scholarly journals Hubungan Faktor Risiko dengan Kejadian Penyakit Kusta di Kota Kupang Tahun 2018

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-15
Novita Scolastica Amsikan ◽  
Yuliana Radja Riwu ◽  
Deviarbi Sakke Tira

Leprosy is a disease caused by The mycobacterium leprae which has a 2-5 year incubation period that attack The skin, peripheral nerves, upper respirator mucosa and eyes. The number of leprosy cases in Kupang experienced fluctuatuions where Three were 63 cases in 2013, 61 cases in 2014, 74 cases in 2015 and 66 cases in 2016. The purpose of this Study has to analyze the riskf ractors associated with the incidence of leprosy in Kupang in 2018. The type of research used was an analytical survei using the Case Control desing. The Population in this Study were 66 people, with a Case sampel of 23 people and a Control sampel of 46 people, a total sampel of 69 people. The sampling technique used was simpel random sampling. The statistical test used was the Chi Square Test. The Results of the analysis showed that room temperatur factors had a significal relationship with the incidence leprosy with a P value of 0.002 (P<0,05) while knowledge, personal hygiene, length of contact, humidity, occupancy density did not have signifikan relationship with the incidence of leprosy. Suggestions for health institutions is that the should provide more comprehensive and sustainable education to the community in order to increase the knowledge about leprosy and the community should participate in conseling about leprosy and be able to participate in the prevention of leprosy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 341-347
Mustar . ◽  
Hasnidar . ◽  
Indryani .

Breast milk consists of the nutrients and immunity needed for the growth and development of babies in the first months. Breastfeeding until the end of two years is recommended because it has physiological and psychological benefits for both mother and baby. Lactation failure is often caused by several lactation problems, one of which is the problem of breast engorgement. Postpartum mothers with breast engorgement due to incomplete emptying process of the mammae with breast pain when it is pressed. The purpose of this study is to determine the factors that influence the breast engorgement in postpartum mothers. The research design is a quantitative analytical survey with a cross-sectional approach with a population of 50 respondents and a sample of 35 respondents with purposive sampling technique, data analysis using univariate and bivariate analysis. The results showed that there is a relationship between breastfeeding techniques and the occurrence of breast engorgement with the results of the chi square test statistical test obtained p-value 0.02α<0.05, there is a relationship between the condition of the nipple and the occurrence of breast engorgement with the results of the chi square statistical test -value = 0.01α<0.05, and there is a relationship between breast care and the occurrence of breast engorgement with the chi square test statistical test results obtained -value = 0.03α<0.05. There is a relationship between breastfeeding techniques, the condition of the mother's nipples, and breast care with the occurrence of breast engorgement. Keywords: Breast Engorgement, Breastfeeding Technique,Nipple condition, Breast Care.

Hartati Inaku ◽  
Moh Malik A Hanafi

 The purpose of this study was to determine the Factors Affecting Occupational Health in Improving Personal Hygiene in Garbage Transport Officers in the City of Gorontalo. The research design uses Analytic Survey with Cross Sectional approach. Sampling using Accidental Sampling technique with a sample of 50 respondents. Analysis of the study used a chi square test with a significant α = 0.05, the results obtained p value = 0.001 (<0.05) which means there is an influence of knowledge with occupational health in improving personal hygiene, then the value of p value = 0.416 (<0, 05) which means there is no influence of work period with occupational health in improving personal hygiene and the value of p value = 0,000 (<0.05) which means there is an influence of the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) with occupational health in improving personal hygiene in the garbage transport officer in Gorontalo City.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kesehatan Kerja Dalam Peningkatan Personal Hygiene Pada Petugas Pengangkut Sampah di Wilayah Kota Gorontalo. Desain penelitian menggunakan Survey Analitik dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan tekhnik Accidental Sampling dengan sampel 50 responden. Analisis penelitian menggunakan uji chi square dengan signifikan α = 0,05, hasil didapatkan p value = 0,001 (<0,05) yang berarti terdapat pengaruh pengetahuan dengan kesehatan kerja dalam peningkatan personal hygiene, kemudian didapatkan nilai p value = 0,416 (<0,05) yang berarti tidak terdapat pengaruh masa kerja dengan kesehatan kerja dalam peningkatan personal hygiene dan nilai p value = 0,000 (<0,05) yang berarti terdapat pengaruh pemakaian alat pelindung diri (APD) dengan kesehatan kerja dalam peningkatan personal hygiene pada petugas pengangkut sampah di Kota Gorontalo 

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Rindi Antika ◽  
Indah Budiastutik

AbstrakGizi merupakan salah satu penentu kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM). Makanan yang diberikan sehari-hari harus mengandung semua zat gizi sesuai kebutuhan, sehingga menunjang pertumbuhan yang optimal dan dapat mencegah penyakit defisiensi, mencegah keracunan dan juga mencegah timbulnya penyakit yang dapat mengganggu kelangsungan hidup anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan sosial ekonomi, berat lahir dan penyakit infeksi dengan kejadian stunting pada balita di Desa Semanga Kecamatan Sejangkung Kabupaten Sambas. Desain studi dalam penelitian ini adalah case control. Uji statistik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah uji chi square. Sampel adalah jumlah sampel kasus ditambah dengan jumlah sampel kontrol, sehingga penelitian ini memerlukan 82 balita dengan jumlah sampel 41 balita stunting sebagai kasus dan 41 balita tidak stunting sebagai kontrol. Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan teknik Purposive sampling. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan antara pendidikan dengan kejadiaan stunting pada balita di Desa Semanga Kecamatan Sejangkung Kabupaten sambas (p value = 0,010), ada hubungan antara pengetahuan dengan kejadiaan stunting pada balita (p value =0,001), ada hubungan antara pendapatan dengan kejadiaan stunting pada balita (p value = 0,039).Tidak ada hubungan antara berat lahir dengan kejadiaan stunting pada balita (p value = 0,616), ada hubungan antara penyakit infeksi dengan kejadiaan stunting pada balita (p value = 0,021). Diharapkan ibu tetap harus aktif dalam mencari informasi melalui majalah, surat kabar, radio, TV, brosur-brosur, konsultasi dengan petugas kesehatan tentang makanan yang bergizi untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan tentang pentingnya makanan bergizi. Bagi Puskesmas diharapkan lebih mengoptimalkan kegiatan promosi kesehatan terutama tentang pencegahan stunting ke daerah-daerah terpencil yang sulit dijangkau khususnya daerah Desa Semanga kecamatan Sejangkung.Kata Kunci: Sosial Ekonomi, Berat Lahir, Penyakit Infeksi, Stunting AbstractNutrition is one of the determinants of human resources. Daily food intake should contain all the required nutrients  to support an optimal growth. In addition, it  prevents us from  nutritional deficiency, toxicity, and diseases that may interfere the viability of children. This study aimed at figuring out the correlation of socioeconomic, birth weight, infectious diseases, and the incidence of stunting among infants in Desa Semanga kecamatan Sejangkung kabupaten Sambas. A case control design was carried out in this study. The statistic test employed was chi square test. As many as  82 infants were selected as the sample by using purposive sampling technique.. They were divided into two groups; control  (41 infants and case  (41 infants). The study revealed two findings. First, there were correlation of education (p value = 0,010), knowledge (p value 0,039), income (p value = 0,039),infectious diseases (p value=0,021) and stunting in infants. Second, there was no correlation of birth weight  and stunting in infants (p value = 0,616). As a result,  mothers should be active in getting more information about nutritious food through magazine, radio, TV, brochures and health consultation. Besides, local public health centers also require to optimize their health programs, particularly the prevention of stunting to inaccessible remote areas, such as Desa Semanga kecamatan Sejangkung.Key words: Socioeconomic, Birth Weight, Infectious Diseases, Stunting

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Siti maisyaroh Fitri Siregar

ABSTRACT               The objective of the research was to analyze the risk factors of  women with the history of normal childbirth had delivery by section caesarea.             The research used observational analytic method with case-control study design. The samples consisted of 42 cases and 42 controls, taken by using consecutive sampling technique. Dependent variable was childbirth with CS and independent variables were parity, accompanied illness, and reference. The gathered data were analyzed by using univatriate analysis, bivariate analysis with chi square test, and multivatriate analysis at α = 0.05.             The result of the research from multivariate analysis showed that the variables which had significant influence on childbirth with SC were parity (p = 0.006; OR = 5.801 95% CI = 1.642-19.110),accompanied illness (p = 0.03; OR = 6.382 95% CI = 1.198-33.992), and reference (p = 0.003; OR = 6.350 95% CI = 1.874-21.522). The variable which had the most dominant influence childbirth with CS was accompanied illness. p-value = 97% which indicated that childbirth women with the parity > 2 had accompanied illness and the reference to the hospital had the possibility to give birth with CS of 97%.             It is recommended to do family planning programme, and prevent the illness during pregnant, apply ANC according to the standard, and make sure that the childbirth is safe from Period I to Period III.   Keywords: Risk Factor, Caesarea, Case-Control

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 272
Armina Armina ◽  
Arnati Wulansari

The prevalence of pneumonia in infants in Jambi province has increased the last few years, especially the city of Jambi in 2015 by 44.14%. Pneumonia is also widely recorded in the health center of Jambi. The purpose of this research is to identify factors that correlate with the incidence of infant pneumonia in two centers of Jambi City. The research was conducted at the site of Tahtul Yaman and Kebon Handil Puskesmas working area with the design of case control correlation. Sampling technique with purposive sampling amount of 55 (case) and 55 (control). Test the analysis using Chi Square and logistic regression. The Chi Square test is derived that the exclusive ASI-history factor, ISPA history, Mother's education, treatment history and environment has a significant relationship with the incidence of infant pneumonia (P value < 0.05). The test results of a logistic regression model found that the most correlated factor of Pneumona is the exclusive ASI-history, ISPA history, and treatment history. Researchers expect an effort to raise the awareness of mothers on prevention of infant pneumonia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-121

Introduction: the behavior of traditional market traders who have not used masks consistently and the difficulty of maintaining a distance has caused the number of Covid-19 transmissions to cause the market to become a place that is prone to Covid-19 transmission. Objective: This study aims to analyze the relationship between knowledge about Covid-19 and Covid-19 prevention behavior. Methods: the design of this research is using correlational analytic, a population of 313Plosotraditional market traders, a sample of 50Plosotraditional market traders with an accidental sampling technique. The instruments used are a knowledge questionnaire and a checklist of COVID-19 prevention behavior. The statistical test used was chi-square. Results: half of the market traders' knowledge was insufficient category 25 (50%) and for the behavior of most of the good category 32 traders (64%). Based on the results of the chi-square test, the p-value = 0.000. Conclusion: a relationship between knowledge of the relationship between knowledge about Covid-19 and COVID-19 prevention behavior. Massive socialization is needed to change the behavior of traders who still do not comply with health protocols

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 54-59
Yefan Adji ◽  
Siti Hadija Batjo ◽  
Hastuti Usman

Leucorrhoea is a clinical disorder that is often complained of by all women. For young women who are just entering puberty with all forms of phenomenal changes in themselves, this problem will have a negative impact in the future if it is not addressed early. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of adolescent girls' knowledge about personal hygiene with Leucorrhoea. This research was an analytic research with a cross-sectional approach. The population of this study was 36 female students in class X and class XI in Pagimana I Senior High School. The sampling technique used purposive random sampling. The results were obtained by 33 knowledgeable (91.7%). Adolescents who have good knowledge and experience Leucorrhoea as many as 19 people (57.6), who do not Leucorrhoea 14 people (42.4%), who lack knowledge and experience Leucorrhoea as much as two people (66.7%), who do not have Leucorrhoea as much as one person (33.3%). Chi-square test showed p-value=1,000. The conclusion of the study, there is no relationship between the knowledge of adolescent girls about personal hygiene with Leucorrhoea. Suggestions for adolescent girls to maintain good personal hygiene to prevent Leucorrhoea.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Ganda Sigalingging ◽  
Zulkarnain Nasution ◽  
Magdalena Ginting ◽  
Poniyah Simanullang ◽  

The application of health protocols to prevent the transmission of covid 19 is still relatively low, as is the case in Kabil Village, Batam City, which is still far from expected. Many factors can influence it, including the socio-cultural community, in this case, the inherent traditions/customs. The aim is to analyze the socio-cultural relationship with efforts to prevent Covid-19 in Kabil Village, Batam City. This research is a descriptive correlation with a cross-sectional approach involving 90 respondents, namely the people of Kabil Village in RW 015 and RW 016. The sampling technique is done by simple random sampling. Data were collected by interview using a questionnaire—data analysis using Chi Square test at 95% confidence level. A socio-cultural society based on tradition is more supportive; 53 respondents (58.9%) do not do prevention, as many as 37 respondents (41.1%). Statistical test results show that there is a relationship between tradition and efforts to prevent Covid-19 with a p-value of 0.012 (α < 0.05), good knowledge 37 people (41.1%) made prevention efforts as many as 22 people (24.3%). The statistical test results show a significant relationship between tradition/habits and knowledge with measures to prevent COVID-19 in Kabil Village, Batam City, with a p-value of 0.012 and knowledge with a p-value of 0.002.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (01) ◽  
pp. 113
Nurma Ika Zuliyanti ◽  
Dwi Deni Setiawati

ABSTRAK                          Latar belakang penelitian: Berdasar studi pendahuluan  pada 13 orang tua wali murid di TK Pertiwi Gondowulan 1, 9 orang tua mengatakan anaknya belum mampu melakukan personal hygiene secara mandiri. Pola asuh orang tua merupakan salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kemandirian personal hygiene anak. Tujuan penelitian: Untuk mengetahui hubungan pola asuh orang tua dengan kemandirian personal hygiene anak di TK Pertiwi Gondowulan 1. Metode penelitian: Jenis penelitian observasional analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi penelitian 37 responden, teknik sampling menggunakan total sampling, jumlah sampel 37 responden. Penelitian dilakukan tanggal 10-14 Maret 2019 di TK Pertiwi Gondowulan 1. Instrumen penelitian menggunakan kuesioner. Analisa data menggunakan uji chi-square. Hasil penelitian: Berdasarkan hasil analisis data dengan uji chi-square didapat p-value =0,002 (p<0,05). Simpulan: Ada hubungan antara pola asuh orang tua dengan kemandirian personal hygiene anak di TK Pertiwi Gondowulan 1. Saran: Orang tua dapat menerapkan pola asuh yang paling tepat untuk anak. Guru mampu membimbing siswa agar mampu mencapai tingkat kemandirian melaui kegiatan belajar mengajar.Kata kunci : Pola asuh orang tua, kemandirian personal hygiene, prasekolahTHE RELATIONSHIP OF PARENTING STYLE WITH THE INDEPENDENCE OF PERSONAL HYGIENE THE CHILDREN'S  IN PERTIWI GONDOWULAN 1ABSTRACTResearch background: Based on a preliminary study on 13 parents of pupils in TK Pertiwi 1 Gondowulan , 9 parents said their children were not able to do personal hygiene independently. Parenting style is one of the factors that influence children's personal hygiene independence. The research objective: To determine the relationship between parenting style and personal hygiene independence of children in TK Pertiwi 1 Gondowulan . Research method: This is an analytic observational study with a cross sectional approach. The study population was 37 respondents, the sampling technique used total sampling, the number of samples was 37 respondents. The research was conducted on March 10-14 2019 at TK 1 Pertiwi Gondowulan. The research instrument used a questionnaire. Data analysis used the chi-square test. Results: Based on the results of data analysis using the chi-square test, it was found that p-value = 0.002 (p <0.05). Conclusion: There is a relationship between parenting style and children's personal hygiene independence at TK Pertiwi 1 Gondowulan. Suggestion: Parents can apply the most appropriate parenting styles for children. The teacher is able to guide students to be able to achieve a level of independence through teaching and learning activities.Keywords: Parenting style, independence of personal hygiene, preschool 

2016 ◽  
Vol 35 (4) ◽  
pp. 322-327
Presilia Jesica ◽  
Nur Hilal ◽  
Khomsatun Khomsatun

Dermatitis merupakan peradangan kulit sebagai respon terhadap pengaruh faktor-faktor lingkungan seperti polutan dan alergen-alergen. Data Dinas Kesehatan Banyumas Tahun 2015 kasus Dermatitis tertinggi Kecamatan Patikraja 1.358 pasien. Bulan Nopember tahun 2015, pasien Dermatitis tertinggi 138 orang di Desa Kedungrandu. Wilayah Desa Kedungrandu merupakan lokasi Tempat Pembuangan Akhir Gunung Tugel dimana tempat pembuangan akhir gunung tugel merupakan yang terbesar di Banyumas. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis hubungan jenis sumber air dan personal hygiene dengan kejadian Dermatitis  Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah observasi dan case control dengan 27 responden kasus dan 27 responden kontrol. Variabel penelitian ini sarana sumber air dan personal hygiene yang terdiri dari perilaku mandi, perilaku berpakaian dan perilaku tidur. Analisis menggunakan analisis SPSS versi 1.7 dengan uji chi-square dengan α 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan variabel yang memiliki hubungan dengan kejadian penyakit Dermatitis adalah jenis sumber air dengan nilai p value= 0,001, personal hygiene merupakan variabel yang tidak mimiliki hubungan dengan kejadian penyakit Dermatitis di Desa Kedungrandu dengan hasil nilai p value= 1,000. Kesimpulan penelitian yaitu jenis sumber air dapat menjadi salah satu faktor penyebab Dermatitis di Desa Kedungarandu. Peneliti menyarankan dari pihak puskesmas meningkatkan kerja sama dengan pemerintah desa untuk melakukan penyuluhan dan meningkatkan program kesehatan lingkungan.

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