scholarly journals Exploration of Physics Concepts Based on Local Wisdom Kolecer Traditional Games

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 70-78
Mohammad Imam Sholahuddin ◽  
Setyo Admoko

Teachers' perceptions in developing learning are needed to help students more easily capture information from the learning activities undertaken. One way that can be applied is by connecting learning materials with the local wisdom of the surrounding environment or commonly known as ethnoscience. Indonesia is a country rich in local culture in every region. Therefore, it is important for the nation's future generations to protect and preserve what already exists, for example by linking local culture to physics learning materials. The purpose of this study was to determine the potential for any physics concepts that exist in traditional kolecer games that can be applied to learning physics and everyday life. This type of research is the Narrative Review. Based on the research results, it was found that there was a potential application of physics concepts to local wisdom (ethnoscience) in the traditional "kolecer" game, these physics concepts were in the matter of equilibrium, pressure, Newton’s first and second law, work and energy, kinetic energy, and circular motion. It can be concluded that the application of local wisdom-based learning can help students easily grasp the material provided by the teacher and make learning more meaningful, especially on local wisdom of traditional kolecer games.

Aghnaita Aghnaita ◽  
Ajeng Almira Salsabila ◽  
Camelia Hanik ◽  
Maulida Syafitri ◽  
Norhayani Norhayani ◽  

This study aims to determine the emotional social development of early childhood in Integrated Early Childhood Education Tarbiyatul Athfal UIN Antasari Banjarmasin as well as the form of learning activities undertaken as an effort to stimulate the emotional social development. The research method used is qualitative research on 6 children and learning activities that can stimulate children's emotional emotional development as primary data. Based on research conducted, the results obtained that the child's emotional social development tends to be unstable. Children often prefer to play alone. Nevertheless, children also begin to show interest in hanging out in the surrounding environment and doing play activities together. In addition, there are several factors influence, such as: social emotional experiences of children, gender differences, differences in family and cultural backgrounds, and parenting. While the form of learning activities that are pursued in the form of stimulation of children's emotional social development include: routine activities of reading Asmaul Husna and short surahs, filling in journals, playing indoor, and conducting learning activities. The activity was carried out through exemplary methods, sharing learning, and collaborative games.

2019 ◽  
Riga Sari ◽  
Hade Afriansyah

This article describe about curriculum. The curriculum is a set of plans and arrangements regarding the objectives, content, and learning materials and materials used as guidelines for the implementation of learning activities to achieve certain educational goals. Administration of the curriculum is a system of curriculum management that is cooperative, comprehensive, systemic, and systematic in order to realize the achievement of curriculum objectives. The aim of the curriculum is to achieve institutional learning at educational institutions, so that the curriculum plays an important role in realizing quality and quality schools. The method used in this study includes planning, implementation, supervision, and curriculum evaluation. Thus it can be seen that a good curriculum is a curriculum that follows the development of science and technology based on society. Failure in the administration of a curriculum will have fatal consequences on the success of the world of education.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 354 ◽  
Seyyed Heshmatollah Mortazavizadeh ◽  
Mohammad Reza Nili ◽  
Ahmad Reza Nasr Isfahani ◽  
Mohammad Hassani

This study seeks to recognize teachers’ lived experiences about teaching-learning process in multi-grade classes. The approach of the study is qualitative under the rubric of phenomenological studies. The statistical population consisted of the teachers of multi-grade classes in a non-prosperous province and a prosperous one. 14 teachers were selected using criterion sampling technique for an interview. The interviews were recorded and transcribed with the interviewees’ permission; and they were analyzed using Creswell data analysis. In order to evaluate the validity of the questions, the viewpoints of experts in the field of educational sciences as well as some teachers experienced in multi-grade classes were taken into account. The reliability was approved through examination by the participants and asking from counterparts. The results showed that teachers of multi-grade classes in both provinces had similar views on using teaching methods, determining learning activities and grouping methods. However, they did not have the same views on determining the type of learning materials and resources. The results show that in multi-grade classes various teaching methods such as peer teaching and integrated teaching, leading resources and materials such as the local community, nature, and discarded materials and objects, different grouping methods such as adjacent grouping, row grouping, and sex grouping, and finally various learning activities including self learning and peer learning are utilized. Multi-grade teachers in the two provinces have similar viewpoints regarding teaching methods, learning activities, and grouping methods, but are of different viewpoints on kinds of learning materials and resources.

2020 ◽  
Vol 53 (2) ◽  
pp. 184
Ida Bagus Alit Arta Wiguna

This research aims to identify and analyse students’ response on the application of the Hypnoteaching in learning Hindu religious education in class X of SMAN 7 Denpasar. This research follows a qualitative approach with observation as the main data collection technique. The sample of the study is X Mipa 6 class with 34 students from a total of 389. The application of hypnoteaching methods is fun for students compared to  conventional methods which tend to be uninteresting. When using Hypnoteaching method, students were very excited during learning activities. By using hypnoteaching methods in learning Hindu religious education students becomes very enthusiastic in listening to the teacher's explanation of Hindu religious learning materials. To improve learning activities students prepare themselves for the topic discussion. Students’ response to the application of Hypnoteaching method is positive. They think that the method is effective as it can increase students’ enthusiasm to learn.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 636 ◽  
Putri Ayuningtyas ◽  
Soegimin W.W ◽  
Z.A. Imam Supardi

This study aims to produce a feasible, practical, and effective Physics learning materials with guided inquiry models to facilitate high school students science process skills on the static fluids. The learning materials were try outed to the class XI SMA Kemala Bhayangkari 1 Surabaya in the second semester of the academic year 2013/2014 with the replication of three classes which are class XI-IPA 1, XI-IPA 2, and XI-IPA 3. This research is the development research, with four D models. The trial design using one-group pretest-posttest design. The results were obtained: (1) the validity of learning materials were good category; the readability student textbook and worksheets were good category; (2) learning performance was good category; student’s activities were categorized to students centered learning; (3) students gave the positive mastery of learning with high gain scores; all students are quite able to practice skill process throught the performance test. Based on the result and discussion of this research, it can be concluded that the Physics learning materials with guided inquiry models to facilitate science process skills of high school students on the static fluids were feasible, practical, and effective to be used at learning process. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan perangkat pembelajaran Fisika yang  layak, praktis, dan efektif dengan model inkuiri terbimbing untuk melatihkan keterampilan proses sains siswa SMA pada materi fluida statis. Perangkat pembelajaran tersebut diujikan terhadap siswa kelas XI SMA Kemala Bhayangkari 1 Surabaya tahun pelajaran 2013/2014 dengan replikasi tiga kelas yaitu kelas XI-IPA 1, kelas XI-IPA 2, dan kelas XI-IPA 3. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan, dengan model 4-D. Rancangan ujicoba perangkat menggunakan one group pretest-posttest design. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) validitas perangkat pembelajaran berkategori baik; tingkat keterbacaan buku ajar siswa dan lembar kegiatan siswa berkategori baik; (2) keterlaksanaan RPP berkategori baik; aktivitas siswa menunjukkan pembelajaran yang berpusat pada siswa; (3) respon siswa positif terhadap proses pembelajaran; 93% siswa mencapai ketuntasan hasil belajar dengan skor peningkatan yang tinggi; seluruh siswa sudah cukup mampu untuk berlatih keterampilan proses melalui tes kinerja. Berdasarkan hasil dan diskusi penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran Fisika dengan model inkuiri terbimbing untuk melatihkan keterampilan proses sains siswa SMA pada materi fluida statis layak, praktis, dan efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Ahmad Fauzi Hendratmoko ◽  
Wasis Wasis ◽  
Endang Susantini

The purpose of this research is to develop physics learning materials based on guided inquiry model integrated with virtual laboratory to practice student’s scientific argumentation skill. This research uses 4D development model and tested in 91 students, divided into three classes, X MIPA 1, X MIPA 2, and X MIPA 3 SMA Senopati Sedati with try out design using one group pretest-posttest design. The learning instruments developed are: (a) syllabus (b) lesson plan, (c) student’s book, (d) student worksheet, and (e) test of students’ scientific argumentation skill. The Research data gotten through validation method, observation, test, and questionnaire. The research result was analyzed descriptively quantitative and qualitative. The students’ scientific argumentation skill was analyzed with n-gain. The research result gotten are (a) the learning instruments developed categorized as very valid, (b) the learning activity was well done, (c) the students’ scientific argumentation skill run into enhancement in middle categorized, and (d) the students responded very positively to the learning that is already implemented. Based on analysis result and discussion, it can be concluded that the physics learning material guided inquiry model integrated with virtual laboratory developed is worthy to be used to practice students’ scientific argumentation skill.

2021 ◽  
Ayu Amelia Aprilia ◽  

The purpose of this writing is to analyze the hypothetical learning model as a progressive education on physics learning. This writing is based on the lack of precise and less varied selection of learning models in learning activities in the classroom, especially physics lessons. The method used is the study of literature by reviewing some literature for analysis and then drawing conclusions. The Deductive Hypothesis Learning Model is a learning model that in its activities begins by exploring the general knowledge or initial knowledge of the student on what to learn. The deductive hypothesis learning model is process-oriented that can develop students' basic skills, especially students' science process skills. The results of literature studies from several reliable references, that hypothetical learning models included in education are progressive in physics learning where students experience and discover for themselves material concepts as well as hooking in social life

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
Desi Kamilah

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Untuk meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar fisika siswa dengan menerapkan siklus ACE dalam pembelajaran fisika materi kinematika gerak lurus. Penelitian tindakan dilakukan di SMA Negeri 2 Simpang Hilir Kabupaten Kayong Utara. Subjek penelitian yang akan dilakukan adalas siswa-siswi kelas XB SMA Negeri 2 Simpang Hilir yang berjumlah 34 siswa terdiri atas 13 laki-laki dan 21 perempuan. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah berupa lembar observasi untuk mengukur aktivitas belajar siswa dan soal tes untuk mengukur hasil belajar. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tindakan kelas yang dilakukan dapat disimpulkan aktivitas siswa dikelas masuk kategori cukup aktif. Hasil belajar siswa dengan siklus ACE mencapai ketuntasan 76,67%. Kata Kunci: pembelajaran fisika, siklus ACE, aktivitas belajar, hasil belajar  Abstract: This study aimed to increase physical activity and learning outcomes of students by implementing ACE cycle in physics learning material straight motion kinematics. Action research conducted at SMAN 2 Simpang Hilir North Kayong. The subject of research will be done adalas students of class XB SMAN 2 Simpang Downstream totaling 34 students consisting of 13 male and 21 female. The instrument used in this study is in the form of sheets of observations to measure student learning activities and test items to measure learning outcomes. Based on the results of classroom action research can be concluded that the activity of students in class is categorized quite active. Student learning outcomes with ACE cycle achieve mastery 76.67%. Keywords: physic lesson, cycle ACE, student activity, learning outcome

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1265
Nahdia Rupawanti BR ◽  
Budi Jatmiko ◽  
Soeparman Kardi

This Research aimed at developing instructional learning materials, particularly Optical Equipments, based on Learning Cycle 5E to facilitate the student’s Critical Thinking. The research’s subjects are developing instructional learning materials and students of grade XI in Islamic Senior High School Darul Istiqomah, Bojonegoro. The study used Dick’s and Carey’s model. The developed instructional learning material is tryouted using one group pretest-posttest design in the classroom. The study’s data analysis used descriptive quantitative technique and descriptive qualitative technique. The results are obtained: developing instructional learning material validity are generally categorized as valid; RPP performing is well; the dominant activity is observation; students also have positive responses to learning model; student’s critical thinking increases. The Obstacles encountered during learning is the time required to carry out learning activities exceeds from predetermined time. Based on the findings and results, it is concluded that the instructional learning materials of Learning Cycle 5E are feasible to facilitate the student’s Critical Thinking. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran berdasarkan model Learning Cycle 5E pokok bahasan alat – alat optik untuk melatihkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa yang layak. Subjek penelitian adalah perangkat pembelajaran dan siswa kelas XI di MA Darul Istiqomah kabupaten Bojonegoro. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan dengan menggunakan model Dick and Carey. Uji coba hasil pengembangan perangkat dalam pembelajaran di kelas menggunakan one group pretest-posttest design. Teknik analisis data menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif dan deskriptif kualititatif. Temuan dari hasil penelitian ini yaitu: Validitas perangkat pembelajaran dinyatakan valid, keterlaksanaan RPP berkategori baik; aktivitas siswa paling dominan selama pembelajaran adalah melakukan pengamatan; respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran model Learning Cycle 5E dinilai baik; kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa meningkat. Kendala yang ditemui selama pembelajaran adalah waktu yang diperlukan untuk melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran melebihi waktu yang telah dialokasikan. Berdasarkan pembahasan hasil dan temuan-temuan, disimpulkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran model Learning Cycle 5E yang telah dikembangkan pada materi alat – alat optik, layak dipergunakan untuk melatihkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa.

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