scholarly journals Production and Physicochemical Characterization of Analog Rice Obtained from Sago Flour, Mung Bean Flour, and Corn Flour Using Hot Extrusion Technology

Foods ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 3023
Siswo Sumardiono ◽  
Budiyono Budiyono ◽  
Heny Kusumayanti ◽  
Nada Silvia ◽  
Virginia Feren Luthfiani ◽  

Extrusion technology allows the preparation of analog rice, an artificial product made of carbohydrate sources other than rice, with characteristics similar to natural rice. In this study, we aimed at determining the effect of composition and temperature on the nutritional content of analog rice obtained using heat extrusion technology. The physical properties and acceptability of the resulting product were also studied. Skim milk, sago, mung bean, and corn flour as well as the binder carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) were used. The procedure was conducted in four stages: raw-material preparation, formulation, physicochemical evaluation, and sensory property evaluation. The best analog rice formula was established as 50% sago flour, 30% corn flour, 19.2% mung bean flour, 0.4% skim milk, and 0.4% CMC. The panelists’ most preferred rice analog formula was the one with the highest sago starch and skim milk content. The extrusion temperature did not significantly affect the nutrient content. However, it had a considerable impact on the thermal profile and physical properties, such as appearance and granular morphology.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 181-187
Nita Maria Rosiana ◽  
Kurnia Cahya Susianti ◽  
Arinda Lironika Suryana ◽  

Autism disorders can reduce the ability to communicate, socialize, and respond to the environment. Some children with autism disorders are allergic to gluten. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of gluten-free cookies from corn flour and mung bean flour. The experimental design used was a Randomized Block Design. The formulation of corn flour : mung bean flour were 60%: 40%, 55%: 45%, 50%: 50%, 45%: 55%, 40%: 60%, each treatment was repeated 5 times. The best treatment is the formulation of 50% corn flour + 50% mung bean flour. The nutrient content of cookies (per 100g) are 18.47 kcal energy, 4.94 grams of protein, 6.93 grams of fat, 25.33 grams of carbohydrates. The serving size for autism children aged 4-6 years is 8 pieces (± 80 grams) per day with 2 feeds.

Food Research ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (S3) ◽  
pp. 18-23
N. Asmak ◽  
D.K. Kusmiyati-Tjahjono ◽  
E. Chasanah ◽  
Y.N. Fawzya ◽  
P. Martosuyono ◽  

Complementary feeding is given from the age of six months to meet nutritional needs. Complementary feeding with the composition of skim milk and green bean flour enriched with fish protein hydrolyzate (FPH) from kuniran fish (Upeneus moluccensis) was chosen as a source of protein to increase the nutritional intake of complementary feeding. The purpose of this study was to study the effect on Sprague Dawley rat albumin levels after the administration of complementary feeding formula with fish protein hydrolyzate substitution (FPH). This research was a True Experimental Design research with completely randomized design (CRD). A total of twenty-five Sprague Dawley male rats were acclimatized for 4 days, then divided into five regulatory groups. The control group was given standard feeding, T1 group was given F1 treatment (18% skim milk, 7.6% FPH flour, and 37.8% mung bean flour), T2 group was given F2 treatment (15% skim milk, 7.6% FPH flour, and 45.6% mung bean flour), T3 group was given F3 (18% skim milk, 6.2% FPH flour, and 45.6% mung bean flour), and group T4 given commercial treatment (Promina® ). Giving complementary feeding through sonde for 14 days at a dose of 0.18g/50gBW per day. Albumin levels were measured before and after the administration of complementary feeding treatment. Research data were analyzed using Mann Whitney on SPSS. Research shows that there were significant differences in the rate of albumin levels (p>0.05). Complementary feeding formula with the highest albumin levels in T2 (4.89 g/dL).

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 34
Mukhammad Fauzi ◽  
NFN Giyarto ◽  
Triana Lindriati ◽  
Hema Paramashinta

<p>Flake dapat dibuat dari tepung jagung, dicampur dengan tepung kacang hijau dan labu kuning LA3. Kombinasi yang tepat antara tepung jagung, tepung kacang hijau dan labu kuning LA3 dapat menghasilkan flake dengan nilai gizi yang baik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui karakteristik dan formulasi terbaik dalam pembuatan flake berbahan tepung jagung, tepung kacang hijau dan labu kuning LA3. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) faktor tunggal, yaitu rasio tepung jagung, tepung kacang hijau dan labu kuning LA3 berturut-turut, (80:15:5; 70:20:10; 60:25:15; 50:30:20 dan 40:35:25), dengan tiga kali ulangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa proporsi tepung jagung, tepung kacang hijau dan labu kuning LA3 berpengaruh terhadap warna, tekstur, daya rehidrasi, betakaroten dan kadar air flake yang dihasilkan. Berdasarkan uji efektifitas dari penelitinan ini, proporsi flake terbaik diperoleh pada perlakuan P3 yaitu flake dengan variasi tepung jagung 60%, tepung kacang hijau 25% dan labu kuning LA3 15% dengan nilai lightness 62,38, tekstur 347,34 g/mm, daya rehidrasi 30,79%, betakaroten 1,94 mg/100g, kadar air 3,11%, kadar abu 2,4%, kadar protein 8,71%, kadar lemak 8,45%, karbohidrat 77,59%, total energi 421,25 kkal/100gram, nilai kesukaan warna 3,64 (netral hingga suka), nilai kesukaan tekstur 4,08 (suka), nilai kesukaan rasa 3,60 (netral hingga suka), nilai kesukaan aroma 3,64 (netral hingga suka) dan nilai kesukaan keseluruhan 4,20 (suka hingga sangat suka).</p><p><em><span><strong>Physicochemical and Organoleptic Characteristics of Flake Made from Corn (Zea mays L.), Mung Bean (Phaseolus radiatus) and Yellow Pumpkin LA3 (Cucurbita moschata) Flour.</strong><br /></span></em></p><p><em><span>Flake can be made from corn flour (source of carbohydrate), mixed with mung bean flour (source of protein) and yellow pumpkin LA3 (source of vitamins). The best combination of corn flour, mung bean flour and yellow pumpkin LA3 can produce flake with good nutrition. The aim of the research was to characteristic and best ratio of flake made from corn corn flour, mung bean flour and yellow pumpkin LA3. This research was conducted using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) single factors with ratio of corn corn flour, mung bean flour and yellow pumpkin LA3 (80:15:5; 70:20:10; 60:25:15; 50:30:20 and 40:35:25), and repeated thrice each parameters. The results revealed that the proportions of corn flour, mung bean flour and yellow pumpkin LA3 influenced the color, texture, rehydration power, beta-carotene and water level of the resulting flake. Based on the effectiveness test of this research, the best flake proportion was obtained in P3 treatment that was flake with the variations of corn flour 60%, mung bean flour 25% and yellow pumpkin LA3 15%, had a lightness value of 62.38, texture of 347.34 g/mm, rehydration power of 30.79%, beta-carotene of 1.94 mg/100g, water level of 3.11%, ash content of 2.4%, protein content of 8.71%, fat content of 8.45 %, carbohydrate of 77.59%, total energy of 421.25 kcal/100gram, color preference value of 3.64 (neutral up to like), texture preference value of 4.08 (like), taste preference value of 3.60 (neutral up to like), aroma preference value of 3.64 (neutral up to like) and the whole preference value of 4.20 (like up to very like).</span></em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 519
D.W. Sari ◽  
Bulkaini Bulkaini ◽  
Djoko Kisworo

Sausage is a food ingredient that comes from pieces of meat that are ground and seasoned, and put into a casing so that it is oval in shape.  One type of meat that can be processed into sausage is rabbit meat. This study aims to determine the effect of the level of substitution of mung bean flour on the organoleptic value and the number of bacteria in rabbit meat sausage. The research materials used were 3000 g rabbit meat, mung bean flour, skim milk, and a severala of spices. The experimental design used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments, namely the addition of 0%, 15%, 30% and 45% mung bean flour, with 4 replications. The results showed that the level of substitution of mung bean flour had a significant effect (P<0.05) on the color, taste and texture of rabbit meat sausage and had no significant effect (P>0.05) on the aroma and number of bacteria. The addition of 15% mung bean flour gave the best organoleptic values, namely: Color 5.28 (light), aroma 5.31 (good), taste 5.95 (tasty), texture 5.99 (soft) with a bacterial count of 2.00 x 103 cfu/g, which is below the standard for bacterial contamination of sausages set by SNI 1995, which is 1x 103 cfu/g.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 101-107
Diana Nur Afifah ◽  
Lili Nor Indah Sari ◽  
Dwi Ratna Sari ◽  
Enny Probosari ◽  

Upaya pengendalian diabetes mellitus tipe-2 dapat dikontrol melalui pola makan, salah satunya yaitu dengan modifikasi jenis makanan yang selain memenuhi kebutuhan gizi juga dapat mengendalikan kadar glukosa darah. Pisang kepok dan kacang hijau memiliki kandungan pati resisten, serat pangan, protein yang cukup tinggi, dan indeks glikemik rendah sehingga dapat digunakan sebagai alternatif bahan pembuatan cookies untuk penderita diabetes mellitus tipe-2. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kandungan gizi, pati resisten, indeks glikemik, beban glikemik dan daya terima cookies tepung pisang kepok termodifikasi enzimatis dan tepung kacang hijau. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap satu faktor dengan perbandingan variasi pisang kepok termodifikasi dan tepung kacang hijau masing-masing dengan persentase sebesar 85:15; 75:25; dan 65:35. Kandungan gizi dianalisis dengan metode uji proksimat. Analisis indeks glikemik dan daya terimanya juga dilakukan pada penelitian ini. Formula terbaik dianalisis dengan metode de Garmo. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa formulasi terbaik didapat dari cookies dengan formulasi 85% tepung pisang kepok termodifikasi enzimatis dan 15% tepung kacang hijau dengan nilai hasil tertinggi sebesar 0,599 dengan kandungan karbohidrat 45,72%, protein 5,62%, lemak 18,53%, air 11,22%, abu 3,70% , serat pangan 15,18%, pati resisten 13,67%, indeks glikemik 33,20 dan beban glikemik 4,19. Kesimpulan yang didapat dari penelitian ini adalah kandungan zat gizi cookies tepung pisang kepok termodifikasi enzimatis dan tepung kacang hijau dapat ditentukan dengan baik dengan menemukan formula terbaiknya, yaitu 85%:15%. Analysis of Nutrients Content, Resistant Starch, Glycemic Index, Glycemic Load and Acceptability of Modified Kepok Flour (Musa paradisiaca) and Mung Bean Flour (Vigna radiata) Cookies Type 2 diabetes mellitus can be controlled through diet, one of which is by modifying the type of food that helps fulfilling nutrient-needs and control blood’s glucose levels. Kepok banana and mung bean contain high resistant starch, dietary fiber, protein, and low glycemic index so it can be used as an alternative ingredient in making cookies for people with type 2 diabetes mellitus. This study aimed to analyze the nutrients content, resistant strach, glycemic index, glycemic load and acceptability of cookies from enzymatically modified kepok banana flour and mung bean flour. The completely randomized one-factor experimental study with ratio of modified kepok banana : mung bean flour i.e. 85:15; 75:25; and 65:35. Nutrient content was analyzed by proximate methods. The glycemic index and glycemic load were also analyzed as well as acceptability test. The best formula was determined by the de Garmo method. As results, the quality of nutrient content, resistant starch, glycemic index, glycemic load and acceptance, were achieved with formula of 85% modified kepok flour and 15% mung bean flour resulting high yield value of 0.599. the best cookies formula contained carbohydrate of 45.72%, protein of 5.62%, fat of 18.53%, water of 11.22%, ash of 3.70%, fiber of 15.18%, resistant starch of 13.67%, glycemic index of 33.20, and glycemic load of 4.19. As conclusion, all treatment was successfully revealed and generated the best formula or 85%:15% for the ratio of modified kapok flour and mung been flour.

Lê Thị Thu Hường ◽  
Vũ Tuấn Minh ◽  
Phùng Lan Ngọc

Nhằm tận dụng triệt để hàm lượng chất dinh dưỡng trong giá thể sau trồng các loại nấm để trồng nấm Rơm, thí nghiệm được tiến hành trên 5 công thức là giá thể sau sản xuất nấm Sò xám, nấm Linh chi, nấm Vân chi, nấm Mộc nhĩ và mùn cưa mới (đối chứng), bố trí theo khối hoàn toàn ngẫu nhiên, với 3 lần lặp lại, mỗi lần lặp theo dõi 15 mô. Công thức III (Mùn nấm Linh chi 99% + Cám gạo 0,5% + bột ngô 0,5%) có ưu thế hơn hẳn về các chỉ tiêu sinh trưởng và phát triển so với đối chứng cũng như các công thức cùng nghiên cứu; Chiều dài quả thể đạt cao nhất 4,40 cm, đường kính quả thể loại 1 đạt 3,31 cm, loại 2 đạt 2,55 cm. Khối lượng quả thể loại 1 và loại 2 đạt tương ứng 15,35 g và 8,71 g, năng suất đạt 5.849,21 g/100 kg nguyên liệu khô, hiệu quả kinh tế cao vượt trội 345,29% so với đối chứng (mùn cưa mới), trong khi các công thức khác đều thấp hơn so với công thức đối chứng dao động trong khoảng 13,03% - 79,06%.   ABSTRACT In order to make whole reuse of the nutrient content in the substrate after growing mushrooms, which are used for growing rice straw mushrooms, the experiment was set up the following completely randomized block design (CRBD), consisting of 5 treatments, which were reused organic materials after mushroom cultivation such as oyster, lingzhi, turkey tail mushroom, ear mushrooms and raw material sawdust (control) with 3 replications, each observation for 15 molding beds. Treatment III (Saw dust grown in lingzhi + 0.5% rice bran + corn flour 0.5%) has a much better result in terms of growth compared to the control treatment as well as other treatments; Fungal fruit length has reached the highest 4.40 cm, the diameter of grade 1 reached 3.31 cm and grade 2 reached 2.55 cm. Fruit weight of grade 1 and grade 2 reached 15.35 g and 8.71 g, respectively; the total yield reached 5.849.21 g per 100 kg of dry material which led to the highest economic efficiency 345.29% in comparison with the control treatment, while the other treatments were lower than the control treatment ranged 13,03% - 79,06%.  

Alloy Digest ◽  
1989 ◽  
Vol 38 (3) ◽  

Abstract ZIRCAR ZIRCONIA POWDER TYPEZYP-4.5 is a highly reactive form of zirconium oxide stabilized in the tetragonal crystal state with added yttrium oxide. It is an excellent raw material for producing dense structural and wear resistant parts. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, microstructure, hardness, elasticity, and bend strength as well as fracture toughness. It also includes information on powder metal forms. Filing Code: Cer-1. Producer or source: Zircar Products Inc..

Alloy Digest ◽  
1967 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  

Abstract Mustang-LC is a tungsten-molybdenum high-speed steel specially developed for hot work applications requiring long die life. It is recommended for hot forming and swaging dies, hot extrusion dies, hot punches, etc. This datasheet provides information on composition, physical properties, hardness, and elasticity. It also includes information on forming, heat treating, machining, and joining. Filing Code: TS-192. Producer or source: Jessop Steel Company.

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