scholarly journals Analisis Ketersediaan Air Baku Pada Pdam Tirta Anoa Di Kota Kendari

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 140
Adiyanto Adiyanto ◽  
Muhammad Ramli ◽  
Hasbullah Syaf

The provision of clean water to meet the needs of the community is something important, and the availability of clean water must be considered in order to meet the needs of the community, especially in Kendari City. This study aims to analyze the availability of raw water at the Regional Water Company (PDAM) Tirta Anoa Kendari City. The method used is the method of raw water availability by using discharge data from the Pohara River and the Wanggu River in 2010-2019. The results of this study are the availability of raw clean water at PDAM Kendari City is the production discharge of 300 ltr/second, the production discharge of Matabondu Springs of 50 l/second, the production discharge of the Wanggu River of 20 l/second, and the Anduonohu spring discharge of 5 ltr. /sec and Anggoeya at 40 liters/sec Keywords: raw water, availability, PDAMPenyedian air bersih untuk memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat merupakan sesuatu yang penting, dan ketersediaan air bersih harus diperhatikan agar dapat memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat, khususnya di Kota Kendari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis ketersediaan air baku pada Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) Tirta Anoa Kota Kendari. Metode yang digunakan yaitu metode ketersediaan air baku dengan menggunakan data debit Sungai Pohara dan Sungai Wanggu tahun 2010-2019. Hasil Penelitian ini yaitu ketersediaan air bersih baku pada PDAM Kota Kendari adalah debit produksi sebesar 300 ltr/detik, debit produksi Mata Air Matabondu sebesar 50 l/detik, debit produksi Sungai Wanggu sebesar 20 l/detik, dan debit Mata air Anduonohu sebesar 5 ltr/dtk dan Anggoeya sebesar 40 liter/dtk Kata Kunci : Air Baku, Ketersediaan, PDAM

2018 ◽  
Vol 73 ◽  
pp. 05012
Sriyanto Sriyanto ◽  
Arvianto Ary ◽  
Ihsan Hidayat Muhammad

The provision of clean water for all Indonesians is one of the objectives of the government that is still constrained by the limitations of the existing water supply infrastructure. Some areas, especially rural or remote areas, are still hard to reach by the clean water facilities of the Regional Water Company. Whereas the groundwater resources in this region are abundant but can't be explored optimally to meet the needs of clean water and proper consumption for the surrounding community. The availability of water is not balanced with its quality, especially as qualified water for consumption. Some other characteristics of rural areas such as poor sanitation and the presence of agricultural waste pollutants, result in groundwater quality being further away from the standard of consumption. Although there are some commercial water filtration technologies available, they are generally expensive, with limited capacity, and not intended for mass use. For that reason, a new breakthrough, by designing proper technology, which is not only affordable but also easy to use and have sufficient capacity to meet the needs of the community. This research used Quality Function Deployment followed by Functional Analysis Systems Technique to get the character of the user and design requirement of groundwater filtration technology which suitable with the community needs and water quality condition in rural areas. The result is a design of filtration technology consists of five main modules, namely filtration module, information module high voltage module, reactor module, and rack module. This design is expected to be the basis for developing clean water technologies for people in rural areas or others that are difficult to reach by the Regional Water Company infrastructure.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 120
Harry Irawan Johari ◽  
Roy Maulana Ansori ◽  
Alfian Pujian Hadi

Desa Ranggagata Kecamatan Peraya Barat Daya Kabupaten Lombok Tengah ’’ yang mana daerah ini mengalami masalah pada sumber air bersih. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui ketersediaan sumber air bersih yang digunakan penduduk untuk memenuhi kebutuhan rumah tangga dan upaya yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat untuk menanggulangi kekurang air bersih di Desa Ranggagata  Kecamatan Praya Barat Daya Kabupaten Lombok Tengah. Metode penelitian menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan dukumentasi. Analisis data dengan model interaktif analisis dengan reduksi. Hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa ketersediaan air bersih di desa Ranggagata sudah mengupayakan semaksimal mungkin supaya di tahun 2020 sudah terpenuhi dan upaya dalam menanggulangi kekurangan air bersih sudah ada bantuan dari kepala desa maupun dari PDAM.Abstract:  Ranggagata Village, Praya Barat Daya District, Central Lombok Regency '' where this area has problems with clean water sources. The purpose of this study was to determine the availability of clean water sources used by residents to meet household needs and the efforts made by the community to overcome the lack of clean water in Ranggagata Village, Praya Barat Daya District, Central Lombok Regency. The research method uses qualitative research with data collection techniques in research using observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis using an interactive model of analysis with reduction. The results of the study can be concluded that the availability of clean water in the village of Ranggagata has made every effort so that in 2020 it has been fulfilled and steps to overcome the shortage of clean water have received assistance from the village head and from the Regional Water Company.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 179-186
I Wayan Sutapa ◽  
M. Galib Ishak

Abstrak Dengan adanya kawasan industri di Kabupaten Morowali maka diperlukan penyediaan air untuk mendukung industri tersebut dan masyarakat sekitarnya. Studi ini bertujuan untuk membuat sistem penyediaan air baku dengan kajian hidrologi dan hidrolika sehingga air bisa mengalir dari intake dan sampai ke daerah layanan secara gravitasi. Metode yang digunakan meliputi pengumpulan seperti: data hidroklimatologi, peta DAS, peta topografi, dan kependudukan. Analisis yang dilakukan meliputi: proyeksi jumlah penduduk dengan Metode Geometrik, kebutuhan air dari pedoman kriteria penyediaan air bersih, ketersediaan air dengan Metode FJ. Mock dan simulasi pipa dengan Epanet. Hasil dari studi ini berupa debit andalan 830 lt/dt (terkecil) dan 6607 lt/dt (terbesar), sedangkan kebutuhan airnya terbesar 57,51 lt/dt. Ini mengindikasikan air tercukupi sepanjang tahun. Hasil simulasi Epanet didapatkan pada WTP/(Reservoir) Makarti terdapat tinggi tekan 6,56 m; Reservoir rusunawa 9,0 m dan Reservoir Bete-Bete 5,29 m dari elevasi tanah masing-masing. Artinya air dapat mengalir secara gravitasi ke daerah layanan. Panjang dan diameter pipa yang digunakan adalah: dari intake-WTP: Ø400 mm, L = 2530 m; WTP-patok A49: Ø400 mm, L = 2765 m; patok A49-Rusunawa: Ø250 mm, L = 4805 m; patok A49-Bete-Bete: Ø150 mm, L = 2569 m; WTP-Makarti: Ø150 mm, L = 168 m.         Kata kunci: Air baku, FJ. mock, epanet, neraca air. Abstract With the existence of an industrial area in Morowali Regency, it is necessary to provide water to support the industry and the surrounding community. This study aims to create a raw water supply system with hydrological and hydraulic studies so that water can flow from the intake and reach the service area by gravity. The methods used include data collection such as: hydro-climatological data, watershed maps, topographic maps, and population. The analysis includes: population projection using the Geometric Method, water needs from the guidelines for clean water supply criteria, water availability using the FJ Mock method and simulations with Epanet. The results of this study are the dependable discharge of 830 l/s (smallest) and 6607 l/s (largest), while the largest water requirement is 57.51 l/s. This indicates sufficient water throughout the year. Based on the epanet simulation results, it is obtained that at the WTP / Makarti Reservoir there is a pressure height of 6.56 m; Reservoir Rusunawa 9.0 m and Reservoir Bete-Bete 5.29 m from the ground elevation respectively. This means that water can flow gravity into the service area. The length and diameter of the pipe used are: from the intake-WTP: Ø400 mm, L = 2530 m; WTP- A49: Ø400 mm, L = 2765 m;  A49-Rusunawa: Ø250 mm, L = 4805 m; A49-Bete-Bete: Ø150 mm, L = 2569 m; WTP-Makarti: Ø150 mm, L = 168m. Key words: Raw water, FJ. mock, epanet, water balance.  

Kusnadi .

The purpose of this study was to test the effect of managerial effectiveness to employee performance, task commitment to employee performance, work ethic on the performance of employees, managerial effectiveness to task commitment, managerial effectiveness to the work ethic and the work ethic of the commitment of the employee's duties Regional Water Company (PDAM) Tirta Bhagasasi Bekasi. This research was conducted using the method suryey with path analysis in hypothesis testing. In this study, employees were selected as sample there are 96 employees who selected a random sample by strata or stratified random sampling from a total population of 127 respondents. Took this instrument before being used for the data to test the validity and reliability. The results of this study are as follows: There is a direct positive influence on employee performance managerial effectiveness. There is a direct positive influence on employee performance task commitment. There is a direct positive influence on employee performance work ethic. There is a direct positive influence on the effectiveness of managerial task commitment. There is a direct positive effect managerial effectiveness to the work ethic. There is a direct positive effect on the work ethic of commitment to the task.

2021 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
pp. 170-187
Neetu Choudhary ◽  
Roseanne C. Schuster ◽  
Alexandra Brewis ◽  
Amber Wutich

Background: Household water security matters greatly for child nutrition outcomes in the global South. Water’s role in sanitation/hygiene, via diarrheal disease, is cited as a primary mechanism here. Yet, the relationship between Water along with Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and child stunting remains inconclusive. Water-related mechanisms outside of the traditional scope of WASH might assist with explaining this. Objective: We aim to test the mediating role of reduced dietary diversity as an additional potential mechanism in linking worse household water access to increased risk of early childhood stunting, separating its effects from sanitation and diarrhea among children (as a proxy for hygiene) and taking into account regional water availability. Method: We use nationally representative India Demographic and Health Survey (2015-16) data for 58 038 children aged 6 to 23 months, applying generalized structural equation modelling to estimate water’s direct and indirect effects (as mediated through dietary diversity and access to sanitation) on a child’s likelihood of being stunted. Results: Suboptimal water access is significantly associated with elevated likelihood of child stunting. More than 30% of the effect is indirect. In the context of low water access and availability, children’s dietary diversity alone mediates more than 20% of its total effect on child stunting. Conclusion: Beyond the WASH mechanisms, household water access affects child stunting indirectly, mediated through its impacts on children’s dietary diversity. These mediating effects are also moderated by regional water availability. Water interventions in low-water regions should help reduce children’s risk of nutrition-related stunting in households with lowest water access.

2019 ◽  
Heru Marta Saputra ◽  
Riri mayliza

Effect of Financial Compensation, Work Environment and Work Motivation on Employee Performance in the Regional Water Company (PDAM) Payakumbuh. The principal issues in this study is whether the process of financial compensation, work environment, work motivation influence on the performance of employees at the Regional Water Company (PDAM) Payakumbuh. This study aims to reveal the Financial Compensation Effect, Work Environment and Work Motivation on Employee Performance in the Regional Water Company (PDAM) Payakumbuh. This research is descriptive associative. The population in this study is the employee at the Regional Water Company (PDAM) Payakumbuh totaling 67 people. The sampling technique sampling study is saturated. The questionnaire was used as data collection techniques. Data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis and multiple regression analysis, multicollinearity analysis, analysis heterokedastisistas, normality test and coefficient detereminasi. To test the hypothesis used t test, Test F. Based on the analysis of the influence of financial compensation, work environment and work motivation and employee performance, especially in the Regional Water Company (PDAM) Payakumbuh, it would seem that there is a positive influence and significant correlation between financial compensation, work environment, work motivation on employee performance. Thus the hypothesis is proved.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (8) ◽  
pp. 3380-3392
Vikram Kumar ◽  
Santosh Paramanik

Abstract Water scarcity is becoming the biggest threat to the global population due to unpredictable rainfall, glaciers melt, and other anthropogenic activities. This study focuses on the analysis of monitored high-frequency continuous spring discharge and rainfall data in the contact and fracture type Mathamali spring located in the Garhwal Himalaya. Discharge from the spring and its storage behavior has been studied by analyzing recession components and flow duration curves. Analyzed discharge data revealed that the spring can generate maximum volume during monsoon as compared to winter due to aquifer properties and tendencies to store and transmit water. Springshed intervention practices were implemented in early April 2017. The measured average flow was 16.9 lpm but soon after the interventions, the average flow increased by 2.6 times. The minimum average spring flow was 2.3 lpm which increased by 5 times whereas the average maximum flow increased by 1.8 times. Post-intervention, storage duration has increased by 16%, decaying from 143 lpm (peak flow) to 12.7 lpm (baseflow). The preliminary findings from this spring can be considered as a check for establishing benchmarks for sustainable development of springsheds, climate change adaptation, and development plans to cope up with growing water insecurity in the rural Himalayas.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Rita De Cássia Da Silva ◽  
Lilian Vilela Andrade Pinto

Residuary effluents from dairy industry contaminate hydric resources, so researches aiming sustainable methods to revert this situation must be stimulated. The objective of this study was to determine if whey can be used as fertigation and to define the proportion of whey that shall be fertigated for species Inga vera and Eugenia involucrata. This research consisted in two experiments, one with Inga vera and the other with Eugenia involucrata, since the species have distinct ecological behavior, being pioneer and late secondary, respectively. Both experiments were designed in completely randomized blocks and four fertigations were evaluated: T1: 100% water; T2: 25% whey and 75% water; T3: 50% whey and 50% water; and T4: 100% whey. The indicators evaluated were: plant height, collar diameter, aerial part weight, root weight, and development quality rate. Fresh whey promoted different responses in the development of Eugenia involucrata and Inga vera seedlings and the use of whey as fertigation for the species Eugenia involucrata is not recommended. Studies of irrigation using whey at the concentration of 100% is recommended for the production of Inga vera seedlings, daily or in alternate days, minimizing pressure on clean water availability.

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