scholarly journals Promosi Kesehatan pada Ibu dan Balita Dalam Rangka Menurunkan Angka Kematian dan Kesakitan Balita “Balita Sehat, Ibu Senang”

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 92-95
Ziyadatul Chusna

Healthy and intelligent children certainly cannot be separated from the role of parents in providing good and sufficient and healthy nutritional intake, whether this is done during the mother's pregnancy or when the child is in a golden age in the growth phase of development that supports intelligence. the child's own brain. The low level of hygiene, the high incidence of diarrhea and the availability of latrines in the village of Kendawa became our background for providing health promotion materials for mothers and toddlers in order to reduce infant mortality in Kendawa Village, Jatibarang District, Brebes Regency. The method in the implementation of the mother is carried out by the lecture method, and discussions using leaflets while the output obtained is increased awareness and knowledge of parents about healthy toddlers in Kendawa Village. The output obtained is the existence of health education media about healthy toddlers in Kendawa Village.

Imam Subqi ◽  
Saipullah Hasan ◽  
Erin Riani

Abstract: There are 41.12% (29.0370) children experiencing a lack of nutritional intake in children in Wonosobo Regency, this has adversely affected the growth of both physical and non-physical for children due to breast milk intake and unhealthy environment. The purpose of this study was to find out how the role of the LPTP through the religious approach in handling the reduction of stunting rates, and how the role of the LPTP in assisting the reduction of stunting rates in the village of Pagarejo Wonosobo with qualitative research using the Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach. The results of this study indicate that (1) that the assistance provided by LPTP with a religious approach is based on the Al-Qur’an Al-Baqarah verse 233, that is, Allah has instructed a mother to breastfeed her child for up to two years. A father also has a responsibility to be able to provide for the family such as giving proper clothes to his children. (2) In creating conditions of social welfare and a good quality of life, it is necessary to create an environment that is supportive, responsive and empowers individuals and communities. Through the coordination carried out by the LPTP, the Village Government and Local Government to reduce stunting rates is one way to realize community welfare through the RPJM, RKP and APBDes.Keywords: LPTP; Religion; Stunting.Abstrak: Ada 41,12% (29,0370) anak mengalami kurangnya asupan gizi pada anak di Kabupaten Wonosobo, ini telah berdampak buruk bagi pertumbuhan baik fisik maupun non fisik bagi anak akibat asupan air susu ibu dan lingkungan yang kurang sehat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana peran LPTP melalui pendekatan Agama dalam penanganan penurunan angka stunting, dan bagaimana peran LPTP dalam pendampingan penanganan penurunan angka stunting di Desa Pagarejo Wonosobo dengan penelitian kualitatif menggunakan pendekatan Participatory Action Research (PAR). Hasil penelitian tersebut menunjukan bahwa (1) pendampingan yang dilakukan oleh LPTP dengan pendekatan agama di dasarkan pada Al-Qur’an Surat Al-Baqarah ayat 233, yakni Allah telah memperintahkan pada seorang ibu agar menyusui anaknya sampai dua tahun lamanya. Seorang ayah juga memiliki tanggung jawab untuk bisa memberikan nafkah bagi keluarga seperti memberi pakaian yang layak kepada anak-anaknya. (2) Dalam menciptakan kondisi kesejahteraan sosial dan kualitas hidup yang baik diperlukan penciptaan lingkungan yang mendukung, responsif dan memberdayakan individu dan masyarakat. Melalui koordinasi yang dilakukan oleh LPTP, Pemerintah Desa dan Pemerintah Daerah untuk mengurangi angka stunting adalah salah satu cara untuk mewujudkan kesejahteraan masyarakat melalui RPJM, RKP dan APBDes.Kata Kunci: LPTP; Agama; Stunting.

Maraimbang Maraimbang ◽  
Abrar M. Dawud Faza ◽  
Rahma Yanti Daulay

<p><em>The role of parents who have a good level of understanding of religion, can guide the guidance of aqidah and worship to their children well, the level of obedience of children is very good, mothers have a more dominant role in guiding and directing children in the field of aqidah. has been able to form the personality of a devout child in carrying out worship. Parents who lack religious understanding tend to care less about their children to study religion well. Qualitative methods and conducting research in field research using data collection techniques in this study using the method of free interviews and observations and documentation methods in the village of Bandar Selamat, Medan Tembung District. Results in the Study of the Role of Parents in Guiding Their Children to Instill Aqeedah Values and become the basis and determinant for the survival of the Child in the future because this problem becomes a very important thing to be studied and examined its presence in the community. Because not all parents are able to instill the value of Aqeedah to their children, especially for parents who lack adequate religious knowledge. For parents instilling the value of aqi ̅dah in children from an early age is the first and foremost thing. Instilling the value of aqidah is a must that must not be abandoned. Because aqi ̅dah is a pillar that underlies one's Islam. Aqi ̅dah value or faith in early childhood is a basic foundation for life according to nature, because humans have the nature and tendency to experience and believe in the existence of God.</em></p><p><strong>Keywords</strong><strong>: </strong><em>Parents, Planting, Aqeedah Values, Childre.</em></p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Yoap Yolis Lakawen

Regarding the role of parents in the formal education of the child, it can be known that there is a gap between the expectation and the fact that in the village Taar Dulla Selatan District is very concern. The fact is found, that with the work of different parents such as driver Oto, motorcycle taxi, rush building, fishermen, farmers, almost the need of children do not notice such as writing books for kids later in school, Children's uniforms have been prepared or not, controlling their children in their growth and development, parents rarely follow the parents ' meeting, and always give the trust for the elderly child or Om or aunt to join the meeting between Teachers and parents, mothers are also working as laundry in some houses so sometimes if it is tired, the mothers of the Suda forget to pay attention to their children about learning, they think the children are already bisah independent or not, already Dinner or not, what else has learned or not. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to develop a sense of parental responsibility for its duties and roles, and is expected to foster knowledge and broaden parents ' horizons.Arifin suggests that the task of parents who need to be pone is, mother role as: 1. Have biological and physical needs. 2. Caring and taking care of the family patiently, in a consistent manner. 3. Educate, regulate and control the child. 4. Be examples and examples for children. Dad has a role as: 1. Father as a breadwinner. 2. Father as a husband who is full of understanding and giving security. 3. Father participated in child education. 4. As a protector or a firmly wise personage, loving the family.The research method used is a qualitative research method, the results of the study showed that the role of parents in the formal education of children studying in Taar village, Dulla Selatan District, has not undergone any changes, as it is seen from Parents ' participation in seeing their roles in supporting the child's formal education.Keyword: Parental role, Formal education

2020 ◽  
Saidna Zulfiqar Bin-Tahir

The objectives of this study were to 1) determine the behavior of parents in educating children's religiosity; 2) identify children's actions in applying religiosity in society. The location of this research is in Ubung Village, Lilialy District, Buru Regency, because this location is assessed as the role of parents in educating children's religiosity very high and intensively. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The method in this research is the method of observation with data collection techniques used, namely in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling technique. The results showed 1) parental behavior in educating religiosity in the village of Ubung includes (1) democratic parenting or behavior. In this pattern there are four aspects applied by parents in Ubung Village, namely (a) aspects of affection, (b) aspects of communication, (c) aspects of self-control, (d) aspects of maturity demands; (2) permissive parenting; (3) attachment parenting; (4) authoritarian parenting; (5) helicopter parenting; (6) negligent parenting. 2) As for the children's actions in implementing religiosity in the community in Ubung Village, namely looking happy and happy in their interactions, never learning to control their behavior, having a high sense of care for their surroundings, often less happy, withdrawn, afraid, and less confident When comparing themselves with others, children tend to be afraid of expressing opinions, low self-esteem, and so on.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-158
Yuarini Wahyu Pertiwi ◽  
Hema Dayita Pohan ◽  
Erik Saut H Hutahaean ◽  
Djuni Thamrin ◽  
Tiara Anggita Perdini

Abstract   RPTRA is a community established by the DKI Jakarta government in order to improve the quality of life of its citizens, which in this case is specifically to support the growth and development of children, the comfort of parents and the comfort of its citizens in interacting. Children's growth and development is a mandatory thing that must be considered by parents, therefore the role of parents in providing care is important. In providing care, parents must have good care and observation of their children. If parents pay less attention and care to their children, it is feared that children will have difficulty in completing their developmental tasks. At this community service activity, the implementing team will provide material presentations about care and attention that will be conveyed through the lecture method. The results show that there are many variants of answers from the participants regarding parenting, the participants also better understand how to be parents who care and pay attention to their children. This activity still has limitations in the form of small stimuli, because the material provided is still only providing additional knowledge to parents. Follow-up activities are still needed so that parents can also apply knowledge effectively to their children. Then for the government, especially the RPTRA administrators, it is hoped that they can hold programs that can increase the bond between parents and children.   Keywords: Children, Parents, Caring, Observing, Parenting   Abstrak   RPTRA merupakan komunitas yang didirikan oleh pemerintah DKI Jakarta guna untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup para warganya yang dalam hal ini khusus kepada mendukung tumbuh kembang anak, kenyaman orang tua serta kenyamanan warganya dalam berinteraksi. Tumbuh kembang anak merupakan hal wajib yang harus diperhatikan oleh para orang tua, oleh karena itu peran orang tua dalam memberikan pengasuhan merupakan hal penting. Dalam memberikan pengasuhan, orang tua harus memiliki kepedulian dan pengamatan yang baik terhadap anak-anaknya. Apabila orang tua kurang memperhatikan dan peduli kepada anaknya, maka dikhawatirkan anak akan kesulitan dalam menyelesaikan tugas-tugas perkembangannya. Pada kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat kali ini tim pelaksana akan memberikan pemaparan materi mengenai kepedulian dan perhatian yang akan disampaikan melalui metode ceramah. Hasilnya menunjukan banyak varian jawaban dari para peserta kegiatan mengenai pengasuhan, para peserta pun lebih memahami bagaimana menjadi orang tua yang peduli dan memperhatikan anak. Kegiatan ini masih memiliki keterbatasan berupa rangsangan kecil, karena materi yang diberikan masih sekedar memberikan tambahan pengetahuan kepada orang tua. Kegiatan lanjutan masih diperlukan agar orang tua juga dapat mempraktekan pengetahuan secara efektif kepada anak-anaknya. Kemudian bagi pemerintah khususnya para pengurus RPTRA, diharapkan dapat mengadakan program-program yang dapat meningkatkan kelekatan orang tua dan anak.   Kata kunci: Anak-Anak, Orang Tua, Kepedulian, Perhatian, Pengasuhan

10.3823/2466 ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Layane Mayara Gomes Castelo Branco ◽  
Aíka Barros Barbosa Maia ◽  
Aílka Barros Barbosa ◽  
Maria Nauside Pessoa da Silva ◽  
Lívia Moreira De Carvalho Rodrigues ◽  

Objective: To evaluate, through the literature, the relevance of neonatal care, through professional training in qualified and humanized care, with a view to reducing child mortality. Method: An integrative review of the international scientific literature was carried out, in order to answer the following question: "How does neonatal care, through professional training, have the most qualified and humanized assistance in order to reduce infant mortality?" Eight articles were analyzed, which gave rise to three categories: Assistance aimed at HIV + pregnant women; Alternative breastfeeding and The role of Nursing in the prevention of mother-to-child transmission in the puerperal gravid cycle. Conclusion: Structural actions of promotion and prevention are important measures of health education in the reduction of infant mortality, with nursing having a important role in guaranteeing them.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1013
Ahmaniyah Ahmaniyah ◽  
Sitti Sarti ◽  
Aulia Aulia ◽  
Emdat Suprayitno ◽  
Siti Hatijah

ABSTRAKDi puskesmas saronggi derajad kesehatan ibu dan anak sudah baik tetapi masih ada permasalahan untuk ibu hamil yang mengalami hipertensi dalam kehamilannya, yaitu sekitar 21 % di desa pagarbatu dan desa talang. Dari 31 % ini terbanyak di desa pagarbatu. angka kejadian hipertensi dalam kehamilan tinggi di desa pagarbatu disebabkan karena masyarakatnya dalam mengkonsumsi garam melebihi takaran, menu makanan yang asal-asalan karena rata-rata penduduknya adalah nelayan, dan jika diterapi obat hipertensi tidak dikonsumsi karena akan berakibat buruk pada anaknya, untuk memutuskan masalah, penyelesaian pengobatan alternatif dengan pengobatan nonfarmakologi yaitu dengan menggunakan terapi musik serta melakukan penyuluhan tentang pola makan yang benar ini. Tujuan PKM ini untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan menurunkan angka kejadian hipertensi ibu hamil dengan menggunakan metode ceramah dan penerapan terapi musik. Metode : dengan memberikan penyuluhan dan terapi musik, Hasil dari kegiatan penearapan terapi music yaitu: pengetahuan masyarakat (ibu hamil) tentang pola makan meningkat 89% dan hipertensi yang berhasil mengalami penurunan pada minggu ke 3-4 terapi yaitu rata-rata 110/70 mmHg. Kata kunci: hipertensi; musik; pengetahuan. ABSTRACTAt the Saronggi Public Health Center, the degree of maternal and child health is good but there are still problems for pregnant women who experience hypertension in pregnancy, which is about 21% in the village of Pagarbatu and Talang Village. Of this 31%, most are in the village of Pagarbatu. The high incidence of hypertension in pregnancy in the village of Pagarbatu is caused by the people consuming salt in excess of the dose, the food menu is careless because the average population is fishermen, and if hypertension medication is treated it is not consumed because it will have a bad effect on the child, to decide the problem, The completion of alternative medicine with non-pharmacological treatment is by using music therapy and conducting counseling about this correct eating pattern. The study aimed in this PKM is to increase knowledge and reduce the incidence of hypertension in pregnant women by using the lecture method and the application of music therapy. Methods: by providing counseling and music therapy, Results: public knowledge (pregnant women) about diet increased by 89% and successful hypertension decreased in the 3-4th week of therapy with an average of 110/70 mmHg. Keywords: hypertension; music; knowledge.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-113
Abed Behnaz ◽  
Shahabi Hassan

In the study, the researcher investigates the role of parents in children’s mental maturity. As a result, lack of rationality of parents in dealing with children will have detrimental effect on their future. Erikson explored the evolution of the superego and distinguished it among infant mortality, adolescent ideology, and adult ethics. His work, which has enriched formal Psychoanalysis, had enormous impact on the clinical area and had wide application in child psychology, education, psychotherapy, and marriage counseling. Since Lawrence’s works provide feasible texture for Psychoanalytic criticism, the two given novels are studied here on the light of Erikson’s theory. In the Study, a new understanding of modernity comes in through the study of D.H. Lawrence’s two major effects. The thesis, in its five chapters, seeks to trace between D.H. Lawrence’s work and Erik Eriksonian psychosocial analysis. It study is an attempt to cover Erikson’s Psychosocial theory, notably the notion of epigenetic theory and then apply it to the reading of two novels by DH. Lawrence (Sons in Lovers 1994 and Women in Love 1921). Erikson’s theory posits that every human being passes through several distinct and qualitatively different stages in life, from birth to death. The notion of identity preoccupied Erikson’s mind more than any other issues in psychology.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 14
M Suryadi

The research aims is to determine the strength and the role of families, especially the families of the village who were used Javanese Language. Nowadays, the Javanese language the developed is the reflection of family concern, especially the role of parents in inheriting the use of Javanese Language (normative-prescriptive).  The research location is in Semarang City. The method that used to obtain data was the method refer to: observation, record, and method of proficient: participant, interviews. Data analysis used descriptive-quantitative method, i.e. Ervin-Tripp alternation rule (1972). The result of this research that the role of family is very influential on the mastery and use of Javanese Language, as well as coloring the Javanese Language on the present-day. The family has three main roles, namely (1) the gateway to the introduction of the Javanese Language, (2) the gateway to learning Javanese Language, and (3) the gateway to preservation of Javanese.

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