2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 235-242
Tiurniari Purba ◽  
Irene Svinarky

Community Service (PKM) aims to foster housewives in Citra Laguna Housing, Batam. More than 50 percent of the housewives in this housing simply carry out the profession as a housewife without any other activities. Meanwhile, complaints about the inadequacy of household needs are very high. They want extra money to make ends meet. Through this PKM, the implementation method forms direct training and practice on making homemade ice cream products and selling them online or e-commerce. Implementation is carried out twice per meeting. First, fostering participants and practice on how to make ice cream, which was represented by 15 participants. Second, teach and practice buying and selling online through internet media such as through Facebook, Instagram, and others (e-commerce which is familiar among housewives). The results during the two meetings are as follows: 1. Housewives mastered how to make ice cream products with satisfactory results. 2. Housewives know how to download images of products they want to sell in common marketing languages.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 211-216
Sanjaya Pinem ◽  
Viktor Edison Hutagaol

Abstract: Technology information using the internet can benefit educators and provide information to students to transfer knowledge has a very high potential. The purposes of these community service are: (1) to expand the insight, knowledge, and experience directly about the model of blended learning for teachers, especially teachers of Sma Katolik 1 Kabanjahe; (2) Teachers can use elearning moodle learning technology. The techniques that are planned to shape the motivation and participation of educators ranging from the benefits of blended learning, and the application of blended learning so that educators in directly implementing it in the classroom. The implementation method starts in a structured manner starting from the initial discussion about blended learning, taking the results of the initial questionnaire, then giving independent tasks to the teachers. This community service was attended by 12 teachers at SMA Katolik 1 Kabanjahe, Kab. Karo. North Sumatra. The important conclusion of this community service is the awareness and ability of educators in using information technology, especially blended learning can increase motivation to educators to provide maximum learning to learners.         Keywords: blended learning; moodle; teaching technologyAbstrak: Teknologi informasi dengan menggunakan internet dapat menguntungkan para pendidik dalam memberikan informasi kepada peserta didik. Pengetahuan tentang teknologi informasi mempunyai potensi yang sangat tinggi. Tujuan dari penulisan: (1) memperluas wawasan, pengetahuan dan pengalaman secara langsung tentang model pembelajaran blended learning untuk guru guru khususnya Guru SMA Katolik 1 Kabanjahe; (2) Guru–guru dapat menggunakan teknologi pembelajaran elearning moodle. Teknik yang direncanakan untuk membentuk motivasi dan partisipasi tenaga pendidik mulai dari keuntungan blended learning, dan pengaplikasian blended learning sehingga tenaga pendidik dalam langsung mengimplementasikannya di dalam kelas. Metode pelaksanaan dimulai secara terstruktur mulai dari diskusi awal tentang blended learning, mengambil hasil kuesioner awal, selanjutnya memberikan tugas mandiri kepada guru–guru. Pelaksanaan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini diikuti oleh 12 guru di SMA Katolik 1 Kabanjahe, kab. Karo. Sumatera Utara. Kesimpulan penting dari pengabdian ini adalah adanya kesadaran dan kemampuan pendidik dalam menggunakan teknologi informasi khususnya blended learning dapat meningkatkan motivasi kepada tenaga pendidik untuk memberikan pembelajaran yang maksimal kepada peserta didik.Kata kunci: blended learning; moodle; teknologi pembelajaran

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 374
Busyairi Ahmad ◽  
Hamjah Bonso ◽  
Samsiah Samsiah

ABSTRAKPengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meberikan pembinaan terhadap wali murid SD YAPIS 2 Biak dalam membimbing anak-anaknya untuk belajar di rumah agar pembelajaran di rumah epektif sesuai harapan bersama. Metode pelaksanaan menggunakan survei dan bimbingan metode belajar bagi wali/orangtua murid secara offline namun mengikuti protokol Kesehatan yang telah diatur pemerintah. Peserta pembinaan terdiri dari enam kelompok yaitu kelompok wali murid kelas I sampai dengan kelas VI, masing-masing kelompok terdiri dari 10 peserta. Hasil pengabdian kepada masyarakat diperoleh sebagai yaitu wali murid; a) memahami cara membimbing anak berdasarkan tugas yang diberikan oleh guru, b) mengetahui cara memahami materi dan cara menjawab soal dari buku yang telah diberikan dari sekolah untuk membimbing anaknya, c) mengetahui cara mengatur waktu untuk membimbing anak dalam mengerjakan tugas dan belajar membaca, menulis bagi siswa kelas I. Kata kunci: pembinaan; metode belajar dari rumah; wali murid; masa pandemi covid-19. ABSTRACTThis community service aims to provide guidance to the guardians of SD YAPIS 2 Biak students in guiding their children to study at home so that learning at home is effective according to common expectations. The implementation method uses surveys and learning method guidance for parents/ guardians of students offline but follows the Health protocol that has been regulated by the government. The coaching participants consist of six groups, namely the guardian group of grade I to class VI students, each group consisting of 10 participants. The results of community service are obtained as guardians of students; a) understand how to guide children based on assignments given by the teacher, b) know how to understand the material and how to answer questions from books that have been given from school to guide their children, c) know how to manage time to guide children in doing assignments and learning to read, writing for grade I students. Keywords: coaching; home learning method; student guardian; the covid-19 pandemic period.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 517
Ali Nur Ikhsan ◽  
Muslimin Hidayat ◽  
Jali Suhaman

ABSTRAKMI Muhammadiyah Wangon merupakan salah satu sekolah yang mempunyai tenaga pendidik atau guru dengan rentang usia yang variatif, dalam menyajikan bahan ajar para guru mempunyai cara yang variatif juga. Di masa pandemi Covid-19 ini para guru dalam menyajikan bahan ajar masih merasa kesulitan untuk membuat video pembelajaran yang komunikatif dan interaktif. Tim pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) memberikan pelatihan pembuatan video pembelajaran dengan menggunakan PowerPoint. Metode yang digunakan dalam pelatihan ini yaitu berupa workshop. Tim PkM melakukan pelatihan secara langsung dengan 1 narasumber sebagai pemateri workshop dan 2 pendamping untuk mendampingi peserta dalam pelaksanaan workshop. Pelatihan ini dapat menambah pengetahuan dan kemampuan peserta dalam membuat video pembelajaran yang komunikatif dan interaktif. Kata kunci: pelatihan; video; interaktif; powerpoint; workshop. ABSTRACTMI Muhammadiyah Wangon is one of the schools that has mentors or teachers with various age ranges, and has various way of presenting teaching materials as well. During the Covid-19 pandemic, teachers in presenting teaching materials still found it difficult to make communicative and interactive learning videos. The community service team (PkM) provides training on making learning videos using PowerPoint. The method used in this training is a workshop. The PkM team conducts direct training with 1 person as a speaker and 2 assistants to assist participants in the implementation of the workshop. This training can increase the knowledge and abilities of participants in making communicative and interactive learning videos. Keywords: training; video; interactive; power point; workshop.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-16
Endah Prayekti ◽  
Ary Andini

Parties who become partners in community service activities are the village community of Sumbersono, Mojokerto Regency. Based on the 2017 health profile in Mojokerto District, there are 117,309 elderly people. The Mojokerto district government has a health program for the elderly, namely the Elderly Health Service (Usila). Usila is a health service according to the standards in the elderly guidelines in a health facility in one work area and time period. Examination of the elderly programmed by the Mojokerto district government has been carried out at the Puskesmas that serves the elderly, but the elderly need more routine checks to monitor cholesterol levels. Another thing that is a problem is the relatively expensive cholesterol examination so that there are limitations in the self-examination by the community. Cholesterol examination methods for community service were using POCT and interviews related to health complaints from community service participants. There were 44 community service participants, not only from the elderly but from middle age. Of the 27 elderly, 10 elderly have normal cholesterol levels while 17 elderly have high and very high of cholesterol levels. Of the 17 middle age participants, 7 of them had normal cholesterol levels and 10 people had high and very high cholesterol levels. The interviews showed that almost all participants had health complaints that resembled complaints due to high cholesterol level. It is recommended to perform other health examination and not be limited to the elderly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-208
Nurul Aisyah Rachmawati ◽  
Rizka Ramayanti ◽  
Muyassaroh Muyassaroh ◽  
Sri Opti

As a form of fulfilling the Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, Department of Accounting Universitas Trilogi does not only focus on teaching and research, but also on community service. In collaboration with Kantor Wilayah DJP Jakarta Selatan 1, Department of Accounting Universitas Trilogi conducted training in preparing financial reports based on SAK EMKM for UMKM Taxpayers in the KPP Pancoran Jakarta as the basis for reporting their Annual Tax Return. This activity was held on Tuesday, February 25th, 2020. The knowledge of UMKM Taxpayers in the KPP Pancoran Jakarta about financial and tax reporting is still very limited. This is what underlies the Community Service Team to conduct training activities in preparing financial and tax reports. The training consisted of three sessions: 1) giving material on preparing financial reports; 2) providing material about preparing tax reports; and 3) discussion and Q&A with the training participants. Because of the enthusiasm of the participants was very high, the training activities were followed by a mentoring session on the preparation of financial and tax reports held at Universitas Trilogi. Thus, participants get a better understanding and can report Annual Tax Return on time.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 38-43
Trisla Warningsih ◽  
Kusai Kusai ◽  
Lamun Bathara ◽  
Andarini Diharmi ◽  
Deviasari Deviasari

Teluk Kenidai Village is located in Tambang District, Kampar Regency, Riau Province. Teluk Kenidai Village has the potential for natural tourism in the form of beaches, which are one of the alternative tourist destinations for the community. The activities carried out are playing various kinds of rides and swimming on the banks of the Kampar River. The visitors to the island of love in Kenidai Bay are the largest visitors of all tourist objects in Kampar Regency. The existence of the island of love tourism can develop the community's economy by providing special foods as souvenirs and drinks for tourist visitors. Alternative foods that can be done are processed crispy monitor fish and lime syrup drinks because these two things have very high potential in Kampar Regency, and can provide added value to people's lives. The purpose of the activity is to empower the people of Teluk Kenidai Village, to process various crispy monitoring fish and to increase the attractiveness of the island of love for visiting tourists. The benefits of the activity are opening up people's insights in increasing the potential of natural resources, gaining skills and abilities in making crispy monitor fish and lime syrup to improve the economy. The method is carried out by demonstration and hands-on practice in the manufacture of crispy monitoring fish and lime syrup. The target communities are the people living in Teluk Kenidai Village and village customary leaders and the Tourism Awareness Group (Pokdarwis) totaling 15 people. Evaluation is carried out by giving questionnaires to all participats before and after the delivery of counseling materials and practices. The results of the evaluation of the community service activities that have been carried out show that the increasing desire of the community in practicing extension activities to earn additional income by opening this bussines, especially in the tourist area of Pulau Cinta in Teluk Kenidai Village.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-118
Realize Realize ◽  
Tukino Tukino

Home industry production results are only traditionally managed as promoted by word of mouth, and sometimes rely solely on the number of visitors to the sales place of the product, so the product takes a long time to increase sales volume. Now with capitalize a set of computers or smartphones that have been equipped with the Internet network can be used as a tool or media to publish all activities / promotional activities undertaken by the domestic business actors. In this activity, business activists will be given material about what the website, especially weblog and its benefits, how to make it, and how to use and manage it properly to support and improve the ability in promoting the product. This is not without reason, because almost all citizens who already have a household business is less understand the use of the internet let alone use the Internet media as one of the media to promote household products that they produce. The main target in the implementation of community service activities is to improve the ability of the community in the utilization of the Internet as a powerful medium as a partner of the government in moving the economic factors.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Rini Kartika Dewi ◽  
Srililiani Surbakti ◽  
Faidliyah Nilna Minah ◽  
M. Istnaeny Hudha ◽  
Siswi Astuti

The creative industry is a business activity that focuses on creation and innovation which must always be improved and developed in all regions in Indonesia, because it is rich in culture and natural resources. One example is RT 03 RW 14 Sawojajar Sekarpuro Village, Pakis Subdistrict, which has creative activities, where each resident is required to plant figs and process them. So far, residents still do not know the products that can be produced from tin fruit and the processing stages, all that has been done is making tea bags, but the results obtained are not as expected. The aim of this service is to provide assistance and training for residents of Sawojajar RT 03 RW 14 in processing various foods from fruit and drinks from Tin leaves and transfer of appropriate technology in the process to produce superior products from commercial Tin fruit. The implementation method that will be used is assistance in making products for PKK groups of women who are divided into 5 (five) small groups, mentoring and training for processing into products, assistance in the use of drying equipment, packaging and marketing. From the mentoring and training that has been carried out by the ITN Malang Community Service Team, it has had a significant impact, namely that residents gain knowledge and practice directly the processing of Tin fruit into various processed products and operating equipment in making Tin leaf tea and increasing economic value because residents have produce products and sell them to the public.

2019 ◽  
Vol 121 (12) ◽  
pp. 3321-3337 ◽  
Daniela Mariana de Lima Bragion ◽  
Helena Maria André Bolini

Purpose Carob has been proposed as a healthy, stimulant-free alternative to chocolate in frozen desserts. In order to make carob a viable and attractive alternative, food producers need to know how it interacts with sweeteners and frozen dessert dispersion matrices. The purpose of this paper is to find the optimal sweetener concentration in three plant-based frozen desserts and carob-flavoured milk dispersion matrix ice cream. Design/methodology/approach The ideal sucrose concentrations (per cent) were determined through an affective test using the “just-about-right” scale for carob-flavoured frozen desserts made with cashew nut, coconut and soy beverage, as well as milk dispersion matrix. The sweetness equivalence of artificial sweeteners relative to sucrose was determined by the magnitude estimation test. Findings The authors identified the concentrations of sucrose, stevia and sucralose that produced ideal sweetness in carob-flavoured frozen desserts. Concentrations for soy-based frozen desserts differed from the other dispersion mediums tested. Plant-based frozen desserts exhibited a higher ratio of sweetening power of stevia and sucralose to sucrose compared to milk-based ice cream by a factor of 1.18 and 1.14, respectively. Originality/value This study undertook a comprehensive survey of a dairy-free and chocolate-free alternative to chocolate ice cream and found new sweetener interactions with dispersion matrices in carob-flavoured frozen desserts. The findings in this study can be applied in the development of carob-flavoured soybean-, coconut-, cashew nut- and milk-based frozen desserts.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Khaeriyah Darwis ◽  
St. Khadijah Yahya Hiola

This vegetable processing training aims to build the entrepreneurial spirit of RT 03/04 with the utilization of processed red spinach and broccoli vegetables which if developed over the long term will foster a productive economy that can increase family income. In addition, it is hoped that later, ladies and gentlemen, RT 03/04 Tamalanrea Jaya Village is able to form a Trade Business that produces Broccoli and Red Spinach Vegetable ice cream. Community service activities are carried out with training methods in practice and theory. For two days, the community members were invited to understand the purpose, benefits and application of healthy processed broccoli vegetables as a nutritious processed food and economic value. Presentation of learning material related to the importance of community empowerment through an independent learning process, this group is carried out in accordance with the material, goals and practical benefits of each theme. At the last session, this community service activity was presented with a demonstration of cooking food, processing broccoli and red spinach vegetables into healthy, practical ice cream and liked by all people. The activity of processing broccoli and red spinach vegetables as raw materials to obtain these types of food is done by demonstration method while providing explanations that must be mastered when going to process red spinach and broccoli into healthy food for the family, and economic value.Keyword : Broccoli Vegetables, Red Spinach, Vegetable Ice Cream

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