scholarly journals Strategi Manajemen Distribusi Islam Dalam Mengatasi Krisis Ekonomi Akibat Pandemi Covid-19

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 242-251
Nurul Fadhilah

Abstract - Besides having an impact on health, Covid-19 also has an impact on the Indonesian economy. This happened because restrictions on human movement directly resulted in the impact of the economic crisis. Islamic economic theory can be used as a strategy in recovering the economic crisis. This study aims to formulate Islamic economic theories and models in overcoming economic crises.. This research method is desctiptive with  literature study analysis. The results of this study are that the islamic distribution system has the principle of equitable distribution of wealth. The islamic distribution system is divided into two, namely a commercial distribution system and a distribution system that is based on social aspect. Commercial distribution can be in the form of a cooperation contract with a non-usury contract, while the distribution in the social aspect is in the form of zakat, infaq, shadaqah, waqf, and inheritance.

Chun-Tsung Chen

This article intended to explore technological frames held by organisational group members that implicitly served to shape their interpretations of events to give meaning and deliver actions in knowledge management procedures. The research used the existing technological frame (Orlikowski & Gash, 1994) concept to interpret the social aspect of the problems associated with the introduction and utilisation of information technology in conducting knowledge management systems. This research was carried out in the context of four different industries in Taiwan and four cases based on each industry were chosen.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-47
Nurwati Nurwati ◽  
Heni Hendrawati

The purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of zakat utilization on the effort of poverty alleviation. This study was conducted through a literature study approach. The results indicate that the utilization of zakat is increasingly visible in its contribution to support the government's efforts to poverty alleviation. The zakat was focused on the poor and allocated to the social humanitarian and education sectors. The implication of this finding is that the optimization of the potential of zakat will be able to bring economic prosperity to the people which is certainly encouraged by the participation of all elements of the nation

Ida Rahayu

The development of the Dragon Boat Race tourism event was adopted from the religious activities of the Chinese commu- nity in Tanjungpinang City will indirectly generate an impact as a consequence of its implementation. This study aims to de- termine the impacts generated by the Dragon Boat Race Event on environmental, socio-cultural and economic aspects. This research used qualitative method and data obtained through observations, interviews and literature study. Data analysis used is descriptive-qualitative with qualitative descriptive exposure. Informants in this study are 16 people whom were selected purposively. The results show that the impact of the event of Dragon Boat Race tourism in general has some posi- tive snd negative impacts. Positive impacts on the environ- ment is the opening of the land; on the social and cultural is the creation of social interaction and international relations; and positive impact on the economy is increasing income and providing employment opportunities. Negative impacts on the environment is traffic density and noise created around the Carang River area; on the social and cultural is social dis- parities between local communities, government and private parties. This gap occurs because of differences in social status between them; on the economy is uneven benefits and profits for local communities since not many people aware of the im- portance of their participation in Dragon Boat Race.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 109
Putri Erika Ramadhani ◽  
Hetty Krisnani

Perceraian tidak hanya berdampak bagi yang bersangkutan (suami-isteri), namun juga melibatkan anak khususnya yang memasuki usia remaja, perceraian merupakan beban tersendiri bagi anak sehingga berdampak pada psikis. Reaksi anak terhadap perceraian orangtuanya, sangat dipengaruhi oleh cara orang tua berperilaku sebelum, selama dan sesudah perceraian. Metode dalam penulisan artikel ini menggunakan studi literatur. Studi literatur yaitu data sekunder yang dilakukan dengan diawali mencari kajian kepustakaan dari berbagai literatur seperti buku, jurnal ilmiah,  artikel, ataupun hasil penelitian sejenis yang telah dipublikasikan mengenai dampak perceraian orang tua terhadap anak remaja. Hingga saat ini dampak perceraian orang tua memang dapat memberikan dampak buruk bagi anak, baik fisik maupun psikologis anak. Sehingga perceraian memang perlu dipertimbangkan matang-matang, dan orang tua harus bisa memberikan pengertian yang baik kepada anak sehingga dapat mengurangi dan mengatasi dampak buruk pada anak pada saat perceraian terjadi. Tetapi fungsi keluarga untuk memberikan pengertian dan perhatian pada anak/remaja ternyata tidak berfungsi dalam kaitannya dengan kasus perceraian. Untuk mengatasi perlakuan salah tersebut, maka dalam praktik pekerjaan sosial, seorang pekerja sosial harus berupaya mewujudkan ketercapaian akan kesejahteraan bagi anak. Pekerja sosial dapat melakukan proses pertolongan sesuai dengan tahapan pertolongan pekerjaan sosial, pekerja sosial memberikan layanan konseling, serta  pekerja sosial memberikan layanan konseling keluarga.  Divorce is not only an impact to the concerned, but also involves children, especially those entering adolescence, divorce is an individual burden to the child so that it affects the psychic. The child's reaction to the divorce of its parents, is heavily influenced by the way parents behave before, during and after divorce. The method in writing this article uses literature studies. The study of literature is secondary data conducted by beginning to seek literature study from various literatures such as books, scientific journals, articles, or similar research results that have been published regarding the impact of divorce of parents To teenage children. Until now, the impact of parents ' divorce can adversely affect children, both physical and psychological. So the divorce does need to be considered mature, and parents should be able to give a good understanding to the child so as to reduce and overcome the adverse effects on the child at the time of divorce occurs. But the family function to provide understanding and attention in children/adolescents is not functioning in relation to divorce cases. To overcome such mistreatment, in the practice of social work, a social worker must strive to realize the welfare of the children. Social workers can do the relief process in accordance with the social job relief phases, social workers provide counseling services, as well as social workers to provide family counseling services.

Adrien Lecossier ◽  
Marc Pallot ◽  
Pascal Crubleau ◽  
Simon Richir

AbstractThe ability to successfully conduct radical innovations is mandatory for mature industrial companies that want to remain competitive in the global market. This ability relies on several ingredients, namely: (1) the structuring of the innovation process; (2) managerial principles; (3) methodological tools; (4) the presence of a culture of innovation. This paper reports about the impact of applying the User eXperience-Fuzzy Front End (UX-FFE) model, which brings together the systemic innovation process with the social, economical, and methodological aspects on the outcomes of the innovation process. Firstly, it appears that the operational performance of the upstream innovation process relies on the quality of the social context, intrinsic to the group of co-creators, corresponding to the reported perceived experience. Secondly, the UX-FFE model application, therefore, allows optimizing the upstream innovation process performance. Indeed, we argue that the evaluation of the co-creators perceived experience brings new opportunities to optimize the operational performance of the upstream innovation process. The first part of this paper presents deeper a theoretical model, named UX-FFE, which combines a UX approach with an upstream innovation process (FFE). The main interest of this UX-FFE model is that it allows evaluating the social aspect of the upstream innovation process, which may be detrimental to the success of radical innovation projects in mature companies. The second part presents the results of previous experiments that validated the model. The results allow the design of an instrument dedicated to the evaluation of the user experience of co-creators in the ideation stage. Finally, the third part reports about the experimentation of the UX-FFE in a mature company. Results present the impact of the co-creators' experience on the performance of radical innovation projects.

2015 ◽  
Vol 170 ◽  
pp. 567-574
Thuraiya Mohd ◽  
Noraini Johari ◽  
Rohaya Abdul Ghani ◽  
Nor Azalina Yusnita A. Rahman

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 156
Telsy Fratama Dewi Samad

Distribution is one of the economic topics that is necessary to be discussed, mainly the distribution of wealth because it concerns the effort to achieve prosperity for all levels of society in a country through equitable distribution of wealth. In this article, we will discuss the concept of wealth distribution both from conventional perspective, which is based on capitalist ideology and from the perspective of Islamic economics. As the public understanding about capitalism, it is one of the economic comprehension carried by the Father of Economics "Adam Smith" which emphasizes the individual freedom in managing assets without government intervention. Capitalism has led to injustice and income inequality in the community, causing conflict and creating permanent poverty for the citizens of society. Islam refers the process of distribution of wealth following Islamic principles. Islam prevents the accumulation of wealth in certain small groups and promotes the distribution of wealth to all levels of society. This research is descriptive qualitative based on the study of literature such as books and other literature that are relevant to the problems considered by the author. The purpose of this study is to understand the concept of wealth distribution based on Islamic economic and capitalist economic perspectives. The result of this article concluded that the capitalist wealth distribution system should be replaced by the Islamic economic system that emphasizes the value of freedom as well as the behaviour of human based on religious teachings and the value of justice in ownership.

2020 ◽  
Vol 31 (4) ◽  
pp. 43-56
Nyaradzo Dhliwayo ◽  
Nelson Chanza ◽  
Anton De Wit

There is now considerable interest to understand how local communities experiencing climatic risks can benefit from climate change responses. As this agenda unfolds, there is need to understand the impact of climate-related interventions from the perspective of local populations targeted by such projects. Existing assessment approaches tend to concentrate on the environmental and economic impacts of projects that minimise greenhouse gas emissions. This study assesses the social aspect of a domestic biogas project that was intended to address the twin challenges of poverty and climate change in Sogwala village, Zimbabwe. A three-tier methodological execution process was adopted, involving field reconnaissance, household survey and key informant interviews. The focus was on measuring the social dimension of the changes brought about by the project, from the experiences of participating households. With a consciousness of assessment challenges associated with community projects, social capital parameters were used to assess the project’s contribution to the social well-being of the villagers. Overall, results show that the biogas project has the potential to facilitate social development through improved trust and social networks. Despite the contested climatic benefits associated with small-scale household biogas digesters, projects of this nature can enhance community relationships and networks, upon which other development interventions can be operationalised.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 22-33
Basrowi Basrowi

The purpose of this study is to test hypotheses about how the impact of financial technology (Fintech) and Islamic economic education in improving social welfare. Correlational quantitative research was chosen to reveal the social impact of the two variables. The research population is all people in Lampung Province, Indonesia who are educated in Islamic economics, who at the time of the study were at least sitting in the fifth semester undergraduate program. The sample is 308 people or 10% of the population of 3080 people. Data were collected using a questioner that was shared using Google Form. Data analysis was performed using a structural equation model (SEM) approach with the Lisrel 8.80 program. The results showed that, the social impact of utilizing financial technology and Islamic economic education includes two aspects, namely positive and negative impacts which are all related to people's economic behavior, economic learning, and psychological and spiritual health. Positive impacts dominate more than negative impacts.

ijd-demos ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Sutianti Sutianti

Conflict is one of the social phenomena that continues to exist in human life. Conflict usually comes from several aspects such as social change, differences in authority (authority), differences in interests and cultural differences. Because Indonesia is a very diverse country of pluralism it is a variety of ethnic and ethnic diversity. Such diversity and diversity can lead to ethnic conflict. Simply put, this article will analyze the causes of conflict between ethnic Dayak and Madura in West Kalimantan, especially in Samalantan sub-district, how the impact will be caused by the conflict between Dayak ethnic with Madura in Samalantan, and also the attitude or action of the government to the conflict. In writing this scientific paper the author uses the method of literature study that comes from books or various articles that according to the author can support this writing. And based on the author’s analysis of the conflict between Dayak ethnic with Madura in Samalantan. Apparently the conflict in Samalantan has happened more than ten times, can not be added with certainty. The background of the conflict occurred because of the lack of government role in providing information to the Madura who will migrate to the island of Borneo about the customs, culture, and things that are not liked by the Dayaks when incoming by ethnic immigrants. The government's action to resolve the conflict is to facilitate the meeting between the two Dayak ethnic groups with Madura. But the impact of the conflict is certainly there are positive and negative, the positive Madurese become independent, and the Dayak negatively arise casualties. Konflik merupakan salah satu fenomena sosial yang terus ada dalam kehidupan manusia. Konflik biasanya bersumber dari beberapa aspek seperti adanya perubahan sosial, perbedaan kewenangan (otoritas),perbedaan kepentingan dan perbedaan kultural. Karena indonesia merupakan sebuah negara yang sangat majemuk dari kemajemukan itu adalah adanya berbagai keragaman etnis dan suku bangsa. Dari keberagaman dan perbedaan tersebut dapat menimbulkan terjadinya konflik etnis. Secara sederhana, tulisan ini akan menganalisa penyebab terjadinya konflik antara etnis dayak dan madura di kalimantan barat khususnya di kecamatan samalantan, bagaimana dampak yang akan ditimbulkan dari konflik antar etnis Dayak dengan Madura di Samalantan, serta bagaimana sikap ataupun tindakan pemerintah terhadap konflik tersebut. Dalam penulisan karya ilmiah ini penulis menggunakan metode studi pustaka yang bersumber dari buku-buku atau berbagai artikel yang menurut penulis dapat mendukung penulisan ini. Dan berdasarkan hasil analisa penulis terhadap konflik antar etnis Dayak dengan Madura di Samalantan. Ternyata konflik di Samalantan sudah terjadi lebih dari sepuluh kali, tidak bisa dijumlahkan dengan pasti. Adapun latar belakang dari konflik tersebut terjadi karena kurang adanya peran pemerintah dalam memberi informasi terhadap orang Madura yang akan bertransmigrasi ke pulau Kalimantan mengenai adat istiadat, budaya, serta hal-hal yang tidak disukai oleh orang-orang Dayak ketika di datangi oleh etnis pendatang. Tindakan pemerintah dalam mengatasi konflik adalah dengan memfasilitasi pertemuan antara kedua etnis Dayak dengan Madura. Tetapi dampak yang di timbulkan dari konflik itu tentu ada yang positif dan negatif, positifnya orang Madura menjadi mandiri, serta orang Dayak negatifnya timbul korban jiwa

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