2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (01) ◽  
pp. 15
Ardiani Sulistiani

ABSTRAKLatar Belakang: Angka kesakitan dan gangguan gizi saat ini masih sangat tinggi penyebabnya antara lain karna kurangnya pengetahuan kader tentang detekdi dini tumbuh kembang balita sehingga timbul berbagai gangguan yang di alami oleh balita. Dari 20 balita yang di jumpai terdapat keluhan dari beberapa orang tua balita, antara lain : 1 balita usia 3 tahun mengalami gangguan bicara yang harusnya sudah bisa bicara jelas seperti anak lainnya , 1 balita umur 2 tahun jika disentuh atau di peluk tidak mau bahkan sama orang tuanya sendiri memandangpun tidak mau seperti asyik dengan dunianya sendiri. Ada 1 balita umur 2 tahun mengalami gangguan motorik yang harusnya sudah biasa jalan dan naik tangga tapi anak  belum bisa berjalan. Tujuan. Untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan kader dengan deteksi dini gangguan tumbuh kembang balita di Desa Musuk, Kecamatan Musuk, Kabupaten Boyolali. Metode Penelitian. Desain penelitian ini analitik korelasional dengan menggunakan pendekatan Cross Sectional yaitu suatu penelitian  dengan cara pendekatan observasi atau pengumpulan data. Subyek penelitian ini semua kader yang ada di Desa Musuk dengan jumlah sampel 31 responden. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan kuisioner. Analisa data menggunakan chi square. Hasil Penelitian. Dari hasil uji chi square antara pengetahuan kader dengan deteksi dini gannguan tumbuh kembang balita menunjukan tidak terhapat hubungan yang significan dimana nilai p_value 0,516< 0,05. Kesimpulan. Dari hasil penelitian dapat di simpulkan bahwa tidak ada hubungan antara pengetahuan kader dengan deteksi dini gangguan tumbuh kembang balita.karena gangguan tumbuh kembang balita dapat di pengaruhi oleh banyak hal terutama pengetahuan kader.Kata kunci: Pengetahuan kader, Deteksi dini gangguan tumbuh kembang balitaRELATIONSHIP KNOWLEDGE OF CADRES WITH EARLY DETECTION OF DISORDERS TODDLERS GROWTH IN MUSUK BOYOLALIABSTRACTBackground : Mortality rates and current nutritional disorders are still very high among other causes Because of the lack of cadre knowledge about early detection of toddlers growth so that the various disorders that occur by toddlers. Of the 20 infants found  there are complaints from some parents of children under five, among others: 1 toddler age 3 years experiencing speech disorders that should have been able to speak clearly like other children, , 1 toddler age 2 years if touched or in hugs by the parents show the rejection’s reactions like fun with his own world. There is a toddler aged 2 years experiencing motor disturbances that should have been a regular walk and go up the stairs but the child can not walk yet. Aim: To know the correlation of cadre knowledge with early detection of infant growth disorder in Musuk Village, Musuk Subdistrict, Boyolali District. Research Methods: The design of this research is correlational analytics using Cross Sectional approach that is a research by approach of observation or data collection. The subjects of this study were all cadres in the village of Musuk with a sample of 31 respondents. Methods of data collection using questionnaires. Data analysis using chi square. Research Result : From result of chi square test, between knowledge of cadre with early detection of infant growth disorder of toddler showed no significant relationship where p_value value 0,516 <0,05. Conclusion : From the research results can be concluded that there is no relationship between knowledge cadres with early detection of toddlers  growth disorders. Because growth disorders of infants can be influenced by many things, especially knowledge of cadres.Keywords: Knowledge of cadres, Early detection of infant's growth disorder

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 100-111
Vita Camelia ◽  

Stunting is a children growth problem that occurs a result of chronic malnutrition in the first 1000 days of life. The indicator of stunting is using the height measurement according to age HFA (Height for Age) under -2 SD based on the WHO growth standard curve according to sex. The impacts of stunting are the occurrence of growth disorders, barriers to development and the risk of metabolic disorders in adulthood. One of the risk factors for stunting is history of quality and quantity Antenatal Care (ANC). This study aimed to determine the relationship between quality and quantity history of ANC visits and stunting in toddlers aged 24-59 years in Pujon District Malang Regency. The method used in this research was observational analytic by using cross-sectional design. The population of this study was all mothers who have children aged 24-59 months that were conducted in January 2020. Ninety eight respondents taken by purposive sampling as the sample of the research. The data was obtained by filling out questionnaires and KIA books, then analyzed with chi-square test (α = 0.05). The results showed that there was a significant relationship in quality (p-value = 0.004) and quantity (p-value = 0.003) toward stunting.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 152
Nurmeyda Lentina ◽  
Risa Etika ◽  
Dwi Izzati Budiono

 AbstractBackground: The practice of breastfeeding in Indonesia is not 100% carried out. The data stated that in 2017 children aged <6 months who were exclusively breastfed were around 52%. This figure is considered low and below the national target (80%). One of the important key holders of successful breastfeeding is the mother's readiness to breastfeed. Mothers can prepare starting from knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding. In order to be able to carry out mature exclusive breastfeeding, preparation for lactation since pregnancy is an important factor. Considering that the mother's readiness is still low, it is important to conduct research on this readiness factor. This study aims to analyze the effect of mother's readiness on breastfeeding success. Methods: This research uses analytical observational with cross sectional approach. The sample used was 100 babies according to the specified criteria. The data collection technique was done by filling out online questionnaires. The data were then analyzed using the Chi Square test. Results:  This study shows the effect of mothers readiness with breastfeeding success which obtained a p value of 0.045. the results of the chi square test showed that mother’s readiness = 0.045 (α < 0,05), mother’s knowledge = 0.005 (α < 0,05) and lactation preparation = 0.19 (α < 0,05). Conclusion: These data indicate that there is an influence of mother's readiness on breastfeeding success. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Asmarani Asmarani ◽  
I Putu Sudayasa ◽  
Ade Ratna Dewi

ABSTRACT Background: Fulfillment of food is a human need to maintain its life and carry out daily activities, the law Number 12 of 1995 Article 14 mandates that prisoners are entitled to health services and adequate food. Research Purpose: This study aims to determine the effect of diet on nutritional status of prisoners in prison Class II A Baubau. Research Method: The study was conducted in February of 2018 at the Class II A Baubau Prison Center on 132 prisoners. The research method used was observational analytics with cross sectional approach by measuring body weight and height also interview using questionnaire. The data of the research were analyzed using chi square test. Research Result: The results showed that 23.5% of respondents were nutritional status of thin, 65.9% normal nutritional status and 10.6% of respondents had more nutritional status. Prisoner diet was found that 82.6% of respondents get food according to the prison regulations and 17.4% of respondents get food not in accordance with prisons. Chi square test showed that there is influence of diet to nutritional status of prisoner shown with value P = 0.000. Conclusion: The conclusion of this research, that there was a dietary influence on the nutritional status of prisoners of Class II A Baubau. It was expected that the government and the prisons can pay attention to the intake of nutrients received by prisoners to achieve optimal prison health and coaching processes.Keywords: Prison, Inmates, Dietary Habit, Nutritional Status

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1238-1245
Suzana Indragiri ◽  
Liha Salihah

Salah satu upaya pencegahan kecelakaan tenaga kerja adalah dengan mengharuskan memakai Alat Pelindung Diri (APD) yang memenuhi syarat, yaitu nyaman dalam penggunaan, tidak menghalangi dalam proses bekerja, dan memberikan perlindungan efektif terhadap jenis-jenis bahaya. Dalam meningkatkan kepatuhan  penggunaan APD pada pekerja juga diperlukan adanya faktor pengawasan yang berfungsi sebagai pengendalian pelaksanaan setiap kegiatan yang  merupakan usaha pencapaian tujuan yang telah ditentukan. Pengawasan ini pada dasarnya adalah pengawasan terhadap proses dan hasil serta orang yang melakukan pekerjaan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Hubungan pengawasan dan kelengkapan dengan tingkat kepatuhan penggunaan alat pelindung diri (APD) pada pekerja produksi area bagging off  di PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk. Unit Cirebon tahun 2018. Rancangan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain cross sectional. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh Pekerja produksi area bagging off  PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk. Unit Cirebon yang berjumlah 55 orang pada bulan Mei 2018. Jumlah sampel menggunakan total sampling karena jika jumlah populasi kurang dari 100 maka seluruh populasi dijadikan sampel penelitian. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan data primer berupa observasi dan wawancara dan instrumen pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner. Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan Uji Chi Square pada tingkat kemaknaan 5% (0,05). Hasil uji statistik didapatkan bahwa ada hubungan antara pengawasan dengan kepatuhan penggunaan APD diperoleh p value sebesar 0,049. Dan ada hubungan antara kelengkapan APD terhadap kepatuhan penggunaan APD diperoleh p value sebesar 0,001.Kata kunci : ABSTRACTOne effort to prevent workplace accidents is to require that you wear Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that meets the requirements, which is comfortable in use, does not hinder the work process, and provides effective protection against types of hazards. In increasing the compliance of PPE usage to workers, it is also necessary to have a supervisory factor that functions as a control for the implementation of each activity which is an effort to achieve the stated goals. This supervision is basically the supervision of the process and results and the people who do the work. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of supervision and completeness with the level of compliance with the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) on workers producing bagging off areas at PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk. Cirebon Unit in 2018.The design in this study is a quantitative approach with cross sectional design. The study population was all workers producing bagging off areas of PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Tbk. The Cirebon unit which numbered 55 people in May 2018. The number of samples uses total sampling because if the population is less than 100 then the entire population is used as a sample. Data collection method uses primary data in the form of observation and interviews and data collection instruments using questionnaires. Data were analyzed using Chi Square Test at a significance level of 5% (0.05).Statistical test results showed that there was a relationship between supervision with compliance with PPE obtained p value of 0.049. And there is a relationship between the completeness of PPE to the APD usage compliance obtained p value of 0,001.

2019 ◽  
A Fahira Nur ◽  
Adhar Arifuddin ◽  
Vidyanto Untad ◽  
Fendi Pradana ◽  
Irmawati B ◽  

The development of fetus is very influenced by place volume. A bad condition of placenta volume and after all happen to anemia mothers increase birth complication risk and the fetus development. The average visit of pregnant women at one of the Central Sulawesi Provincial Government Hospitals in Indonesia is 65,821 per year and with anemic incidence of 6,272 mothers. This research aims to find out the factor related to placenta weight on anemia mothers in government hospital Anutapura of Palu city. This was an observational analytic research with cross sectional approach. Sample number was 168 pregnant mothers selected using purposive sampling. The research result reveals that Chi Square Test with CI 95%, that there is a relationship among frequency ANC (ρ=0.028), obedience to take tablet Fe medicine (ρ=0.001), mother’s age (ρ=0.004), and Paritas (ρ=0.030) with placenta weight on anemia mothers in government hospital Anutapura of Palu city. It needs to have attention from pregnant mother to visit ANC routinely, consume tablet Fe during pregnancy mainly for anemia mothers to avoid light placenta weight, and also to plan a pregnancy in a productive age and arrange pregnancy distance to prevent risk birth.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-81
Putri Ayu Yessy Ariecha ◽  
Luhur Monalisa ◽  
Peny Ariani ◽  
Tetty Junita Purba ◽  
Nur Mala Sari

Tea consumption have been mother tea eliminate and vomiting that occurs during pregnancy. Research purpose to find out The Influence Of The Habit Of Drinking Tea After Eating On The Incidence Of Anemia In Pregant Women In Puskesmas Tebing Syahbandar year 2020. The research design wan an analytical research with cross sectional approach, the sample is 32 respondents which used total sampling. The independen variable the habit of drinking tea after eating and dependent variable was the incidence of anemia. The research instruments were questionnaire.  Data were analyzed by Chi-Square test with α < 0,05. The research result showed thst most of the 32 respondents (62,5%) tea drinking habits and the rest (40,6%) had mild anemia. Chi-Square test result showed that with the significance value of α = 0,05, it was obtained that the value of p = 0,003which means p <  α so H0 was rejected, it means that there was The Influence Of The Habit Of Drinking Tea After Eating On The Incidence Of Anemia In Pregant Women In Puskesmas Tebing Syahbandar year 2020.  The more frequent consumption of tea, the higher the rate of anemia in pregnant women. It is expected to the nurses to improve the counseling further to them about the importance of good and appropriate nutrition obtained from food or beverages consumed by them.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-47
Saiful Batubara

Tutorial as the necessary main section for medical study process with KBK. The effective tutorial will bring the student to a certain learning condition with high order thinking in a condusive academic climate. To reach the effectiveness of tutorial, some supporting factors is needed such as, trustworthy between the member of the group, scenario or trigger, student participation and interaction, facilities available, also the tutor role. On PBL the tutor role as the facilitator is to ensure the group discussion’s proceed effectively, progressively as well as structurally. Commonly every tutor has it own leadership while proceeding discussion progress that will take effect to student effectiveness on giving opinion. This research is to show the relevance between tutor leadership and tutorial effectivity on student of medical faculty UNIBA academic year 2016. The method for this research is by using observational analytic with cross sectional approach on University Batam Medical Faculy with total sample 184 students and the sampling technique is by simple random sampling. The data analysis is by using Chi-square test. Based on Universitas Batam Medical Faculty student perception, that democratic leadership have a tutorial effectivity by 162 student (88%), authoritarian leadership have a tutorial effectivity by 8 student (4,3%) and freedom leadership have a tutorial effectivity by 11 student (6%). Statistic chi-square test result, show p-value by 0,001 (p < 0,05). Based on the research result, it concluded that there is a relevance between tutor leadership and tutorial effectivity based on Universitas Batam Medical Faculty student perception’s

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 44
Rizki Amalia ◽  
Lailatul Khusnul Rizki

Air susu ibu (ASI) merupakan makanan bayi yang terbaik. ASI tidak dapat digantikan oleh makanan atau minuman apapun walaupun ibu dalam keadaan bekerja di luar rumah, faktor faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan pemberian ASI eksklusif pada ibu bekerja adalah sikap ibu bekerja, dukungan sarana, atasan dan suami. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan sikap, dukungan sarana, atasan dan suami terhadap keberhasilan ibu menyusui pada ibu bekerja. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu deskriptif analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dan sampel penelitian adalah ibu menyusui yang bekerja, menggunakan total sampling. Pengumpulan data dilakukan secara langsung menggunakan kuesioner tertutup dan dianalisis menggunakan uji Chi square dengan taraf kesalahan 0,05. Hasil penelitian didapatkan sikap ibu bekerja, dukungan sarana, atasan dan suami berpengaruh terhadap keberhasilan pemberian asi eksklusif oleh ibu bekerja (p<0,05). Kesimpulan penelitian ini menunjukkan hubungan yang signifikan antara keberhasilan pemberian asi eksklusif dengan sikap ibu, dukungan sarana, atasan dan suami.   Breast Milk is the best baby food. Breast milk can not be replaced by any other food or drink even if the mother is working outside the home. The factors that influence the success of exclusive breastfeeding in working mother are the attitude of mother, the support of the facilities, supervisor and husband. The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship of attitude, support facilities, supervisor and husband to the success of exclusive breastfeeding of working mother. The analytical descriptive with cross sectional approach was used in this study. The population and sample of the study were working mothers, with total sampling. Data collection was done directly through closed questionnaire and analyzed by Chi square test with error level 0,05. The result of this study was the attitude of working mother, support of facilities, supervisor and husband influence the succesfull of exclusive breastfeeding of working mother (p <0,05). The conclusion of the study was exclusive breastfeeding correlated to mother's attitude, support facilities, supervisor and husband significantly.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 255-261
Festy Ladyani Mustofa ◽  
Femina Susanti ◽  

Chronic tonsillitis is a recurring infection that most often occurs in the throat, especially in children and adolescents. Tonsillectomy is one type of Ear Nose Throat (ENT) surgery that is most often performed on children, adolescents and adults. Tonsillectomy is also a procedure that can be done if there is a chronic infection or a recurring infection. Factors that can affect tonsillectomy are age, major complaints and size of the tonsils. This study was conducted to determine the relationship of tonsillectomy with age, major complaints and the size of tonsils in chronic tonsillitis patients in RSPBA of Lampung city in 2018-2019. This study uses cross-sectional, quantitative, analytic methods with secondary tonsillitis data collection. Sampling uses a total sampling technique. Data collection was done by recording data in the form of major complaints, age and size of the tonsils and analyzed using the chi-square test. The results showed that 109 tonsillitis patients showed that the majority of tonsillitis patients were group: age ≤ 18 years as many as 73 people, tonsillectomy was 66 people (90.4%), main complaints >1 were 90 people, tonsillectomy was 83 people (83 people) 92.2%) and T3-T4 tonsil size of 70 people, with tonsillectomy of 65 people (92.2%). The results also showed that there was a relationship between tonsillectomy between age (p = 0.01, OR = 3.626), main complaints (p = 0.00, OR = 13.175), tonsil size (p = 0.00, OR = 5.778) in chronic tonsilits patients at RSPBA Bandar Lampung in 2018-2019. This study concluded that there was a significant relationship between tonsillectomy with age, major complaints and the size of tonsils in chronic tonsillitis patients in Bandar Lampung RSPBA 2018-2019 with a p-value <0.05.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 732
Eka Nofia Ningrum ◽  
Etlida Wati

<p><em>Community Health Center (Puskesmas) must be periodically accredited at least once in three years. Accreditation status of Community Health Center (Puskesmas) can be affected by the availability and the completeness of health supply, facilities and infrastructure that support the health service itself. </em><em>The purpose of this research </em><em>to find out the correlation between the accreditation status of Community Health Center and the satisfaction of patients visiting Community Health Center in Banyumas Regency.</em></p><p><em>The research method used</em><em> this was a quantitative research that used analytical survey design with cross sectional method. </em><em>implemented at </em><em>4 Community Health Centers with different accreditation The cluster sampling technique used purposive sampling while the data were collected using questionnaire, and analyzed using Chi square test. </em><em>Research result</em><em> There were 61 respondents at the age of 17-25, 135 respondents were female, 116 respondents were SMA/SMK/MAN graduates, and 99 respondents were self employed. The result of chi-square test was p-value0.023 ( 0.05).<strong> </strong>Conclusion<strong> </strong>there was correlation between the accreditation status of Community Health Center and the satisfaction of patients visiting Community Health Center in Banyumas Regency.</em></p>

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