2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (02) ◽  
pp. 191
Nining Tunggal Sri Sumarti ◽  
Winarsih .

ABSTRAKMenstruasi pada remaja putri merupakan topik yang menarik untuk diteliti. Hygiene menstruasi yang buruk hingga saat ini masih menjadi permasalahan di negara berkembang. Personal hygiene saat menstruasi merupakan salah satu cara untuk meminimalkan terjadinya penyakit. Panti asuhan putri Aisyiyah merupakan salah satu panti asuhan yang berada di wilayah Tuntang Kabupaten Semarang. Panti asuhan ini memiliki 60 santri dan pengurus panti sebanyak 3 orang. Santri masuk dalam kategori usia remaja yang semua mengalami mentruasi sehingga perlu diteliti bagaimana perilaku kebersihan genetalia saat mentruasi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui determinan perilaku remaja putri dalam kebersihan genetalia saat menstruasi pada masa pandemi covid-19. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif survei, Instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner, penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus 2021. Sumber data yang digunakan data primer. Analisis data menggunakan Kendall Tau. Hasil penelitian ada hubungan antara tingkat pengetahuan responden dengan perilaku kebersihan genetalia saat menstruasi. ada hubungan antara sikap responden dengan perilaku kebersihan genetalia saat menstruasi. ada hubungan antara sumber informasi dengan perilaku kebersihan genetalia saat menstruasi. Saran perlu adanya kelas parenting yang membahas tentang kebutuhan seputar remaja putri yang tidak hanya terbatas pada mentruasi saja sehingga semakin banyak sumber informasi seputar remaja menjadikan remaja lebih smart dalma mejalani masa remajanya.Kata Kunci : Determinan, Remaja Putri, Kebersihan Genetalia, Menstruasi.BEHAVIORAL DETERMINANTS OF ADOLESCENT WOMEN IN GENETAL CLEANLINESS DURING MENSTRUATION DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMICABSTRACTMenstruation in adolescent girls is an interesting topic to study. Poor menstrual hygiene is still a problem in developing countries. Personal hygiene during menstruation is one way to minimize the occurrence of disease. Aisyiyah women's orphanage is one of the orphanages located in the Tuntang area, Semarang Regency. This orphanage has 60 students and 3 administrators. Santri are included in the category of adolescent age who all experience menstruation, so it is necessary to investigate how the behavior of genital hygiene during menstruation is needed. The purpose of this study was to determine the behavioral determinants of adolescent girls in genital hygiene during menstruation during the COVID-19 pandemic. The method in this research is a descriptive survey. The data collection instrument uses a questionnaire, the research is carried out in August 2021. The data source used is primary data. Data analysis using Kendall Tau. The results of the study there is a relationship between the level of knowledge of respondents with genital hygiene behavior during menstruation. there is a relationship between the attitude of the respondents with the behavior of genital hygiene during menstruation. there is a relationship between the source of information with genital hygiene behavior during menstruation. Suggestions for the need for parenting classes that discuss the needs of young women are not only limited to menstruation, so that more sources of information about teenagers make teenagers smarter in their teenage years.Keyword : Determinants, Adolescent Girls, Genital Hygiene, Menstruation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 93
Siti Aisah ◽  
Ahmad Haykal Abdurahman Bubakar ◽  
Nenden Lilis Setiasih

Background: Leprosy is a chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium leprae (M. leprae) which mainly attacks the skin and peripheral nerves. Indonesia is the third country with the most leprosy sufferers with 17,202 cases. The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia reports that the cumulative number of leprosy cases in 2013 in Indonesia was 16,856 cases. Among them is multibacillary-type leprosy. Although Indonesia achieved national elimination of leprosy in June 2000, the number of leprosy sufferers in Indonesia is still quite high. The high number of multibacillary types shows epidemiological problems and serious clinical implications because patients with multibacillary-type leprosy are a source of leprosy transmission and have a higher risk of reaction and disability due to nerve damage. The spread of leprosy in Indonesia is caused by several factors, one of which is related to hygiene behavior related to skin hygiene, hand and nail hygiene, genital hygiene, clothing hygiene, towel hygiene, mattress and bed hygiene that do not meet health requirements.Methods: The objective of this study was to determine the correlation of personal hygiene and the level of transmission of leprosy in Central Jakarta. Primary data is quantitative data obtained directly from respondents through a questionnaire instrument. Presentation and analysis of data is performed through computer using the SPSS 22 for Windows program using statistical analysis. To find out the correlation between personal hygiene and the incidence of leprosy, Chi-Square analysis was used.Results: The analysis found that the p-value was 0.004< α=0.05 which means that H1 is accepted. It is concluded that there is a significant correlation between personal hygiene and the incidence of leprosy in the Central Jakarta area in 2017.Conclusions: The correlation is that someone who has leprosy has poor personal hygiene. Meanwhile, someone who has good personal hygiene does not suffer from leprosy.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 142
Teresina Ika Pertiwi

Abstract: Adolescence is an important period to develop their first decade of life. At this age, an adolescent girl begins to get their first menstrual period (menarche). After getting menstruation, adolescent girls need to know how to maintain their reproductive health. One effort that can be done to take care of the reproductive health has adopted the behavior of menstrual hygiene. This study aims to determine the level of knowledge of elementary school girls about reproductive health and menstrual hygiene behavior in the period of menarche. The population of this study was all students grades 5 and 6 at SDN 4 Pacarkembang Surabaya and already through menarche. This study has 30 samples and the method of data collection conducted by survey method using a questionnaire with closed questions. The variables are categorized into three categories: good knowledge level if the score range between 76-100%, the level of knowledge sufficient if the range between 56-75% and the level of knowledge is deficient when the score <56%. Variable action using the same category as the level of knowledge. The average age of menarche here is 11-12 years old. All of the respondents had got information about health reproduction and menstruation. Most respondents had heard that information from their mother. But the majority of respondents have “less” knowledge (53.33%) about health reproduction. For the practice of menstrual hygiene, respondents had the moderate level. Keyword: health reproduction, menstrual hygiene, adolescence, menarche  AbstrakMasa remaja menjadi waktu yang sangat penting untuk membangun perkembangan mereka dalam dekade pertama kehidupan. Pada usia ini, remaja putri mulai mendapatkan menstruasi pertamanya (menarche). Setelah mendapatkan haid, remaja putri perlu mengetahui cara menjaga kesehatan reproduksinya. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan untuk menjaga kesehatan reproduksi adalah dengan menerapkan praktik menstrual hygiene. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan remaja putri sekolah dasar mengenai kesehatan reproduksi dan praktik menstrual hygiene pada periode menarche. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh siswi kelas 5 dan 6 yang sudah melalui masa menarche di SDN 4 Pacarkembang Surabaya. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan adalah sejumlah 30 sampel. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif dan menggunakan total populasi sebagai responden. Cara pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode survei menggunakan instrumen kuesioner dengan pertanyaan tertutup. Variabel dikategorikan menjadi tiga kategori yaitu tingkat pengetahuan baik apabila skor 76-100%, tingkat pengetahuan cukup apabila skor 56-75%, dan tingkat pengetahuan kurang apabila skor <56%. Variabel tindakan menggunakan kategori serupa dengan tingkat pengetahuan. Hasil rata-rata usia menarche responden adalah usia 11 sampai dengan 12 tahun. Hampir seluruh responden sudah mendapatkan informasi terkait menstrual hygiene sebelum responden mengalami menarche dari orang tua perempuan responden. Namun sebagian besar responden memiliki tingkat pengetahuan yang kurang (53.33%) dan perilaku menstrual hygiene responden sudah cukup baik (60.0%).Keyword: kesehatan reproduksi, menstrual hygiene, remaja, menarche

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-6
Abu Ansar Rizwan

Introduction: Menstruation is the normal and regular process for every woman. It can affect both physical and mental status of the women. The main thing of menstrual period is personal hygiene maintenance. Improper management of personal hygiene maintains can causes infectious disease and causes severe gynecological problems. In Bangladesh, most of the adolescent girls cannot ask any question about their physiological changes to their mother or relative because of their shyness and social stigma. Good hygiene management during menstruation can increase personal confidence, while inadequate management can lead to mentally depression and also hamper in their daily activities. This study was aimed to assess the practice on personal hygiene maintenance during menstruation period among school girls in selected schools of Dhaka city, Bangladesh. Methods: A cross-sectional and descriptive type of study was carried out in three randomly selected schools in Dhaka city of Bangladesh with 384 systematic randomly selected adolescent girls. The data were collected from the respondents using semi-structured questionnaire by face-to-face interview, after taking verbal consent form the participants and written consent from their parents and school authority. Data entry and analysis were done by using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) statistical software version 20 for the analysis. The anonymity and confidentiality of the respondents were maintained strictly and study participants were informed that they can be able to leave the study at any stage of data collection. Findings: The finding reported that nearly 80% (79%) of the respondent use sanitary napkin and among the non-users, 95.2 percent (77) use piece of cloths. The majority (66%) of the respondents change napkin/other materials after 4 hours and 90% take genital care regularly. Almost all (99.5%) the respondents take bath regularly and 99.5 percent wash their hand with soap and water. About 98 percent used to wear clean dresses and 94.5 percent normally take healthy food. Using sanitary napkin was found to be associated with age, parent’s income whereas it was not associated with mother’s educational level. Conclusion: Awareness regarding the need for information about good menstrual practices is very important and should be given to enhance the good level of knowledge and practices. Mass media should also emphasize on health information about menstrual hygiene. Therefore, policy makers and stakeholders should take necessary initiatives to setup health education program to create awareness and practice of good menstrual hygiene among the adolescents. Keywords: Menstrual Hygiene; School Girls; Practice; Dhaka

Hema Priya S. ◽  
Partha Nandi ◽  
Seetharaman N. ◽  
Ramya M. R. ◽  
Nishanthini N. ◽  

Background: Adolescent population occupies 1/5th of world’s population and in India 20.9% of the population falls into this age group. Social prohibitions and traditional beliefs blocked the access to get the right kind of information to adolescent girls that led to poor hygiene practices. These practices results in harbouring of micro-organisms that increases susceptibility to genito-urinary infections. Hence this study was conducted to study the menstrual hygiene practices among adolescent girls and in rural Puducherry.Objectives: To study the menstrual hygiene practices among adolescent girls in rural Puducherry.Methodology: A community based descriptive cross sectional study was conducted in rural field practicing area of MGMCRI, Puducherry, from 15th of March 2013 to 31st April 2014 by using semi-structured questionnaire. 528 adolescent girls were included by complete enumeration.Results: Majority (89.2%) of the adolescent girls was using sanitary pads, fresh and reusable cloths were used by 6.6% and 4.2%, respectively.  65.3% girls changed their soaked absorbent 2-5 times in a day. Majority (60.8%) of the girls disposed their used absorbent by burying or burning. 67.9% girls were washing genitalia during micturition. 54.4% used soap and water for hand cleaning purpose and 1.4% used ash & mud etc.Conclusions: Even though sanitary pad users were high, unhygienic practices were noticed, so more emphasize is needed to be given on awareness of menstrual hygiene practices among adolescent girls.Key words: Adolescent girls, menstrual health and hygiene, sanitary pads, genito-urinary illness.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-122 ◽  
Sabanam Karki ◽  
Ajay Kumar Rajbhandari ◽  
Maginsh Dahal ◽  
Prakash Shahi ◽  
Sushama Sharma

Introductions: Hygiene related practices during menstruationare of considerable importance. This study assesses the existing level of knowledge on menstrual hygiene, and its compliance, among adolescent girls of selected slum areas in Kathmandu, Nepal. Methods: Descriptive cross sectional study design was applied and slums in Kathmandu district were selected conveniently as research site. Primary data were collected through interview by using structured questionnaire. The association between knowledge and practices were identified through chi square test. Results: There were282 respondents for study. Less than half 121 (42.9%) had adequate knowledge related to menstruation and its hygiene. Two-third 185(65.6%) of the participants used sanitary pads, 183 (98.9%), washed hands after pad change, 271 (96.1%) cleaned perineal area during menstruation, 227(80.5%) were aware about the myth and 61.9% followed social norms and restriction related with menstruation. Age of the participant, their education level and the income sources were found statistically significant with their level of knowledge on menstruation. Conclusions: More than half of adolescent girls of slums in Kathmandu district had inadequate knowledge regarding menstruation and two-third practiced menstrual hygiene.

2019 ◽  
Sri Wahyu Safitri Adkar

Butonese people have posuo tradition, a ritual or ceremony that marks a transition of girls who have entered puberty. In this tradition, young women are locked up for eight days. This study discusses the importance of personal hygiene of Buton tribal girls in supporting the posuo tradition in Baubau, Buton Island. This study is a qualitative study with rapid ethnographic approach. We used purposive sampling with a total of 14 informants. To help young women relate to personal hygiene in implementing the posuo tradition, the data were analyzed by thematic techniques and the validity of the data by triangulation approach. The results of this study are the posuo tradition, which is a ceremony held as a means to mark the transition period of adolescent girls to adulthood, and to prepare them mentally. Posuo is conducted eight days in a special room called suo. During their confinement in suo, the girls were kept away from the outside world, both from their families and the surrounding environment. These girls are only allowed to communicate with bhisa. This study which included seven adolescent girls showed how they acquiesce personal hygiene for the sake of traditional processions. The results of the study are expected to give the implication of the need for education from health workers about personal hygiene, with the specific targets of Buton tribal girls.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 86-101
Nona Mu'minun ◽  
Kurniawan Amin ◽  

ABSTARAK   Latar Belakang : Personal hygiene menstruasi merupakan suatu perilaku individu atau perorangan dalam menjaga kesehatan dan hygiene pada bagian organ genetalia pada wanita selama mengalami masa menstruasi. Tujuan Penelitian : untuk mengetahui hubungan  perilaku personal hygiene saat menstruasi dengan gejala pruritus vulvae pada remaja putri yang datang berobat pada puskesmas (PKM) Antang Kota Makassar. Metode : Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan desain cross sectional. Jumlah populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah sebanyak 124 responden dan  jumlah sampel sebanyak 70 responden, dengan tehnik pengambilan sampling menggunakan teknik purposive sampling, alat yang digunakan adalah kuisioner dalam bentuk google form. Hasil Penelitian : Didapatkan sebagian besar responden memiliki perilaku personal hygiene dalam kategori baik yaitu sebanyak 39 (55.7%) responden dan sebagian besar responden mengalami gejala pruritus vulvae dalam kategori  sedang yaitu sebanyak 35 (50.0%) responden. Berdasarkan hasil uji statistik Spearman Rho didapatkan nilai  Kesimpulan : Menunjukkan adanya hubungan yang signifikan antara perilaku personal hygiene saat menstruasi dengan gejala pruritus vulvae pada remaja putri di puskesmas antang kota makassar. Saran: Diharapkan peneliti selanjutnya dapat memperluas area penelitiannya dengan meneliti dampak yang kemungkinan dapat ditimbulkan akibat personal hygiene yang kurang baik. Kata Kunci                          : Perilaku, Personal hygiene, Menstruasi, Pruritus vulvae   Background: Personal hygiene menstruation is an individual behavior in maintaining health and hygiene in the organ during the genitalia in women experiencing menstrual period. Objective: to determine the relationship of the personal hygiene behavior during menstruation with the symptoms of pruritus vulvae in adolescent girls who came for treatment at PUSKESMAS (PHC) Antang, Makassar. Method: This research is descriptive analytic research with a cross sectional design. Total population in this study were 124 respondents and the total sample were 70 respondents, the sampling technique used purposive sampling technique, the tool used was a questionnaire in the form of Google form. Results : Obtained the majority of respondents had good category of personal hygiene behavior, as many as 39 (55.7%) of respondents and the majority of respondents experienced symptoms of pruritus vulvae in the medium category, as many as 35 (50.0%) of respondents. Conclusion : There is a significant relationship between personal hygiene behavior during menstruation with the symptoms of pruritus vulvae in adolescent girls in the Puskesmas (PHC) Antang, Makassar. Suggestion: It is expected that further research may expand the area of research by examining the impact that may be caused by poor personal hygiene. Keywords                             : Behavior, Personal hygiene, Menstruation, Pruritus vulvae

Venkatraman Chandra-Mouli ◽  
Sheila Vipul Patel

Abstract This review aims to answer the following questions: (1) how knowledgeable are adolescent girls in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) about menstruation and how prepared are they for reaching menarche, (2) who are their sources of information regarding menstruation, (3) how well do the adults around them respond to their information needs, (4) what negative health and social effects do adolescents experience as a result of menstruation, and (5) how do adolescents respond when they experience these negative effects and what practices do they develop as a result? Using a structured search strategy, articles that investigate young girls’ preparedness for menarche, knowledge of menstruation, and practices surrounding menstrual hygiene in LMIC were identified. A total of 81 studies published in peer-reviewed journals between the years 2000 and 2015 that describe the experiences of adolescent girls from 25 different countries were included. Adolescent girls in LMIC are often uninformed and unprepared for menarche. Information is primarily obtained from mothers and other female family members who are not necessarily well equipped to fill gaps in girls’ knowledge. Exclusion and shame lead to misconceptions and unhygienic practices during menstruation. Rather than seek medical consultation, girls tend to miss school, self-medicate, and refrain from social interaction. Also problematic is that relatives and teachers are often not prepared to respond to the needs of girls. LMIC must recognize that lack of preparation, knowledge, and poor practices surrounding menstruation are key impediments not only to girls’ education, but also to self-confidence and personal development. In addition to investment in private latrines with clean water for girls in both schools and communities, countries must consider how to improve the provision of knowledge and understanding and how to better respond to the needs of adolescent girls.


Background. Scabies is a skin disease caused by the parasite named Sarcoptes scabiei. Scabies commonly found in developing countries, including Indonesia. There is a high prevalence of scabies in children and adolescents. Scabies is an infectious disease influenced by either the presence or absence of risk factors for scabies in each individual. Scabies often occurs among people who live together. Objectives. This study intends to see whether there is an influence of personal hygiene behavior on the incidence rate of scabies. Method. This study is an observational analytic study with a cross-sectional design. Primary data were used in this study. The data were collected by doing history-taking, physical examination, as well as conducting ink tests on lesions on the patient's body to observes scabies, and interviews/questionnaires to observes personal hygiene behavior. The samples were chosen by a simple random sampling method. The data that has been collected will be analyzed using the fisher’s exact statistical test. Results. There are 91 respondents, including 39 men and 52 women with the age range of 12-15 years. Forty eight respondents (52,7%) are diagnosed scabies, 74 respondents (81,3%) have good personal hygiene, 17 of them (18,7%) have a bad personal hygieneConclusion. There is a significant correlation between personal hygiene and the incidence of scabies with p value of  0,001.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (12) ◽  
pp. 43-54
Muhammed Muazzam Hussain ◽  
Mphammad Ali Wakkas

The aim of the paper is to know the health care practices of adolescent girls living in the slum areas of Sylhet city, Bangladesh, understand their health and hygiene issues including treatment, pregnancy, menstruation, vaccination, housing, water and sanitation related challenges they face in their daily lives. The study was based on primary sources of data; however the secondary data e.g. official documents, books, journals, policy papers etc. were used to conduct the study. The study followed qualitative research approach and the case study method to generate sufficient primary data. The study reveals that adolescent girls of slum areas face some menstruation related physical health problems e.g. abdominal pain, irregularity in menstruation cycle, excessive bleeding etc. Sometimes the guardian and doctor do not give much importance on it. The study findings show that adolescent girls of slum areas face multiple health care challenges including low level of personal hygiene, carry on treatment cost, lack of appropriate water, housing and sanitation facilities, etc. The study also highlights that family poverty, behavior of doctors, high cost of medicine, illiteracy of guardian etc. are responsible factors for low uptake of health care services. Therefore, the study suggests for coordinated efforts from the government, local government and voluntary agencies to upgrade their service delivery system.

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