
The article is devoted to such an important aspect of future medical specialists’ professional activity as communication. It is a tool for diagnosing and solving morphological-anatomical, psychological, therapeutic, field-specific tasks, when the specialist uses terminological and professional communication (doctor’s communication with a patient and his/her family, medical staff). The essence of the concept «exercise» is considered. The focus is on the methodological effectiveness of the developed set of activities aimed at the formation of professional communicative competency of foreign students of medical specialties during the classes of Business Ukrainian Language in higher education institutions. The didactic material involved corresponds to the educational purpose and educational objectives. It is mentioned that each exercise has a clear structure: 1) purpose – the formation of future medical specialists’ business communication skills (providing arguments, learning techniques and rules of reasoned discourse, discussing issues in an effective and rational way, answering questions clearly, effective interaction, group decision-making, generating ideas, modeling professional activities to find the most constructive models); 2) tasks aimed at producing their own language and speech patterns; 3) guidelines and models for the task; 4) materials that imitate the subject and social contexts of professional activity, promote the development of various types of speech activity (listening, speaking, reading, writing). Doing the activities, students simulate professional communicative situations. It requires them to analyze theoretical knowledge, which is the basis for making effective decisions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (SPE2) ◽  
Sergey Lazarev ◽  
Nadezhda Zhuravleva ◽  
Inna Fateeva

The foreign students who study at Russian universities continue learning Russian at bachelors’ degree. The main difficulty which professors face while teaching Russian as a foreign language lies in the fact that foreign students are often unprepared to learn specific vocabulary, necessary for educational and professional activities. A totally different approach for presentation of specific vocabulary has been developed by the authors of “Training for professional activity in Russian of “Public Relations” speciality foreign students” (L.V. Adonina, S.V. Lazarev, S.V. Smirnova, O.S. Fisenko).

Pedagogika ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 130 (2) ◽  
pp. 92-104
Jolanta Lasauskienė

The purpose of the present study was to investigate student music teachers’ expectations towards their future professional activity and competences of a music teacher. Two groups of students (76 Lithuanian and 64 foreign), who chose studies at Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, participated in the research. In this article, the results from the qualitative survey carried out in 2017 will be highlighted. The results showed that in music education it is particularly important to combine orientation towards pedagogical activities with orientation towards the spread of the learner’s personality. The music students at the University describe their future professional activities as broad and multidimensional ones but they also emphasise the importance of personal values, implementation of general, subject-specific, professional (didactic) competences and continuous improvement. Participation in musical and artistic activities plays a specific role in the spread of professional identity of a music teacher.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 1108-1119 ◽  
Ewald F. Zeer ◽  
Vera S. Tretyakova ◽  
Irina A. Kurochina ◽  
Tatyana D. Bukovei ◽  
Tatyana V. Beresneva

Purpose of the study: The research is aimed at determination of the competitiveness level of teachers with different experience in pedagogy and different level of education, and at establishing of a connection between content components of competitiveness and full teacher’s self-realization in his/her professional activity. Methodology: The main methods include experimental research which allows comprehensive analysis of the issue of pre-school teachers competitiveness improvement; theoretical and methodological analysis of the subject and the problem of the research that is based on the studying of scientific literature and its logical compilation; empirical methods (analyses of documents, testing), plus mathematical-statistical and interpretative methods. Results: The article presents the empirical research of the competitiveness of pre-school teachers and the system for improvement of their competitiveness. The adequacy of psycho-diagnostic methodologies for research of competitiveness levels of pre-school teachers is proved, the interconnection between the competitiveness level of teachers and various experiences of pedagogical activity and the level of education is established. Applications of this study: The results of the study will be useful for developing educational strategies in the preschool education system, they can help pre-school education leaders creating social-psychological-pedagogical conditions for the effective interaction of all subjects of the educational process as well as for the full realization of the individual in the modern educational process and improving individual efficiency. Novelty/Originality of this study: The results of the empirical study show that the applied set of psychodiagnostic methods turned out to be reliable and valid tools that ensured the goals achievement: the level of competitiveness of teachers with different lengths of pedagogical activity and level of education was determined, the relationship between the content components of competitiveness and full self-realization of a teacher in professional activities was determined based on prioritizing social and psycho-pedagogical characteristics of the person.

2021 ◽  
pp. 55-60
Lutsenko V.I.

Purpose. The main purposeis to submit a scientific justification and description of practical ways to use video resources to increase the motivation of Technical University students to learn Ukrainian as a foreign language.Methods.The work was carried out on the basis of the provisions of regulatory documents defining the guidelines for teaching foreign languages in technical universities, the provisions of the technology of working with video resources, which is becoming particularly relevant in language education today, the content and methodological directions of the organization of teaching the discipline “Ukrainian as a foreign language (for professional activity)”. As a result, a set of practical classes in the Ukrainian language was developed and tested.Results.Based on the study of the technology of organizing work with video resources, a motivational apparatus is identified that contributes to the activation of the interest of foreign students, the development of their communicative competence in classes in Ukrainian as a foreign language. Examples of various types of tasks for international students of technical specialties at each of the selected stages of work are presented. The emphasis is placed on the motivational potential of organizing students activities at the Post-review stage, which implements the principle of situativeness. The criteria and diagnostic apparatus for determining the degree of motivation of foreign students to study the Ukrainian language is determined and the results of a methodological experiment conducted on the basis of NTU “Dnipro Polytechnic” are presented, which confirms the effectiveness of using video resources to increase the motivation of foreign students. A group of pedagogical conditions that ensure productive organization of work with video material in classes in Ukrainian as a foreign language at a technical university is revealed.Conclusions. It is concluded that work with video resources should be carefully organized by the teacher, taking into account the professional needs and interests of foreign students, their level of language proficiency; the systematic use of video resources in teaching the discipline “Ukrainian as a foreign language (for professional activities)” helps to increase the motivation of foreign students to learn the Ukrainian language.Key words: communicative competence, practical tasks, revision stages, situativeness principle, pedagog-ical conditions. Мета. Подати наукове обґрунтування та описати практичні способи застосування відеоресурсів для підвищення мотивації студентів технічного вишу до вивчення української мови як іноземної.Методи. Робота виконана на основі положень нормативно-правових документів, що визначають орі-єнтири викладання іноземних мов у технічних внз, положень технології роботи з відеоресурсами, що набуває особливої актуальності в мовній освіті сьогодні, змістовно-методичних спрямувань організації викладання дисципліни «Українська мова як іноземна (для професійної діяльності)». У результаті роз-роблено та апробовано комплекс практичних занять з української мови.Результати. На основі вивчення технології організації роботи з відеоресурсами визначено моти-ваційний апарат, що сприяє активізації інтересу іноземних студентів, розвитку їхньої комунікативної компетенції на заняттях з української мови як іноземної. Подані приклади завдань різних типів для іно-земних студентів технічних спеціальностей на кожному з виділених етапів роботи. Акцент зроблено на мотиваційному потенціалі організації діяльності студентів на етапі постперегляду, що реалізує прин-цип ситуативності. Визначено критеріально-діагностичний апарат визначення ступеня прояву мотива-ції в іноземних студентів до вивчення української мови та подано результати методичного експеримен-ту, проведеного на базі НТУ «Дніпровська політехніка», що підтверджує ефективність використання відеоресурсів для підвищення мотивації іноземних студентів. Розкрито групу педагогічних умов, що забезпечують продуктивну організацію роботи з відеоматеріалом на заняттях з української мови як іноземної в технічному виші.Висновки. Робиться висновок про те, що робота з відеоресурсами повинна ретельно організову-ватися викладачем з урахуванням професійних потреб та інтересів іноземних студентів, їхнього рів-ня володіння мовою; систематичне застосування відеоресурсів у викладанні дисципліни «Українська мова як іноземна (для професійної діяльності)» сприяє підвищенню мотивації іноземних студентів до вивчення української мови.Ключові слова: комунікативна компетенція, практичні завдання, етапи перегляду, принцип ситуативності, педагогічні умови, стимулювання інтересу.

2020 ◽  
pp. 37-52
Iryna Kushnir

The article describes the main characteristics of the discourse approach in the system of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language and the main components of the Ukrainian-language medical scientific-academic discourse as a basis for selecting the content of language education of foreign medical students of Ukrainian universities. By participating in the Ukrainian-language medical discourse, foreign medical students gain professional knowledge and the opportunity to become subjects of communicative practices of professional communication with equal professionals and various members of Ukrainian society (patients), to whom the future doctor's professional activity is directed. The author cites the following content components of the system of teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language: communicative roles of the subjects of medical discourse that regulate the communicative needs of foreign students; appropriate communicative intentions and strategies, tactics of realization of these intentions; genre forms of medical discourse; situational and thematic organization; basic communicative units of realization of medical discourse. Linguodidactic interpretation of this kind of medical discourse allowed to formulate partial principles of selection of language and speech materials for teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language. The characteristics of the essence and components of medical scientific-academic discourse are given in the article, the principles of selection of educational materials for teaching Ukrainian as a foreign language are singled out are the communicative-linguistic basis of language education of foreign medical students. The linguo-methodical interpretation of the studied phenomenon will help in the selection of language material and the creation of methodological developments and manuals on the Ukrainian language for foreign students; in the choice of teaching methods and techniques necessary for the formation of cognitive-linguistic skills of decoding / coding of a communicative event by instrumentality of a foreign (Ukrainian) language.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (29) ◽  
pp. 69-76
Olga I. Vaganova ◽  
Larisa V. Tsyganova ◽  
Elena A. Chelnokova ◽  
Anna V. Lapshova ◽  
Lyudmila I. Redkina

In response to modern needs of the labor market in highly qualified specialists capable of independent and creative activities, higher education institutions are developing professional competence of students using various innovative technologies that contribute to enhancing students' cognitive position. The implementation of modern educational technologies in the system of vocational education is a necessity dictated by the conditions of a competency-based educational paradigm. The peculiarity of educational technology as an effective means of forming professional competence is to ensure the guaranteed achievement of goals. In preparing a student for professional activity, technologies that allow a student to be immersed in conditions as close as possible to professional ones are of particular relevance. The advantage of socio-gaming technologies implementation consists both in revealing a student’s capabilities, his potential, including each of them in the educational process, and in shaping students' ability to master the norms and rules of behavior in society. The purpose of the article is to review the experience of implementing socio-gaming technologies in the training of students of higher educational institutions. Communicative competence is one of the most significant elements of preparing students for both professional activities and life in society. The article presents a study to verify the level of formation of communicative competence. The level was established according to certain criteria related to inclusion in the learning process, building effective interaction with other students. Statistical analysis showed the effectiveness of the technology under consideration. An additional survey of students made it possible to establish that the game contributes to their active involvement in educational process and construction of effective communication with classmates.

2014 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 26-30 ◽  
Larysa Lukianova

Abstract The idea of the conceptualization of adult education has been postulated in the article including its significant differences. The leading distinguishing feature is the personality of pedagogical staff that works with adults. It has been substantiated the dependence of the functions which are performed by pedagogical staff in the adult education system, on the main characteristics of the society. It has been shown the content of the integral-role position of a pedagogue-andragogue which has 3 elements: subject and content, project and technological, organization and diagnostic. The professional activity of a pedagogue-andragogue has been analyzed as the specialist who professionally organizes and conducts adult training and learning, helps create individual programs of training. At the same time, in his/her activity he/she combines different social functions as well. The most typical are to provide the help in renovating the motivation towards learning and professional activity, to combine the content both andragogical and professional activity of his/her learners, to share the methods of supervising adult self-learning.

Andrey M. Geregey ◽  
Evgeny S. Shuporin ◽  
Ivan V. Fateev

Today, there are personal protective equipment, which due to their weight and size characteristics and design features can aggravate professional activity. This is characterized by an increase in the load on several major systems of the employee's body, including the cardiorespiratory system, which can cause the development of occupational pathology. The study of the functions of the cardiorespiratory system of humans in the process of his work is an important task in biomedical tests such as PPE, aggravating their professional activities and future means of individual protection from heavy labor and industrial exoskeletons. The aim of the study is to determine the possibility of using ergospirometry for the physiological assessment of personal protective equipment and industrial exoskeletons. Main part. In medical practice and high-performance sports, ergospirometry is considered the "gold standard" for functional assessment of the cardiorespiratory system. There are very few studies showing the use of ergospirometry for the purpose of physiological assessment of personal protective equipment. Results of research works in which ergospirometry was used in medicine, sports, as well as on the physiological and hygienic assessment of combat equipment, various types of personal protective equipment, including new promising personal protective equipment of the musculoskeletal system-industrial exoskeletons. The use of ergospirometry made it possible to register the main indicators of the human cardiorespiratory system both in field and laboratory conditions and allowed forming an objective conclusion about the dynamics of the degree of stress of the human cardiorespiratory system when using personal protective equipment and industrial exoskeletons with various weight and size characteristics. Thus, the use of ergospirometry both in isolation and in combination with other methods allows us to solve problems related to biomedical testing of personal protective equipment and industrial exoskeletons.

2020 ◽  
pp. 35-38
S. Arkhipova

The purpose of the study was to determine the level of knowledge and skills in the processing of documents accompanying the professional activities of heads of nursing services.

Oksana Mironkina

Methods of training in advanced training groups formed from the staff of personnel divisions of the MIA of Russia, which involve the use of anti-corruption education at different stages of professional activity are discussed in the article. A comprehensive approach to the formation of anti-corruption behavior, which allows using various forms of training of police officers in their relation is described. The effectiveness of this approach in the system of professional development was shown. A comprehensive approach allows the training process to pay attention to the needs and difficulties in the field of corruption prevention without spending time on basic training information. Several stages in the organization and content of training are considered. Each of them corresponds to different stages of professional development of specialists of personnel divisions of internal affairs bodies. Described in detail every stage is aimed at a separate audience and has its own value. The possibilities of anti-corruption education are presented, starting with the selection of personnel for service in the internal affairs bodies and ending with the preparation for dismissal. The anti-corruption educational activities carried out at the present time are analyzed. Methods of intensifying each of them and the possibilities of optimal inclusion in the developed complex of content and forms are determined. The proposed approach can be used for majority posts. It is not limited to human resources units. In addition, the developed methodological material can be used by students in the course of their professional activities in the field after studying at advanced training courses.

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