scholarly journals Gaya Bahasa Bidang Kesehatan dalam Iklan Layanan Masyarakat di Radio Kota Surakarta (Language Style of Health Field in Community Service Advertising on The Radio of Surakarta City)

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 192-207
Diah Arum Hapsari ◽  
Elen Inderasari

Gaya bahasa merupakan salah satu kajian menarik pada linguistik deskriptif. Penulisan ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penggunaan gaya bahasa iklan layanan masyarakat di radio Kota Surakarta berpedoman pada pandangan gaya bahasa Gorys Keraf. Penulisan ini merupakan penulisan berjenis deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data primer penulisan ini yaitu rekaman audio dan transkrip dari audio iklan layanan masyarakat di RRI Pro-2 FM, Solo Radio, dan PTPN Radio. Data yang digunakan berupa frasa, kalimat, dan ungkapan yang terdapat dalam iklan layanan masyarakat tersebut. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penulisan ini meliputi teknik rekam, simak, catat, dan wawancara. Teknik analisis data menggunakan pendekatan stilistika dan analisis interaktif yang dicetuskan Milles Huberman. Hasil penulisan ini menunjukkan empat gaya bahasa bidang kesehatan pada iklan layanan masyarakat di radio Kota Surakarta, antara lain (1) gaya bahasa berdasarkan pilihan kata, (2) gaya bahasa berdasarkan nada, (3) gaya bahasa berdasarkan struktur kalimat, dan (4) gaya bahasa berdasarkan langsung tidaknya makna. Language style is one of the interesting studies in descriptive linguistics. This study aims to describe the use of public service advertising language style on radio in Surakarta City based on Gorys Keraf's stylistic view. This research is qualitative descriptive research. The primary data sources for this study were audio recordings and transcripts of community service advertising at RRI Pro-2 FM, Solo Radio, and PTPN Radio. The data used are in the form of phrases, sentences, and expressions contained in the community service advertising. Data collection techniques in this study include recording, listening, note-taking, and interviewing techniques. The data analysis technique used a stylistic approach and interactive analysis that was initiated by Milles Huberman. The results of this study indicate four styles of language in the health sector in community service advertising on radio in Surakarta, such as (1) language style based on word choice, (2) language style based on tone, (3) language style based on sentence structure, and (4) language style based on direct and indirect meaning.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 249
Sitti Hardiyanti Arhas ◽  
Suprianto Suprianto

Management is a tool to achieve the desired goals, with good management it will facilitate the realization of the goals of a company or organization. The effective and efficient use of elements in management owned by a business will be able to bring advantages to businesses and consumers. The management elements consist of Material, Method, Man, Machine, Money, and Market, known as 6M. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of 6M at Artebo MSMEs. The research method used is a type of qualitative research, namely research in the form of words, sentences, schemes, and descriptions. The data sources consist of primary data and secondary data obtained from observations and interviews. Primary data comes from information, statements, and information from informants. Secondary data comes from documentation review. The main instrument in this study is the researcher himself with the aid of a mobile recorder; observation sheet; and interview sheets. The data collection techniques used were observation, interview, and documentation. The collected data is checked by triangulation, namely checking the validity of the data using something other than the data concerned for checking purposes or as a comparison. The data analysis technique used an interactive analysis model. The stages in data analysis taken in this study include data reduction; presentation of data; validation test; and verification. As for the results of the study, namely MSME Artebo has implemented the elements of 6M management effectively, this is adjusted to the conditions of the micro-business being run. The man that is owned is one person, namely the owner. Money used in production activities can be explored because the material is easy to use and affordable. The materials used mostly comes from nature, namely wood. The machine used is a simple machine because of the limited resources that can be utilized. The method used is a traditional method. And the market that is used to sell products is done in a Word of Mouth manner.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 270-282
Ichsan Widi Utomo ◽  
Christopher Yudha Erlangga

This study seeks to implement appropriate production management in the production of "Kita Indonesia" public service advertising produced by the broadcasting study program of the University of Bina Sarana Informatika communicating with the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia. In this production special production theories are applied that are in accordance with the concept of production of public service advertising. This production is different from the production of television programs related to no drama but does not cover estimation Production material can be used in the production of community service advertisements "Kita Indonesia", although not in the television program category. Keywords: Production Management, Productions Materials, Public Service Ads

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
I Made Suwitra ◽  
Nyoman Suarjana

ABSTRAK<br />Iklan layanan kesehatan masyarakat (ILKM) cenderung bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi,<br />mengingatkan, menambah nilai, memengaruhi, dan bahkan mengubah sikap masyarakat untuk hidup sehat.<br />Namun tidak banyak iklan layanan kesehatan masyarakat bersifat persuasif sehingga tidak cukup<br />berkontribusi maksimal dalam mengajak masyarakat untuk hidup sehat. Oleh karena itu di dalam penelitian<br />ini, iklan layanan kesehatan masyarakat yang cukup sering ditayangkan di media televisi menarik untuk<br />diteliti karena memiliki karakteristik berbeda. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui bagaimana<br />gaya bahasa, makna, dan ideologi iklan layanan kesehatan masyarakat (ILKM). Hasil penelitian ini<br />menunjukan bahwa; Gaya bahasa Iklan Layanan Kesehatan Masyarakat (ILKM), secara diksi atau pilihan<br />kata yang digunakan cenderung bersifat tak resmi, bentuknya umum, singkat dan dapat dipahami oleh<br />masyarakat terpelajar biasa. Dilihat dari sudut nada yang terkandung, narasi teks memiliki gaya bahasa<br />sederhana, biasanya cocok untuk memberi instruksi, perintah, pelajaran, perkuliahan, dan sejenisnya; seperti<br />ujaran yang disampaikan singkat, padat dan jelas, dan bernada himbauan. Dari sisi makna, secara semiotik<br />pemaknaan muncul dari hubungan antara penanda (signifier) dan petanda (signified). Pemaknaan yang<br />muncul dari hubungan tersebut merupakan pemaknaan konotasi. Ideologi yang melatarbelakangi tayangan<br />Iklan Layanan Kesehatan Masyarakat (ILKM), bersumber pada konotasi yang dihasilkan. Penyampaian<br />secara imperatif dan pemakaian simbol, warna, latar temperatur (tanda) seperti termometer misalnya,<br />realisasi makna yang mendominasi adalah makna yang mendekati kewaspadaan dan bahaya bagi kesehatan,<br />seperti warna kuning, putih, dan merah, di samping juga ada warna-warna lain. Hasil penelitian ini<br />menemukan bahwa ILKM berkenaan dengan kebersihan, kesehatan, kewaspadaan, kehati-hatian, kepedulian,<br />kebersamaan, perencanaan, kesejahteraan, dan kebahagiaan.<br />Kata kunci: ILKM, gaya bahasa,makna, ideologi<br />ABSTRACT<br />Public health service advertisements (PHSA) tend to provide information, remind, add value, influence, and<br />even change people's attitudes to healthy living. However, not many public health service advertisements are<br />persuasive, so they do not contribute enough to encourage people to live healthy lives. Therefore, in this<br />research, public health service advertisement which is quite often aired on television media interesting to be<br />examined since it has different characteristic. The purpose of this study was to determine the style of<br />language, meaning, and public health service advertising ideology. The results of this study showed that;<br />The Public Health Service Ads (PHSA) language style, diction or word choice used tends to be informal,<br />general, brief and understandable by ordinary learned societies. Regarding the tone contained, the narrative<br />text had a simple language style, usually suitable to give instructions, commands, lessons, lectures, and the<br />like; such as speech delivered briefly, solid and clear, and appealed. From the meaning point of view,<br />semiotic meaning came from the relation between signifier and signified. The meaning that emerged from the<br />relationship was the meaning of connotation. The ideology that lied behind the impressions of Public Health<br />Service Ads (PHSA), sourced from the resulting connotation. The way to express imperatively as well as the<br />use of symbols, colors, backgrounds (sign) such as thermometers; for instance, the realization of meaning<br />that dominated was the meaning of approaching alertness and danger on health, such as yellow, white, and<br />red, in addition there were other colors. This has determined that PHSA concerned with hygiene, health,<br />precautions, caution, caring, togetherness, planning, prosperity, and happiness.<br />Keywords: PHSA, language style, meaning, ideology

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 341-356
Ahmad Yasar Ramdan ◽  
Yoyon Suryono

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan implementasi 8 metode kepramukaan sebagai penguatan pendidikan karakter siswa sekolah dasar di Kecamatan Selong. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 54 orang sebagai data primer, terdiri dari 3 orang kepala sekolah, 6 orang pembina putra dan putri, 45 orang siswa atau anggota pramuka penggalang SD. Data diperoleh melalui hasil wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis dengan menerapkan teknik analisis interaktif Miles dan Huberman. Kebenaran dan keabsahan data ditetapkan melalui teknik triangulasi sumber, metode, dan waktu. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa implementasi delapan metode kepramukaan terdiri dari: mengamalkan kode kehormatan pramuka, memberikan bimbingan dan motivasi dari pembina, menyelenggarakan kegiatan secara berkelompok, menyelenggarakan kegiatan yang menarik dan menantang, melakukan aktifitas sambil belajar, menyelenggarakan kegiatan di alam terbuka, menerapkan sistem satuan terpisah, dan memberikan penghargaan tanda kecakapan. Pelaksanaan metode kepramukaan berpotensi sebagai sarana untuk menguatkan karakter siswa sekolah dasar.THE IMPLEMENTATION OF EIGHT SCOUTING METHODS IN REINFORCING ELEMENTARY STUDENTS’ CHARACTERThis study was aimed at describing the implementation of 8 scouting methods as strengthening character education for elementary school students in Selong. This research was a qualitative descriptive study. The subjects were 54 people as primary data, consisting of 3 school principals, 6 male and female coaches, 45 students or members of elementary school scouts. The data were obtained through interviews, observation, and documentation. Then they were analyzed by applying the interactive analysis technique of Miles and Huberman. The correctness and validity of the data were determined through the triangulation technique of sources, methods, and time. The results show that the implementation of the eight scouting methods consists of: practicing the scouting honor code, providing guidance and motivation from the coach, organizing activities in groups, organizing interesting and challenging activities, carrying out activities while learning, holding activities in the open, implementing a separate unit system. , and giving awards a mark of proficiency. The implementation of the scouting method has the potential as a means of strengthening the character of elementary school students.

Kelasa ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
Tuty Kusmaini

Advertising is a form of message about a product or service delivered through the media and aimed at the community. Advertising can be analyzed through the use of diction and language style. The problems that will be discussed in this paper is how the diction and style of anaphoric language in domestic private television advertisements. The aims of this paper is to describe the form of word choice or diction and anaphoric language style in television advertisements. This paper uses analytical and prescriptive descriptive methods. The data source used is obtained through the recording of audiovisual advertisements which are categorized as commercial advertisements. Samples taken in the form of selected advertisements that use diction and anaphoric language style that stands out so that it can be analyzed using diction and anaphoric language style. The Techniques of collection data that used in this paper are recording techniques, see and note. This study paper was analyzed using interactive analysis. Based on the method used, the results of the research were obtained in the form of word choice or diction and anaphoric language style used in television advertisements. Dictions used include the use of connotative words, the use of personal pronouns, the use of foreign terms (English, the use of speech words, beheading of consonants at the beginning of the word, and the use of short terms. The use of anaphorical language in domestic private television commercials serves to provide an affirmation Anaphoric language style is used to provide attractiveness and convince consumers of the products offered. AbstrakIklan merupakan bentuk pesan tentang suatu produk atau jasa yang disampaikan melalui media dan ditujukan kepada masyarakat. Iklan dapat dianalisis melalui penggunaan diksi dan gaya bahasanya. Masalah yang dibahas dalam tulisan ini adalah bagaimanakah diksi dan gaya bahasa anafora pada iklan televisi swasta dalam negeri. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk pilihan kata atau diksi dan gaya bahasa anafora pada iklan televisi.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analitik dan preskriptif. Sumber data yang digunakan diperoleh melalui hasil rekaman iklan audiovisual yang dikategorikan sebagai iklan komersial. Sampel yang diambil berupa iklan terpilih yang menggunakan diksi dan gaya bahasa anafora yang menonjol sehingga dapat dianalisis pemakaian diksi dan gaya bahasa anaforanya. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa teknik rekam, simak dan catat. Penelitian ini dianalisis menggunakan analisis interaktif. Berdasarkan metode yang digunakan, diperoleh hasil penelitian berupa bentuk pilihan kata atau diksi dan gaya bahasa anafora yang digunakan pada iklan televisi. Diksi yang digunakan meliputi pemakaian kata konotatif, pemakaian kata ganti orang, pemakaian istilah asing (bahasa Inggris), pemakaian kata tutur, pemenggalan konsonan di awal kata, dan pemakaian istilah singkat. Penggunaan gaya bahasa anafora pada iklan televisi swasta dalam negeri berfungsi untuk memberi makna penegasan. Gaya bahasa anafora digunakan untuk memberikan kemenarikan serta meyakinkan konsumen terhadap produk yang ditawarkan.

Liliya Nefedova ◽  
Elizaveta Sotnikova ◽  

Public service advertising discourse is a multilayer construct, whose main aim is to influence the recipient and create a certain opinion about social phenomena. Despite being a subtype of advertising discourse, it has its own peculiarities and differs from the commercial advertising discourse. The hypothesis of the research is the supposition that the key feature of the Russian public service advertising discourse on road safety is intimidation on linguistic and extralinguistic levels. This hypothesis is based on previous research that shows that intimidation strategy is one of the main strategies in this type of discourse and is connected to the ‘safety’ concept. The article focuses on key features of public service advertising on road safety since this topic remains one of the most wide-spread in Russian public service advertising due to the vast number of accidents on Russian roads. The authors identify the main concepts used together with the concept ‘road safety’ and examine the reasons of their appearance in public service advertising. They also study speech strategies used in this type of discourse and determine that intimidation strategy and dialogue strategy are the most common for this type of advertising, though other strategies can also be observed. The linguistic side of the research includes a study of typical syntax, punctuation, and word choice and usage. For example, public service advertisements are usually characterized as short, succinct, and easy to understand. On the non-verbal layer, the authors look at typical patterns of text and image organization and design, use of colors, and the connection between the text and the image. An important feature of a public service advertising text is its creolization or heterogeneity: the presence of two heterogeneous components, verbal and non-verbal. Finally, the authors take a look at the cultural component: specific features of the Russian culture which can be observed in advertising. Overall, public service advertising is a crucial tool for influencing public opinion, so further research of this phenomenon implies studying reactions of recipients to separate components of advertisements and the appropriateness and effectiveness of specific speech strategies in connection with given concepts.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Yosef Yulius ◽  
Bobby Hallim

In line with the increasing public need for information about health, public service advertisements are one of the appropriate media to be used by activists in carrying out health promotion. Media as a source of information must be designed as well as possible, starting from the concept to the visual form. During its development, public service advertising media in Indonesia still needs to be developed so that its quality can be globally equal. Increasing the quality of public service advertising media will have a positive impact on the target of delivering messages in a persuasive manner, creativity and innovation must continue to be implemented. Based on this, the field of visual communication design is here to collaborate in designing public service advertising media as a problem solver. The design process cannot be done instantly, there are several processes that must be passed, such as the process of drafting the concept and visual layout. In compiling basic visual concepts and layouts, there are several aspects that need to be considered, including communication and visual aspects. The communication aspect is needed as a form of a detailed communication strategy in conveying information to audiences, while the visual aspect is needed as a form of good presentation in perceiving ideas so that the media is easily accepted and remembered by the audience. The qualitative research method is used in analyzing the public service advertisement poster media as the research object. This understanding is expected to be able to improve the quality of the media, especially public service advertisements engaged in the health sector.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 43
Adam Azis Rachma Setyawan ◽  
Diana Tantri Cahyaningsih

<p align="center"><em>Abstract</em></p><p><em>This </em><em>article</em><em> aim</em><em>ed</em><em> to determine</em><em> </em><em>implementation and obstacles of establishment Limited Company by a Notary according to Minister Regulation of Justice and Human Right Nomor 1 of 2016 about Amendment on Minister Regulation of Justice and Human Right Nomor 4 of 2014 </em><em>about Procedures of Application Submission Attestation Legal Entity and Approval Amendment of Articles of Association and Establishing Notification of Amendment of Articles of Association and Amendment Data of Limited Company. This article</em><em> law</em><em> </em><em>belongs to the type of legal research or empirical sociological descriptive, with a qualitative approach</em><em>. </em><em>The data used are primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques using interviews</em><em> and </em><em>literature study</em><em>.</em><em> </em><em>Data analysis technique used is qualitative analysis with interactive analysis model.</em><em> E</em><em>stablishment of Limited Company according to Minister Regulation of Justice and Human Right was use the AHU Online System. The establishment of Limited Company through a AHU Online System can only be achieved by a notary</em>.<em> Of a stage done notary in AHU Online that is, enter users name and password, pay PNBP, fill documents establishment of Limited Company electronically, pay PNRI bills, upload certificate, fill statement accountability, and last printing a decree. Notaries had in common in the process of establishment Limited Company through a AHU Online System. Only in printing a decree, third notary not in accordance with regulations. Obstacles faced by Notaries as the internet network, AHU eror system, difficulties in communicate with AHU services, and</em>  <em>lack of public knowledge about terms and procedure for establishment Limied Company.</em></p><p><em>Keywords: Limited Company, Notary, AHU Online System </em></p><p align="center">Abstrak</p><p>Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui implementasi dan kendala pendirian Perseroan Terbatas oleh Notaris menurut Peraturan Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Nomor 1 Tahun 2016 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Nomor 4 Tahun 2014 tentang Tata Cara Pengajuan Permohonan Pengesahan Badan Hukum dan Persetujuan Perubahan Anggaran Dasar serta Penyampaian Pemberitahuan Perubahan Anggaran Dasar dan Perubahan Data Perseroan Terbatas. Artikel ini termasuk ke dalam jenis penelitian hukum empiris yang bersifat deskriptif, dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan wawancara dan studi kepustakaan. Sedangkan teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah menggunakan analisis kualitatif dengan model analisis interaktif. Pendirian Perseroan Terbatas menurut Peraturan Menteri Hukum dan HAM adalah menggunakan Sistem AHU online. Pendirian PT melalui Sistem AHU online hanya dapat dilakukan oleh Notaris. Tahap yang dilakukan Notaris pada AHU online yaitu, memasukkan nama pengguna dan kata sandi, membayar PNBP, mengisi dokumen pendirian PT secara elektronik, membayar tagihan PNRI, pengunggahan akta PT, mengisi pernyataan pertanggungjawaban, dan terakhir pencetakan Surat Keputusan. Ketiga Notaris tersebut mempunyai kesamaan dalam proses pendirian PT melalui Sistem AHU online. Hanya dalam pencetakan Surat Keputusan, ketiga Notaris tidak sesuai peraturan. Kendala yang dihadapi oleh ketiga Notaris yaitu jaringan internet, sistem AHU mengalami eror, kesulitan untuk berkomunikasi dengan layanan AHU, dan kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat tentang syarat dan prosedur pendirian PT.</p><p>Kata Kunci : Perseroan Terbatas, Notaris, AHU online   </p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 140-153
Resti Fadhilah Nurrohmah ◽  
Radia Purbayati

The purpose of this study was to study the level of Islamic financial literacy and public confidence in the interest in saving in Islamic banks. The variables in this study are the level of Islamic financial literacy (X1), public trust (X2), and interest in saving (Y).The method of this study is descriptive quantitative approach. The data source of this study are primary data obtained by distributing questionnaires. Respondents taken are residents in the city of Bandung, with samples domiciled in the city of Bandung and at least 17 years old. The data analysis technique uses multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the variable level of islamic financial literacy and public trust has positive effect in the interest in saving in Islamic banks. The findings in this study provide a reference to Islamic banks, the level of literacy and public trust regarding interest in saving, therefore Islamic banks must socialize to the public.

MBIA ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 76-84
Muhammad Idris ◽  
Dian Novita Sari

The problem in this study is whether there is an influence of leadership and work discipline on the employees’ performance of PT.Sucofindo Palembang City. This research includes associative research. The sample in this study were 88 respondents, with propotionate random sampling analysis technique. The data used were primary data and secondary data. Data collection method through questionnare. Analysis techniques using multiple linear regression analysis, F test (Simultaneoys) and t test (partial) and determination coeffiecient. The results show that there is influence of leadership and work discipline on the performance of PT.Sucofindo Palembang City.

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