scholarly journals Peran Sikola Mangkasara dalam Pembentukan Karakter Anak

LaGeografia ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 160
Nurul Muthmainnah Ilham

This study aims to find out: 1) What forms of coaching are done in Sikola Mangkasara. 2) What are the supporting and inhibiting factors of the training carried out in Sikola Mangkasara. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method, so in this study the researchers observed and interacted with Managers and coaches, coaches and instructors and the children of Sikola Mangkasara and by interviewing and reviewing their documentation. Where the approach technique used is a case study technique, using snowball sampling until the data needed is sufficient and accurate. The data analysis using analysis theory by Miles and Huberman. Based on the results of the research, it can be known that: 1) The Profile of Sikola Mangkasara, there are two point: a) A community social institution that exists as a container of coaching and energy empowerment of children and adolescents in a more positive direction. b) Able to be a special attraction with the program of coaching and training which is free to be given even scholarship for children every month.2) Forms of guidance conducted in Sikola Mangkasara in character building are carried out with various coaching activities that illustrate about there are several values that are taught and instilled in children such as religious values, politeness, self-confidence, discipline and independence, hard work, respect achievement and social sensitivity or concern. 3) Inhibiting factors in fostering and forming the character of Sikola Mangkasara's children is due to personal / innate factors of the family and social environmental factors, in this case there are many problems that violate existing values. Besides that there are supporting factors in the form of willingness and hard work from the manager and coaches in guiding children, by providing facilities in the form of places, facilities and scholarships, and starting to get support and positive responses from residents and parents of students. The role and existence of Sikola Mangkasara is obvious and very useful, it can be deduced by how the children's response with various things and positive changes that they feel during the coaching and training activities. Of course, the existence of Sikola Mangkasara is expected to contribute to the personal development and the character of children especially in children who are less attention or to be educated intentionally and sustainably.

Dhiaul Haq ◽  
Akhmad Said

Kopontren is an economic institution that is located in a boarding school environment, and is a medium for students to carry out work practices so that there is a balance of patterns of religious education and entrepreneurship education. The existence of kopontren is one of thhe meanss of education foor students to foster interest and entrepreneurial talent with entrepreneurship education. that is hopeed that students will be able to eqeuip students with various abilitiees and skills, especially with regard to the needs of the community and in the field of employment. What program strategies are applied at thekopontren in shaping the entrepreneurial spirit of students at Darussaadah  Gubugklakah poncokusumo Malang Islamic boarrding school, (3) what are the factors that hinder the program of the kopontren in shaping the entrepreneurial spirit of students of Darussaadah gubugkalakh poncokusumo Malang, (3) what are the solutions conducted to overcome the failure applied by the Kopontren in shaping the entrepreneurial spirit of the students of Darussaadah Gubugklakah Poncokusumo MalangTo achieve the above objectives, qualitative research approaches are used. the focus of the research is the santrii Entrepreneurship Soul Formation Strategy through the Darussaadah Islamic Boarding School Kopontren program poncokusumo Malang, the data collection was carried out by interview, observation, and documentation. Data analysis was performed by data reduction and finally the data compiled was drawn to a conclusion. Triaungualition of the validity of the data is checked, and comparing research data with interviews and documents.The result of this study indicate that : (1)  the Strategies used in shaping  the entrepreneurial spirit of  the s using training and fostering education about entrepreneurship, are carried out on Friday, and every time there is education and training that is held at the Darussaadahh Vocational School. One of the educational training processes is to foster honesty, creative, and innovative values, and in accordance with entrepreneurial characteristics. Mental development is very important that is needed for entrepreneurial independence. (2) the inhibiting factors faced by the Kopontren namely, students lack honesty, lack self-confidence, do not understand quality goods, (3) and solutions to overcome the inhibiting factors namely the Kopontren management must be vigilant and more stringent in maintaining the Kopontren, provide direction and guidance on an incentive basis, so that they can be serious in carrying out guidance and coaching to form an entrepreneurial spirit.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-15
Humera Zafar Ali Khan ◽  
Amina Ahmad ◽  
Abid Ashar ◽  
Hamid Mahmood

Background: The residents who pass exit fellowship examination in few attempts adopt certain strategies for early success. The lived experiences of residents passing FCPS final examination in few attempts, barriers to success and strategies to overcome those barriers were studied. Participants and methodology: This phenomenological research study was conducted at Services Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan from June 2015 to May 2017. Purposeful snowball sampling was done. Eleven residents who passed their Final FCPS examination in few attempts, in the last 15 years were included in the study. Semi-structured open-ended interview of the residents was audio-recorded and transcribed. Three themes of helpful factors, barriers encountered and suggestions to overcome those barriers to get through the final FCPS examination and the emerging sub-themes were analyzed and textural and structural description were assigned. Results: Three themes were based on the aim of study and their related emerging sub-themes were found. The helpful factors included self-directed learning, peer assisted learning, interactive educational environment, rehearsal and self-determination. Barriers encountered were related to learning difficulties, competing responsibilities and physical and emotional burnout. Lastly, suggestions to overcome the barriers were use of multiple technology based learning strategies, developing self-confidence and self-efficacy together with prioritization of emotional and physical wellbeing. Conclusions: This study found that self-regulation and internal motivation were important strategies for success in the FCPS exit examination. Barriers can be overcome through technology based learning and increased self-efficacy and prioritizing physical and emotional wellbeing.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-57
Andi Aslindah ◽  
Lilis Suryani

Learning media is a component that contributes to the implementation of the learning process at the education unit level. The role of the media in learning, especially in early childhood education (PAUD) is very important, considering the development of children at that time was in a period of concrete thinking. However, there are still teachers who think that the role of the media in the learning process is only as a tool and may be ignored when the media is not available in schools. Even though the learning media used in the early childhood learning process should not be obtained from the store by buying. However, teachers and parents can create their own media. One solution that can overcome this condition is that it is necessary to conduct a training in making creative, attractive and easily available media in a nature-based environment. The community service activities carried out in the form of socialization and training in making learning media based on natural materials provide benefits for training participants, including: 1) For Teachers: Adding insight and increasing teacher creativity in preparing learning media by utilizing natural materials-based materials. 2) For Parents: Gained insight and experience to be more creative and innovative in assisting children to be creative in making a work (learning media) by utilizing materials that can be obtained from the natural surroundings. 3) For Children (students): Increase their self-confidence to be more skilled in performing work in creating a work (media) by collaborating with their respective parents/guardians.   Keywords: PAUD Learning Media, Natural Materials

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
Maini Sartika ◽  
Mita Fitrati ◽  
Nur Anisah ◽  
Nadia Muharman

This research was conducted to find out the interpersonal communication of Banda Aceh Class IIA Prison Officers in Fostering Drug Prisoners and what are the supporting factors and inhibiting factors. The method used is the Qualitative Method, which is researching in depth with data collection techniques such as observation, interviews and documentation. The theory used in this study uses the theory of Social Penetration which explains a process of relationship with others, where there are various adaptation processes between the two. The results of his research, the implementation of fostering prisoners with interpersonal communication approach in Class IIA Penitentiary Banda Aceh has been running as it should because the training carried out has followed existing procedures, although there are things that occur in prisons such as prisoners' indiscipline then that can be resolved with wise. Interpersonal communication in the coaching process that is carried out is also very appropriate, because a good coaching is also good communication. In conducting a coaching program, Banda Aceh Class IIA Prison certainly has supporting factors in the form of an adequate budget and the enthusiastic participation of fostered citizens in participating in coaching activities. There are also inhibiting factors, namely the lack of discipline from prisoners in carrying out training programs and the lack of prison staff.Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui Komunikasi Antarpribadi Petugas Lapas Kelas IIA Banda Aceh Dalam Membina Narapidana Narkoba serta apa saja faktor pendukung dan faktor penghambatnya. Metode yang digunakan adalah Metode Kualitatif, yaitu meneliti secara mendalam dengan teknik pengumpulan data seperti observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teori Penetrasi Sosial yang menjelaskan suatu proses hubungan dengan orang lain, dimana terjadi berbagai proses adaptasi di antara keduanya. Hasil penelitiannya, pelaksanaan pembinaan narapidana dengan pendekatan komunikasi antarpribadi di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan Kelas IIA Banda Aceh telah berjalan sebagaimana mestinya karena pembinaan yang dilakukan sudah mengikuti prosedur yang ada, meskipun ada hal-hal yang terjadi di dalam Lapas seperti ketidaksiplinan narapidana maka hal itu dapat diselesaikan dengan bijak. Komunikasi antarpribadi dalam proses pembinaan yang dijalankanpun sudah sangat tepat, karena suatu pembinaan yang baik adanya komunikasi yang baik pula. Dalam melakukan program pembinaan tentunya Lapas Kelas IIA Banda Aceh memiliki faktor pendukung berupa anggaran yang memadai dan partisipasi antusias warga binaan dalam mengikuti kegiatan pembinaan. Ada juga faktor penghambatnya yaitu kurangnya kedisiplinan dari narapidana dalam menjalankan program pembinaan dan kurangnya tenaga kerja petugas lapas.

S. Abramov ◽  
D. Tomashevsky

The article considers the peculiarities of the use of volleyball in groups of sports improvement of students of higher education institutions. The current state of physical fitness of student youth is characterized. The need to improve the system of sports training of volleyball students in connection with changes in government, structural, logistical, economic conditions, the need to educate young people in a healthy lifestyle, one of the main factors of which should be daily exercise . It is established that the existing system of physical education of students on the basis of traditional provisions of current organizational and methodological programs does not provide fully effective rehabilitation, education and upbringing of students from the standpoint of conscious mandatory motor activity and personal needs in solving important tasks of personal development. The reforms carried out in the modern system of higher education have deeply affected the physical education of student youth. The most important role in the general and professional development of students of higher education institutions belongs to physical education, both as a discipline and as one of the subsystems of the holistic pedagogical process. One of the ways to solve this problem is to reorient the target programs of different types of physical culture to meet the needs of personal orientations, interests and personal goals of each student, more fully take into account the level of physical development and physical fitness, targeted use of training loads. It is for each of the cultivated types of sports activities in higher education institutions it is necessary to develop a goal, objectives, tools, forms and a comprehensive educational and training complex. This becomes possible only on the basis of the development and application of new educational and training technologies aimed at conscious motor activity of female students of higher education institutions in the chosen sport.

Dody Tri Iwandana ◽  
Ardhika Falaahudin ◽  
Wildan Alfia Nugroho

The purpose of this study was to determine the sport values in traditional games as playing activities for children. The natural activity of children is playing. The games that children play include team games and individual games. This research is a qualitative research employing a phenomenological approach method. The technique of selecting informants in this study used the Snowball Sampling technique. The subjects of this research were children, parents, and community leaders in Banjarnegara Regency understanding and knowing information about traditional games. Data collection techniques of this study consisted of observation, interview, and document analysis techniques. The data validity test used triangulation technique. Data analysis involved 4 stages, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The research results identified the sport valuescontained in traditional games, including cooperation, sportsmanship, honesty, struggling power, how to achieve victory, accept a defeat, self-esteem, trust, and self-confidence. Besides having positive impacts for health, traditional games can also train children to socialize with the surrounding community, know how to tolerate, help each other, and work together. Traditional games that can be found in Banjarnegara included mandahan, ular naga, marbles, engklekan, congklak, jumping rope, cublak-cublak suweng, stilts, jamuran, bentengan, and gobak sodor.

Thomas Packard

The executive or other member of the organization who is in charge of the change initiative will need to engage in self-assessment to identify the need for personal development of any change leadership competencies and skills and then implement a plan for leader for development. Traits including a high energy level, emotional maturity, personal integrity, self-confidence, and an achievement orientation are valuable assets. Task, relationship, and change behaviors and the use of influence tactics are all essential. A change leader must develop self-awareness, including the understanding of one’s basic philosophies and preferences as well as strengths and areas to develop. Ethics issues are relevant in organizational change leadership. All of these dynamics of change leadership will affect how a change leader will design and implement an organizational change intervention.

Chien-Wen Tsai

The international tourist hotel industry that focuses on quality of the “tangible” service is a typical high-contact service. To survive in the recent competitive work environment, many enterprises enhance their competitiveness in the process of service employee selection and emphasize the importance of physical attractiveness. This study uses self-confidence as a moderator which is rare relevant empirical evidence to confirm the relationships between physical attractiveness, professional competence and service attitude. The results show that confidence of the service personnel, physical attractiveness and professional competence have positive significant correlation relationships with service attitude. Service personnel's “self-confidence” is the most important variable towards service attitude. The study borrows selection and training functions of human resource management to integrate the knowledge of psychology, marketing management to expand the theory.

Jeffrey E. Barnett ◽  
Jeffrey Zimmerman

Mental health clinicians invest in many years of hard work to develop their clinical competence through graduate coursework and through supervised clinical experiences. All this is done with the ultimate goal of becoming independently licensed to practice in one’s profession. Because licensure is such an important event, signifying the culmination of so much education and training, it may be natural to believe that becoming licensed means that one is now clinically competent. This chapter addresses how clinical competence and licensure should be viewed and understood. Licensure assesses one’s competence to enter the profession, but it cannot guarantee competence in all areas of clinical practice at the time of licensure or in the future. How to maintain, update, and expand one’s competence over time is addressed. Risks and threats to competence are discussed, and recommendations are provided for ensuring one’s ongoing competence over time.

Shubhasheesh Bhattacharya ◽  
Sonali Bhattacharya ◽  
Sweta Mohapatra

Women in a leadership position has been a matter of concern the world over especially in information technology (IT)/ information technology enabled services (ITES). However, for the advancement of women in leadership positions, individual characteristics are not enough. Besides individual factors, it is the detection of organizational factors that enable the advancement of women into leadership positions. The present article develops a multidimensional scale on the perceived enablers for the advancement of women in leadership position in the IT/ITES sector. The scale considers both individual factors (characteristics) and organizational factors, such as welfare schemes, career development support, and training. The article also reveals that individual factors, such as self-confidence, ambition, and perceived competency are also enablers of advancing women to leadership positions. Researchers could examine the considered dimensions of the proposed scale in other sectors and with respect to other constructs related to women's work-life balance.

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