scholarly journals Kontribusi Bimbingan dan Konseling dalam Mengembangkan Kesadaran Beragama Pada Remaja di Abad 21

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 159
Edisa Oktonika

<p><em>A</em><em>bstrak</em><strong> -</strong> <strong>Pada abad ke 21, kenakalan remaja semakin mengkhawatirkan. Saat ini, banyak ditemukan kenakalan remaja yang bukan lagi disebut kenakalan remaja biasa, namun perilaku penyimpangan kenakalan yang dilakukan remaja telah melanggar hukum dan norma yang berlaku di masyarakat. Terjadinya fenomena kenakalan remaja tersebut menjadi bukti dari remaja sekarang telah jauh dari nilai-nilai moral dan kurangnya kesadaran hidup beragama. Kesadaran beragama pada diri remaja merupakan peran yang sangat penting dalam pengembangan moral mereka, karena nilai-nilai moral yang datang dari agama itu stabil dan konstan, kesadaran beragama juga tidak hanya mendasari perilaku yang terlihat, tetapi juga mewarnai sikap, pikiran dan keinginan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kesadaran padada remaja di abad 21. </strong><strong>Metode</strong><strong> yang</strong><strong> digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kepustakaan, Studi pustakaan merupakan serangkaian kegiatan yang berkenaan dengan metode pengumpulan data</strong><strong>.</strong><strong> Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMP Negeri 12 Bandung. </strong><strong>P</strong><strong>opulasi pada penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas VIII tahun ajaran 2019/2020. </strong><strong>Pe</strong><strong>ngambilan sampel penelitian </strong><strong>ini </strong><strong>dengan cara <em>purposive sampling </em>yang<em> </em>bertujuan agar sampel yang diambil dapat mewakili populasi sehingga diperoleh informasi yang cukup untuk mengestimasi populasinya</strong><strong>.</strong><strong> Adapun teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah melalui dokumentasi, yaitu mencari data mengenai hal-hal atau variabel yang berupa catatan, buku, makalah atau artikel. </strong><strong>A</strong><strong>nalisis data adalah metode analisis isi (<em>Content Analysis</em>)<em>. </em></strong><strong>Strategi yang dapat digunakan untuk mengembangkan potensi keberagamaan remaja yaitu metode keteladanan, metode pembiasaan, metode menasehati, metode pengamat dan pengawasan. dengan strategi tersebut diharapkan remaja berkembang kesadaran beragama sesuai fitrah-Nya.</strong></p><p><em>Abstract</em> <strong>–</strong> <strong>In the 21st century, juvenile delinquency is increasingly worrying. Nowadays, there are many juvenile delinquents who are no longer called juvenile delinquents, but the behavior of juvenile delinquency has violated the laws and norms prevailing in the society. The phenomenon of juvenile delinquency is evidence that adolescents are now far from moral values and lack of awareness of religious life. Religious awareness in adolescents is a very important role in their moral development because moral values that come from religion are stable and constant, religious awareness also not only underlies visible behavior but also colors attitudes, thoughts, and desires. This study aims to develop awareness in adolescents in the 21st century. The method used in this research is the study of literature, the study of literature is a series of activities relating to the method of data collection. The study was conducted at 12th Junior High School Bandung. The population in this study were students of class VIII in the 2019/2020 school year. A Sampling of this study by means of purposive sampling that aims so that the samples taken can represent the population so that enough information is obtained to estimate the population. The data collection technique in this research is through documentation, which is looking for data about things or variables in the form of notes, books, papers or articles. Data analysis is a content analysis method. Strategies that can be used to develop the potential for adolescent religious diversity are exemplary, habituation, counseling, observer and supervisory methods. With this strategy, it is expected that adolescents develop religious awareness according to nature.</strong></p><p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong> - <em>Guidance and counseling, Religious Consciousness, Adolescent</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 159
Edisa Oktonika

<p><em>A</em><em>bstrak</em><strong> -</strong> <strong>Pada abad ke 21, kenakalan remaja semakin mengkhawatirkan. Saat ini, banyak ditemukan kenakalan remaja yang bukan lagi disebut kenakalan remaja biasa, namun perilaku penyimpangan kenakalan yang dilakukan remaja telah melanggar hukum dan norma yang berlaku di masyarakat. Terjadinya fenomena kenakalan remaja tersebut menjadi bukti dari remaja sekarang telah jauh dari nilai-nilai moral dan kurangnya kesadaran hidup beragama. Kesadaran beragama pada diri remaja merupakan peran yang sangat penting dalam pengembangan moral mereka, karena nilai-nilai moral yang datang dari agama itu stabil dan konstan, kesadaran beragama juga tidak hanya mendasari perilaku yang terlihat, tetapi juga mewarnai sikap, pikiran dan keinginan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan kesadaran padada remaja di abad 21. </strong><strong>Metode</strong><strong> yang</strong><strong> digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kepustakaan, Studi pustakaan merupakan serangkaian kegiatan yang berkenaan dengan metode pengumpulan data</strong><strong>.</strong><strong> Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMP Negeri 12 Bandung. </strong><strong>P</strong><strong>opulasi pada penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas VIII tahun ajaran 2019/2020. </strong><strong>Pe</strong><strong>ngambilan sampel penelitian </strong><strong>ini </strong><strong>dengan cara <em>purposive sampling </em>yang<em> </em>bertujuan agar sampel yang diambil dapat mewakili populasi sehingga diperoleh informasi yang cukup untuk mengestimasi populasinya</strong><strong>.</strong><strong> Adapun teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah melalui dokumentasi, yaitu mencari data mengenai hal-hal atau variabel yang berupa catatan, buku, makalah atau artikel. </strong><strong>A</strong><strong>nalisis data adalah metode analisis isi (<em>Content Analysis</em>)<em>. </em></strong><strong>Strategi yang dapat digunakan untuk mengembangkan potensi keberagamaan remaja yaitu metode keteladanan, metode pembiasaan, metode menasehati, metode pengamat dan pengawasan. dengan strategi tersebut diharapkan remaja berkembang kesadaran beragama sesuai fitrah-Nya.</strong></p><p><em>Abstract</em> <strong>–</strong> <strong>In the 21st century, juvenile delinquency is increasingly worrying. Nowadays, there are many juvenile delinquents who are no longer called juvenile delinquents, but the behavior of juvenile delinquency has violated the laws and norms prevailing in the society. The phenomenon of juvenile delinquency is evidence that adolescents are now far from moral values and lack of awareness of religious life. Religious awareness in adolescents is a very important role in their moral development because moral values that come from religion are stable and constant, religious awareness also not only underlies visible behavior but also colors attitudes, thoughts, and desires. This study aims to develop awareness in adolescents in the 21st century. The method used in this research is the study of literature, the study of literature is a series of activities relating to the method of data collection. The study was conducted at 12th Junior High School Bandung. The population in this study were students of class VIII in the 2019/2020 school year. A Sampling of this study by means of purposive sampling that aims so that the samples taken can represent the population so that enough information is obtained to estimate the population. The data collection technique in this research is through documentation, which is looking for data about things or variables in the form of notes, books, papers or articles. Data analysis is a content analysis method. Strategies that can be used to develop the potential for adolescent religious diversity are exemplary, habituation, counseling, observer and supervisory methods. With this strategy, it is expected that adolescents develop religious awareness according to nature.</strong></p><p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong> - <em>Guidance and counseling, Religious Consciousness, Adolescent</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 430
Prilimercy E. Kojongian

A This study aims to examine the sign system in the form of icons, indexes, and symbols and to interpret the meanings and messages as well as moral-religious values contained in the poem "Morgenlied" by Martin Opitz. The method used is a content analysis method with a qualitative approach based on semiotic analysis. This method serves to examine the poem "Morgenlied" by Martin Opitz, especially on the sign system in the form of icons, indexes, and symbols as well as religious moral values contained in the poem. While the data collection technique is a literature study. Based on the semiotic analysis, this poem contains a religious element in the form of a prayer of thanksgiving to God for His mercy and glory.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Khozinatur Rohmah ◽  
Susilawati Susilawati ◽  
Ernawati Saptaningrum

The aim of the research is to know the effect of using bimetal Musschenbroek Bimetal to the skill science processes this type of research conducted by researcher is Quasi Experimental with Non equivalent Control Group Desaign. This population of this research is all of students in Miftahul Falah Junior High school VII 2017/2018 school year which consist of thirty five until forty students. Devided seven classes are VII A, VII B, VII C, VII D, VII E, VII F, VII G, sampling technique in this research using cluster sampling technique. The experimental class was not choosen randomly but determined by the teacher and this taking sampling technique becouse the population is assismed to be normally distributed and in a homogenitas state so that selected VII A class as a contol class and VII D class as experiment class.Technique of data collection is done by using observation sheet method data collection technique were conducted using the observation sheet method skill science processes and documentation. Testing research hypotheseses show. There is significant influence  using Musschenbroek Bimetal to the students science prosess skills, in the test of the hypotheseses the researcher using taster hypothesis t right side from the result of post test show that value  tcount > ttableis  4,35 > 1,67 becouse tcount> ttable so H0  Rejected, Ha is received, so there is a difference influence on the leaning that carred on in the experimental class and control class.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 52
Emira Apriyeni ◽  
Rizanda Machmud ◽  
Rika Sarfika

<p><em><span lang="EN-US">Conflicts with parents has increased in adolescence. Conflict that tends to increase will have an impact on aggressive behavior, juvenile delinquency, depression, even suicide in adolescents. The purpose of this study to describe parents-adolescent conflicts among students of Public Junior High School in Padang City. The research design is descriptive with the sample are 388 students of Public Junior High School in Padang City using purposive sampling technique. Data collection in this study using the Conflict Behavior Questionnaire questionnaire. The results obtained 44.1% of adolescents experiencing conflict with parents. It is recommended to nurses give health education on conflict management and assertive behavior to minimize sustained conflict.</span></em></p><p>Kejadian konflik dengan orang tua mengalami peningkatan pada usia remaja. Konflik yang cenderung meningkat akan berdampak pada perilaku agresif, kenakalan remaja, depresi, bahkan bunuh diri pada remaja. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui gambaran konflik antara remaja dan orang tua pada siswa SMP Negeri di Kota Padang. Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan jumlah sampel 388 orang siswa SMP Negeri di Kota Padang melalui teknik purposive sampling. Pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan kuesioner Conflict Behavior Questionnaire. Hasil penelitian didapatkan 44,1 % remaja mengalami konflik dengan orang tua disimpulkan bahwa gambaran kejadian konflik antara remaja dan orang tua pada siswa  di SMP Negeri Kota Padang menjadi hal yang perlu diperhatikan, karena kurang dari separuh (44%) remaja mengalami konflik dengan orang tua. Disarankan agar perawat bisa memberikan pendidikan kesehatan mengenai manajemen konflik dan perilaku asertif agar meminimalkan terjadinya konflik yang berkelanjutan.</p>

At- Tarbawi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-27
Suratiningsih Suratiningsih

The research aims to describe the puzzling media as a solution to increase the learning motivation of elementary /MI student. This research is library research. It is a method that the data which is needed in completing research comes from library sources i.e. include books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, journals, documents, magazines, etc as well as various sources on the internet. The data collection technique used in this research is documentation. Documentation means looking for data about things in the form of notes, books, papers, articles, journal, and so on. Then, the data analysis technique used in this study is content analysis. In this analysis, the process of selecting, comparing, and combining various meanings will be found to be relevant. The media is an intermediary or introduction. Puzzle media can improve the students’ motivation to keep trying to solve problems. It is fun for students because it can be repeated. The challenges in the puzzle game will give you an addictive effect to always try and try until they are successful.

2015 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-21 ◽  
Alicia Botello-Hermosa ◽  
Rosa Casado-Mejia

The aim of this article is to analyze the fears about menstruation and health that have been passed down to us by oral transmission from a gender perspective. A qualitative study, whose design was the Grounded Theory, performed in Seville, Spain, with 24 rural and urban women from different generations, young (18-25, 26-35 years), middle aged (36-45, 46-55, 56-65 years) and elderly (> 65 years). The semi-structured interview was used as a data collection technique. The discourses were subjected to content analysis, following the steps of Grounded Theory. The results highlight the abundant fears related to use of water during menstruation, with very harmful effects to health. As a conclusion to highlight the lack of women's knowledge about reproductive health and that despite Health Education campaigns there are still ancient misconceptions present about menstruation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 195-211
Nur Ihsan Halil ◽  
Takwa ◽  

This research aims to investigate the implementation of politeness in the language of lecturers and students as well as students and students through online lectures at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sembilanbelas November Kolaka on the WhatsApp application. The research methodology used is descriptive qualitative with a focus on research, namely the fulfillment and violations of the principles of politeness in the language contained in online lecture conversations on WhatsApp. The data collection technique uses documentation or screenshots, and the data analysis technique uses content analysis methods with inductive procedures. The results indicate that the communication of lecturers to students and students to students based on the WhatsApp social network still pays attention to the principles of linguistic politeness in communication discourse. Based on the WhatsApp social network, students and lecturers can meet the principles of linguistic politeness, including maxim of wisdom, generosity, appreciation, simplicity, compatibility, and sympathy. However, there were also still some violations of the principle of politeness.

Syntax Idea ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (11) ◽  
pp. 2270
Agus Budiono

Covid-19 is a big challenge for Indonesians, it affects various aspects, in addition to economic aspects many aspects are also harmed by Covid 19 aspk other aspects, namely aspectsofEducation. This research aims to find out the results of learning to write in the pandemic period in students of grade 9H SMPN 1 Karanggayam, Kebumen in the 2nd semester of the 2020/2021 school year and to find out the learning results of students in using the WhatsApp Grouping application. The method used in this study is a descriptive quantitative research method, with a sample of students of SMPN 1 Karanggayam. This research data collection technique uses observation techniques, questionnaires and recording techniques. The data collection instrument used in the study was an online learning questionnaire. The results of research in the use of WhatsApp media showed that the results of learning to write a rebuke against the results of grades that are not 100% most students have grades that are less or below KKM

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 343-355
Yosy Kusuma Wardani ◽  

Abstract: This study focused on forms of social pathology. Dua Garis Biru's novel tells a story about teenage life who commit deviation. The deviations committed by teenagers in Dua Garis Biru's novel are juvenile delinquency, dating, sexual relations before marriage, and early-age marriage. The deviant actions will give knowledge about the importance of sex education and the importance of communication between parents so that it can increase the discussion about sexuality to the children who are already teenagers. The method of the study was qualitative descriptive. The data collection technique was a literature study by collecting books and other sources related to the problems of the study. The results of the study show that Dua Garis Biru's novel show several forms of social pathology: Bima, who likes to skip school; Dara and Bima, who have dating until they have sexual relations before marriage; and Dara, who attempts to abort the fetus. Based on the results of the study, some suggestions are delivered to the readers and further researchers. For readers, they can take positive values from Dua Garis Biru's novel. For further researchers, it is expected that it can be used as a reference for the description of social pathology in Indonesian literary works. Keywords: pathology, Dua Garis Biru Novel, juvenile delinquency Abstrak: Penelitian ini fokus pada bentuk patologi sosial. Novel Dua Garis Biru mengangkat cerita mengenai kehidupan remaja yang melakukan penyimpangan. Penyimpangan yang dilakukan oleh remaja pada novel Dua Garis Biru ini adalah juvenile delinquency, pacaran, hubungan seksual di luar nikah, dan pernikahan dini. perbuatan-perbuatan menyimpang ini akan memberikan pengetahuan mengenai pentingnya edukasi seks dan pentingnya komunikasi antara orangtua agar dapat meningkatkan diskusi mengenai seksualitas kepada anak-anak yang sudah beranjak remaja. Metode yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah studi pustaka, dengan cara mengumpulkan buku-buku dan sumber-sumber lain yang terkait dengan masalah penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa novel Dua Garis Biru menempatkan beberapa bentuk patologi sosial, seperti: Bima yang suka membolos, Dara dan Bima yang berpacaran sampai melakukan hubungan seksual di luar nikah, dan percobaan Dara untuk menggugurkan janin yang dikandungnya. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ini, beberapa saran disampaikan kepada pembaca dan peneliti selanjutnya. Bagi pembaca agar bisa mengambil pelajaran nilai-nilai positif dari novel Dua Garis Biru. Bagi peneliti selanjutnya diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai referensi mengenai gambaran patologi sosial dalam karya sastra Indonesia. Kata kunci: patologi, Novel Dua Garis Biru, juvenile delinquency

Fitra Maulidya ◽  
Ninuk Lustyantie

This research intends to describe the types of deviations contained in the collection of poems Calligrammes by Guillaume Apollinaire. The approach used is a qualitative approach with content analysis method. The data collection technique used is Miles and Huberman. The theory used as the main reference is the deviation theory according to Geoffrey N. Leech which divides the deviation into eight types, namely lexical deviation, phonological deviation, grammatical deviation which includes morphological and syntactic, graphological deviation, semantic deviation, dialectal deviation, deviation of register, and deviation of historical period. The result of data analysis from 7 poems found 5 out of 8 types of deviation which are diffused in each poem, including 24 semantic deviations, 18 graphological deviations, 4 deviations of register, 3 syntactic deviations and 2 lexical deviations. While the types of phonological deviation, morphological deviation, dialectal deviation, and deviation of historical period are not found in any of the data in this collection of poems Calligrammes.

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