar Surakarta serta menemukan bentuk dan elemen-elemen pendukungnya. Metode penelitian yang digunakan meliputi pengumpulan data dengan tekhnik observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan tekhnik analisis bentuk dan struktur. Evaluasi validitas data dengan tekhnik trianggulasi. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan antropologi seni yang beranggapan bahwa karya seni merupakan ekspresi karya seniman. Hasil penelitian menunjukan Sendratari  Topeng Sekartaji merupakan karya tari kelompok bertema percintaan sebagai ungkapan kreativitas seni yang popular pada zaman akhir orde lama dan awal orde baru. Sendratari dalam kurun waktu, dipentaskan dengan berbagai variasi sesuai dengan pendukung, situasi dan kondisi serta waktu yang disediakan. Bentuk kreativitas seni dapat berupa frahmen, pethilan, tari tunggal  dan yang paling utama adalah sendratari. Tata urutan sajian tergantung pada bentuk pertunjukanya.  Gerak tari pada tokoh antagonis berupa gagahan gaya Surakarta, tokoh protagonis dengan alus luruh, sedang tari putri dengan putri luruh. Pada akhir pertunjukan selalu bermuara kepada keberhasilan hubungan cinta kasih. Kunci: sendratari, topeng, sekartaji, Surakarta.ABSTRACTThis research entitled “Sendratari Topeng Sekartaji” proposed exploring dance creativity in Surakarta and finding its formats and support elements. This research used data collection with techniques such as observation, interview and documentation as the research method. Data is processed by the technique of format and structure analysis. The technique of triangulation is used as a technique to evaluate data. This research used an art anthropological approach. It is assumed that an artwork is an expression of an artist’s work. Research results showed that Sendratari Topeng Sekartaji is a colossal dance with a romance theme. It was a representation of artwork that has been popularized since the end of the old order and early new order. During that time, sendratari has presented narratively, according to situation, condition and support elements. Art creativity manifested into fragment “pethilan”, single dance and especially “sendratari”. Its arrangement for presentation depends on its performance format. They have “gagahan” in Surakarta style for their dance moves, “alus luruh” and “putri lurah” for antagonist, protagonist, and female dance, irrespectively. The last performance always refers to romantic relationship successfully.Keywords:Sendratari Topeng; Sekartaji; Surakarta

Meilan Arsanti, Evi Chamalah, dan Aida Azizah

This research was conducted to describe and explain the errors in writing foreign terms on billboards in Semarang city. The problem in this research was the form of error in writing foreign terms on billboards in Semarang city and its improvement. The research method that is used was descriptive qualitative. Sources of data in this study were curl boards or billboards in Semarangcity. The data included all of product document billboards whether the product or service advertisements in Semarang City. The data collection technique that is used was purposive sampling. The research instrument used by the researcher to retrieve data was the researcher herself.  In data retrieval, the researcher used a data card. Furthermore, the data were analyzed by examining the use of terms or foreign elements on billboards in the Semarang city that contained writing errors. After the data is collected, the researcher analyzed, classified, and evaluated / evaluated documents in the form of billboards. Based on research results from 11 billboards there were 19 foreign terms used. Thus, it could be concluded that the public considers the use of foreign terms more interesting and was expected to increase selling power. However, the used of foreign terms was not adjusted to the rules of language.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 479
Sidik Purnama

After Indonesia's independence, some legal experts Indonesia tried to make the Criminal Code itself in accordance with the characteristics of Indonesia based on Pancasila and legal values that live and thrive in Indonesian society, but the spirit of the legal experts of the Indonesian nation was not offset by a member legislative duty during the Old Order, New Order and the Reform Era. It was only during the reign of President Joko Widodo draft Act, especially criminal Act book on a book I had been passed in 2018 this with legalized the Draft Penal Code Book I into Act by the legislative period 2014 - 2019 will automatically bill the Penal Code which has been stalled for more than 56 years, has now become a legitimate Act although not enrolled gazetted in Indonesia. This research method using normative juridical approach. The results showed that essentially the principles and foundations of the criminal Act system and the colonial criminal Act still survive with a blanket and face Indonesia. Principles of criminal Act enactment space according to Criminal Code draft concept consisting of: according to time and according to place. The meaning and nature of criminal Act reforms can be divided into two parts: from the point of policy approaches; and on the angle of approach valuesKeywords: Policy of Positive Criminal Act; Criminal Act Reform.

Wardah ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-17
Badlihisham Mohd Nasir ◽  
Abdur Razzaq

Abstract: Article with the title 'Characteristics and Thought of Mr. Haji Yusof Rawa's Da'wah (1922 - 2000) in Malaysia', this aims to describe and analyze the character and thoughts of al-marhum Mr. Haji Yusof Rawa in the field of Islamic da'wah. It starts by highlighting his background in figures and goes on to talk about his Islamic da'wah thoughts. The method used in this study uses a library research method or approach. Literature study can be interpreted as a series of activities relating to the method of collecting library data, reading and recording and processing research material. The findings of this study indicate the role of this figure in controlling the age of the old order transition to the new order has been in line with the demands of the era. He succeeded in becoming a father to the party and upholding the fundamental principles that became the basis and compass for the next party journey. Although he sparked ideas and thoughts that symbolized the openness of PAS to the changing times, he was very wise in outlining the idealism of the party to the point of eternity until now. His strong stance in sparking Da'wah thoughts that were more similar to PAS-centric and shrouded in controversy at the time, had preceded many parties in introducing great ideas such as the Hadith tajdid which later was recognized as a source of inspiration for the hadhari Islamic ideas launched by the UMNO government led by Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi   Keywords: Da’wah thought, Haji Yusof Rawa   Abstrak: Artikel dengan judul ‘Ketokohan dan Pemikiran Dakwah Tuan Haji Yusof Rawa (1922 – 2000) di Malaysia’, ini bertujuan memaparkan dan menganalisis ketokohan dan pemikiran al-marhum Tuan Haji Yusof Rawa dalam bidang dakwah Islamiah. Dimulai dengan menyorot latar belakang ketokohan beliau dan seterusnya membincangkan mengenai pemikiran dakwah Islamiahnya. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini menggunakan metode atau pendekatan kepustakaan (library research). Studi pustaka dapat diartikan sebagai serangkaian kegiatan yang berkenaan dengan metode pengumpulan data pustaka, membaca dan mencatat serta mengolah bahan penelitian. Temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan peranan tokoh ini dalam mengendalikan zaman transisi orde lama kepada orde baru telah sejalan dengan tuntutan zaman. Beliau berhasil menjadi seorang bapak bagi partai dan menegakkan asas fundamental yang menjadi dasar dan kompas kepada perjalanan partai selanjutnya. Walaupun beliau mencetuskan berbagai ide dan pemikiran yang melambangkan keterbukaan PAS kepada perubahan zaman, beliau sangat arif menggariskan idealisme partai hingga kekal utuh sampai sekarang. Ketokohannya dalam mencetuskan pemikiran dakwah yang lebih mirip kepada PAS-centric serta diselubungi dengan kontroversi pada waktu itu, telah mendahului banyak pihak dalam memperkenalkan gagasan besar seperti tajdid hadhari yang kemudian diakui menjadi sumber inspirasi kepada gagasan Islam hadhari yang dilancarkan oleh pemerintahan UMNO pimpinan Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.   Kata kunci: Pemikiran dakwah, Haji Yuso Rawa    

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 399
Nopria Martin ◽  
Sri Wiratma

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proses pembuatan batik kreatif teknik cap dengan media rongsokan, serta mengetahui hasil akhir dari proses pembuatan batik kreatif teknik cap dengan media rongsokan”. Metode penelitian yang digunakan oleh peneliti dalam pengumpulan data menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Melakukan penelitian didalam kelas yang sudah tersedia sebagaimana adanya tanpa melakukan perubahan situasi kelas dan jadwal pembelajaran. Perlakuan yang dilaksanakan adalah proses pembuatan batik kreatif dengan teknik cap dan melihat hasil dari karya tersebut. Dari hasil penelitian dapat diketahui proses pembuatan batik kreatif teknik cap dengan media rongsokan di SMP Swasta Salsa Percut Sei Tuan. Teknik pembuatan batik teknik cap dengan media rongsokan atau barang bekas sangat berbeda dengan batik tulis dan batik teknik colet melainkan mencap langsung pada kain tersebut. Dimana prosenya ialah mencap, mewarna, memblok, melorod, dan (finishing) dan kain batik telah selesai.Kata Kunci: batik cap, rongsokan, proses pembuatan.AbstractThis study aims to knowing the process of making creative batik using stamp techniques with junk media, and knowing the final result of the process of making creative batik using stamp techniques using scrap media". The research method used by researchers in data collection using qualitative methods with a descriptive approach. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Doing research in the classroom that is already available as is without changing the classroom situation and learning schedule. The treatment carried out is the process of making creative batik using stamp techniques and seeing the results of the work. From the research results, it can be seen that the process of making creative batik with stamp techniques using junk media at Salsa Percut Private Middle School in Sei Tuan. The technique of making stamped batik using junk media or used goods is very different from the hand-written batik and the dabbing technique of batik, but it is directly stamped on the cloth. Where the process is stamping, coloring, blocking, melting, and (finishing) and the batik cloth has been finished.Keywords: batik stamp, wreckage, manufacturing proces. 

Suroso Suroso

English is still regarded as a difficult lesson by most of the students, so student’s learning achievement in English is low. The Purpose of this research determines The effects of Learning Motivation Towards Student’s Learning Achievement in English at Kota Tangerang Selatan. The research method used is survey method. Sample size as many as 90 students from SMP Negeri 4 represents International Designed Rating School, SMP Negeri 11 represents National Rating School and SMP Negeri 6 Kota Tangerang Selatan. Data Collection carried out by interview, giving questionnaires and carrying out learning achievement in English test. The research  is conducted in May 2012.Research results show learning motivation variable has significant effects towards students’ learning achievement in English. Research results state there is the effects of learning motivation towards student’s learning achievement in English of class VIII SMP Negeri Kota Tangerang Selatan From the research results, it can be concluded that each increase in learning motivation by one unit will be followed by changing in one unit of student achievement in English as well. Suggestions that can be conveyed are to increase learning motivation, many things can be done, including by giving awards to outstanding students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 172
Trah Kusumaningrum ◽  
Merry Lapasau

<p>Abstract: The research aims to show that 1) there are any effects of reading interest and vocabulary mastery jointly towards students' reading comprehension, 2) there is a significant effect of reading interest towards students' reading comprehension, 3) there is a significant effect of vocabulary mastery towards students' reading comprehension. The research method is a survey with a simple random sampling for 61 students using a questionnaire used for data collection. The research results show that; 1) There are significant effects of reading interest and vocabulary mastery on students' reading comprehension. It is proved by the score of Sig 0,000 &lt; 0,05 and F0 = 63,019. 2) There is a significant effect of reading interest on student's reading comprehension. It is proved by the score of Sig 0,011 &lt; 0,05 and to = 2,614. 3) There is a significant effect of vocabulary mastery on student's reading comprehension. It is proven by the score of Sig 0,000 &lt; 0,05 and to = 6,148.<br />Keywords: reading interest, vocabulary mastery, reading comprehension</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 673-691
Khaerul Aqbar ◽  
Aswar Aswar ◽  
Muh. Sepriadi

This study aims to determine the practice of product contracts and a review of Islamic law on gold savings products in Sharia pawnshops. The research method used a field research approach (filed reaserch) which was qualitative descriptive, and data collection was obtained through observation, interviews and library research (library reaserch), and the research locus was carried out at the Pinrang Syariah Pegadaian Branch. The research results found that; First, regarding the practice, the Pinrang Branch of the Sharia Pegadaian provides many facilities for customers who want to start investing in gold. In addition, Pegadaian Syariah also offers products in the form of Gold Savings, which is a gold buying and selling service with deposit facilities. As for the process of liquidating (selling) gold, it is carried out in two ways, namely by reselling it if the customer wants cash and printing if the customer wants it in the form of gold bullion. Second, the Gold Savings scheme in Sharia Pawnshops is a problematic contract because one of the contracts has an element of usury, to be precise in the murabahah contract, where scholars have different opinions about its abilities. Jumhur ulama agree on the prohibition (because some scholars from syafi'iyyah and malikiyyah argue that gold is included as ṡaman (price, means of payment, money) which cannot be exchanged in installments, because it causes usury and must be done in cash at the time of the contract. Third, DSN MUI and other contemporary scholars consider that the sale and purchase of gold / murabahah gold is permissible both in cash and credit as long as they are not intended as security (price) but sil'ah (goods).

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
Marinda Lisa Anggraini ◽  
Sutarno Haryono

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan dan mengkaji secara anilitis tentang Jaranan Pogogan Teguh Rahayu. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan pendekatan kritik seni holistik. Tahap penelitian yang digunakan adalah pengumpulan data dengan melakukan observasi, wawancara, dan studi pustaka. Seluruh data yang didapat kemudian di analisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan kritik holistik yang mencakup faktor genetik, faktor objektif serta faktor afektif. Hasil temuan bahwa Kesenian Jaranan Pogogan Teguh Rahayu merupakan kesenian yang diciptakan selain sebagai sarana hiburan juga sebagai sarana edukasi. Terdapat pesan-pesan moral dibalik setiap penyajiannya seperti semangat juang, kerja keras dan perintah-perintah untuk melakukan kebaikan.Kata kunci: Jaranan Pogogan Teguh Rahayu, Kritik Seni Holistik.AbstractThe goal of this research is to describe and carry out an analytical study of Jaranan Pogogan Teguh Rahayu. A qualitative research method is used with a holistic art criticism approach. The stages of the research include data collection through observation, interviews, and a library study. All the data obtained is then analyzed using a holistic art criticism approach which includes the genetic factors, objective factors, and affective factors. The research results show that the art of Jaranan Pogogan Teguh Rahayu was created as a form of entertainment and also as a medium for education. Every performance contains moral messages, such as the need for a fighting spirit, the importance of hard work, and instructions to perform good deeds.Keywords: Jaranan Pogogan Teguh Rahayu, Holistic Art Criticism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 386-399
Andang Firmansyah ◽  
Edwin Mirzachaerulsyah ◽  
Irena Yovanka T.A.

Balala' traditional ceremony is one of forbidden customs in the Kanayatn Dayak community. This study describes the Balala' indigenous traditions held by Dayak Kanayatn tribe in Pate Hamlet, Saham Village, Sengah Temila District, Landak Regency. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative one with an ethnographic approach, while the data collection techniques used are interviews and documentation. Data collection instruments are interview guides and documentation. Based on the research results, the ‘Balala'  traditional procession consists of several stages: Mansorokng ceremony held on April 12, opening ceremony on May 28, and ‘Bungkas Lala’ ceremony on May 31. This rite is a form of ceremony to get rid of bad luck or bad things. Every citizen always obeys advices and prohibitions. This paper implies that the ‘Balala' customary tradition can be known widely, especially to the younger generation in order to be preserved as it represents the personal awareness of the community as indigenous peoples.

Indri Wachidah Wahyuni Trisna ◽  
Hariri Ulfa'i Rosyidah ◽  
Sokhi Huda

This research aims to discuss a public response to education and prevention of COVID-19 on social media Instagram @satgascovididijatim and to discuss the effectiveness of media social Instagram as a medium for conveying information to the public. The research method used in this research is a qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach. Data collection by observations, interviews, and documentation. There are two points to these research results. First, the Indonesian Doctor’s Association (IDI) of East Java conducts education and prevention of COVID-19 through the @satgascovidiidijatim Instagram account to the whole community especially the East Java community, to prevent the transmission of the coronavirus. Secondly, the community gives a response that is response cognitive, affective, and behavioral. This response states that Instagram account @satgascovididijatim is one of the effective media for delivering massage education and prevention COVID-19 to the public through social media Instagram.

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