Н.А. ПОПОВ ◽  

В статье рассмотрены цифровой формат оценки племенной ценности инбредных быков-производителей по качеству потомства и ее влияние на последующие поколения животных. Выявление инбредного гетерозиса у производителей помогает сделать оценку быков по качеству потомства более информативной за счет определения глубины изменения параметров генетической структуры популяции и степени увеличения частоты рецессивных генов в подконтрольных популяциях. Одной из причин значительной разницы в удое, МДЖ и МДБ российских и американских коров голштинской породы являлась их удаленность от родоначальника. Другой причиной считается стремление селекционеров к инбридингу на выдающихся предков, однако в случае инбредного гетерозиса высокие показатели родителей быстро затухают в последующих поколениях потомков. Исследования были проведены в хозяйствах Московской области малой и средней производственной мощности. Для сравнения проанализированы результаты оценки быков-производителей из США и других стран с высокоразвитым молочным скотоводством. Методами изучения были имитационный и регрессионный анализ данных первичного зоотехнического учета и собственных исследований. Эксперимент показал, что быки-производители с высокими степенями родства уменьшали изменчивость признаков молочности среди дочерей: по удою — на 77,9%; по МДЖ — на 33,4%; по МДБ — на 36,0%, по сравнению с отцами, имеющими низкие степени родства. При этом в их поголовье в первом поколении повышается генетический тренд по удою на 14,3—21,4%, а племенная ценность — на 10,8—26,8%. В настоящее время в зарубежных популяциях голштинской породы широко применяют геномный метод оценки племенной ценности, при котором не требуется информация о родословных животных и не учитывается степень их родства, что отрицательно влияет на получение высококачественного потомства. Повышение племенной ценности по признакам в популяции сыновей и внуков быков-лидеров породы угасает, если в генофонде родителей имел место инбредный гетерозис. The article considers of the inbred breeding bulls breeding value by offspring quality and its impact on subsequent generations of animals’ digital format assessing. Identification of inbred heterosis helps to make the bulls’ assessment by the offspring quality more informative, by determining the depth of changes in the genetic structure of the population parameters and the recessive genes at populations frequency degree increase controlling. One of the reasons for the significant difference in milk yield, MJ and MDB of Russian and American Holstein cows was their distance from the ancestor. Another reason is considered to be of the breeders to inbreeding for outstanding ancestors’ desire, but in the case of inbred heterosis, high rates of parents quickly fade in descendants in subsequent generations. The research was carried out in the farms of the Moscow region of small and medium production capacity. For comparison, the results of the evaluation of breeding bulls in the United States and other countries with highly developed dairy cattle breeding were analyzed. The research methods were simulation and regression analysis of primary zootechnical accounting data and authors’ own research. Experimental data showed that breeding bulls with high degrees of relation reduced the variability of milk production among daughters by milk yield in 77.9%: for MJ in 33.4%; for MDB in 36.0% in compared with fathers with relation’s low degrees. At the same time, in livestock’s first generation, the genetic trend in milk yield increases in 14.3—21.4%, and the breeding value in 10.8—26.8%. Currently, the genomic method of assessing the breeding value is widely used in foreign populations of the Holstein breed, which does not require information about the pedigrees of animals, and does not take into account the degree of their kinship, which negatively affects the production of high-quality offspring. The breeding qualities of the sons of the bull leaders of the breed are quickly disabled the surge of increased breeding value by signs in the population of sons and grandchildren of bulls-leaders of the breed is fading if inbred heterosis took place in the parents' gene pool.

2020 ◽  
pp. 80-86
Т.В. Шишкина ◽  
Т.А. Гусева

В последние десятилетия широко используются комплексные индексы хозяйственной и племенной ценности животных, которые определяются на основе централизованного сбора и анализа данных о результатах использования быков в различных природно-экономических условиях. В нашей стране племенные достоинства быков-производителей оценивают по продуктивным качествам их дочерей. Исследования по оценке быков-производителей по качеству потомства были проведены в условиях ООО «УК «Русмолко» Пензенской области. С этой целью были отобраны быки-производители голштинской породы компании Alta Genetics Russia, проведена оценка племенной ценность быков по комплексу признаков, проанализирована продуктивность дочерей быков по производственным качествам, проведена оценка производителей сравнением дочерей со сверстницами, рассмотрена реализация генетического потенциала продуктивности коров, рассчитан удой дочерей быков в зависимости от NM$ и ППС. В результате исследований установлено, что при подборе производителей для закрепления за стадом допустимо руководствоваться показателями индекса пожизненной прибыли, при этом целесообразно руководствоваться расчетом прогнозируемого удоя по индексу передающей способности производителя. In recent decades, complex economic and estimated breeding values of animals have been widely used. They are determined on the basis of centralized collection and analysis of data on the results of using bulls in various natural and economic conditions. In our country, the breeding qualities of servicing bulls are assessed by the productive qualities of their daughters. Studies to assess servicing bulls by the quality of their offspring were carried out in the conditions of OOO (LLC) “UK “Rusmolko” of Penza oblast. For this purpose, servicing bulls of the Holstein breed of Alta Genetics Russia were selected, the breeding value of bulls was assessed by a set of traits, the productivity of the daughters of bulls was analyzed in terms of production qualities, the servicing bulls were assessed by comparing their daughters with the peers, the implementation of the genetic potential of cows’ productivity was considered, the milk yield of the daughters was calculated depending on NM$ (lifetime net merit) and PTA (predicted transmitting ability). As a result of the research, it was found that when selecting servicing bulls for assigning to a herd, it is permissible to be guided by the indicators of the lifetime merit index, it is also advisable to be guided by the calculation of the predicted milk yield according to the predicted transmitting ability index.

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 ◽  
pp. 06045
Yulia Isupova ◽  
Maria Kuznetsova ◽  
Ekaterina Gimazitdinova ◽  
Ekaterina Martynova

A comparative analysis of the genomic assessment results of Holstein breed stud bulls and their assessment on the offspring quality in the conditions of the Udmurt Republic was carried out. To analyze the efficiency of using stud bulls assessed by different methods, data from farms included in the ranking of the top 20 enterprises in terms of milk yield per cow for 2019-2020 were used. A high indicator of the complex LPI index (over 2500) was obtained in three bulls at the beginning of the assessment, by the end of the assessment there were two bulls left - J. Koln-M 11087837 and Super 64131037. The outsiders of the LPI ranking were stud bulls Parlament 52800347 and Patrik 51660096. The indicators of the complex LPI index are at a decent level for all analyzed stud bulls. It should be noted that stud bulls, which had the least change in the LPI index from April 1, 2014 to December 1, 2017, performed well. Bulls, which initially had overestimated results on this indicator, subsequently gave a sharp decline in the LPI index. The value of milk productivity of the evaluated stud bulls' daughters ranged from 5930 to 6415 kg, the mass fraction of fat in milk - from 3.79 to 4.02%, protein - from 3.06 to 3.11%. In most cases, the genomic assessment does not accurately reflect the change in the productive quality of stud bulls' daughters. But in the case of a predicted change to a positive or negative side in the genome, it is also confirmed by the results of assessing the offspring quality, that is, if a bull is predicted to have a sharp decrease in milk yield, then negative indicators are observed according to the “daughter-peer” method.


Дана оценка племенной ценности (ПЦ) потомков быков-лидеров голштинской породы «новой» и «старой» селекций США в условиях хозяйств Ленинградской области. В среднем, повышение молочной продуктивности от использования импортной спермы 68 проверенных по качеству потомства быков составило +79 кг молока (10133 кг, 3,82% жира, 3,23% белка). Наиболее высокий показатель ПЦ по удою — у 18 потомков быков-лидеров «новой» селекции: +175 кг при одинаковом содержании жира и белка в молоке (10673 кг, 3,84% жира, 3,25% белка). У потомков быков-лидеров «старой» селекции ПЦ по удою была ниже и составила +53 кг молока (9989 кг, 3,81% жира, 3,22% белка). Выявлена положительная связь (P<0,001) между ПЦ потомков быков-лидеров, оцененных по геному в США и по качеству потомства в хозяйствах Ленинградской области: по удою +0,634; по содержанию жира в молоке — -0,476; по содержанию белка — +0,444. Приведены предварительные данные о сокращении генерационного интервала между поколениями геномно оцененных быков при использовании их в подборах пар в племзаводе. Выявлено, что при использовании геномно оцененных потомков быков-лидеров высокой ПЦ «старой» селекции можно избежать близкородственного разведения и обеспечить генетическое улучшение животных по селекционным признакам. Breeding value (BV) evaluation of the descendants of alpha bulls from the “new” and “old” USA’s selections of the Holstein breed under the conditions of the farms located in the Leningrad Region is presented. In average, the increase of milk yield due to the use of imported sperm of 68 bulls with the verified offspring quality amounted to +79 kg of milk (10133 kg; fat — 3.82%; protein — 3.23%). The highest BV parameter by milk yield was registered in 18 descendants of the “new” selection’s alpha bulls: +175 kg with similar fat and protein content of milk (10673 kg; fat — 3.84%; protein — 3.25%). BV of the descendants of the “old” selection’s alpha bulls by milk yield was lower and amounted to +53 kg of milk (9989 kg; fat — 3.81%; protein — 3.22%). A positive relationship (P<0.001) was identified between BV of the descendants of alpha bulls which were evaluated by genome in the USA and by the quality of offspring in the farms of the Leningrad Region: by milk yield — +0.634; by fat content in milk — -0.476; by protein content in milk — +0.444. Preliminary data concerning the reduction of the generation interval between the generations of genome-assessed bulls upon their use for the selection of pairs in the breeding plant was presented. It was found, that the use of genome-assessed descendants of “old” selection’s alpha bulls with the high BV parameter can be carried out avoiding closely related breeding and ensuring genetical improvement of animals by selection traits.

2020 ◽  
Vol 59 ◽  
pp. 51-59
A. P. Krugliak ◽  
T. O. Krugliak

The results of analytical studies of breeding value variability on the basis of milk productivity, selected for reproduction of bulls of different genealogical formations of Holstein breed, are presented. A statistically significant difference between the breeding value of the milk yield of bulls and their parents of different genealogical groups was established. The variability of bulls breeding traits and the milk productivity of their daughters in the middle of genealogical formations was dominated by similar indicators between genealogical formations. In the middle of related genealogical formations, animals of new generations significantly outnumbered animals of earlier generations in level of breeding value. The high correlation between breeding value of milk yield, milk fat and protein of parents and their sons was identified. The highest correlation coefficient (r = +0.643 ± 0.030) was established between the absolute milk productivity of daughters for 305 days of first lactation and the level of breeding value of milk yield of their parents, which decreased sharply when compared with their ancestors of older generations. It was also established, that the breeding value of the animals of the new genealogical formations (sons, fathers, mothers) of Tradition 1682485 and Valiant 1650414 was always higher (on 161.2; 121.4; 209.4 kg worth), compared to the older related groups of Elevation and Chief, on which basis they have been formed. This indicates about decreasing of appearance frequency of leader bulls in a single related group during breeding. The sons of these bulls inherit the signs of milk productivity, their breeding value exceeded that of their parents: by milk fat – by 2.4–20.0 kg, total protein – by 0.7–11.8 kg. The absolute milk production of their daughters in the 305 days of the first lactation was 11201–13173 kg of milk, 411–475 kg of milk fat and 337–383 kg of total protein, which exceeded the productivity of their contemporarys by 113–1025 kg of milk, 8.6–55.6 kg milk fat and 9.3–30.3 kg total protein. A similar predictable of variability of the breeding value of animals of different genealogical formations of the Holstein breed for milk fat and protein in milk was established. The level of breeding value of the fathers has the greatest influence on the level of milk production of their daughters of the Holstein breed (the influence force is 35.1%). In second place was the force of influence breeding value of the father-fathers on the milk yield of their granddaughters, which was 11.7%. The third place was occupied by the influence of the breeding value of mothers on the level of milk productivity of their daughters (η2х = 10,6%). These forces of influence of these ancestors on the level of milk productivity of the firstborn cows are statistically significant (P < 0.05–0.001). The last place of force of influence (η2х) on the level of milk productivity of the firstcalve heifers take the male ancestors, who are in their third line of pedigree (FFF), it was 2.7% and was not statistically significant.


Целью проведенных исследований являлась отработка и адаптация применения методик BLUP AM (Animal Model — модель животного) и TDM (Test-Day Model — модель тестового дня) для прогнозирования племенной ценности быков-производителей и оценки селекционно-генетических параметров на популяции скота симментальской породы четырех регионов РФ. Проведен сравнительный анализ указанных методов с более ранним методом BLUP SM (Sire Model — модель отца). Рассчитана племенная ценность быков и коров симментальской породы по признакам молочной продуктивности: удой за 305 дней, выход молочного жира, выход молочного белка. Анализ полученных средних значений достоверности оценок быков-производителей, рассчитанных на основе сопоставляемых методов, свидетельствует, что достоверность для признака «удой за 305 дней» при переходе от метода SM1 к AM1 увеличивается на 2,4%, а при переходе от SM1 к TDM1 — на 7,8%. Даны варианты генетического тренда по удою с использованием различных уравнений моделей расчета племенной ценности. На основании полученных данных можно сделать вывод о том, что модель тестового дня позволяет не только повысить точность оценок быков, но и более рельефно выявить их ранги, а также несколько уменьшить срок получения достоверных оценок производителей по качеству потомства по продуктивным признакам. The purpose of this research was to develop and adapt the application of BLUP AM (Animal Model) and TDM (Test-Day Model) methods for predicting the sires breeding value and evaluating genetic parameters for Simmental cattle population in four regions of the Russian Federation. A comparative analysis of these methods with the earlier BLUP SM (Sire Model) method is performed. The breeding value for sires and cows of Simmental breed was calculated by milk production traits: milk yield for 305 days; milk fatyield; milk proteinyield. The sires reliability of average breeding value calculated by different methods reveal that milk yield for 305 days when switching from the SM1 to AM1 method increases by 2.4%, and when switching from SM1 to TDM1 — by 7.8%.The variants of the genetic trend for milk yield are given using various equations of BLUP and TDM. Based on the obtained data, it can be concluded that the Test-Day model allows increasing the accuracy of bull’s evaluation and also more clearly identifying their ranks, as well as slightly reducing the time for obtaining reliable estimates of bulls by offspring for production traits.

2021 ◽  
Vol 61 ◽  
pp. 64-72
А. P. Кrugliak ◽  
Т. О. Кrugliak

In our studies, the phenotypic manifestation of the additive form of inheritance of breeding value by milk yield (intermediate and parental dominance) was in 334 (82.2%) bulls, and non-additive form (over-dominance and regression) – in 72 (17.8%) including: over-dominance in 55 (13.5%) and regression in 17 heads (4.2%). In the population assessment, for all forms of inheritance, there was a clear quantitative shift of the breeding value of sons of milk yield to positive (+) values, compared with the breeding value of their parents. This confirms that sons, selected after their evaluation, and recognized as milk yield improvers. The variability of the breeding value of sons by milking depending on the forms of its inheritance has been established. According to the group of bulls by intermediate type of inheritance, milk yield sign were found in 291 (71.7%) sons, whose pedigree value was 606.4 ± 11.6 kg and was higher than the half-sum of both parents (554 kg), which deviates from the action of intermediate inheritance at 52 kg (109%). After all, the recognition of the intermediate nature of inheritance involves obtaining in the offspring of animals with the same set of chromosomes as their parents, and hence with the same phenotype. Therefore, from a theoretical point of view, genetic progress in the population should be not expected from this group of animals. However, in this case, the increase in breeding value was 9%, which is statistically significant (P > 0.99). A rather high variability of the breeding value of sons from its level in their parents with an intermediate form of inheritance has been established. Thus, of the 159 bulls-breeders in which the breeding value was inherited by intermediate form, only 30 sons (7.3% of the total population) of the bull Duster 2147488 (BV +579 kg and mothers with an average BV +632 kg, half the amount of the BV of both parents was +605 kg), was +605.5 ± 30.8 kg and was equal to the half-sum of the BV of both parents, and 9 (2.2%) sons of the bull Manfred 2183007, whose breeding value was, on average, at the population level +856.3 ± 37.6 kg and was equal to the half-sum of the indicator of the parents' BV (+851 kg). The inheritance of breeding value of bulls on quantitative signs of milk productivity in highly consolidated breeds on these signs, at intra-breeding selection occurs by a combination of phenotypic display of action of additive and non-additive (super-dominance) forms of inheritance. The frequency of these forms of inheritance probably is determined by the number and quality of chromosome pairs in the karyotype of animals on the probable basis of their manifestation in the population [15]. The relative variability of breeding value by milk yield along the line "father – son" and "mother – son" depends on the form of its inheritance. The coefficient of phenotypic correlation between the breeding value of parents and sons in the intermediate form of inheritance is +0.524 – +0.560 and increases with parental dominance to +0.907 ± 0.040 and +0.985 ± 0.006, and over-dominance to +0.887 ± 0.044 and +0.905 ± 0.033, at high statistical significant. Inheritance by non-additive form (over-dominance of both parents) is more effectively associated with increasing of breeding value by milk yield their sons than by the additive form.

2017 ◽  
Vol 19 (74) ◽  
pp. 48-51
L. V. Ferenz

The influence of bullock`s different breeding value for reproductive ability and milk production of their  daughters were investigated. Established that the age of first productive insemination of heifers Ukrainian black spotted milk breed, was 17.5–18.6 months and age of first calving – 26.6–27.8 months. Heifers` live weight at the first insemination was 361.4–407.1 kg. During first lactation the highest productivity had daughters from parents with breeding value by milk yield more than 801 kg. In the first lactation wasn’t found significant difference in duration service-period and interparturition-period for cows derived from progenitors with different breeding value. In the second lactation best indexes in duration service-period and interparturition-period for cows derived from progenitors with breeding value by milk yield 601–800 kg and more than 801 kg. In the third, the highest lactation, these indexes were best for cows derived from progenitors with breeding value by milk yield 601–800 kg. The difference in milk yield during first lactation between heifers received from progenitors with breeding value by milk yield less than 200 kg and heifers from bullock`s  with breeding value 401–600 kg was 292 kg. The difference in milk yield between heifers received from progenitors with breeding value by milk yield less than 200 kg and heifers from bullock`s  with breeding value  with breeding value 601–800 kg  was 660.3 kg. The difference in milk yield between heifers received from progenitors with breeding value by milk yield less than 200 kg and heifers from bullock`s  with breeding value more than 801 kg was  920.8 kg In the second lactation this difference was 589.8 (Р < 0.001), 841.5 (Р < 0.001) і 894.4 (Р < 0.001) kg of milk, in the third, the highest lactation – 754.5 (Р < 0.001), 951.8 (Р < 0.001) і 1335.7 кг (Р < 0.001).

2019 ◽  
Vol 58 ◽  
pp. 58-66
E. I. Fedorovych ◽  
S. I. Fyl ◽  
P. V. Bodnar

Effective interbreed selection, which involves family breeding, is an important task today, because the presence of valuable families characterizes the degree of herd selectivity and the level of breeding in it. Therefore, the purpose of our research was to conduct a retrospective analysis of the zootechnical accounting data of dairy productivity and breeding value of cow families at highly productive herd of Public joint-stock company “Stud farm “Stepnoy”, in Kamyansko-Dniprovskyy district of Zaporizhzhya region created by crossbreeding of the females of the Ukrainian Black-and-White dairy breed with Holstein breeders. The analysis included 45 families, with a head count of 8 to 19 heads, including foundation cows. Malta family UA2300205993 had the maximum number of descendants (6 daughters, 6 granddaughters and 6 great-grandchildren), and Malta family UA2300241359 (3 daughters and 3 granddaughters) – minimal. Found to be that the families under control were characterized by a significant level of differentiation in milk yield and fat and protein content in milk. The Mazi family UA230023375 was the best by milk yield, the Lemonka family UA2300233684 – by the fat in milk, by the protein in milk – Nasypa UA2300222571. At the same time, foundation cow Kviten UA2300077306, Nasypa UA2300222571, Yana UA2300248883, Lamysta UA2300198909 and Sokyra UA2300241365 had the most highly productive daughters; their milk yields for higher lactation was in the range 11143.5–12780.0 kg. At the same time high-productive foundation cows did not always receive high-productive daughters. In particular, 3 daughters of the foundation cow Krovlya UA2300229133, whose milk yields for higher lactation was 12671 kg, had lower milk yields by an average of 2704.7 kg. However, foundation cows with low milk yields level had daughters who had this rate significantly higher, including the foundation cow Kviten UA2300077306, Toskana UA2300077167, Liga UA2300034958, Maket UA2300241388 and Manilka UA2300233701, whose highest milk yields level for the highest lactation was in the range 5625–7701 kg, and ho had daughters whose milk yield was higher than their mothers by an average of 4858.5; 3975.3; 3704; 3299.5 and 3186.7 kg respectively. The granddaughter of the experimental foundation cows ranged from 8413.0 to12942.6 kg, fat content in milk – from 3.50 to 4.13% and protein content in milk – from 3.05 to 3.29%, and the figures of great-grandchildren were respectively 7114.0–11991.3 kg, 3.49–3.92% and 3.00–3.29%. It should be noted that 15 foundation cows gave granddaughters with an average milk yield of over 10000 kg, 13 with a milk yield more than 11000 and 3 – with a yield of more than 12000 and only 2 foundation cows had second generation descendants with an average yield of less than 9000 kg. The grandchildren of 14 foundation cows had over 10000 kg of milk yields, and 7 over 11000 kg. The breeding value of the foundation cows by the milk yields was within -497 (Liga UA2300034958) – +1614.4 kg (Tsykl UA2300233484), by the fat content in milk – within -0.098 (Hanh UA2300233710) – +0.280% (Stezhka UA2300205863) and by the protein content of milk within -0.073 (Maket UA2300241388) – +0.053% (Stezhka UA2300205863), breeding value by the above indicators of their daughters were accordingly within -554.9 – +819.3 kg, -0.065 – +0.095% and -0.038 – +0.045%, granddaughters – within -326.3 – +786.2 kg, -0.048 – +0.145% and -0.033 – +0.025% and to a great-granddaughters – within -670.5 – +590.3 kg, -0.067 – +0.043 and -0.043 – +0.030%. The most valuable in the herd relation by milk yield appeared to be Mazi family UA2300233755, Lemonka family UA2300233684 – by the fat content in milk and by the protein content in milk – the Nasypa family UA230022257. Among evaluated families by the nature of changes in breeding values in generations 31 (68.9%) were progressive, 4 (8.9%) were stable and 10 (22.2%) regressive. The prediction of the efficiency of dairy cattle breeding and prediction of certain changes by the productivity indices of subsequent generations can be made by correlation and regression coefficients of the main features: milk yield, fat content, and protein content in milk. The highest and most likely coefficients of correlation (r = 0.39) and regressions (R = 0.42) were observed between the milk yield of foundation cows families and their daughters. Each succeeding generation had declined and the indices of descendants of the third generation were unreliable. Influence of foundation cows in future generations, depending on the generation and nature of the features of milk productivity, was also different. Milk yield (h2 = 0.26–0.79) was characterized by the highest and most reliable heritability estimate, much lower and unreliable in the second and third generations – the fat (h2 = 0.10–0.22) and protein content in milk (h2 = 0.12–0.24). It indicates that in the controlled herd more attention is paid to milk yield focus breeding. Therefore, to improve family fat and protein content in milk it should be used breeders whose mothers have high fat and protein content in milk.

2020 ◽  
Triin Rilanto ◽  
Kaari Reimus ◽  
Toomas Orro ◽  
Ulf Emanuelson ◽  
Arvo Viltrop ◽  

Abstract Background Culling is a major cost for dairy farms but also an essential part in managing herd productivity. The study aimed to identify the culling rates of Estonian dairy cows, identify the farmers´ stated reasons and risk factors for culling. This observational study used registry data of all cows from herds with ≥20 cow-years in 2013-2015. Cow lactation-level analyses included data of 86,373 primiparous cows from 409 herds and 177,561 lactations of 109,295 multiparous cows from 410 herds. Weibull proportional hazard regression models were used to identify risk factors for culling due to slaughter or death.Results The overall culling rate of Estonian dairy cows was 26.24 (95% CI 26.02; 26.46) per 100 cow-years. The most common farmers´ stated reasons for culling were feet/claw disorders (26.4%), udder disorders (22.6%), metabolic and digestive disorders (18.1%) and fertility problems (12.5%). Animal-level risk factors for culling were Holstein breed, older parity, lower milk yield breeding value, older age at first calving, longer previous calving interval, having assisted calving, stillbirth and birth of twins/triplets. Lower milk yield, somatic cell count over 200,000 cells/ml and fat/protein ratio over 1.5 at first test-milking after calving were associated with greater culling hazard during the lactation. Cows from larger herds, herds with decreasing size and higher milk yields had higher culling probability.Conclusions This study emphasises the need for improved management of hoof health and prevention of mastitis and metabolic diseases. It is essential to ensure easy calving and good health of cows around calving in order to lower the culling hazard.

N. Abramova ◽  
O. Khromova

The research was conducted in order to study the breeding value of bulls-producers of various origins, used in the breeding stock of cows of the Yaroslavl breed in the Vologda region. The work was done on the basis of the information analytical system «Seleks» for 52 bulls-producers of Yaroslavl and Holstein breed obtained in different countries of the world and used the herd of 1600 cows dairy cattle breeding farm ZAO Sheksna Vologda region. General scientific research methods were used: monographic, statistical, and data visualization. It was found that the used bulls were produced in 5 countries of the world: the USA, Canada, Germany, the Netherlands and Russia. The vast majority of 76.9% of used manufacturers are of domestic origin. It was determined that in the controlled population, the factor «country of origin of the bull» has a significant influence (P<0.001) on the breeding value of producers based on the maternal ancestry (η2=0.46). Bulls from Canada and the United States have the highest indicators of breeding value for the milk yield of their maternal ancestors — 15436 and 14210 kg of milk, respectively. Domestic bulls have a breeding value of 8310 kg of milk, which is 7126 kg less than that of producers from Canada (P ≤ 0.001). The best indicators of bull potential realization by maternal ancestry were found in the daughters of Dutch and Russian producers (64.1% and 69.5%, respectively). The higher-than-average yield for the herd is obtained from cows with a Holstein blood type of 50% or more, using purebred Holstein bulls, both foreign and domestic selection, as well as Yaroslavl bulls with a high degree of blood type for improving breed (75-88%). In order to preserve the Yaroslavl breed of cattle, it is necessary to determine the optimal degree of blood transfusion of the Holstein breed, taking into account not only the productive characteristics, but also the characteristics of the health and longevity of animals.

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