scholarly journals Manajemen Skala Prioritas Kehidupan Manusia dalam Perspektif Agama Islam

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 197-210
Satria Kharimul Qolbi ◽  
Sutrisno Sutrisno

Every human activity has its own role and importance. In this case, a priority scale is required for each activity to be organized on a regular basis. Islam with all forms of teaching provides solutions to every problem of life without exception, as well as in terms of priorities. This research aims to explain the procedures for regulating the scale of priorities in human life according to the foundation of Islamic teachings. To arrive at that goal, the study used a dexatriptive-qualitative method with literature study techniques. In addition, the study also used a thematic approach by collecting Qur'anic verses that addressed a particular topic and ordered it wherever possible. The results of this study show that setting priorities begins with careful planning, solid organizing, proper implementation, and monitoring for control. All these stages are then integrated with the principle of priority jurispruding, namely the measure of truth highlighted in the Qur'an, the main priority over branch priorities, and the priority of people's rights to this right individually.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-23
Kasiatin Widianto

The term ‘double predestination’ simply means that, just as God predestines some, but Education is something that is very important for human life, and this is a divine mandate. This study aims to determine the pattern of Christian education from time to time and its implementation in the Industrial Revolution 4.0 era. This study uses a qualitative method with a literature study approach by reading, observing and analyzing literature sources on Christian education from time to time and its implementation in the Industrial Revolution Era 4.0. The results show that the situations and conditions behind the presence of education differ from time to time, but the similarity is that God has appointed certain people as agents of education. Where the patterns that are applied are harmonized with the surrounding conditions.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Anita Musfiroh ◽  
Mugiyati Mugiyati ◽  
Aldi Khusmufa Nur Iman

The Covid 19 has had an impact on various sectors of human life. One of them is the tourism sector. The tourism industry which is predicted to be the second largest source of foreign exchange contributions for Indonesia has experienced a drastic decline. Likewise, the halal tourism sector has also been severely affected by the Covid 19 pandemic. This is because the key to developing the halal tourism sector is Muslim tourists or visitors who come. To revive the tourism sector, it requires a number of strategies prepared by the government to improve the economy in the halal tourism sector. The purpose of writing this article is to find out how the impact of Covid 19 on the halal tourism sector and how the strategy to revive the halal tourism sector during the Covid 19 pandemic. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with data collection techniques used is literature study. The results of the study state that the strategy to restore the halal tourism sector from the Covid 19 pandemic consists of 3 stages and recommendations for implementing health protocols. The existence of this strategy and also the health protocol is expected by the enthusiastic community to return to enliven the tourism sector, including halal tourism.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 39-53
Theodorus Miraji ◽  
Felicia Irawaty

2020 is a tough year for humans due to the Covid-19 pandemic which has attacked all sides of human life. One of the most affected is the human mentality, and this mentality must be restored so that in the post-pandemic era, humans can be active and do everything as before. The church also has a duty to carry out this and the church has teachings that can be given to humans in general and Christians in particular as material for healing, one of which is eschatology which relates to the teachings of Postmillennialism. The method of this research is descriptive method with literature study techniques. Some of the characteristics of Postmillennial teachings are: First, Postmillennialists believe that what mankind is waiting for, namely the coming of God's reign, has actually started since the first coming of Jesus. Second, the 1000 year reign is led by Jesus through the church and Third, Postmillennialism believes in the central role of the gospel. From these characteristics, the Postmillennial Viewpoint can contribute to raising hope for the future and as material for Christian Counseling / Pastoral Assistance, contributing to encouraging churches to be actively involved in human life, Postmillennialism Views Encourage evangelism as a human need in the post-pandemic era

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (01) ◽  
pp. 110
Madnasir Madnasir ◽  
Fathul Mu’in ◽  
Mohammad Fikri Nugraha Kholid

Indonesian Muslims are faced with the emergence of a small number of intolerant, exclusive, rigid Islamic groups and other groups that easily express hostility and carry out conflicts. On the other hand, Muslims are also faced with the emergence of an Islamic community that tends to be liberal and permissive. The two groups are classified as the extreme right (tatorruf yamini) and the extreme left (tatorruf yasari), which are against the ideal form of implementing Islamic teachings in Indonesia and even the world. In fact, Islam has very clearly taught about tolerance in religion, especially since Indonesia is a pluralist country that adheres to many religions. This study uses qualitative method. While the data collection is using literature study information. This research obtained several important findings that da'wah is an obligation that every Muslim should carry and convey in wise and wise ways. In the implementation of da'wah in a pluralist society, the method of da'wah bi al-hikmah must be put forward. The diversity or plurality of human life in various ways is sunnatullah. Living in a pluralistic society will exist if everyone understands each other, respects each other, and accepts each other.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Dwi Puji Prabowo

Indonesia is known as a country which has a lot of physical cultures namely artifacts. In Central Java, artifacts based on religius are often found in Demak, as a Islamic civilization center in Java island. Demak is known as “Kota Wali” has various artifacts which stored in museum with condition such as damage, broken, cracked, missing writing, and so on. This become problem in introducing them to the youth. On the other hand, they prefers play gadgets like smartphone rather than visit museum. Bases on these, authors design revitalization media of Demak Geat Mosque’s artifacts digitally. This research use qualitative method with observation and literature study techniques, the revitalization media is designed use design thinking method to produce prototype of interactive application which can be accessed through smartphone. The result of this research is prototype which presents information about Demak Great Mosque’s artifacts, which is expected to be an educational media for introducing them to the youth. Keywords—application, artifacts, Demak, Design Thinking 

Jurnal Socius ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Marce Diana

AbstractThis study aims to: (1) Describe the stages in the Dayak Maanyan traditional marriage in the city of Banjarmsasin (2) Describe the requirements in the Dayak Maanyan traditional marriage in the city of Banjarmasin, (3) Analyze the social values contained in each stage of Dayak Maanyan marriage in the city of Banjarmasin. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative method with the number of respondents as many as 7 people, 3 key respondents and 4 people supporting respondents. Data collection using interview, observation, documentation and literature study techniques. Data analysis with data reduction, display and verification. The results of this study are: (1) The stages of the Dayak Maanyan customary marriage held in Banjarmasin city consist of the Ngantane/Itunti (introduction) stage, the Adu Pamupuh (engagement) stage, and the Piadu stage (fulfillment of customary law). The most interesting and sacred stage is the Piadu stage because at this time the two brides were officially inaugurated as husband and wife. (2) Requirements in Dayak Maanyan customary marriage in Banjarmasin city. Both the bridegroom and the bride must prepare the requirements of each stage in question. The most prepared requirements are at the Piadu stage, in which there are seven conditions that must be met, namely Tajau Tuak, Keagungan Mantir, Lanjung Ume Pintan Gantung, Eteh Kadiwai, Palangkahan, Tutup Uwan, and Sangku Dite Sangku Lungkung. (3) The Social Values contained in the Dayak Maanyan traditional marriage have at least 8 social values, namely the value of love and appreciation for tradition, the value of sincerity (seriousness) & courage, politeness, family values, values of loyalty, togetherness and mutual cooperation , the value of independence & responsibility, and the values that characterize the Dayak Maanyan, namely the value of kinship. The social values contained in the marriage of the Dayak Maanyan motivated the Dayak Maanyan ethnic population in the city of Banjarmasin to carry out faithfully and genuinely the traditions, especially the indigenous Dayak Maanyan marriage. Keywords: Social Value, Indigenous Marriage, and Dayak Maanyan AbstrakPenelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk: (1) Mendeskripsikan tahapan dalam perkawinan adat Dayak Maanyan di kota Banjarmsasin (2) Mendeskripsikan persyaratan dalam perkawinan adat Dayak Maanyan di kota Banjarmasin, (3) Menganalisis nilai-nilai sosial yang terkandung dalam tiap tahapan perkawinan adat Dayak Maanyan di kota Banjarmasin. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 7 orang, responden kunci 3 orang dan responden pendukung 4 orang. Pengumpulan data dengan teknik wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi dan studi kepustakaan. Analisis data dengan reduksi data, display dan verifikasi. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah: (1) Tahapan perkawinan adat Dayak Maanyan yang dilaksanakan di kota Banjarmasin terdiri atas tahap Ngantane/Itunti (perkenalan), tahap Adu Pamupuh (pertunangan), dan tahap Piadu (pemenuhan hukum adat). Tahapan yang paling menarik perhatian dan sakral adalah tahap Piadu karena saat ini lah kedua mempelai diresmikan secara hukum adat sebagai suami istri. (2) Persyaratan dalam perkawinan adat Dayak Maanyan di kota Banjarmasin. Baik pihak mempelai laki-laki maupun perempuan harus menyiapkan persyaratan dari tiap tahapan dimaksud. Persyaratan yang paling banyak disiapkan adalah pada tahap Piadu, didalamnya terdapat tujuh syarat yang harus dipenuhi yaitu Tajau Tuak, Keagungan Mantir, Lanjung Ume Pintan Gantung, Eteh Kadiwai, Palangkahan, Tutup Uwan, dan Sangku Dite Sangku Lungkung. (3) Nilai-Nilai Sosial yang terkandung dalam perkawinan adat Dayak Maanyan sedikitnya ada 8 nilai sosial, yaitu nilai kecintaan dan penghargaan pada tradisi, nilai kesungguhan (keseriusan) & keberanian, nilai kesopanan, nilai kekeluargaan, nilai kesetiaan, nilai kebersamaan & gotong royong, nilai kemandirian & tanggung jawab, serta nilai yang menjadi ciri khas Dayak Maanyan yaitu nilai kekerabatan. Nilai-nilai sosial yang terdapat dalam perkawinan Dayak Maanyan ini memotivasi warga etnis Dayak Maanyan yang ada di kota Banjarmasin untuk melaksanakan dengan setia dan sungguh-sungguh tradisi, khususnya perkawinan adat Dayak Maanyan.Kata kunci: Nilai Sosial , Perkawinan Adat, dan Dayak  Maanyan

Teosofia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 75
Fadhlinaa Afiifatul Aarifah ◽  
Muhammad Izzul Haq Zain

<p><em>This paper discusses the functional analysis that occurred around the Tombs of Imogiri Kings. It is to examine why many people willingly come to the tombs of Imogiri Kings while there are many objects of the tour in Yogyakarta. The purpose of this study was to determine the community's perspective on the tomb and its functions using Malinowski's theory analysis. Malinowski developed a functional theory with the understanding that culture is a standpoint with all the activities carried out actually intended to satisfy a series of instinctual needs of human beings related to human life. This research uses a qualitative method, which is written descriptively. The methods of data collection include field studies such as data collection methods include field studies by direct observation of the symptoms in the tombs of the Imogiri kings, conducting interviews with people involved in tomb activities, conducting participant-observers, following a number of rituals there, and literature study. The results of this study indicate that some community perspectives on the tombs of Imogiri kings that are considered sacred are formed from several factors such as history and mystical stories. This centralization then forms certain cultures and beliefs that have certain functions to fulfill the needs of human instincts as Malinowski's theory.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 176-195
Sandra Christina Sahensolar ◽  
Simon Simon

The coronavirus disease 2019 (covid-19) pandemic has had a huge impact on human life. This study highlights how the theological response to the impact caused by covid-19, both in the context of religious and economic rituals. The method used by the researcher is a qualitative method with a literature study approach. The results of the description in this article suggest that the covid-19 pandemic has caused all global communities and various aspects to be seriously affected by this outbreak, In this outbreak, the world economy has slumped, many people have died due to covid-19, and the space for religious rituals has been restricted. In the context of Christian theology, this pandemic can be indicated as the fulfillment of Bible prophecy as John's prophecy in the book of Revelation. Theologically, this plague is a punishment for humans who are willing to exploit nature. This epidemic is also a form of God's warning in the midst of increasingly corrupted human morality, which eases sinful acts without heeding the truth of God's word. This study concludes that the theological response to the covid-19 pandemic is to be more vigilant spiritually and build a life that glorifies God.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 35
Diana Kristanti ◽  
Magdalena Magdalena ◽  
Remi Karmiati ◽  
Ayang Emiyati

Love is a very important thing in human life, without love humans cannot live together. Love unites the lives of every human being, without the love of life in this world will be chaotic because there is no unity between one another. The purpose of this research is to describe the professionalism of Jesus in teaching about love. The method used is a qualitative method with a literature study approach that has been published. Love is useful in building the professionalism of Christian Religious Education Teachers in increasing the competitiveness of human resources. Kasih merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam kehidupan manusia, tanpa kasih manusia tidak bisa hidup bersama. Kasih mempersatukan kehidupan setiap manusia, tanpa kasih kehidupan di dunia ini akan kacau karena tidak ada persatuan antara satu dengan yang lain. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan profesionalitas Yesus dalam mengajar tentang kasih. Metode yang digunakan ialah metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi literatur yang sudah terpublikasi. Kasih berguna membangun profesionalitas Guru Pendidikan Agama Kristen dalam meningkatkan daya saing sumber daya manusia.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-30
Novia Ekasari Mukti ◽  
Endah Masrunik ◽  
Diana Elvianita Martanti

This study aims to describe how the flow of the accounting system for leasing goods as an internal control effort used by UPT Rusunawa is in accordance with the accounting system theory and internal control. This research method uses descriptive qualitative method using observation, interview, documentation and literature study techniques. Data analysis techniques are used triangulation techniques. The sample in this study is UPT Rusunawa, Public Housing Office, Blitar city. The results of this study, namely the rental accounting system and internal control at the Flat Unit UPT in practice there are still less in accordance with the theory. This is because there are multiple tasks in the administration. The administration section here is also part of the payment. But in its implementation the system that has been implemented has been going well because every process carried out has been very detailed

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