scholarly journals Revitalization of the Novel of the Fire Smoke Cloud By Korrie Layun Rampan (Antropolinguistic Study)

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 109-124
Fajarika Ramadania ◽  
Haris Supratno ◽  
Setya Yuwana ◽  
Suhartono ◽  
Darni ◽  

The revitalization of Api Awan Asap Novel by Korrie Layun Rampan (Anthropology Study), This study aims to (1) describe language, (2) describe technological systems, (3) describe livelihoods, (4) describe arts, and (5) describe systems religion in the novel Api Cloud Asap by Korrie Layun Rampan. The method in this study uses a descriptive analysis method and an anthropological approach that includes aspects of literary anthropology. The data source in this study is the novel Api Awan Asap by Korrie Layun Rampan. The collection technique in this research is text observation technique and interpretive descriptive technique. The results of this study can be concluded as follows: (1) the language system contained in the Api Awan Asap novel, namely the Dayak Benuaq language and English, (2) the technological system described in the Api Awan Asap novel such as: lou, bivouac, ulin, ketinting , sharp weapons, ulap, ulap doyo, jewelry, (3) the livelihood system described in the novel Api Awan Asap, such as gardening, hunting, berhuma, cutting down forests, and businessmen, (4) the arts described in the novel Api Awan Asap, namely musical instruments, sculpting, weaving, dancing, singing, and weaving, (5) the religious system described in the novel Api Awan Asap, namely the application ceremony, wedding ceremony, magic, legend, and customary law ceremonies.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 89
Dian Nathalia Inda

This research aims to reveal the Dayak culture types which contained in the novel Batas and describe the existence of the culture with the conditions of modern society. This research uses a literary anthropological approach that encompasses tradition, customs, myths, and cultural events in past events. The literature study method is used to collect data. Source of data comes from Batas, while data is analyzed by descriptive analysis method.  The result of the analysis shows that Dayak culture in the novel Batas is a human life tool in the form of mandau and chopsticks; a livelihood in the form of farming and hunting; knowledge system in the form of shifting cultivation systems and preserving forests; social system in the form of custom fines and decapitaing; religious system in the form of spiritual animals, beliefs and Dayak devices; the language and literary system in the form of mantra.; and Dayak ethnic arts in the form of sound art and traditional musical instruments. Dayak culture has been eroded, but there is also a shift in value and meaning because it is no longer relevant to the condition of society today.Tulisan ini bertujuan mengungkapkan kebudayaan Dayak yang terdapat dalam Batas dan menggambarkan eksistensi kebudayaan tersebut dengan kondisi masyarakat modern. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan antropologi sastra yang melingkupi tradisi, adat istiadat, mitos, dan peristiwa kebudayaan pada peristiwa-peristiwa masa lampau. Metode studi pustaka digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data. Sumber data berasal dari novel Batas, sedangkan data dianalisis menggunakan metode deskriptif analitik. Analisis menunjukkan kebudayaan Dayak yang ada di novel Batas adalah peralatan kehidupan manusia berupa mandau dan sumpit; mata pencaharian berupa bertani dan berburu; sistem pengetahuan berupa sistem perladangan berpindah dan menjaga kelestarian hutan; sistem kemasyarakatan berupa denda adat dan mengayau; sistem religi berupa hewan spiritual, kepercayaan dan gawai Dayak; sistem bahasa dan sastra berupa mantra; dan kesenian etnik Dayak berupa seni suara dan alat musik tradisional. Kebudayaan Dayak tesebut ada yang telah hilang, tetapi ada juga yang mengalami penggeseran nilai dan makna karena sudah tidak relevan lagi dengan kondisi masyarakat kini.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 252-263
Heppy Lismayanti ◽  
Haris Supratno ◽  
Tengsoe Tjahjono

This study examines the religious values ​​contained in the novel Mengejar Halalnya Syabila by Noor Ruhaimin. The purpose of this study is to: (1) describe aqidah, (2) describe worship, and (3) describe morals in the novel Mengejar Halalnya Syabila by Noor Ruhaimin. The method in this research is descriptive analysis method. The data source in this study is the novel Mengejar Halalnya Syabila by Noor Ruhaimin. This novel was published by BanyuwangiNaa Publisher in 2018. The collection technique in this research is the text observation technique and the data analysis technique used is interpretive descriptive technique. Based on the research results obtained: Religious values ​​associated with aqidah namely, (a) faith in God, (b) faith in books. (c) faith in the Rasul, and (d) faith in qada and qadar. Religious values ​​related to worship are, (a) public worship, such as helping in the family (b) special worship. Religious values ​​related to morals, namely, (a) morals towards God. (b) the morals of both parents. (c) morals towards oneself (d) morals towards family and relatives. (e) morals towards the community

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (11) ◽  
pp. 1467-1472
Suci Indah Sari ◽  
Yulia Sri Hartati ◽  
Ria Satini

This research is motivated by the existence of several styles of comparative attitude contained in the novel by Okky Madasari. This research is focused on the comparative language style in the novel by Okky Madasari. The purpose of this study is to describe the comparative language style in the novel by Okky Madasari. This type of research is qualitative research. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis method. The data in this study are in the form of words, sentences and dialogues related to describing the comparative language style in the novel by Okky Madasari. The data source in this research is the novel by Okky Madasari. The results of this study indicate that the comparative language styles contained in the novel by Okky Madasari are, parable comparison language style, metaphor comparison language style, personification comparison language style, allagory comparison language style, and pleonasm comparison language style. The language style that is most often found is the comparative language style of parable types, and from the research results it is known that of the 10 types of language language there are only 5 types of comparative language styles found.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 255
Diki Febrianto ◽  
Purwati Anggraini

ABSTRAKTujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mendeskripsikan mekanisme pertahanan diri tokoh dalam novel Kaki Langit Talumae karya Wishnu Mahendra ditinjau dari psikoanalisis. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis, yang memaparkan data melalui kaliamat, frasa, klausa. Data dalam metode deskriptif berupa kata maupun kumpulan kata, bukan angka. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah novel Kaki Langt Talumae karya Wishnu Mahendra. Teknik pengumpulan data diawali dengan observasi melalui membaca dan mencatat data yang penting terkait penelitian. Teknik analisis data pada penelitian ini menggunakan psikologi sastra Sigmund Freud (mekanisme pertahanan diri). Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu, pertama, mengungkap mekanisme pertahanan diri tokoh pada novel Kaki Langit Talumae karya Wishnu Mahendra. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini bentuk sistem pertahanan diri yaitu, represi, sublimasi, proyeksi, pengalihan, rasionalisasi, regresi, dan agresi.      Kata Kunci: mekanisme pertahanan diri, psikologi sastra ABSTRACTThe purpose of this research is to describe the self defense mechanism of the characters in the novel Langit Langit Talumae by Wishnu Mahendra in terms of psychoanalysis. The method in this study uses descriptive analysis method, which presents data through kaliamat, phrases, clauses. Data in descriptive methods are words and collections of words, not numbers. The data source of this research is the novel of Kaki Langt Talumae by Wishnu Mahendra. Data collection techniques begin with observation through reading and recording important data related to research. Data analysis techniques in this study used the literature psychology of Sigmund Freud (self defense mechanism). This research use desciptive qualitative approach. The results of this study are, first, to reveal the character's self defense mechanism in the novel Langit Langit Talumae by Wishnu Mahendra. The results of this research form self defense systems namely, repression, sublimation, projection, diversion, rationalization, regression, and aggression.Keywords: self defense mechanism, psychology literature

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 204-213
Revi Dwiyanti ◽  
Agus Suherman

This research is motivated by the lack of research on film that uses Sundanese language and cultural settings. This study aims to describe the cultural elements that exist in the Cakra Buana film story. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis with document study techniques in the form of artwork. The data source in this study is the story of the film Cakra Buana by director Massimo Burhanuddin. The results of the study include 7 cultural elements, including: language, this film uses Sundanese language and undak usuk basa, knowledge systems are divided based on knowledge about nature and social, social organizations include government systems, how to replace leaders and designations of kinship, technological systems including tools, food, clothing, houses and means of transportation, the livelihood system that is farming, the religious system is still influenced by Hinduism and Buddhism because it uses the word "Sang Hyang" in mentioning the name of God, and there are 2 arts in this film namely music and art motion (traditional dance).AbstrakPenelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kurangnya penelitian tentang perfilman yang menggunakan bahasa dan latar budaya Sunda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan unsur budaya yang ada dalam cerita film Cakra Buana. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif analisis dengan teknik studi dokumen yang berupa karya seni. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini yaitu cerita film Cakra Buana karya sutradara Massimo Burhanuddin. Hasil penelitian meliputi 7 unsur budaya, diantaranya: bahasa, film ini menggunakan bahasa Sunda serta menggunakan undak usuk basa, sistem pengetahuan dibagi berdasarkan pengetahuan tentang alam dan sosial, organisasi sosial meliputi sistem pemerintahan, cara mengganti pemimpin dan sebutan kekerabatan, sistem teknologi diantaranya perkakas, makanan, pakaian, rumah dan alat transportasi, sistem mata pencahariannya yaitu bercocok tanam, sistem religinya masih ada pengaruh dari ajaran Hindu dan Buddha karena menggunakan kata “Sang Hyang” dalam menyebutkan nama Tuhan, dan kesenian dalam film ini ada 2 yaitu seni musik dan seni gerak.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 285
Yeni Maulina ◽  
Khairul Azmi

Pengkalan Kuras, Langgam, Kuala Kampar, and Bunut Subdistrict, Pelalawan Regency. Petalangan tribe has various cultures in the traditions of life. A good introduction to cultural heritage by the next generation can strengthen the nation's tradition in responding to the increasingly severe challenges of the future in this era of globalization. Cultural heritage in the form of moral-spiritual inheritance, one of which is obtained and known through the tradition of belief in the traditional proverb that exists in the community. The traditional adage in the Petalangan community, among others, explains the perspective on community life. This study aims to describe the style of language in the customary proverb that is related to the perspective of life in society. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis method. The data source used was the book entitled Pepatah Adat, Istilah, dan Kosa kata Masyarakat Petalangan Kabupaten Pelalawan, Riau. There are 16 traditional proverbs used as data in this study, which then obtained 3 language styles based on sentence structure and 2 language styles based on meaning. By knowing and learning the style of language in this traditional proverb, the philosophy of life and aesthetic tastes of the people of Riau can be understood. Petalangan merupakan salah satu puak asli di Provinsi Riau yang bermukim di Kecamatan Pengkalan Kuras, Langgam, Kuala Kampar, dan Bunut, Kabupaten Pelalawan. Suku Petalangan ini memiliki beraneka kebudayaan dalam kehidupan. Pengenalan yang baik terhadap warisan kebudayaan oleh generasi penerus dapat memperteguh tradisi bangsa dalam menjawab tantangan masa depan yang semakin berat dalam era globalisasi ini. Warisan kebudayaan yang berupa warisan moral-spiritual, satu di antaranya didapatkan dan diketahui keyakinan terhadap pepatah adat yang ada pada masyarakat. Pepatah adat dalam masyarakat Petalangan antara lain menjelaskan cara pandang mengenai hidup bermasyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan gaya bahasa di dalam pepatah adat yang berhubungan dengan cara pandang dalam hidup bermasyarakat. Penelitian ini menggunakanpendekatan kualitatif dengan metode analisis deskriptif. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah buku Pepatah Adat, Istilah, dan Kosa kata Masyarakat Petalangan Kabupaten Pelalawan, Riau. Terdapat 16 pepatah adat yang dijadikan data dalam penelitian ini, yang kemudian diperoleh 3 gaya bahasa berdasarkan struktur kalimat dan 2 gaya bahasa berdasarkan makna. Dengan mengetahui dan mempelajari gaya bahasa dalam pepatah adat ini dapat dipahami filsafat hidup dan cita rasa estetika masyarakat Riau.

Horizon ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 452-463
Wahyu Handila Suci ◽  
Titiek Fujita Yusandra ◽  
Ricci Gemarni Tatalia

This research was motivated by the problem of being able to find the values of character education in the novel Gunung Ungaran by Nh. Dini. The purpose of this study is to describe the values of character education in the novel Gunung Ungaran by Nh. Dini. This research is a qualitative research using content analysis method. The object of this research is the novel Gunung Ungaran by Nh. Dini. The data in this study are words, phrases, sentences and discourses which are the values of character education. The data source in this research is the novel Gunung Ungaran by Nh. Dini. The data techniques used are reading novels, marking data related to the value of character education, recording data, making inventory, and classifying. The results of this study indicate that there are ten values of character education found in the novel Gunung Ungaran. In addition to the value of character education, other character education values are also found, such as: 1) religious, 2) Tolerance, 3) Work hard, 4) Independent, 5) Curiosity, 6) Love the homeland, 7) Friendly/communicative, 8) Caring for the environment, 9) Social care, 10) Responsibility.Keywords: Education, Character, Novel.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Teting Lairabu

Abstract This study aims to explain death wish in the characterization of the main character. This research uses a descriptive analysis method with the psychology literature approach. The sources of data used were the novel Jisatsu Yotei Bi by Akiyoshi Rikako (2016) and the Indonesian translation of the novel, Scheduled Suicide Day (2017). The object of this research is a quotation in the form of narrative. The results of this study are the main character has a desire to die and it is shown by her always thinking about death and finding out in one website about ways to die that she thinks are comfortable and appropriate.   Keywords: Personality Dynamics, Death Wish, Characterization, Psychology Literature.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (01) ◽  
pp. 42-55
Ririn Nurul Azizah

Literary works in this era of progress have been very developed. The creation of literary works is usually influenced by the literary works that preceded it. The literary work that precedes is used as an example or role model for later literary works. Two or more literary works with the same theme have similarities and differences. Similarities and differences in several literary works can be analyzed using the principle of intertextuality. This principle is intended to examine texts that are considered to have a certain relationship with other texts so that it is possible for a work to become a hypogram for subsequent literary works. In this study the author chose the title " Intertextual Study of the Novel Cinta Bertabur Di Langit Mekkah by Roidah and Novel Asmara Di Atas Haram  by Zulkifli L. Muchdi with a Sociological Approach ". Based on the object studied, this study aims to describe: (1) the structure of Roidah's novel Cinta Bertabur Di Langit Mekkah (CBM) and novel Asmara Di Atas Haram (ADH) by Zulkifli L. Muchdi, (2) similarities and differences in the novel Cinta Bertabur Di Langit Mekkah (CBM) by Roidah and novel Asmara Di Atas Haram (ADH) by Zulkifli L. Muchdi, (3) Intertextual relations between Roidah's novel Cinta Bertabur Di Langit Mekkah (CBM) and Zulkifli L. Muchdi's novel Asmara Di Atas Haram (ADH, and (4) sociological aspects of novel Cinta Bertabur Di Langit Mekkah (CBM) by Roidah and novel Asmara Di Atas Haram  (ADH) by Zulkifli L. Muchdi. The method used is descriptive analysis method. The results obtained in the research are intrinsic elements of the novel, similarities and differences between the two novels, intertextual relations and sociological aspects which include social aspects, religious aspects, economic aspects, and love aspects.

2016 ◽  
Vol 30 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Azkia Muharom Albantani

PROFIL GOOGLE SCHOLAR DOSEN UIN SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH JAKARTA BERBASIS WEBOMETRICSAzkia Muharom Albantanie-mail: [email protected] Islam Negeri (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah JakartaJalan Ir. Haji Juanda No.95 Ciputat, Tangerang SelatanAbstrak: Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan mendapatkan gambaran tentang profil dosen berbasis webometrics; mendapatkan gambaran tentang fasilitas UIN Jakarta berbasis webometrics; dan mendapatkan gambaran tentang profil dosen dalam Google Scholar. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survei, terutama dalam menjaring responden sebagai sumber data. Dalam penyajian data, penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analisis, yaitu menggambarkan hasil penelitian yangdiperoleh dari survei mengenai Profil Dosen FITK berbasis Google Scholar. Penelitian dilakukan dalam kurun waktu 6 bulan (1 April – 31 September 2015). Daftar Urut Kepangkatan (DUK) menunjukkan bahwa jumlah dosen tetap PNS FITK UIN Jakarta sebanyak 163 orang. Namun setelah dilakukan studi pelacakan, hanya 35 dosen yang baru memiliki profil dalam Google Scholar. Dari 35 dosen tersebut, baru 19 orang yang memiliki nilai dalam kutipan, h-index, dan h10-index. Prof. Dr. Abuddin Nata, MA merupakan dosen terproduktif dan paling banyak dikutip versi Google Scholar di lingkungan FITK UIN Jakarta. Karya-karya ilmiahnya sudah dikutip 1600-an kali di dalam karya ilmiah lain. Beliau juga memiliki nilai h-index tertinggi yaitu 17 (tujuh belas) dan nilai i10-index tertinggi yaitu 21 (dua puluh satu).Kata-kata Kunci: profil dosen, google scholar, webometrics GOOGLE SCHOLAR PROFILE OF LECTURERS BASED ON WEBOMETRICS AT UIN SYARIF HIDAYATULLAH JAKARTAAbstract: This research aims to obtain an overview of the profiles of lecturers based on webometrics, a general description of webometrics-based facilities at UIN Jakarta, and the profiles of the lecturers on Google Scholar. The method used in this study is a survey method, especially in taking the respondents as a data source. In presenting the data, this study uses descriptive analysis method which illustrates the results obtained from the survey of the profiles of FITK (Faculty of Education and Teachers Training) lecturers on Google Scholar. The study was conducted within a period of 6 months (April 1st to September 31st, 2015). List of Ranks shows the number of permanent lecturers (civil servants) of FITK UIN Jakarta is 163 lecturers. Nevertheless, after conducting a tracking study, there are 35 lecturers only who already have a profile account on Google Scholar. Out of 35 lecturers, only 19 lecturers havevalues in citations, h-index, and h10-index. Prof. Dr. Abuddin Nata, M.A. is the most prolific and most widely cited lecturer on Google Scholar in the Faculty of Education and Teachers Training (FITK) of UIN Jakarta. His scientific works have been cited 1600 times in other works. He has also the highest h-index value, 17 (seventeen), and the highest i10-index, 21 (twenty one).Keywords: profile of lecturer, google scholar, webometrics

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