scholarly journals Training of police patrol officers to use physical force based on the situation method

Evgeniy Troyan ◽  
Nikolay Silkin

The professional activity of the police patrol officers makes high demands on their level of possession of fighting. Training in combat techniques within the framework of the discipline «Physical training» of the main programs of professional training takes place without taking into account the situations of their application. Demonstration of techniques is also strongly abstracted from the situations of practical activities of police officers. The problem of the research is to resolve the contradiction between the need to develop skills of using combat techniques of fighting in situations of operational activity among the officers of the patrol and guard service of the police and the lack of a scientific methodology for situational training of police officers in the use of physical force in the study of professional training programs for police officers. The study was conducted to substantiate the effectiveness and features of using the situational method for training police patrol officers in the use of combat methods of fighting in situations of official activity. As a result of the study, three levels of complexity were developed for the use of combat techniques in situations of operational and service activities of police patrol officers for use in the main training programs for the position of a «Police Officer». According to the results of the final testing, the effectiveness of the use of techniques in typical situations of official activity of the police patrol officers increased by 27.8%, which confirmed the research hypothesis. The special feature of using the situational method is the structuring of situations according to the levels of difficulty of performing of combat techniques. The educational and training process of physical training of the police patrol officers begins in the professional cycle and continues in the variable educational discipline «Actual issues of the activities of the police patrol and guard service units» of the professional-specialized cycle of professional training programs for «Police Officer».

2021 ◽  
pp. 56-63
Borovyk M.O.

This work covers issues related to the formation of physical endurance of future police officers through a comprehensive combination of directions of physical, tactical, fire and psychological training.The term physical training of a police officer is considered. Physical training of police officers is a specialized professional-applied system of physical education, which is aimed at maintaining health, preservation creative and labor activity, comprehensive development of physical and mental qualities, special-applied and vital skills and abilities needed to perform official tasks, its general and special tasks are defined.The effectiveness of the use of techniques of physical impact by police officers depends on the development of physical qualities. The development of the speed component of physical endurance allows you to get ahead of the opponent, react faster and gain time in the fight. The manifestation of complex forms of speed features is closely related to the level of development of strength, flexibility, coordination skills, perfection of the technique of performing a certain motor action.Realization of techniques of physical impact forces police officers to develop such a feature as flexibility.Such actions occur during the use of police coercive measures, prosecution of offenders, overcoming various obstacles.In difficult, unpredictable conditions, motor tasks will be performed more effectively by employees with a sufficient level of dexterity development. The main elements of dexterity are coordination, accuracy, timeliness and rationality of movements and actions.The development of the force component of certain muscle groups will improve the manifestation of “the explosive force” of a police officer, which is relevant when apprehending an offender who commits malicious disobedience.The essence of tactical, fire and professional-psychological training of future police officers is revealed, their directions and means of realization are defined.It was found that providing a combination of directions of training (physical, tactical, fire and psychological) is possible if the cadets master the algorithms of police action in different situations of professional activity both during training and during training and internships.An example of a scenario of a situational task on the topic: “Group violation of public order” is offered, which will allow to solve a number of questions, namely: 1) to master actions at the termination of group violation of a public order; 2) to improve actions on observance of measures of personal safety; 3) improve communication tactics; 4) to improve the skill of “contact and cover”.Key words: professionally important qualities, cadet, professional training, physical endurance, situational task, integrated approach. У праці розглянуто питання, пов’язанні з формуванням фізичної витривалості майбутніх офіцерів поліції шляхом комплексного поєднання напрямів фізичної, тактичної, вогневої та психологічної підготовки.Розглянутий термін фізична підготовка поліцейського, а саме фізична підготовка поліцейських – це спеціалізована професійно-прикладна система фізичного виховання, яка спрямована на збереження здоров’я, творчої та трудової активності, усебічний розвиток фізичних і психічних якостей, спеціально-прикладних і життєво важливих умінь і навичок, необхідних для виконання службових завдань, визначені її загальні та спеціальні завдання.Ефективність виконання прийомів фізичного впливу працівниками поліції залежить від розвитку фізичних якостей. Розвиток швидкісного складника фізичної витривалості дає змогу випередити суперника, відреагувати швидше й виграти час у поєдинку. Вияв комплексних форм швидкісних рис тісно пов’язаний із рівнем розвитку сили, гнучкості, координаційних здібностей, досконалістю техніки виконання певної рухової дії.Виконання прийомів фізичного примусу вимагає від поліцейських розвитку такої риси, як гнучкість.Такі дії виникають під час застосування поліцейських заходів примусу, переслідування правопоруш-ників, подолання різноманітних перешкод.У складних, непередбачуваних умовах ефективніше виконуватимуть рухові завдання працівники з достатнім рівнем розвитку спритності. Основними елементами спритності є координованість, точність, своєчасність і раціональність рухів і дій.Розвиток силового складника окремих груп м’язів дасть змогу вдосконалити прояв вибухової сили поліцейському, що є актуальним при затриманні правопорушника, який чинить злісну непокору.Розкрита сутність тактичної, вогневої та професійно-психологічної підготовки майбутніх офіцерів поліції, визначені їх напрями й засоби реалізації.Установлено, що забезпечення поєднання напрямів підготовки (фізичної, тактичної, вогневої та психологічної) можливо за умови оволодіння курсантами алгоритмами дій поліцейського в різних ситуаці-ях професійної діяльності як під час проведення навчальних занять, так і під час проходження навчальної практики і стажування на посаді.Запропоновано приклад сценарію ситуаційного завдання на тему: «Групове порушення публічного порядку», що допоможе вирішити низку питань, а саме: 1) оволодіти діями при припиненні групового порушення публічного порядку; 2) удосконалювати дії з дотримання заходів особистої безпеки; 3) удосконалити тактики комунікації; 4) удосконалювати вміння здійснювати «контакт і прикриття».Ключові слова: професійно важливі якості, курсант, професійна підготовка, фізична витривалість, ситуаційне завдання, комплексний підхід.

2020 ◽  
pp. 93-101
Evgeny Ivanovich Troyan ◽  
Igor Viktorovich Golubev ◽  

The professional activity of patrol officers is associated with situations of using self-defense techniques and detaining an offender armed with a knife. The danger of single combat with a criminal armed with a knife is obvious and requires the employee to master the techniques of self-defense, as well as to constantly improve them in physical training classes throughout their professional activities. The purpose of the article is to present the results of a study aimed at finding the possibility and features of using the circular training method for training police patrol officers in techniques of protection from knife attacks. Methodology. The study was conducted on the basis of the Tyumen Institute for advanced training of employees of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia in the period from September 2019 to February 2020. The study involved two study groups of students enrolled in the educational program of professional training. For solving problems of methods were used: analysis and generalization of scientific-methodic literature, modeling of the educational process, testing levels and methods, method of expert evaluations, method of mathematical statistics. Conclusion: As a result of using the method of circular training in classes on the topic “Features of the use of physical force and special means in typical situations of operational and official activities of police patrol officers”, the level of formation of skills of protection from knife attacks in the representatives of the experimental group was higher than in the control group by an average of 24 %, which confirmed the hypothesis of the study. The circular training method can be used to train police patrol officers to protect themselves from knife attacks, but under certain conditions. To perform the techniques, universal pain techniques should be used to influence the wrist. When students pass stations of one circle, the levels of difficulty of performing techniques should be used.

Alina Kudlay

As a result of the rapid development of intercultural communication and global transformations taking place in the world in the 90s of the XX century, it became necessary to create a new personality with a new set of qualities and competencies that are urgently needed for the rational functioning in a multicultural world. For the successful performance of professional duties is not enough to be a specialist who knows job, today. Modern Ukrainian society needs educated professionals who can think critically and make decisions independently in a situation that requires a choice, that is, to be dynamic, mobile, creative. That is, the main feature of professional activity is its development, which requires constant updating and improvement of skills. Each specialist should acquire new knowledge and improve their skills, and, consequently, improve their professional qualities. According to research, professionals who are not engaged in improving professional competence, there comes a time in life when they have internal dissatisfaction with their activities and they need to improve professional skills, or even change their professional orientation. Given the large variety of information technologies at all educational levels, it is not difficult to improve your professional level, and mobile learning is a way to solve a number of educational problems today. In this regard, the relevance of communicative education of future police officers is increasing. After all, the need to train a competent police officer capable of effective professional activity in a multi-ethnic environment is a priority in the training of future police officers in the parameters of European standards. The socio-cultural aspect in the professional training of future police officers is not only the formation of communicative competence, but also the space of interpersonal relations, in which a holistic culture of the individual is formed. The article presents an analysis of the diagnostic results of the formation of communicative competence of the future police officer. The results demonstrate the levels of formation of communicative competence of future police officers in cognitive, emotional and behavioural components.

Alina Kudlay ◽  

Modern conditions for the modernization of higher education in Ukraine have led to the need to introduce innovative approaches to the implementation of the concept of future specialists training, taking into account European standards. Higher education is crucial for socio-economic and cultural development of society. The need for training of a competent police officer, who is capable of effective professional activity in a multinational environment, is a priority approach in the training of future police officers in the parameters of European standards. The socio-cultural aspect in the training of future police officers is not only the formation of ethno-cultural competence, but also the space of interpersonal relationships in which a holistic culture of personality is formed. The competent paradigm of professional training of the future police officers, as a subject of personal and professional growth, which is capable of expanding and updating the subject areas of their professional activity, becomes of special significance in this context. In this article, we draw our attention to the peculiarities and possibilities of forming the personality of a future police officer by means of mobile resources. In particular, the classification of modern mobile devices for using in the education al processes defined. The importance of the aim of modern professional education – the formation of high level of intelligence of the future specialists, the development and consolidation of complex abilities to solve problems in conditions of constant changes and new requirements of the external environment are revealed. It has been established that the use of mobile resources contributes to increase of interest during classroom hours and the optimal organization of their independent non-auditing work, which will enable the training of specialists of a new type.

2018 ◽  
Vol 68 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-38
O. O. Yevdokimova ◽  
Ya. S. Ponomarenko

Professional work of police officers focuses on a variety of tasks, including patrolling the city and expediting on-call challenges, reaction to traffic violations, prevention of offenses, their detection and response to them, etc. Permanent interaction with the population in the course of performing professional duties requires the police to develop a certain level of communication skills. Interaction with representatives of different layers of society can often be accompanied by conflicts and manipulations in communication. Police officers point to insufficient formation of their communicative competencies, as well as to their professional vulnerability in performing tasks in certain situations of interpersonal interaction. The objective of the paper is to empirically study the features of social intelligence for future police officers with different levels of communicative tolerance. The authors used the questionnaire "General communicative tolerance" (V. Boiko) and the "Social intelligence" test (G. Gilford in the adaptation of O. Mikhailova) as a psycho-diagnostic tool. The sample consisted of 132 trainees from the institute of postgraduate education of Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs. It is theoretically justified that communication in the professional activity of a police officer plays an important role, communicative tolerance is a necessary internal regulator of communication and behaviour within the police activity, and social intelligence in the professional activity of a police officer is a kind of psychological resource for professional development and self-development in the context of his communicative competence. It is noted that the professional activity of a police officer should be regulated not only exclusively by professional standards, standards of conduct contained in laws, orders and instructions, but also by ethical norms, customs and traditions, public opinion and social expectations in society, in turn, it requires a special professionally oriented social intelligence of the future police officers. The authors have empirically established differences in the manifestations of social intelligence among trainees with different levels of communicative tolerance, which is to determine the deficiency of ability to predict the consequences of the behaviour of other people, to understand the logic of development of interaction situations and the ability to highlight key features in a variety of human non-verbal responses in subjects with low levels. The obtained results actualize the need to develop and implement practical recommendations on the formation of communicative competence among future police officers at the stage of their professional training.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 366-373
V. L. Shvets ◽  
Iu. O. Pavlova ◽  
I. R. Bodnar

The existing model of professional training of police officers in Ukraine by many criteria does not meet the growing needs of society and generally accepted international democratic standards in this area. In these conditions, there is a growing need to reform the education system of future police officers in the Free Economic Zone of Ukraine. The purpose of the study was to clarify the components of the professional competence of instructors in physical training and sports of law enforcement agencies. Materials and methods. Theoretical analysis and generalization of data of special scientific and methodical literature were used in the work, monitoring of information resources of the Internet was carried out. It is established that the current problems that need to be addressed are the lack of a system of centralized training of instructors in physical training and sports, imperfection of the system of implementation of scientific developments in the field of physical culture and sports in practical service and combat activities and failure to take into account the initial level of training of cadets. Results and discussion. The analysis of experience of armies of the leading countries of the world shows that one of characteristic aspects in the organization of preparation of experts in physical training and sports is a combination in performance of tasks of physical training and mass sports. As part of the centralized training of personnel, the practice of using simulation centers and the Joint Conflict and Tactical Simulation software is widespread at the training courses for personnel of brigade headquarters (battalions). Promising areas for improving the professional training of instructors of physical training and sports are the use of distance, simulated learning, interactive, situational, game and project methods. Conclusion. Education of physical training and sports instructors requires a comprehensive approach and is carried out by a rational combination of basic types of training. It is established that the components of professional training of instructors of physical training and sports in military institutions are communicative, methodical, organizational-managerial and leadership competencies. The key issues of professional competence of instructors of physical training and sports are organizational and managerial skills. Organizational and managerial competence involves the formation of information-analytical, organizational, control and diagnostic skills. Important functions of heads of departments, instructors of physical training and sports are planning, definition of the purposes, coordination and the logical organization of professional activity of subordinates

Ольга Александровна Жидкова

Профессиональное выгорание сотрудников полиции представляет собой интегральную совокупность переживаний отрицательного характера, причиной которых являются объективные условия профессиональной деятельности. Выгорание как предиктор профессиональных деформаций личности требует внимания и мониторинга уже на первых этапах профессионального становления субъекта, поэтому в системе морально-психологической подготовки в качестве актуальных выступают задачи его профилактики. Цель исследования - провести анализ и психологическую оценку показателей профессионального выгорания сотрудников патрульно-постовой службы полиции в период профессиональной адаптации. В исследовании приняли участие 110 сотрудников патрульно-постовой службы полиции, которые прослужили в органах внутренних дел от шести месяцев до одного года. Методы исследования представлены психодиагностическим инструментарием: многомерная шкала нервно-психической адаптации И. Н. Гурвича, опросник В. А. Винокура «Отношение к работе и профессиональное выгорание» для специалистов «помогающих» профессий, а также методами математической статистики. Исследование позволило выявить средний уровень профессионального выгорания и проблемы адаптации у 31 % респондентов. В результате исследования установлено, что сотрудники с низким уровнем адаптации переживают состояния эмоционального истощения и напряженности в деятельности. На уровне статистической значимости выявлены признаки проблем с состоянием здоровья и общих адаптационных возможностей. Установлены достоверные значения, свидетельствующие о снижении общей самооценки респондентов, невысокой значимости деятельности и отсутствии направленности на профессиональное развитие в условиях нарушения адаптации. Полученные результаты позволяют разработать коррекционные занятия в рамках морально-психологической подготовки сотрудников полиции, направленные на профилактику профессиональных деформаций личности. Professional burnout of police officers is an integral set of negative experiences which are caused by objective conditions of professional activity. Burnout as a predictor of professional personality deformations is already required attention and monitoring at the first stages of the professional formation of the subject. Therefore, the prevention of professional burnout is an urgent task of moral and psychological training. The purpose of is to analyze and psychologically assess the indicators of professional burnout of police patrol officers during professional adaptation. The research involved 110 police patrol officers who served in the Internal Affairs Agencies from six months to one year. Research methods has been presented by psychodiagnostics tools: I. N. Gurvich's multidimensional scale of neuropsychiatric adaptation, V. A. Vinokur's test «Attitude to work and professional burnout» for specialists in «assisting» professions, as well as methods of mathematical statistics. The research revealed an average level of professional burnout and adaptation problems in 31 % of respondents. The research found that employees with a low level of adaptation experience states of emotional exhaustion and tension in the activity. Signs of health problems and general adaptive capacity were identified at the level of statistical significance. Reliable values indicating a decrease in the general self-esteem of the respondents, the low importance of activity and the lack of focus on professional development in conditions of impaired adaptation were established. The results allow us to develop corrective courses as part of the moral and psychological training of police officers, aimed at the prevention of professional deformations of personality.

Evgeny Ivanovich Troyan ◽  
Dmitry Valer'evich Morozov

The research object is the process of teaching police officers how to use physical force. The research subject is the case-study method used for teaching police officers how to use physical force. Physical training of police officers is aimed at the formation of readiness to legally use physical force for solving official tasks. However, at physical training lessons police officers study combat techniques, and much less attention is paid to teaching how to use these techniques during official service. One of the reasons for insufficient readiness of police officers is the lack of teachers’ attention to the case-study method of training and the possibility to use it at physical training lessons.  The research is based on scientific methods: analysis and generalization of scientific sources; situation simulation; pedagogical experimenting; testing. The authors formulate the following conclusions: 1. The main unified situations of the use of physical force by police officers are: “Identity checks”, “Stopping of public intoxication”, “Assault on a police officer”. 2. Analysis of the results of testing the complex of unified situations of the use of physical force by police officers has demonstrated the effectiveness of using the case-study method for teaching police officers how to use physical force. The effectiveness of applied techniques in the test group was on average 15,6% higher than that in the control group.  The described complex of unified situations can be used at physical training lessons for police officers. The scientific novelty of the research consists in the fact that it proves the effectiveness of the use of the case-study method for teaching police officers how to use physical force.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 69 (2) ◽  
pp. 36-42
L. M. Zakharenko ◽  
O. O. Maloholova ◽  
T. I. Yurchenko-Shekhovtsova

The author has studied the peculiarities of academic motivation of final-year cadets (n=323) of higher education institutions with specific educational conditions. It has been determined that the dominant motivation for their professional training is internal motivation. They make independent decisions about their professional activities and seek to continue their service within the National Police. Adequate and situational types of professional motivation are typical for cadets. Respondents are aiming for theoretical knowledge. The motives for the professional activities of final-year cadets do not affect their motivation to acquire theoretical knowledge, but they affect the acquisition of professional skills and abilities. The “romantic halo” of the profession remains in the perception of the profession by final-year cadets, but the material component also becomes important. The status of the profession in society and its material remuneration, as well as the curiosity of the chosen profession have significant influence on the motivation of future professional activities of fourth-year cadets. The motivating factor for internally motivated cadets is a sense of effectiveness, as well as status and state’s high salary for labor of law enforcement professionals. Externally positively motivated cadets in case of the decrease in the status of the profession, unrealized career ambitions or the reduction of the material rewards of law enforcement officers may begin to perform their duties formally or may leave the service. Externally negatively motivated cadets are not interested in performing professional duties. On the basis of the obtained data, the author has concluded on the importance of mentoring in the process of professional development of young specialists and the continuation of professional training in the system of postgraduate education and service training of police officers. The author has emphasized the importance of further motivation of final-year cadets within professional activity, in particular the introduction of a “motivational” package for police officers by the state.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8 ◽  
Ihor Bloshchynskyi ◽  
Grygoriy Griban ◽  
Ivan Okhrimenko ◽  
Vasyl Stasiuk ◽  
Dariya Suprun ◽  

The experience of combat operations conducting in the eastern part of Ukraine in 2014-2020 convincingly demonstrated the need to increase the requirements for professional training of servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Physical training is one of the main subjects of professional training and an important means of psychophysical readiness formation of servicemen of various military specialties for modern extreme professional and combat activities. The aim of the study is to examine the efficiency of the experimental academic program of the discipline of Physical Education, and Special Physical Training concerning the formation of psychophysical readiness of cadets of technical higher military educational institutions for future professional and combat activity. The study was conducted at S. P. Koroliov Zhytomyr Military Institute. 120 male cadets participated in the experiment. An experimental group (EG), which consisted of the cadets who were studying according to the experimental working academic program of the discipline (n=60), and a control group (CG), which included the cadets studying according to the current working academic program of the discipline (n=60) were formed. The criteria of the efficiency of the experimental program are determined to be the indicators of general and special physical fitness of cadets and the level of professionally important psychological qualities. Research methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature, pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. It was discovered that conducting classes according to the experimental program contributed to the improvement of the level of development of the cadets’ special physical qualities, mastering military-applied skills, the formation of professionally important psychological qualities. The most significant changes in EG cadets occurred in overcoming obstacle course, holding the angle on parallel bars, holding the body in a horizontal position, tests for determination of attention distribution and volume, mental performance – at the end of the experiment, and the indicators of EG cadets were significantly (p˂0.05-0.001) better than those of CG.It proves the necessity of correcting the academic program of Physical Education and Special Physical Training for senior cadets with the aim of their psychophysical readiness formation for future professional and combat activity.

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