scholarly journals Rancang bangun penguras dan pengisi soliter ikan cupang menggunakan logika fuzzy berbasis aplikasi android

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 88
Ashlihah Salsabila ◽  
Putri Elfa Mas'udia ◽  
Azam Muzakhim Immamuddin

Dalam budidaya ikan cupang, seringkali peternak mengalami kendala efisiensi waktu dan tenaga saat pergantian air karena jumlah ikan yang sangat banyak. Solusi yang dapat diterapkan peternak yaitu membuat inovasi baru dengan teknologi modern agar menghasilkan ikan cupang kualitas yang baik. Manfaat alat ini menghemat pengeluaran dana, tidak membutuhkan banyak SDM, kualitas air mudah dimonitoring dengan aplikasi. Alat ini dibekali dengan sistem kendali logika fuzzy metode mamdani untuk pengendalian pengurasan air soliter ikan cupang serta fleksibel penggunaannya. Aplikasi android digunakan menampilkan informasi untuk monitoring suhu dan kekeruhan air pada soliter serta kontrol manual pengisian dan pengurasan air. Pengguna juga bisa menguras dan mengisi sewaktu-waktu sesuai kebutuhannya. Hasil pengujian sistem dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan logika fuzzy sangat efektif untuk pengurasan air soliter ikan cupang dengan tingkat keberhasilan sebesar 90,2% serta nilai error 0,12%, sensor suhu memiliki nilai error sebesar 0,10%, dan sensor turbidity memiliki nilai error sebesar 0,98%. Logika fuzzy pada sistem sesuai dengan perencanaan dan berjalan dengan baik.   In betta fish farming, farmers often have time and energy efficiency constraints when changing water due to a large number of fish. The solution that farmers can apply is to make innovations with modern technology to produce good quality betta fish. This tool’s benefits save money, do not require a lot of human resources, water quality is easy to monitor with the application. This tool is equipped with a logic control system fuzzy method Mamdani for controlling betta fish solitary water drainage and flexible use. The android application is used to display information for monitoring temperature and water turbidity in solitary and manual control of filling and draining water. Users can also drain and fill at any time according to their needs. The results of system testing can be concluded that the use of fuzzy logic is very effective for draining betta fish solitary water with a success rate of 90.2% and an error value of 0.12%, the temperature sensor has a value error of 0.10%, and the sensor turbidity has an error value. by 0.98%. logic fuzzy in the system is following the plan and runs well.  

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Muhammad Amir Baihaqi ◽  
Didik Aribowo ◽  
Mustofa Abi Hamid

ABSTRACTThis study aims to produce a product in the form of an Android-based apprenticeship information system in the Department of Electronics Industry, Vocational Secondary School (SMK) Negeri 1 Cikande. The development model used is a Waterfall with a software development method that has four stages: (1) Systems Analysis, (2) Design, (3) Programming, and (4) Testing. The test subjects consisted of 2 teachers and 24 students with data collection techniques in the form of literature and questionnaire studies. Media expert data collection has two aspects, namely: visual appearance and communication, while the user contains three points, including accuracy, visual communication, and data input. The results of user trial through questionnaires distributed to teachers obtained a value of 78.7% and students at 79.86% can be declared feasible. The implication of the results of this study is an Android application that is used by teachers, supervisors, and students for industrial work activities in the Department of Electronics Industry, SMK Negeri 1 Cikande, to make it faster, easier, and more efficient in conducting the internship process.Keywords: Implications, Research and Development, Trial Results, Waterfall.ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan produk berupa sistem informasi prakerin berbasis Android di  Jurusan Elektronika Industri SMK Negeri 1 Cikande. Model pengembangan yang digunakan ialah Waterfall dengan metode pengembangan software yang memiliki empat tahapan: (1) Analisis Sistem, (2) Desain, (3) Pemrograman, dan (4) Uji coba. Subjek uji coba berjumlah 2 guru beserta 24 siswa dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa studi pustaka dan kuisioner. Pengumpulan data ahli media memiliki dua aspek yaitu tampilan dan komunikasi visual, sedangkan pengguna berisi tiga aspek diantaranya akurasi, komunikasi visual, dan penginputan data. Hasil ujicoba pengguna melalui  kuesioner yang disebarkan kepada guru memperoleh nilai sebesar 78,7% dan siswa sebesar 79,86% sehingga dapat dinyatakan layak. Implikasi dari hasil penelitian ini ialah sebuah aplikasi Android yang dimanfaatkan oleh guru, pembimbing, dan siswa untuk kegiatan prakerin di Jurusan Elektronika Industri SMK Negeri 1 Cikande, agar lebih cepat, mudah, dan efisien dalam melakukan proses prakerin.

2021 ◽  
Ahmet TOP ◽  

Abstract In this study, a Bluetooth-based Android application interface is developed to perform a manual and automatic control of a four-wheel-driven mobile robot designed for education, research, health, military, and many other fields. The proposed application with MIT App Inventor consists of three components: the main screen, the manual control screen, and the automatic control screen. The main screen is where the actions of the control preference selection such as manual control and automatic control and the Bluetooth connection between the mobile robot and Android phone occur. When the robot is operated manually for calibration or manual positioning purposes, the manual control screen is employed to adjust the desired robot movement and speed by hand. In the case of the need for automatic motion control, the desired robot position and speed data are inserted into the mobile robot processor through the automatic control screen. At the first stage of the work, the proposed Android application is developed with the design and block editors of the MIT App Inventor. The compiled application is then installed on the Android phone. Next, the communication between the Arduino microcontroller used for the robot control with the Bluetooth protocol and the Android application is established. The accuracy of the data dispatched to the Arduino is tested on the serial connection screen. It is validated that the data from the Android application is transferred to Arduino smoothly. At the end of this study, the manual and automatic controls of the proposed mobile robot are performed experimentally and success of the coordination between the Android application and the mobile robot are demonstrated.

2006 ◽  
Vol 18 (06) ◽  
pp. 284-295 ◽  

In this paper, the muscle relaxant agent (i.e., cisatracurium) and three clinical control methods (i.e., 13 patients undergoing intermitted bolus control, 15 patients undergoing intensive manual control and 15 patients) undergoing automatic fuzzy logic control (FLC), were used for maintaining depth of muscle relaxation (DOM) during surgery. Cisatracurium, a muscle relaxation drug with long-term effect, low metabolic loading, but long delay time, is widely used in operating rooms and ICUs. Meanwhile, the rules for the FLC were developed from the experimental experience of intensive manual control after learning from 15 patient trials. According to experts' experimental experience, our FLC inputs were chosen from T1% error and trend of T1% which differ from other previous studies on eliminating the effect of time delay from cisatracurium. In individual clinical experimental results, the mean(SD) of the mean T1% error in 13 patients for intermitted bolus control, in 15 patients for intensive manual control, and in 15 patients for automatic control was 8.76(1.46), 1.65(1.67), and 0.48(1.43), respectively. The t test results show that automatic control is not significantly different from intensive manual control. The results show that a simple fuzzy logic controller derived from anesthetists ' clinical trials can provide good accuracy without being affected by the pharmacological time delay problem.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 85
Fazril Saputra ◽  
Muhammad Agam Thahir ◽  
Mahendra Mahendra ◽  
Yusran Ibrahim ◽  
Muhammad Arif Nasution ◽  

Snakehead (Channa sp.) was one of the superior freshwater fish species native to Indonesia that has been successfully domesticated. The increasing demand for snakehead fish on the market has resulted in the addition of cultivated land and water use. Aquaponics technology was a combination of fish farming and plants that grow without soil media. The aim of this research was to determine the best composition of probiotics that can be used in aquaponic technology to optimize growth rate and feed conversion of snakehead fish (Channa sp.). This research used an experimental method. The experimental design used was a completely randomized design with four probiotic combination treatments and each treatment was repeated three times. The results showed that awarding of different probiotic compositions in the aquaponic system resulted in a spesific growth rate that was not significantly (P>0.05) different between treatments. The highest value of spesific growth rate were in the treatment of probiotic composition of Lactobacillus casei and Saccharomyces cerevisiae with a value of 4.11%/ day. Awarding of different probiotic compositions in the aquaponic system results in significantly (P<0.05) different feed conversion ratio values. The best feed conversion ratio values were in the treatment of probiotic composition of Lactobacillus casei and Saccharomyces cerevisiae with a value of 1.78. The conclusion of this study was the composition of probiotic Lactobacillus casei and Saccharomyces cerevisiae was the best probiotic composition to increase the spesific growth rate and feed conversion ratio of snakehead fish.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-37
Dodi Hadisaputra ◽  
Ernawati ◽  

Ornamental fish is a fish that has a distinctive shape, color and character so as to create an aquarium atmosphere that supports spatial layout and is able to provide a peaceful atmosphere. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of ornamental fish business and analyze the feasibility of ornamental fish business in Jambi City. The qualitative method is used to describe descriptively the general description of the location of the study and the characteristics of ornamental fish farmers, while the quantitative method uses the Analysis of Income and Revenue of ornamental fish business, cost analysis, income analysis and cost balance (R/C Ratio), Net Benefits - Cost Ratios (Net B/C), and institutionally descriptive for the betta fish, guppy and botia ornamental fish business. Overall, the general description of ornamental fish farming business in Jambi City is conducted conventionally. The average R/C ratio of the Betta ornamental fish business is 2.60, guppy is 2.02 and botia is 1.22. The highest average NPV in the betta ornamental fish in the mid-scale farming business is Rp. 60,745,160.71, guppy on a large scale is Rp. 31,385,065.48, and botia on a large scale with a value of Rp. 78,034,144.35. Overall, this ornamental fish business has an NPV value of> 0. The ornamental fish business in Jambi City is feasible to run and develop, betta ornamental fish business on a small scale with an average B/C Ratio of 1.15 and medium with an average value of average 1.60, guppy on a small scale with an average value of 1.02, and botia on a medium scale with an average value of 1.00 and large with a value of an average of 1.22. Keywords: Ornamental Fish, Jambi City.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1208 (1) ◽  
pp. 012034
Azra Vojić ◽  
Edin Mujčić ◽  
Una Drakulić

Abstract With the development of modern technology, smartphones have become a necessity for most people. Among other uses, mobile phones are increasingly being used in smart home systems. In smart homes, mobile phones are used to remotely control and monitor various systems such as simply turning on/off lights and household appliances, various monitoring systems, etc. Nowadays, sending coded messages or pressing application buttons is increasingly being avoided in process of developing smart systems. More and more frequently is used voice commands. The system which uses voice commands for remote control and monitoring smart home is described in this paper. In the implemented system, the user is able, using specific voice commands to remotely control the operation of various appliances in his home. An Android application was designed to control the implemented system. Using the designed Android application, the user controls the desired home devices with specific voice commands. Also, on the designed Android application are buttons that the user can use, in case the user’s voice is not recognized in the implemented system. For experimental work analysis, the model of the home is made with lights and different home appliances inside. The results of the experimental work analysis of the implemented system show this system is very simple to use and very efficient. Also, the latest technology for remote control and monitor smart systems is applied in the proposed smart home system.

2018 ◽  
Vol 78 (12) ◽  
pp. 2586-2596
Rodolpho Rodrigues Fonseca ◽  
Ivan Carlos Franco ◽  
José Pedro Thompson ◽  
Flavio Vasconcelos da Silva

Abstract This study intends to explore fuzzy logic control on clean water turbidity process with dissolved air flotation (DAF). Three different strategies were tested to regulate clean water turbidity by manipulating the saturator vessel flow output aiming for low actuators control effort. Saturator pressure was the manipulated variable (MV) in the first control loop named SISO I. The second control loop, SISO II, used recycle stream valve opening as MV. The third control loop (MISO) was developed applying fuzzy logic instead PID control. Several performance criteria were used to analyze the process control performance such as integral absolute error (IAE), recycle stream valve and saturator vessel pressure regulating valve control efforts, ECV01 and ECV02 respectively. Results from SISO I and SISO II strategies showed that recycle stream is a better MV than saturator vessel pressure for clean water turbidity control in the DAF process. Only SISO II and MISO strategies proved to be capable of regulating the process variable. However, MISO control showed better performance based on IAE value against SISO II, with a reduction of 11.24% on its value, even the recycle stream valve control effort for MISO control being fairly higher than that for SISO II. Nevertheless, fuzzy logic control application gave rise to better turbidity control, and consequently prevented the excessive use of clean water in the recycling stream.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (13) ◽  
pp. 7172
Rafał Kaźmierczak ◽  
Agnieszka Szczepańska ◽  
Cezary Kowalczyk ◽  
Grzegorz Grunwald ◽  
Artur Janowski

Technological progress in augmented reality (AR) creates new application opportunities for different branches of tourism. The application of modern technology is made possible by the widespread use of mobile devices and dedicated tourist applications. Preliminary market research demonstrates that there are no global solutions intended for tourists on sea voyages that make use of augmented reality. This paper analyzes the use of AR technology in water tourism. The proposed Maritime Educational Trip (MET) system makes it possible to combine geolocation information with the accumulated knowledge of a specific location and to present it with AR. An example prototypical Android application is developed, combining e-navigation with a knowledge base. The developed solutions show how a combination of the real world with a computer-generated world helps to expand the tourism space.

Compiler ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Anton Setiawan Honggowibowo ◽  
Asih Pujiastuti ◽  
Suryanto Suryanto

Yogyakarta is a province that has many excellent tourist destination. In this research will be discussed about choosing an accurate tourist spot for tourists by using decision-making system with weighted product method, in this thesis the writer take 3 criterion as supporting of SPK calculation that is cost, mileage and tourist visit. SPK application created has various features such as the calculation of the ranking value of each resort, location information and other supporting information. In this study produce an android application that serves as a supporter in decision making a tourist who will travel. Based on testing done this SPK application displays an accurate calculation with a calculation difference of 0.00587 of manual calculations. Applications that are made to run minimal on android version 4.0.3 is ice cream sandwich or above. The average value generated from the tests and trials with the questionnaire yielded a value of 70.95% scale, so the tests and trials based on the questionnaires were included in very good category.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 103
Ketut Arsarahadi Oka Brahmansa ◽  
Pande Ketut Sudiarta ◽  
Nyoman Gunantara

Arowana fish farming sector is one sector that can support the economy of Indonesia society. But most fish farmers in Indonesia are still using conventional procedures for the cultivation of fish that can cause a variety of losses. In this study offered a solution in the form of a simulation design of an Arowana Fish Nurseries Monitoring System-Based on The Iot Scheme using Cisco Packet Tracer 7.0 Application as a Simulator. In the designing process, the monitoring system will be split into two sub system such as security system and arowana aquaculture support system. There are four kind of sensor that can be used in the simulation process such as CO2 Detector, Temperature Monitor, Motion Detector, and Water Level Monitor. If the sensor detects a value that does not match the specified parameter then the attenuator of the sensor will react according to the conditions set through the condition setting. Information generated by these devices will then be sent to the server, then to access information and monitor the devices can be done through a web server that has been available. The result from this study is that the simulation can run well but there are still shortcomings because of the limitations of the simulator used so it is expected that in the next version of simulator the limitations can be overcome

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