2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 675-695

Abstract: Islamic education institutions in Indonesia face two challenges, namely; internal and external. Internally, Islamic education is faced with the classic problem of the low quality of human resources in education management. The causes include poor quality and education staff development and selectivity of education personnel. Furthermore externally, Islamic education institutions faced three major issues; globalization, democratization, and liberalization. The issue of globalization that is identical with market orientation and mechanism also affects the world of education. That way in education also includes awareness about how to attract and convince the community of the type and model of education. From here, the education world is ready or not ready to be involved in competition to gain public trust. To face these challenges Islamic Education institutions must maximally manage and empower all elements of management in the management of educational institutions. A good understanding of the elements of management can have an impact on the readiness of educational institutions to manage their institutions well in any condition to be the best and foremost. Keywords: Elements of Management, Management, Education, Islam

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
M Noor Sulaiman Syah

<p>The purpose of this research is to know the strategy of improving the quality of Islamic Religious Education teacher candidate in STAIN Kudus. The research method used is qualitative research method. This research used observation, interview and documentation for the data collection tools and analyzed by using interactive analysis. The result of the research shows that the strategy of improving the quality of Islamic Religious Education teachers in STAIN is divided into several strengthenings, namely strengthening of Islam, strengthening the field of PAI study, as well as the strengthening of foreign languages (English and Arabic), both through intra-curricular or co-curricular. Changes in the world of work in educational institutions should be prepared by universities preparing educators and other education personnel so that a student must be trained and trained to have the competencies described in three levels; perform, manage, and evaluate the process. </p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Aldo Redho Syam ◽  
Syamsul Arifin

It is undeniable that the competition between Islamic educational institutions in globalization era is getting stronger and sharper, not only companies that compete, in the world of education can not be separated from the name of competition, so from here then the name of human resources Islamic education should be really encouraged to race toward the quality of human resources of Islamic education better and have a strong competitiveness, especially in the current globalization era. Human resources of Islamic education should be demanded continuously to be able to develop themselves actively and have the initiative to continue to think more advanced. The human resources of Islamic education here, must really be the human resources of Islamic education who have a high commitment to learning, have a strong willingness to guard the change towards the better, they must have a high work ethic and full of spirit without stopping to learn, so that their potential can be developed and can be felt by himself, especially Islamic educational institutions that desperately need their fighting spirit, in developing and advancing the institution in globalization era.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 160
Nur Hamidi

Entering the past decade, the issue of quality has always been the talk of the actual, especially in the context of education management. Recognized or not, the quality of Islamic education institutions are still largely under the quality of education in general. Various attempts have been made and many of the concepts that have been applied, but everything seemed not bring significant improvement. "Total Quality Management (TQM) or Integrated Quality Management (MMT) as an effort to improve the quality of education in Islamic educational institutions. Although at first the concept of MMT is only known in the industry, but the amazing success invite the interest of education experts, 3 to study it more deeply, formulate operational patterns of adoption, and to create a model in teknical to apply. This research was conducted in SMP Muhammadiyah I Depok Sleman Yogyakarta. Consideration is SMP Muhammadiyah I Gurgaon is one of the Islamic educational institutions (schools distinctively Islamic) 5 formal mission has always been to apply concepts of Quality Management (TQM). This study resulted in that SMP Muhammadiyah I Depok already implementing Total Quality Management in the management of education. However, the application of Total Quality Management in SMP Muhammadiyah I Depok can be said is not fully maximized, in the sense that there are still some things that need to be evaluated together.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-103
Muhammad Arifin ◽  
Zahruddin Zahruddin ◽  
Maftuhah Maftuhah

In general, the quality of Islamic educational institutions in Indonesia can be said to lag behind non-Islamic educational institutions. The quality of education is influenced by the quality of the education management it carries out. The better the quality of management of an educational institution, the quality of education produced will certainly be directly proportional. Changing times continue to occur and competition between educational institutions is also getting tougher. If you are not able to manage an educational institution properly, you will be left behind and it is possible to go bankrupt. One of these self-improvement efforts is the need to reformulate strategic management by considering the concept of a strategic management model. The purpose of this study is to explore a strategic management model for improving the quality of Islamic education. The research was carried out through an approach to library research methods. The results of this study have shown that in fact management strategy has a concept in Islam, so there are already Islamic educational institutions to run it according to Islamic guidelines in order to improve the quality of Islamic education.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 91
Evy Ramadina

The success of Islamic education is a joint effort of Islamic educational institutions, government and society. One of the supporting factors for the achievement of educational goals is good management of educational institutions. Supervision is one of the functions of education management. Artistic supervision as a form of supervision of educational institutions functions to provide assistance to teachers in the form of direction and guidance for improving the learning process. The implementation of artistic supervision needs to be maximized in Islamic educational institutions, so that it is not incidental. The purpose of this study is to analyze artistic supervision in Islamic education management. The research method used is literature study. Data were collected through documentation which was then analyzed descriptively. The results of the research found that the actualization stages of artistic supervision in Islamic education management include planning, implementing, and evaluating based on Islamic values that are sourced from the Al Quran and Hadith; supervision is a collaboration of the principal, supervisors, expert supervisors, and external supervisors. Supervision can be carried out individually or in groups. Implement and follow-up supervision that humanizes the relationship to support the achievement of the goals of Islamic education supervision. Keywords: Actualization Supervision Artistic, Islamic Management Education, Management Education  

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 19-26
Meti Fatimah ◽  
Ainun Mardhiyah ◽  
Ismi Nur Azizah

The purpose of this study was to determine the importance of supervision of staff development at Madrasyah Ibtidayyah Muhammadiyah Juwiran Klaten. The type of research used is descriptive qualitative. With the method of collecting data through observation, interviews and documentation. While the data analysis activities are data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that one way to develop human resources at Madrasyah Ibtidaiyyah Muhammadiyah Juwiran Klaten is by supervision, By improving the quality of education which must start from the aspect of teachers and other education personnel concerning the quality of their professionalism and welfare in a professional education management.

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 138-162
Abdur Rouf

In this era of global reform is necessary a renewal and improvement of the quality of society in order to ensure there will be many changes in society, both in terms of education, social and cultural rights are always evolving. The changes are a result of the development of science and technology is rapidly increasing, which in turn form the characteristic want competent people to beat each other. So there is no place in society without competition. Competition is the principle of a new life, because the world is open and Compete who can create something for the better. Transformation and innovation is needed at this time, it will bring a change and renewal in Islamic education management.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Aldo Redho Syam ◽  
Syamsul Arifin

It is undeniable that the competition between Islamic educational institutions in globalization era is getting stronger and sharper, not only companies that compete, in the world of education can not be separated from the name of competition, so from here then the name of human resources Islamic education should be really encouraged to race toward the quality of human resources of Islamic education better and have a strong competitiveness, especially in the current globalization era. Human resources of Islamic education should be demanded continuously to be able to develop themselves actively and have the initiative to continue to think more advanced. The human resources of Islamic education here, must really be the human resources of Islamic education who have a high commitment to learning, have a strong willingness to guard the change towards the better, they must have a high work ethic and full of spirit without stopping to learn, so that their potential can be developed and can be felt by himself, especially Islamic educational institutions that desperately need their fighting spirit, in developing and advancing the institution in globalization era.

2020 ◽  
pp. 13-22
Saifudin Asrori ◽  
Ahmad Syauqi

Abstract. The Islamic education, Islamic boarding schools and madrasas, have made a very significant contribution to the implementation of education and social reform. Through the teaching process, in which the kyai as the main figure and the use of the ‘yellow book’, traditional Islamic ideas colored the early days of growing awareness as a nation and a State. When the New Order government carried out the development and modernization of society, there was a revival of a Muslim group called the “new middle class santri”, which took place in line with the modernization that occurred in the traditional Islamic educational institutions of the pesantren. Then in the era of democratization, the world of Islamic education experienced growth and development in various religious institutions and styles. Most of the pesantren are still committed to maintaining a moderate religious style, recognized as the foundation for the development of civil society and the formation of a ‘distinctive’, friendly, moderate, and tolerant social-political identity of Indonesian society. The Muslim character is different from other regions, especially the Middle East which is the axis of the Islamic world. However, a small proportion of pesantren are thought to promote the growth of religious chauvinism, teach a ‘narrow’ interpretation of Islam and provide a framework of thought and action in responding to socio-political change which often takes the form of a ‘jihad’. This article tries to explore the contribution of Islamic education to social change in the Indonesian Muslim community. Abstark. Dunia pendidikan Islam, pesantren dan madrasah, memberikan kontribusi sangat berarti dalam penyelenggaraan pendidikan dan reformasi kemasyarakatan. Melalui proses pengajaran, di mana kyai sebagai figur utama dan penggunaan ‘kitab kuning’, gagasan Islam tradisional mewarnai masa-masa awal tumbuhnya kesadaran sebagai bangsa dan Negara. Ketika pemerintah Orde Baru melakukan pembangunan dan modernisasi masyarakat, terjadi kebangkitan kelompok Muslim yang di sebut “kelas menengah santri baru”, berlangsung sejalan dengan modernisasi yang terjadi dalam lembaga pendidikan Islam tradisional pesantren. Kemudian pada era demokratisasi, dunia pendidikan Islam mengalami pertumbuhan dan perkembangan dalam beragam kelembagaan dan corak keagamaan. Sebagian besar pesantren masih tetap istiqomah dalam mempertahankan corak keagamaan yang moderat, diakui sebagai pondasi berkembangnya masyarakat sipil dan pembentukan identitas sosial-politik masyarakat Indonesia yang ‘khas’, ramah, moderat, dan toleran. Karakter Muslim yang berbeda dengan kawasan lainnya, khususnya Timur-Tengah yang merupakan poros dunia Islam. Namun ada sebagian kecil pesantren dianggap mendorong tumbuhnya chauvinisme keagamaan, mengajarkan penafsiran Islam yang ‘sempit’ dan memberikan kerangka pemikiran dan aksi dalam merespons perubahan sosial-politik yang seringkali berbentuk panggilan ‘jihad’. Artikel ini mencoba mengeksplorasi kontribusi pendidikan Islam dalam perubahan sosial masyarakat Muslim Indonesia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-44
Ita Nurmalasari ◽  
Dewi Zainul Karimah

This study examines the role of human resource management in improving the quality of educators. This research uses a qualitative approach with case study. This research site is in MTs Nu Ma'arif Kemiri, Purworejo Regency. The data collection technique used by researchers is interview observation. In this study, the object of research is the Role of Human Resources to Achieve Workforce Quality in MTs Nu Ma'arif Kemiri. Research data collection using descriptive observation, interview or qualitative methods. This interview observation study was conducted by lecturers and students of Islamic Education Management Study Program with student WK in MTs Nu Ma'arifKemiri. This activity aims to observe the Quality of Human Resources Workers conducted by MTs Nu Ma'arif Kemiri.

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