scholarly journals Mother’s Knowledge and Husband’s Support to The Adaptation of Psychological Changes Primigravida Trimester I in PMB (Independent Practice Midwife) Cisalak Pasar, Cimanggis, Depok, 2020

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 6-14
Rina Wijayanti

In her life a woman will experience sensitive times that is when pregnancy is present, because at that time women will become vulnerable to the onset of physical and mental disorders. The support of the husband during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum is indispensable. The purpose of this study is to know the influence of knowledge and support of husbands on the adaptation of psychological changes primigravida trimester I. The type of research used is quantitative research with a cross sectional approach. The population used by all Trimester I pregnant women who conducted the examination period January - June 2020 in The Independent Practice of Midwives Cisalak Village Market District Cimanggis - Depok, using accidental sampling. The instrument used is quesionnaire. The results of the study there is an influence of knowledge on the adaptation of psychological changes Primigravida Trimester I pregnant women with p value = 0.001, and OR = 7,547 (2,402 – 23,708) and there is an influence of husband support on the adaptation of psychological changes primigravida Trimester I with p value = 0.000, and OR = 15,536 (3,114–77,519).

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (3) ◽  
pp. 661
Desi Andriani ◽  
Husna Yetti ◽  
Roza Sriyanti

Antenatal care or antenatal care is a planned program that is observation, education and medical treatment for pregnant women, to obtain a safe and satisfying pregnancy and childbirth process. The indicator used to assess the access of pregnant women to antenatal care is K1 direction (first visit) is the contact of pregnant women to health workers and K4 (perspective visit) is 4 or more times contact with health workers. From the data of the Padang City Health Office, it was found that the Air Tawar Puskesmas with this low level was caused by various factors. The purpose of this study was to determine factors related to the use of antenatal services. This type of research is a quantitative study with cross sectional study design with 110 respondents of third trimester pregnant women with purposive sampling technique. Data analysis was performed univariate, bivariate with Chi squre test. From the research results obtained from the five factors studied, it was found that the factors related to the use of antenatal services in freshwater health centers were access or distance with pvalue 0.009 = OR 21.676), service availability factors with a p value of 0.001 = OR 9.293, the role factor midwives with a p value of 0.001 = OR 12.302, while the family income factor, disease complaints obtained results have nothing to do with the use of antenatal services. The author's suggestion is that there is a need for good coordination with the Independent Practice Midwife (BPM), revitalize puskesmas to more strategic places and improve better facilities, improve accessibility that can be minimized, strive to reach pregnant women, especially for accessibility that is less affordable.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 158
Ulfah Ilyas ◽  
Maria Sonda ◽  
Hidayati Hidayati

Results of a preliminary study conducted by the author on 28 November 2018 in Kassi-Kassi Health Center Public City of Makassar were interviews with 11 third trimester pregnant women who visited antenatal check, 8 (70%) of pregnant women have not planned where labor, labor companion, potential blood donors and the sticker affixed on the door P4K yet home mom for not knowing the importance of the decal and never be explained by health workers at the first checkups. While 7 (60%) of pregnant mother's husband has not determined the place of labor, labor companion, potential blood donors and did not accompany the mother when the checkups. This study aims to determine the relationship of husband support, knowledge of third trimester pregnant women at health centers with the implementation P4K-Kassi Kassi Makassar.This research uses analytic survey with cross sectional approach, the population in this study is the third trimester pregnant women, using the formula Lameshow obtained sample 85 subjects with a sampling technique is purposive sampling.Statistical analysis showed the Chi-square test obtained significant value p value 0,000 (p<0,05) husband's support with coefficient value (Phi= 0,493), knowledge of third trimester pregnant women p value of 0,001 (p <0,05) with coefficient value (Phi= 0,357). So it can be concluded that there is a relationship of husband support, knowledge of third trimester pregnant women with P4K implementation. Therefore, the husband is expected to support the implementation of the plan P4K safe delivery and is able to prevent pregnancy complications. And for health workers can improve IEC counseling and evaluation of the execution P4K, in particular blood donor candidates planning and sticking stickers P4K at home pregnant women.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 237-244
Kristin Mariyana ◽  
Sutopo Patria Jati ◽  
Cahya Tri Purnami

ABSTRAK Preeklamsia dapat dicegah apabila didukung oleh kesadaran ibu hamil untuk patuh dalam pemanfaatan layanan ANC. ANC berkualitas yang dilakukan tenaga kesehatan dan kesadaran masyarakat tentang kesehatan ibu hamil, bersalin dan nifas. Penelitian ini untuk menganalisa faktor yang paling berpengaruh dari ibu hamil preeklamsia supaya patuh dalam pemanfaatan layanan ANC di wilayah kecamatan Pemalang. Penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional bersifat explanatory research. Sebanyak 66 responden dipilih secara purposive, menggunakan quesioner, dan data diolah secara distribusi. Variabel yang berpengaruh : riwayat keturunan hipertensi dan atau DM (0,037), pengetahuan (p-value 0,021), akseptabilitas (p-value 0,018), dukungan dan sikap tenaga kesehatan (p value 0,041), dan dukungan suami (p-value 0,045). Variabel yang tidak berpengaruh : umur (p-value 0,239), paritas (p-value 0,714), tingkat pendidikan (p-value 0,394), pekerjaan (p-value 0,316), sikap (p-value 0,714), persepsi kerentanan (p-value 0,665), persepsi kegawatan (p-value 0,233), persepsi manfaat (p value 0,066) dan dukungan keluarga (p-value 0,067). Variabel paling dominan berpengaruh adalah variabel pengetahuan (p-value 0,015) dengan OR (Exp B) 5,527. Kata Kunci : Kepatuhan, ibu hamil preeklamsia, ANC   ABSTRACT Preeclampsia can prevented if supported by the awareness of pregnant women to obey the service ANC. ANC performed by qualified health personnel and public awareness about the health of pregnant women, maternity and childbirth. The aim is to analyze the most influential factors of maternal preeclampsia to obey the ANC service utilization. Quantitative research with cross sectional on pregnant women with preeclampsia in Pemalang district. A 66 respondents taken with purposive, using quessionaire, data analyse with distribution. Related variables : hypertension or DM (0,037), knowledge (p-value 0.021), acceptability (p-value 0.018), support-attitude of health workers (p-value 0.041), and the support of her husband (p-value 0.045). Not related variable: age (p-value 0.239), parity (p-value 0.714), educational level (p-value 0.394), occupation (p-value 0.316), attitude (p-value 0.714), perception of vulnerability (p-value 0.665), perception of severity (p-value 0.233), perceived benefits (p-value 0.066), family support (p-value 0.067). Dominant variable is knowledge (p-value 0.015) OR (Exp B) 5.527. Keywords : Compliance, preeclampsia pregnant women, ANC

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Desy Ayu Wardani

Background: Menopause phase in women is the time when menstrual cycle stops which is followed by obvious psychological and physical changes and occurs 3 – 4 years. The psychological and physical changes in menopause women will affect the quality of their life. Therefore, supports from the close people, especially from their husbands are needed. Objective: This study aimed to find out the correlation between husband support and the life quality of menopause women. The type of this research was quantitative research using correlation analysis with cross sectional approach with the total of 126 respondents. The technique used in taking the sample was Purposive sampling technique. Chi Square test was used as the bivariate test. Finding: The research finding showed that p-value was 0.032. Conclusion:  There was a correlation between husband support and the life quality of menopause women. Suggestion:  There should be a follow-up research about the factors which affect the life quality of menopause women such as psychological, physical aspects, social relationship and environment surrounding the menopause women.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-85
Silvia Ari Agustina ◽  
Muftiyatur Rohmah

Breast milk is very beneficial for babies, mothers, families, countries and the earth, so every mother is encouraged to do breastfeeding to their babies. The lowest coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in Gunungkidul District is Girisubo Health Center as much as 32.8%. Many factors influence the low coverage of exclusive breastfeeding, one of them is the support of the family especially the husband. Support from the nearest person (husband) is important in the success of exclusive breastfeeding. Objective this study to Know Relationship between Husband’s Support and woman’s attitude in their third trimester towards Exclusive Breastfeeding at Public Health Center of Girisubo Gunung Kidul. This study types was correlational analytic research with cross sectional study design. Sampling technique used purposive sampling with a large sample of 86 trimester pregnant women 3 who had a husband and live together. Data collection used closed questionnaires with Likert scale. Data analysis used chi square test. This research showed that Husband’s support in exclusive breastfeeding majority in less than 46 respondents (53,5%). Likewise with the attitude of pregnant women in giving the majority of the milk is also negative by 57%. The result of cross tabulation of husband support is negative, mother's attitude in giving ASI 32 fall in negative category, whereas the husband/s support is positive, negative pregnant woman attitude only 17. Result bivariate analysis is known that p value = 0,011, there is relationship between husband support with attitude of pregnant mother with OR value as much as 3,092. It can be concluded that there is a statistically significant relationship between the husband’s support and the attitude of the expectant mother. The husband's positive support to the wife, raises 3 positive attitudes of TM III pregnant women in exclusive breastfeeding.  Keywords: Attitude, Support, Exclusive Breast Milk ABSTRAK ASI sangat bermanfaat baik bagi bayi, ibu, keluarga, negara serta bumi, sehingga setiap ibu dianjurkan untuk memberikan ASI. Puskesmas Girisubo mempunyai cakupan pemberian ASI eksklusif terendah di wilayah Kabupaten Gunungkidul yaitu sebanyak 32,8%. Rendahnya cakupan dapat dipengaruhi banyak faktor, salah satunya adalah dukungan dari keluarga khususnya suami. Dukungan dari suami atau keluarga sangat berperan dalam keberhasilan pemberian ASI eksklusif. Tujuan dari peneitian ini adalah mengetahui korelasi dukungan suami dengan sikap Ibu Hamil Trimester III dalam Pemberian ASI Eksklusif di Puskesmas Girisubo Gunung Kidul. Jenis penelitian analitik korelasi dengan desain penelitian cross sectional. Teknik sampling menggunakan purposive sampling. Besar sampel yang digunakan sebanyak 86 ibu hamil trimester 3 yang memiliki suami dan tinggal bersama. Pengumpulan data menggunakan kuesioner tertutup dengan skala Likert. Analisis data menggunakan uji chi square. Hasil penelitian ini adalah Dukungan suami kepada istri dalam memberikan ASI eksklusif mayoritas negatif sebanyak 46 responden (53,5%). Begitu pula dengan sikap ibu hamil dalam memberikan ASI mayoritas juga negatif sebesar 57%. Hasil tabulasi silang dukungan suami yang negatif, sikap ibu hamil TM III dalam memberikan ASI 32 masuk dalam kategori negatif, sedangkan jika dukungan suami yang positif, sikap ibu hamil yang negatif hanya 17. Hasil analisis bivariat menunjukkan nilai p = 0,011, ada korelasi yang signifikan antara dukungan suami dengan sikap ibu hamil dengan nilai OR diketahui 3,092. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat korelasi yang signifikan secara statistik antara dukungan suami dengan sikap ibu hamil. Dukungan positif suami kepada istri, meningkatkan 3 kali sikap positif ibu hamil TM III dalam pemberian ASI Eksklusif.  Kata kunci: Sikap, Dukungan, ASI Eksklusif

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 127
Lya Farida ◽  
Dini Kurniawati ◽  
Peni Perdani Juliningrum

Childbirth readiness is a birth planning process and anticipation of actions to prevent complications. Teenage pregnant women (<20 years) are at risk because at that age the productive and mental functions are immature. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between husband’s support and childbirth readiness of teenage pregnant women in Sukowono Community Health Center, Jember. The study used correlational approach with cross-sectional study design. Sample size was 34 teenage pregnant women, collected using total sampling. Data was obtained by using questionnaire of husband’s support (validity: 0.759-0.820 and reliability: 0.789) and childbirth readiness (validity: 0.488-0.835 and reliability 0.957). Data analysis used the spearman test. The study showed that the respondents had less husband support, i.e. 19 people and the childbirth readiness was 20 people. The results showed that there was a relationship between husband’s support and childbirth readiness (p value=0,000) and h r=0,623. This study indicated that the higher of husband’s support which receive by pregnant women, the higher of the childbirth readiness. Teenage pregnant women who have good husband’s support will prepare mature labor plan, and further provides safety to mother and fetus.

Dian Wulandari ◽  
Sunarsih Sunarsih ◽  
Akbar Torontju

Background: Postpartum contraceptive coverage in Konawe Kepulauan Regency in 2018, through data obtained at the Konawe Kepualaun District Health Office, Southeast Sulawesi Province as much as 8.4% and data in 2019 decreased to 1.26%. Methods:This quantitative research is observational with a cross sectional study design. The population in this study was 96 people with the determination of the sample using stratified cluster sampling, totaling 77 all post-partum mothers in the working area of the health centre in Konawe Kepulauan Regency. Results:The significance value (p) value of husband support and the role of midwife is 0.000 which means that p <0.05 so that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected, which means that there is a significant correlation or relationship between husband's support and the role of midwives on the use of postpartum contraception. Both have a value of phi C which is 0.100 which meansvery weak relationship. Conclusion: There is a relationship between husband's support and the role of the midwife against the use of postpartum contraceptives in the Konawe Islands district.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-206
Ety Diana Sulistyawati ◽  
Byba Melda Suhita ◽  
Nurdina Nurdina

Maternal Mortality can be prevented by early detection of high risks or complications during pregnancy, by conducting prenatal checks into available health services. The high maternal mortality rate indicates that the quality of maternal health services that are still low includes antenatal care (ANC) services. The purpose of the study was to analyze integrated anc services for satisfaction and high risk events of pregnant women at Masyithoh Bangil Pasuruan Islamic Hospital. The research design used is quantitative research with a cross sectional approach. Instrument data used questionnaire sheets using Chi Square test and Ordinal Regression. The results of the analysis of chi square test between variables ANC services integrated with satisfaction of pregnant women obtained p-value 0,000 <0,05, meaning that there is a relationship between integrated ANC services to satisfaction of pregnant women at Masyithoh Bangil Pasuruan Islamic Hospital. Whereas between integrated ANC service variables with high risk events obtained p-value 0.015 <0.05, meaning that there is a relationship between integrated ANC services to the high risk incidence of pregnant women at Masyithoh Bangil Pasuruan Islamic Hospital. Based on the results of the Ordinal Regression Test analysis shows that the most influential variable with the Integrated ANC Service at the Masyithoh Bangil Pasuruan Islamic Hospital is the variable satisfaction of pregnant women with a p-value of 0,000 <0,05. It is expected that respondents can conduct an Integrated ANC on a regular basis and the service can remain satisfactory

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 96
Wulan Rahmadhani ◽  
Jipri Suyanto ◽  
Than Kyaw Soe ◽  
Siti Mutoharoh

Background: Age influences pregnancy and childbirth. Pregnant women aged less than 20 years old or pregnant adolescents are not physically and mentally ready to cope with pregnancy or childbirth. The husband's support highly determines the health status of the mother. This research aimed to determine the relationship between husband support and the behavior of pregnant adolescents to face pregnancy during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Gombong District, Kebumen Regency. Methods: This study used a cross-sectional approach. The population was all pregnant women aged less than 20 years in the Gombong District, Kebumen Regency. It used a saturated sampling technique involving 256 people. Data were analyzed using univariate and bivariate analysis to answer the percentage and the Chi-Square test to answer the research hypothesis. Results: The study showed that 130 (50.8%) husbands did not support the mothers, and 126 (49.2%) husbands supported the mothers. The result also showed that 116 (45.3%) of the pregnant women showed positive behavior, while140 (54.7%) pregnant women showed negative behavior. The chi-square test found a p-value of 0.005, which proved a significant relationship between the husband's support and the behavior of pregnant adolescents to overcome pregnancy during the covid-19 pandemic. Conclusion: Pregnant teenagers with husband support will prepare for pregnancy and childbirth programs more maturely to ensure the safety of both mother and fetus.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 38
Hellen Febriyanti

Abstrak: Cakupan pemberian ASI eksklusif pada bayi usia kurang dari enam bulan sebesar 55,7% telah mencapai target. Dari 33 provinsi yang melapor, sebanyak 29 provinsi di antaranya (88%) berhasil mencapai target renstra 2015, sedangkan Provinsi Lampung sebesar  54,9% tidak mencapai target Nasional yang ada. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah Diketahui  faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pemberian ASI eksklusif pada tenaga kesehatan yang memiliki bayi 7-24 bulan di wilayah Kabupaten Pringsewu  tahun 2017. Penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan di rumah sakit wilayah kabupaten pringsewu. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh tenaga kesehatan yang memiliki bayi usia 7-24 bulan sebanyak 83 ibu, dan sampelnya berjumlah 66 ibu. Metode pengumpilan data dengan lembar kuisioner. Analisa data yang digunakan univariat, bivariat, multivariate.Hasil Penelitian Sebagian responden tidak memberikan ASI esklusif, yaitu sebanyak 62,1%,Ada hubungan antara dukungan tempat bekerja dengan pemberian ASI eksklusif dengan  p-value = 0,011 dan OR 4,525,  hubungan antara dukungan suami dengan pemberian ASI eksklusif dengan  p-value = 0.000 dan OR 8,615, Ada hubungan antara faktor psikis dengan  p-value = 0,009 dan OR 5,513, Ada hubungan antara sosial budaya dengan  p-value = 0,021 dan OR 7,583, dan Tidak ada hubungan antara pengetahuan, usia, status ekonomi tentang ASI eksklusif dengan pemberian ASI eksklusif. Faktor yang paling dominan adalah Dukungan suami dengan nilai OR paling besar yaitu 7,291. Abstract: The coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in infants aged less than six months by 55.7% has reached the target. Of the 33 provinces reporting, 29 of them (88%) succeeded in reaching the 2015 strategic plan, while Lampung province of 54.9% did not achieve the existing National targets. The purpose of this research is to know the factors related to exclusive breastfeeding on health workers who have babies 7-24 months in Pringsewu District in 2017. Quantitative research with Cross Sectional approach. This research was conducted in pringeu county hospital. The population of this study is all health workers who have babies 7-24 months of age as many as 83 mothers, and the sample amounted to 66 mothers. Data latching method with questionnaire. Data analysis used univariate, bivariate, multivariate. Research Results Some respondents did not give exclusive breastfeeding as much as 62.1%. There was a relationship between workplace support and exclusive breastfeeding with p-value = 0.011 and OR 4.525, the relationship between husband support and exclusive breastfeeding with p-value = 0.000 And OR 8,615. There is correlation between psychological factor with p-value = 0,009 and OR 5,513. There is correlation between social culture with p-value = 0,021 and OR 7,583, and there is no correlation between knowledge, age, economic status about exclusive breastfeeding Exclusive breastfeeding. The most dominant factor is the support of husbands with the greatest OR value is 7.29

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