scholarly journals Pemanfaatan Mol Limbah Sayuran sebagai Pupuk Organik Cair pada Tanaman Padi (Oryza sativa L.)

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 12
Nana Ariska ◽  
Yusrizal Yusrizal ◽  
Jasmi Jasmi

This service aims to provide information so that farmers can utilize and apply liquid organic fertilizer from vegetable waste (MOL) to rice plants in the village of Cot Darat, Sama Tiga District, West Aceh Regency. The method used to achieve these objectives is through counseling using participatory and on-site practice. The stages of its implementation are through counseling methods in the form of material exposure on vegetable waste MOL, discussion of farmer groups on site, training in processing organic waste into biocomposers together with farmer groups. The results of this service show that the level of knowledge and understanding of technology for processing vegetable waste into organic fertilizer can be absorbed (controlled) by rice farmers. All members of the group consist of various ages ranging from 30 to 50 years. One indicator in determining work productivity in conducting business development is the age level, where the age of farmers who are relatively young is stronger, work smart, easy to accept new innovations.

Melkianus Dedimus Same Randu ◽  
Lenny Marlina Mooy ◽  
Ferdinan Suharjono Suek ◽  
I Gusti Komang Oka Wirawan

Desa Oebelo memiliki prospek untuk pengembangan peternakan sapi potong. Namun demikian, kontribusi pengelolaan limbah pertanian masih perlu ditingkatkan akibat kurangnya pengetahuan tentang pengolahan limbah batang dan daun jagung serta feses ternak sapi. Kegiatan pengabdian bertujuan meningkatkan pengetahuan, sikap, dan keterampilan dalam mengolah limbah pertanian sehingga dapat mendukung pengembangan sistem usaha tani terpadu di Desa Oebelo. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat melibatkan kelompok tani ternak Syalom dan Elsadai. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan pengabdian meliputi penyuluhan, demonstrasi plot pembuatan silase dan bokashi pupuk kandang, serta evaluasi dan pendampingan. Luaran yang dihasilkan meliputi produk silase lamtoro sebanyak 250 kg, silase jerami jagung sebanyak 450 kg, bokashi pupuk kandang sebanyak 1.200 kg, dan pendapatan mitra per proses produksi sebesar Rp.850.000,-. Kegiatan pengabdian memberikan manfaat dalam penguasaan teknologi pembuatan silase dan bokashi pupuk kandang. Anggota mitra kelompok tani juga membangun komitmen untuk menerapkan pengetahuan yang diperoleh dengan terus mengolah limbah pertanian sehingga dapat memberikan nilai tambah dan meningkatkan kualitas lingkungan. Kata kunci: Bokashi, Desa Oebelo, Fermentasi, Lingkungan, Silase ABSTRACT The village of Oebelo has prospect in beef cattle farming development; nevertheless, farming waste management to contribute a value-added is still required to be improved due to the lack of knowledge on cultivating corn stalk and leaves waste as well as cattle feces. The empowerment program aims to improve knowledge, attitude, and skill among the farmers on cultivating farming waste to development of integrated beef cattle farming activities in Oebelo. The program has been involving Syalom and Elsadai farmer groups. The methods that had been practiced in the field project were extension, practice, and simulation of silage technique and bokashi organic fertilizer, evaluation and mentorship. The result of the program including silage products of plant type as follows: Lamtoro plant (Leucaena leucocephala) silage as 250 Kg and corn stalk silage as 450 Kg, and bokashi organic fertilizer as 1,200 Kg. During each of the production phases, villagers who involved in this program earned 850,000 rupiahs. The empowerment program has given an impacttransfer technology of silage and bokashi organic fertilizer. Post-project, all beef cattle farmers have been establishing a joint commitment to implement the knowledge they gain and keep cultivating farming waste to give value-added and improving the quality of the environment. Keywords: Bokashi, Oebelo Village, Fermentation, Environment, Silage

Al-Khidmat ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-88
Robiah Siti Hanifah ◽  
Ai Siti Farida

AbstrakSampah organik merupakan salah satu masalah besar yang sulit untuk diselesaikan di Indonesia. Laman berita internasional, anadulu academy menyatakan pada tahun 2019 ini, terdapat 67 juta ton sampah yang dihasilkan di Indonesia, diantara 67 juta ton tersebut, 60 persennya merupakan sampah organik. Padahal, didalam sampah organik ini terdapat beberapa zat seperti protein atau glukosa yang jika dimanfaatkan dengan baik dapat menghasilkan unsur-unsur hara yang dibutuhkan untuk pertumbuhan, perkembangan, dan kesehatan tanaman. Oleh karena itu, tim pengabdi berusaha meminimalisir jumlah sampah organik dalam lingkup kecil seperti di Dusun Tagog dengan cara mengolahnya menjadi pupuk organik cair atau diberi nama “Tagog Pupuk Organik Cair (Tapukor)”. Selain dapat digunakan oleh masyarakat di dusun tersebut, pupuk organik cair ini dapat dipasarkan juga dimana pupuk organik cair ini memiliki nilai ekonomis yang cukup tinggi yaitu sekitar 25.000 per 50 mL. Sehingga dengan adanya pembuatan pupuk organik cair ini diharapkan dapat turut berkontribusi secara nyata dalam pencapaian tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan (SDGs) poin delapan yakni meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang merata dan berkelanjutan, tenaga kerja yang optimal dan produktif, serta pekerjaan yang layak untuk semua.AbstractOrganic waste is one of the big problems that are difficult to solve in Indonesia. The international news page, The Anadulu Academy stated that in 2019, there were 67 million tons of waste produced in Indonesia, of which 67 million tons, 60 percent of which is organic waste. In fact, in this organic waste, there are several substances such as protein or glucose which, if properly utilized can produce nutrients needed for plant growth, development, and health. Therefore, the writer as a participant in the Sisdamas Community Service Program tries to minimize the amount of organic waste in a small scope such as in Tagog Hamlet by processing it into liquid organic fertilizer or named "Tagog Liquid Organic Fertilizer (Tapukor)". Besides being able to be used by the people in the village, this liquid organic fertilizer can be marketed also where the liquid organic fertilizer has a high economic value of around 25,000 for 50 mL. So that the creation of liquid organic fertilizer is expected to contribute significantly in achieving the goal of sustainable development (SDGs) point eight, namely promoting equitable and sustainable economic growth, optimal and productive workforce, and decent work for all

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 25
Ida Ayu Suarinastuti ◽  
I Gst Agung Oka Mahagangga

The amount of tourist traffic on a Travel Attractions can cause problems regarding waste generated by tourist activity and garbage that comes from the leaves of trees that are in the area. management should have the right strategy in terms of waste management that cleanliness is maintained well. This paper aims to determine how the waste management system in the Monkey Forest. In the discussion of the data used are met through technical documentation, literature review, observation, and in-depth interviews. Data were grouped and then analyzed descriptively described. The results of the data that has been analyzed shows that waste management is done by the Monkey Forest is a way to separate between organic and non-organic. For organic waste will be disposed of to land within the forest disekitaran Monkey Forest which also will be useful as a natural organic fertilizer. As for the non-organic waste bins Monkey Forest provides a special non-organic as much as 22 pieces are placed at some point every day trash from the trash will be collected in a trash can that was in the parking lot and after will be transported by janitor The village of Padang Tegal to be brought to Temesi.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 58
Catur Rini Sulistyaningsih

Tujuan dari program ini ini adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan khalayak sasaran tentang pengolahan jerami dengan limbah jamu secara praktis. Dengan kegiatan ini kelompok tani dihimbau dapat memanfaatkan limbah jerami yang melimpah dan kurang di daya gunakan sehingga dapat memenuhi kebutuhan pupuk organik dan kebutuhan unsur hara tanaman terpenuhi. Pengabdian pada masyarakat dilaksanakan mulai bulan Juli sampai Oktober 2011 di Kelurahan Gedong, Kecamatan / Kabupaten Karanganyar. Bentuk kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat yaitu memberi penyuluhan  (ceramah dan tanya jawab ) dan demonstrasi pembuatan pupuk jerami dengan limbah jamu. Sasaran kegiatan adalah kelompok tani padi  sawah di Kelurahan Gedong, Kecamatan / Kabupaten Karanganyar. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat yang telah dilakukan menyebabkan adanya peningkatan pengetahuan peserta tentang pembuatan pupuk organik dari jerami dengan limbah jamu sebesar 1,61 % dan peningkatan ketrampilan tentang pembuatan pupuk organik jerami dengan limbah jamu sebesar 3,80 %. Presentasi pemahaman materi meningkat menjadi 156, 57 %. Para peserta merasa puas karena dengan teknologi maju yaitu pengomposan dengan menggunakan limbah jamu menyebabkan jerami dapat difermentasi (terurai) lebih cepat dan praktis, sehingga pupuk organik dari jerami dapat segera dimanfaatkan pada periode tanam berikutnya. Kata kunci: limbah jerami, limbah jamu, pupuk organik plus AbstractThe purpose of this program is to increase the knowledge and skills of the target audience about processing straw with medicinal waste in a practical manner. With this activity, farmer groups are encouraged to take advantage of the abundant and underutilized straw waste so that they can meet the needs of organic fertilizer and plant nutrient needs are met. Community service is carried out from July to October 2011 in Gedong Village, Karanganyar District / District. The form of community service activities is providing counseling (lectures and questions and answers) and demonstration of making straw fertilizer with herbal medicine waste. The target activity is a group of rice farmers in Gedong Village, Karanganyar District / District. Community service activities that have been carried out have led to an increase in participant's knowledge about making organic fertilizer from straw with medicinal waste by 1.61% and increasing skills about making straw organic fertilizer with herbal medicine waste by 3.80%. Presentation of understanding of the material increased to 156, 57%. The participants were satisfied because with advanced technology that is composting using medicinal waste, straw can be fermented faster and more practically, so that organic fertilizer from straw can be used immediately in the next planting period.

Sarwahita ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (02) ◽  
pp. 184-192
Wiwin Dwi Jayanti ◽  
Muhammad Dwi Rifa’i ◽  
Yudhi Utomo

Abstrak Ngadirejo adalah desa kawasan Tengger yang merupakan desa penghasil sayur wortel, kentang, kubis, sawi, dan bawang dengan jumlah masing-masing mencapai ±20 ton setiap masa panen. Dalam masa panen, 5-20% dari total panen adalah limbah sayur yang disebabkan oleh cacat pada sayur, dan sisa dari sortiran yang tidak bisa dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat. Rendahnya pengetahuan masyarakat terhadap pengolahan limbah organik menyebabkan limbah sayur menjadi penyumbang sampah terbesar di kawasan Tengger. Tujuan program pengabdian ini adalah mengurangi populasi sampah organik Desa Ngadirejo  dengan cara mengolah limbah sayur sebagai pupuk organik cair (POC). Program ini dilakukan dalam bentuk sosialisasi, pelatihan, praktek pengolahan limbah sayur sebagai POC terhadap gabungan kelompok tani (GAPOKTAN), analisis kandungan unsur pada POC dalam lingkup laboratorium, serta pendampingan aplikasi POC sebagai pengganti pupuk kimia (PK) dalam penanaman sayur. Hasil program ini terbukti dapat menurunkan jumlah sampah sayur secara drastis, meningkatkan pengguna POC dan secara kualitatif produk POC memiliki unsur hara lebih banyak dari PK. Abstract Ngadirejo is a village in the Tengger area that produces ± 20 tons each of carrots, potatoes, cabbage, mustard greens, and shallots. During the harvest period, 5-20% of the total harvest is vegetable waste caused by defects in the vegetables, and the rest of the sort can no longer be consumed. The low level of public knowledge about organic waste processing has made vegetable waste the biggest contributor to waste in Tengger. This program aims to reduce the organic waste population in Ngadirejo by processing vegetable waste as liquid organic fertilizer (LOF). This program is carried out in form of socialization, training, and practice of processing vegetable waste as LOF to farmer, elemental analysis within the scope of the laboratory, and monitoring the application of LOF as a substitute for chemical fertilizers (CF) on vegetable cultivation. The results of this program have been shown to drastically reduce the amount of vegetable waste, increase LOF users, and qualitatively LOF products have more nutrients than CF.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 282-292
Munzirin Nurdin ◽  
Irwan A. Kadir ◽  
Azhar Abdul Gani

Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Mengetahui faktor- faktor yang mempengaruhi respon petani padi terhadap penggunaan pupuk organik cair dan juga untuk mengetahui respon petani padi terhadap penggunaan pupuk organik cair di Gampong Blang Cut Kecamatan Sukamakmur Kabupaten Aceh Besar. Metode penelitian ini adalah asosiatif  dilakukan dengan teknik survei menggunakan kuisioner. Penentuan lokasi penelitian dilakukan secara sensus yaitu di Desa Blang Cut. Sampel ditentukan dengan teknik proporsional random sampling sebanyak 20 responden petani yang ada di desa Blang Cut. Jenis dan sumber data meliputi data primer dan sekunder. Metode analisis yang digunakan untuk mengkaji faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi respon dan respon petani padi dalam penggunaan pupuk organik Cair adalah Skala Likert dengan rumus lebar interval. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi respon adalah manfaat yang diharapkan dari penggunaan pupuk dalam kategori sedang, 65% responden menganggap pupuk Organik Cair  sangat membantu dalam memenuhi kebutuhan pupuk, membantu dalam meningkatkan produksi padi, dan membantu atau mempermudah dalam pengolahan lahan; selang waktu antara awal pen0ggunaan dengan memperoleh manfaat pupuk sebagian besar dalam kategori (baik), 100% responden mengetahui bahwa pupuk Organik Cair  lebih lama memberikan dampak terhadap tanaman. Respon petani padi dalam penggunaan pupuk Organik Cair adalah respon kognitif sebagian besar petani responden dalam kategori baik, 75% responden memahami pupuk Organik cair; respon afektif petani responden sebagian besar dalam kategori baik, 92,5% responden setuju apabila pupuk Organik Cair  menghemat pupuk kimia komersial; respon konatif petani responden sebagian besar dalam kategori sedang, 45 % responden menggunakan pupuk antara sepertiga hingga duapertiga dosis yang dianjurkan.Rice Farmers Response To The Use Of Liquid Oganic Fertilizers In Gampong Blang Cut Sukamakmur District, Aceh Besar DistrictAbstract. This study aims to determine the factors that influence the response of farmers to the use of liquid organic fertilizer and the response of farmers to the use of liquid organic fertilizer in Blang Cut Village, Sukamakmur District, Aceh Besar District. This research method is associative method which is done by using questionnaire survey technique. Determination of the location of the study was conducted in a census, namely in the Village of Blang Cut. The sample was determined by proportional random sampling technique as many as 20 farmer respondents in the village of Blang Cut. Types and sources of data include primary and secondary data. The analytical method used to assess the factors that influence the response and response of rice farmers in the use of liquid organic fertilizers is a Likert scale with the formula width interval. The results showed that the factors that influence the response of farmers are the expected benefits from the use of fertilizer in the medium category. There are 65% of respondents consider Organic Liquid fertilizer to be very helpful in meeting fertilizer needs, helping in increasing rice production, and assisting or facilitating land processing; the time interval between the start of use and the benefits of fertilizer is mostly in the (good) category. There are 100% of respondents know that Organic Liquid fertilizer has a longer impact on plants. The response of rice farmers in the use of Organic Liquid fertilizer is cognitive response. Most of the respondents are in good category, 75% of respondents understand liquid Organic fertilizer; affective responses of respondent farmers are mostly in good category. There are 92.5% of respondents agree that Liquid Organic fertilizer saves commercial chemical fertilizers; the conative response of the respondent farmers is mostly in the medium category, 45% of respondents use fertilizer between one third to two thirds of the recommended dose.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Asmaida Asmaida

AbstractBerbak National Park is located in the province of Jambi Regency Muara Jambi and Tanjung Jabung Timur District with an area of 162,700 ha and is surrounded by a buffer village, 27th among the village is the village of Simpang Datuk Subdistrict of Tanjung Jabung Regency Nipah Panjang Timur. The village of Simpang Datuk has been getting the program empowerment in rice farming, namely capital strengthening aid farming rice (Oryza Sativa l.) in the form of tool production Hand Tractor and Rice Milling Units of Berbak National Park Hall. This empowerment programme has been carried out from the year 2009 and is expected to show positive results in accordance with the purpose (Berbak National Park Hall, 2014).The hypothesis of this research is suspected, there is the impact of community empowerment programmes Supporting National Park Village Berbak through strengthening the capital of farming rice (oryza sativa l) against the income of the farmers in the village of Simpang Datuk Subdistrict of Tanjung Jabung Regency Nipah Panjang Timur.The purpose of this research is to analyze the impact and benefits of community empowerment programmes supporting national park village Berbak through strengthening the capital of farming rice (oryza sativa L) against the income of the farmers in the village of Simpang Datuk Subdistrict of Tanjung Jabung Regency Nipah Panjang Timur. The research method is to use the methods of the survey. In this regard rice farmers as a source of primary data, with data collection techniques are observation, interview and a questionnaire filling terpola and structured in accordance with the needs of the data that refers to the topic and title research. Secondary data source obtained from Agency-related institutions, literature-literature and reports. The technique of sampling randomly (random sampling) and the number of samples as much as 39 households of fishermen (RTP) or by 15% of the total population (262 RTP).Research data were analyzed using descriptive method quantitative-qualitative and interperensi. The first objective of the research is analyzed using descriptive analysis of farmers ' income against rice and continued with statistically testing with test wilkoxon, whereas the second objective is analyzed using descriptive analysis against the benefits of the empowerment program.Results of the study showed the average income of rice farmers before the activities empowerment through strengthening of the rice farmer capital is Rp. 14.232.455,-/Ha/MT and after the activities empowerment of the average income of Rp. 18.953.612,-/Ha/MT. There is a change in the income of farmers after the activities empowerment of the average amounting to Rp. 4.721.157,-/Ha/MT (33.17%) from the prior existence of the empowerment program. The benefits of empowerment programs in the real perceived by farmers only as economic benefits, that they can have the means of production like Hand Tractors and Rice Milling units. In this already occurs, the outpouring of time efficiency of labor and minimize the cost of farming, so as to increase income or standard of kesehjahteraan his life. Keywords: Rice, Income, Impact, Benefits, Empowerment Program  AbstrakTaman Nasional Berbak Provinsi Jambi ini terletak di Kabupaten Muara Jambi dan Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur dengan luas 162.700 ha dan dikelilingi oleh 27 desa penyangga, salah satu diantara desa tersebut adalah Desa Simpang Datuk Kecamatan Nipah Panjang Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur. Desa Simpang Datuk tersebut telah mendapatkan program pemberdayaan dalam berusahatani padi sawah, yaitu bantuan penguatan modal usahatani padi sawah (Oryza Sativa L) berupa alat produksi Hand Tractor dan Rice Milling Unit dari Balai Taman Nasional Berbak. Program pemberdayaan ini telah dilakukan dari tahun 2009 dan diharapkan dapat menunjukkan hasil yang positif sesuai dengan tujuan (Balai Taman Nasional Berbak, 2014).Hipotesis penelitian ini adalah diduga terdapat dampak  program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat  Desa Penyangga Taman Nasional Berbak melalui penguatan modal usahatani padi sawah (oryza sativa l) terhadap pendapatan  petani di Desa Simpang Datuk Kecamatan Nipah Panjang Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis dampak dan manfaat program pemberdayaan masyarakat  desa penyangga Taman Nasional Berbak melalui penguatan modal usahatani padi sawah (oryza sativa L) terhadap pendapatan petani di Desa Simpang Datuk Kecamatan Nipah Panjang Kabupaten Tanjung Jabung Timur.  Metode penelitian adalah  menggunakan metode survey. Dalam hal ini petani padi sawah adalah sebagai sumber data primer, dengan tehnik pengumpulan data secara observasi, wawancara dan pengisian kuisioner yang terpola dan terstruktur sesuai dengan kebutuhan akan data yang mengacu pada topik dan judul penelitian.  Sumber data sekunder diperoleh dari instansi-instansi terkait, literature-literatur dan laporan-laporan. Teknik pengambilan sampel secara acak (random sampling) dengan jumlah sampel sebanyak 39 rumah tangga nelayan (RTP) atau sebesar 15% dari jumlah total populasi (262 RTP).Data penelitian dianalisis menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif-kuantitatif dan interperensi. Tujuan pertama penelitian dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif terhadap pendapatan  petani padi sawah dan dilanjutkan dengan pengujian secara statistik dengan uji wilkoxon,  sedangkan tujuan kedua dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif terhadap manfaat dari program pemberdayaan tersebut.Hasil penelitian menunjukan rata-rata pendapatan petani padi sawah sebelum adanya kegiatan pemberdayaan melalui penguatan modal usaha tani padi sawah adalah sebesar Rp.14.232.455,-/Ha/MT dan setelah adanya kegiatan pemberdayaan rata-rata pendapatan sebesar Rp.18.953.612,-/Ha/MT. Terdapat perubahan pendapatan petani setelah adanya kegiatan pemberdayaan rata-rata sebesar Rp.4.721.157,-/Ha/MT (33,17%) dari sebelum adanya program pemberdayaan. Manfaat dari program pemberdayaan yang dirasakan secara nyata oleh petani hanya sebatas manfaat ekonomi, yaitu mereka dapat memiliki alat produksi seperti Hand Tractor dan Rice Milling Unit.Dalam hal ini sudah terjadi efesiensi waktu, curahan tenaga kerja dan memperkecil biaya usahatani, sehingga dapat meningkatkan pendapatan atau taraf kesehjahteraan hidupnya.Kata Kunci : Padi Sawah, Pendapatan, Dampak, Manfaat, Program Pemberdayaan

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 821-830
Sarinah Patonah Ningsih ◽  
Wida Pradiana ◽  
Wasrob Nasruddin

Farmer groups are needed roles in various agricultural activities that have a relationship between farming and socioeconomic activities. Increased farmer group development is directed at the implementation of the agribusiness system, increasing the role, participation of farmers and other rural community members by fostering cooperation between farmers and other parties who have a connection in the development of farming carried out. But besides that farmers are still less concerned about completeness and importance the preparation of administration in groups of farmers. In this study carried out from March to July 2020 in the village of Lobener Lor, Jatibarang District, Indramayu Regency. Study sample, totaling 30 members of the tami group by using the quota sampling method. The variables contained in this study are farmer characteristics, external support and the level of empowerment. Data analysis using descriptive analysis, Spearman rank correlation, and Kendall's W. The results of the study indicate that empowerment is included in the medium category. Related factors are the level of education and land area. Whereas for external support that includes the availability of facilities and infrastructure and support from farmer groups. The strategy to increase the empowerment of farmers through the administration of farmer groups in rice farming which must be improved is an indicator of the level of farmer administration capacity. The parameter that must be improved is the administration of activities.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 314-318
Miswar Budi Mulya ◽  
Ternala Alexander Barus ◽  
Arlen H.J ◽  
Nursal ◽  
Kiki Nurtjahya

Community service activities titled Transforming Organic Waste into Organic Fertilizer in Namo Bintang Village in May - November 2019. This activity aims to convert organic waste into organic fertilizer that has economic value, and does not endanger the environment. The method used is counseling, lectures and training as well as monitoring and evaluation with the community directly to the field. Organic waste processing is carried out in several places in the village of Namo Bintang with the approval of the village head and the community. The activities are carried out by means of counseling and lectures, explanations of theories and integrated waste management techniques that are followed by the farmers and scavenger groups of Namo Bintang Village. The community listens to the material delivered by the community service team. The training was conducted by community groups of farmers and scavengers in Namo Bintang Village. Peasant and scavenger community groups are trained by the community service team. All carried out this activity by proactively conducting training to get results in the form of fertilizer from organic waste. The results were reviewed by community groups after 10 days of training to see organic fertilizer. The equipment for utilizing organic waste is also very simple so that community groups can make it themselves. And finally the monitoring and evaluation of the success of monitoring the work in the field will be carried out by going directly to the field together, monitoring by visiting to find out whether the community can do it themselves, besides that the relationship will be carried out by telephone to overcome the problems that arise. In general, community service activities have been successfully carried out and seen a good cooperative relationship between the Higher Education, especially the Implementation Team, government officials and the community in Namo Bintang Village. The village community realizes the importance of saving the environment from increasing their life expectancy because they can make their own fertilizer / compost.

Warta LPM ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-45
Chusniatun Chusniatun ◽  
Kuswaji Dwi Priyono ◽  
Kun Harismah ◽  
Suharjo Suharjo ◽  
Muhtadi Muhtadi ◽  

In the Pemitra community service activities for development cleaner farming in Desa Ngunut Kecamatan Jumantono kabupaten Karanganyar, has been done for directing activities, training, and mentoring for farmers of cattle and chickens in Desa Ngunut, Jumantono, Karanganyar. In this Pemitra activities have been conductedbriefings and training on producing of liquid and solid organic fertilizer, planting cassava  and  sengon  by  utilizing  manure,  the  introduction  of  biogas  technology applications on cattle ranchers. The results that have been obtained from this Pemitra community activities that partners have been able to understand and have the skills for managing livestock clean the biogas technology applications, the use of probiotics or fermentator in farm management, made of solid and liquid organic fertilizer, as well as the use of organic fertilizer for agricultural development cassava and sengon. The constraints and problems had been faced by the partners were 1) lack of farmer groups  that have  organizational unity  in designing,  managing, implementing  and evaluating the work program. So that the unity and continuity in performing community service activities can not be done well, 2) Most of the participants were active inpemitra was the village officials and their family, so not much give a breadth of benefits to the general public.

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