scholarly journals Pendidikan Dakwah Muhammad Quthb

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-29
Ainul Yaqin

The purpose of this study is to find out Muhammad Quthb's thoughts on da'wah education. This research uses the Library Research method, the source of the data is taken from Muhammad Qutb's books relating to education and da'wah. After the data is collected, it is carried out by critical and systematical analysis in the investigated problem. This research uses a descriptive analysis method, which describes or explain all of datas, then analyze them systematically. This research concludes that preaching education according to Muhammad Quthb is completed human education, it is not separated by other aspect of human nature.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 193
Indra Bhaswara Purnomosidy ◽  
Aniek Prihatiningsih

In recent decades Indonesia has experienced a massive population boom, as such adequate facilities are needed. One thing that can be done is the usage of land for landfills to become the providing land for said infrastructure. This study uses the library research method for its processing or it is also called library research for data comparison. The data sources used are primary and secondary data derived from Google Scholar. The data will be analyzed using descriptive analysis method. The theoretical basis used is the theory of soil improvement methods and the handling of leachate as well as methane gas. The final result of the research is a results comparison of settlement and the bearing capacity of the soil that has undergone improvement and the soil that has not undergone improvement. From the research it can be concluded that the suitable method for landfill improvement is Stone Column. Pertumbuhan penduduk di Indonesia dalam beberapa dekade terakhir meningkat sehingga dibutuhkan fasilitas yang memadai, salah satunya dengan memakaian lahan Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) menjadi sarana infrastruktur. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode library research yang disebut juga penelitian kepustakaan dengan membandingkan data. Adapun sumber data yang digunakan adalah data-data primer dan sekunder dari Google Scholar. Data akan dianalisa dengan metode deskriptif analisis. Landasan teori digunakan adalah teori Metode Perbaikan Tanah dan penanganan Lindi serta Gas Metana. Hasil akhir dari penelitian adalah perbandingan hasil penurunan dan daya dukung tanah sebelum perbaikan dan setelah perbaikan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode yang cocok untuk pebaikan tanah TPA mengunakan Stone Column.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (5) ◽  
pp. 280-291
Sufyan Syafii ◽  
M. Mizan Sya’roni

The interpretation of the Al-Qur'an does not only come from narrations, but also from the ratio or ijtihad, and intuition or inspiration whose methods are difficult to find, because they are transcendent. This explanation is the background of the author who will conduct the research with the aim of knowing the practice of the interpretation of the Al-Qur'an carried out by Tabi'in. It also shows the fact that Tabi'in uses ratio in interpreting the verse. The research method used in this research is qualitative research with the type of library research. This research discussion uses descriptive-analysis method. The results of this study conclude that in terms of term, the tendency of the tafsir book to not reach certain disciplines, is only limited to geographic influences and is thick with the nuances of the interpretation of the teacher, namely ibn abb's. There are at least 23 bi al-Ra'yi interpretations of Mujâhid's tafsir, which are also agreed upon by several scholars, both from the tabi'in and commentators, but not all of them are the same as the opinion of Ibn Abbâs as his teacher. Of the 23 bi-rayi interpretations, 15 of them are different from Ibn Abbas's interpretation and 8 of them have similarities with Ibn Abbas and are classified into 4 parts, namely: Tafsîr bi al-Ra'yi bi al-Qiyas, Tafsîr bi al-Ra'yi bi al- Qisshah, Tafsîr bi al-Ra'yi bi al-Lughah, Tafsîr bi al-Ra'yi bi al-Dhamir.

Manuskripta ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 67
Novarina Novarina

Abstract: This research is a comparative literary study that uses Malay and Javanese versions of Mahabarata text sources. The research objects used were the text edition of Pandhawa Gubah (PG) by Sudibjo Z. Hadisutjipto and the text of Cheritera Pandawa Lima (CPL) by Khalid Hussain. The research method used is descriptive-analysis method. In the comparative study used a comparative literary theory proposed by Endraswara (2011). The results of the text comparison reveal the similarities and differences in the image of Bima figures in the Javanese and Malay versions. The equation as a whole is that both texts contain the same heroic storyline and heroic character, Bima. In addition, Indian influence is still evident in the two texts seen from the nuances of Hinduism that exist in both texts. While the difference is seen in the events that accompany Bima's struggle in achieving his victory. Based on these similarities and differences, it can be seen that the authors attempt to represent the concept of metaphysical interactions vertically and horizontally expressed through PG text. --- Abstrak: Penelitian ini adalah satu kajian sastra bandingan yang menggunakan sumber teks Mahabarata versi Melayu dan Jawa. Objek penelitian yang digunakan adalah edisi teks Pandhawa Gubah (PG) karya Sudibjo Z. Hadisutjipto dan teks Cheritera Pandawa Lima (CPL) karya Khalid Hussain. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif-analisis. Dalam telaah perbandingan digunakan teori sastra bandingan yang dikemukakan Endraswara (2011). Hasil perbandingan teks mengungkapkan adanya persamaan dan perbedaan citra tokoh Bima dalam versi Jawa maupun versi Melayu. Persamaan secara keseluruhan adalah kedua teks tersebut mengandung alur cerita kepahlawanan dan tokoh pahlawan yang sama yaitu Bima. Selain itu, pengaruh India masih tampak dalam kedua teks tersebut dilihat dari nuansa Hinduisme yang ada dalam kedua teks. Sementara perbedaannya tampak pada peristiwa-peristiwa yang menyertai perjuangan Bima dalam mencapai kemenangannya. Berdasarkan persamaan dan perbedaan tersebut tampak adanya upaya penulis untuk merepresentasikan konsep interaksi metafisik secara vertikal dan horizontal yang diungkapkan melalui teks PG.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 147 ◽  
Ahmad Syahid ◽  
H. Husni

This study aims to analyze the character values ​​in Sirah Nabawiyah Ar-Rahiq Al-Makhtum by Syafiyyurrahman al-Mubarakfuri, so that it is revealed how the character education of the Prophet Muhammad. and analyze its relevance to current educational goals. The research method used is library research, the type of research approach is deductive and the analysis method is content analysis. Data collection techniques used were library techniques. This research succeeded in proving that prophetic values ​​based on the history of the Prophet Muhammad have a strong relevance to the concept of contemporary character education. Prophetic values ​​loaded with character education in this era, especially related to religiosity, honesty, tolerance, discipline, hard work, creative, independent, democracy, curiosity, national spirit, love of the motherland, respect for achievement, friendship, love for peace , likes to read, care about the environment, care about social, and responsibility.

Moh. Hatta ◽  
Swardi Lubis Lubis ◽  
Marlina Marlina

This study aims to reveal the extent of openness of communication carried out among students of the Da'wah Faculty and UINSU communication and its impact on worship activities carried out by these students. Observations and interviews are techniques used to collect data in this study. Triangulation analysis method is also used to analyze the data obtained from respondents, descriptive analysis research method applied in this study. From 30 respondents taken with a percentage of 20 female respondents and 10 male respondents it was found that social media activities through Facebook had a special attraction and increased their confidence in communication. The impact felt by the respondents was more to the shift in the discipline of worship that they did when cool communicating with their virtual friends, recitations of the Koran that are usually done before prayer time arrives multiplied by the fun they are chatting, status updates or just looking at their Facebook wall.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Tonny Dian Effendi

<span lang="IN"><em><em>Chinese Indonesian still becomes an issue in the Indonesian democracy and there are many publication in books about Chinese Indonesian issues. They are not only just share information but also indicate as respons to political change. This article discusses about the development book publication or literature on the issue of the Chinese Indonesian community in the post-reform Indonesia. It focuses to the topic of the content of the books. This research was qualitative research with the library research method. Data obtained from observation to books about Chinese Indonesian and analysed by the content analysis method. The results of this study indicate that there is development of topics about the Chinese Indonesian issues. At the beginning of the reform in 2000 until 2005, they much-discussed about discrimination, conflict and anti-Chinese sentiment, identity and culture. While the post 2005, the topics become more diverse, covers culture (art, food, tradition, literature, religion, architecture, etc.), identity, biography, history, role in Indonesian society and new issue such as women’s issues. It at least shows two important points. First, it shows the self confidency from Chinese Indonesian community to show themselves as part of Indonesian nation. Second, it shows some identity expression like political, cultural, Chinese diaspora, local Indonesia and religion identity.</em></em></span>

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-40
Nabila Rahma Silmi ◽  
Tuah Nur ◽  
Dian Purwanti

The purpose of this research is to find out the implementation of regional disaster management policies in Sukabumi City and to find out the inhibiting and supporting factors of the successful implementation of regional disaster management policies. This research method uses descriptive analysis method with a qualitative approach. The results showed that the implementation of regional disaster management policies was not optimal. The conclusion is that the socialization activities are still lacking and equitable, human resources and infrastructure have not been added yet. The inhibiting factors are in terms of institutional, apparatus discipline, budget, resources, facilities and environment that are less conducive. Supporting factors are the existence of regulations or regulations on disaster management. for communication carried out by BPBD Sukabumi City in carrying out socialization activities or training on disaster management to the public is still lacking and uneven. Keywords: Implementation, Policy, Disaster Management.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 301-313
Untung Sri Hardjanto

Abstract The study aims to determine the policy of publishing identity cards for children in Semarang. The method of approach taken in this study is normative juridical. Data collection is obtained from the results of interviews and through library research. The data analysis method used is a qualitative descriptive analysis method. The results showed that the Regional Government of Semarang City in carrying out KIA issuance made PERDA No.4 of 2016, but its implementation was in 2017. Delay in the implementation of MCH due to the lack of coverage of ownership of birth certificates for children. The preparations made by the Semarang City Government in the context of the implementation of the MCH in 2017 are collecting data on children, discussing the additional benefits of KIA with several official agencies and the private sector, conducting comparative studies in regions that have implemented KIA and the basis of its arrangements. Preparation of the Regional Government of Semarang City in the issuance of KIA experienced several obstacles, among others, the unclear distribution of KIA forms, limitations and delays in budgeting, lack of competent human resources for the operation of SIAK. For ITU, the Semarang City Government made an effort to procure KIA sheets themselves, prepare computerized system training or SIAK, and make Mayor Regulations as technical implementation of Regional Regulation No.4 of 2016 concerning Implementation of Population Administration. Keywords: Child Identity Card, Policy, City of Semarang Abstrak Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui kebijakan penerbitan kartu identitas anak di kota semarang . Metode pendekatan yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif, Pengumpulan data diperoleh dari hasil wawancara dan melalui penelitian kepustakaan. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah metode analisa deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pemerintah Daerah Kota Semarang dalam melaksanakan penerbitan KIA membuat PERDA No.4 Tahun 2016, namun pelaksanaannya pada tahun 2017. Keterlambatan pelaksanaan KIA karena masalah cakupan kepemilikan Akta Kelahiran anak yang masih kurang. Persiapan yang dilakukan Pemda Kota Semarang dalam rangka pelaksanaan KIA di tahun 2017 adalah mengumpulkan data anak-anak, membahas penambahan manfaat KIA dengan beberapa pihak dinas dan pihak swasta, melakukan studi banding ke daerah yang sudah melaksanakan KIA dan dasar pengaturannya.  Persiapan Pemda Kota Semarang dalam penerbitan KIA mengalami beberapa kendala antara lain ketidakjelasan pendistribusian blanko KIA, keterbatasan dan keterlambatan pemberian anggaran, kurangnya sumber daya manusia yang kompeten untuk pengoperasian SIAK. Untuk ITU Pemda Kota Semarang melakukan upaya yakni pengadaan blanko KIA sendiri, mempersiapkan pelatihan sistem komputerisasi atau SIAK, dan membuat Peraturan Walikota sebagai pelaksanaan teknis dari Perda No.4 Tahun 2016 Tentang Penyelenggaraan Administrasi Kependudukan. Kata Kunci: Kartu Identitas Anak, Kebijakan, Kota Semarang

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 144
Asrizal Saiin

The study in this manuscript discusses the impact on the educational equalization system of Pesantren Salafiyah and designs how Pesantren Salafiyah has always existed in the world of modern education. This research belongs to the type of qualitative study using the document analysis method. The form of data analysis used is descriptive analysis. The research approach method in this paper is library research. This study is divided into four methods, namely, the method of determining the subject, the form of the study, the method of data collection, and the method of data analysis. The result is the ability of Pesantren Salafiyah to make certain accommodations and concessions to find a pattern that they consider appropriate enough to face modernization and changes that are increasingly fast and have a broad impact without sacrificing the essence and other basic things in the existence of the pesantren, so that Pesantren Salafiyah still exists in the midst of the hustle and bustle of modernizing Islamic education

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-35
Lisa Yulia Sari ◽  
Muhammad Aufa Muis

This study aims to identify and describe the results of the feasibility analysis of the contents of the Islamic Religious Education Smart LKS content in terms of the suitability of the material description with KI/KD, the accuracy of the material, and the content of supporting learning materials. The type of research used is library research. Literature research is research based on literature searches related to the problems to be discussed. The method used is descriptive analysis method. The primary data sources in this study were obtained from the Smart LKS for Islamic Religious Education with Character, while the secondary data were obtained from books, journals, articles, laws and regulations, and so on. All data will be collected, analyzed, interpreted as well as by interpreting the object under study. The results showed that the suitability of the description of the material with KI-KD obtained a percentage of 65%, while in terms of the accuracy of the material it obtained a percentage of 72%, and in terms of supporting learning materials it obtained a percentage of 73.2%. When viewed as a whole, the percentage of sub-components is 70%, which shows that the Smart LKS for Islamic Religious Education is worthy of being used as a companion book for learning in elementary schools

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