2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-16

Abstrac : the aims of this reseacrh is to get information and data about the effort to increase children’s social skills in group B5 kindergarten through play activities with the song in TK YPPK Bintang Kecil, Abepura, Jayapura City 2014, with 18 children. Reseacrh Method used action research method. This method condused in two ciycles according to kemmis and Taggart model which consist of 4 stages (plan, action, observation and reflection). The process of data collection using the interview notes, field notes, instrument monitoring and documentation of action. Analysis of data using qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis. Social skills children can be increased after the action through play activities using singing. It can be seen from the results of research that says that the average grade in the pre-action amounted to 49.30%. After the action in the first cycle increases the average grade was increased to 71.18% and the second cycle increased to 84.42%.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Dini Widiya Yanti ◽  
Rika Partika Sari

AbstractThe aims of this research is to get information and data about the effort ti increase children’s social skills in grade B kindergarten through playing method of traditional games in PAUD Yasporbi Kota Bengkulu. Research method used action research method. This method conduced in two cycles according to Kemmis and Taggart model which consist of 4 stages (plan, action, observation and reflection). Data collecting tecniques used field notes, interview, documentation and observation. Research subject was taken from 10 children of 5-6 years old. The result of the research shows that children’s social skills through playing method of traditional games could increase of grade B kindergarten. Analysis of data obtained from the comparison between pre-percentage increase which showed from pre-intervency the class avarage is 47,70% up to 79,79% at posttest result. Keywords: social skills, traditional games.AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan informasi dan data tentang upaya meningkatkan  keterampilan sosial melalui permainan tradisional bengkulu di PAUD Yasporbi Kota Bengkulu. Metode penelitian yang dignakan adalah metode Kemmis dan Taggart yang terdiri dari perencanaan, tindakan, observasi dan refeksi. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Subyek penelitian terdiri dari 10 anak berusia 5 -6 tahun. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa keterampilan sosial anak PAUD kelas B melalui metode permainan tradisional sebesar 47,79% dari praintervensi rata-rata kelas dan 79,79% pada hasil posttest.Kata kunci: Keterampilan sosial, permainan tradisonal.

Khairul Huda

Abstract: The aims of this research is to get information and data about the effort to increase children’s social skill in grade B kindergarten through playing of Plastisin, PAUD Merpati, Mataram. Research method used action research method. This method conduced in two cycles according to Kemmis and Taggart model which consist of 4 stages (plan, action, observation, and reflection). Data collecting techniques used field notes, interview, documentation, and observation. Sample was taken children of 5-6 years old. The result of the research shows that children’s skill through playing of plastisin could increase of grade B kindergarten. Analysis of data obtained from the comparison between pre-action, and cycles two score. The end result of overall analysis of data is the percentage increase of 49.3% which showed from pre-action the class average is 34.7 up to 84 at cycles two result. Keywords: social skill, playing of plastisin Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan sosial pada anak usia 5-6 tahun di PAUD Merpati, Mataram. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian tindakan kelas (action research) model Kemmis dan Taggart, yang meliputi empat tahapan, yaitu (1) perencanaan, (2) tindakan, (3) pengamatan, (4) refleksi. Dengan memberikan suatu tindakan pada subjek yang diteliti melalui bermain plastisin sebagai variabel bebas dan untuk mengetahui peningkatan keterampilan sosial anak sebagai variable terikat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya proses peningkatan hasil pada keterampilan sosial anak melalui bermain plastisin. Hal ini dapat dilihat mulai dari hasil pra-intervensi sampai dengan siklus II dimana keterampilan sosial yang dimiliki siswa kelas B secara keseluruhan meningkat dengan rerata 49.3%.Hasil dari nilai rata-rata pra-.intervensi 34.7% dan meningkat sampai dengan 84% pada siklus II. Kata Kunci: Keterampilan Sosial, Bermain Plastisin 

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 148-166
Ika Yulistiana

The purpose of this study was to improve the mastery of English vocabulary through the VCD media method on class II students in SD N Rorotan 03 Morning Village in Rorotan Sub-District, Cilincing District, North Jakarta. This research was conducted on 32 year old children. This study was an action research with Kemmis and Taggart models consisting of 4 stages namely (plan, action, observation and reflection). This study consisted of 2 cycles, with each cycle as many as four meetings. Data collection techniques are using observation, field notes, and documentation. Data analysis uses quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative data analysis is carried out with statistical descriptions to compare pre cycles to the second cycle. The stages of qualitative analysis are data reduction, display data and verification. The results showed that there was an increase in English vocabulary mastery through the VCD media method. Theresults of the study quantitatively addressed the learning outcomes of vocabulary improvement in 32 children with an average of 58. 53% so that the results had not reached KKM, then continued in the first cycle to experience the average vocabulary ability is 71. 31% and then in cycle II the average vocabulary is 84.06%. Keywords: Mastery of vocabulary English words and VCD methods

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 116 ◽  
Herlina Herlina ◽  
Raden Rahmi Dewi

The purpose of this study was to analyze to develop in understanding English vocabulary by using flashcard media in students elementary school. This research was conducted at primary students in boarding school. The subjects were students of the third class with fourtee students. The research method was classroom action research using by model of Kemmis and Mc Taggart with four stages which including planning, action, observation, and reflection. Techniques of analysis the data collection through the results of monitoring action, analysis of learning activities, field notes and evaluative tests, as well as data collection by using documentation/photos taken during the learning process. Results obtained the understanding of vocabulary in the first cycle was 52.5%, and the second cycle was 80.0%. The average percentage of data monitoring the first cycle was 77.5% and the second cycle was 96.2%. Therefore learning by using flashcard media can improve their understanding of English vocabulary. The implication of this research is through flashcard media in learning English can motivated to students to improve the understanding of vocabulary in third grade students of elementary schooll in boarding school.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
I Ketut Selamet

This research is motivated by the large number of students who consider that social studies subjects are boring and unattractive subjects, so that they can influence student learning outcomes. In this study, researchers tried to use visual media to overcome these problems because visual media is a good motivational tool and can stimulate students to pay attention to the material being explained. The research method used in this study is Classroom Action Research, which in its implementation has four stages namely, planning, action, observation, and reflection. Data collection techniques used in this study in the form of tests, observations, interviews, and field notes. The results of research using visual media went well and smoothly. This can be stated by an increase in learning outcomes in each cycle carried out. Where in the pre-test only 37.9% of students who successfully met the graduation standard, entered the criteria "Very lacking". At the end of the first cycle test, the students' grades increased, students who successfully met the graduation standard was 75%, entering the criteria of "Good". and increased again in cycle 2 which is 90.7%, included in the criteria of "Very Good".

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (01) ◽  
Padilah Padilah

The purpose of this research was to describe the implementation process inquiry and to understand improving  creativity of children 5-6 years old  through inquiry. The study was conducted on group A Kindergarten with of seventen children.  This study used action research methods by Kemmis and Taggart which consist of 4 stages (plan, action, observation and reflection). This study consisted of two cycles, each cycles consisting of 8 sessions. Data collecting techniques used observation, field notes and documentation. Data analysis using quantitative and qualitative data. Quantitative data analysis with descriptive statistics that compare the result obtained from the first cycle and the second cycle. Analysis of qualitative data by analizing data from the observation, fields notes and documentation during the study to the steps of data reduction, data display and data verification. The result of this study showed that there was the improving interpersonal intelegence through play music with score in pre cycle 24,9 had improvement to 44,9 and become 67,7 in cycle II and excellent growing category. Keywords : creativity, inquiry,  Action Research

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 256-263
Febrina Ramadhani ◽  
Zakiah Zakiah ◽  
Fajri Fajri

Abstrak. Usahatani timun suri. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis keuntungan usahatani timun suri dan menganalisis kelayakan usahatani timun suri. Lokasi penelitian di lakukan di Gampong Babah Jurong Kecamatan Kuta Baro Kabupaten Aceh Besar,  penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Mei-Juni tahun 2017. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode sensus yaitu seluruh populasi menjadi sampel. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan melakukan wawancara, observasi dan kuesioner dengan analisis kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pendapatan yang diterima usahatani timun suri dengan luas lahan sebesar 750 m2 adalah Rp 1.501.736. Nilai R/C 1 yaitu sebesar 1,90 yang artinya usahatani timun suri dinilai layak untuk diusahakan. Nilai BEP produksi sebesar 467 dan BEP Harga sebesar 1.933, dimana titik pulang pokok usahatani timun suri terjadi pada saat produksi mencapai 467kg dan harga minimun sebesar Rp 1.933/kg. Nilai ROI sebesar 90,19%, yang artinya setiap Rp 100 biaya produksi yang dikeluarkan mampu memberikan pendapatan pada usahatani timun suri sebesar Rp 90,19. Dengan demikian, usahatani timun suri di Gampong Babah Jurong Kecamatan Kuta Baro Kabupaten Aceh Besar layak untuk diusahakan dan dapat memberikan keuntungan. Analysis Of The Income And Eligibility Of Farming Suri Cucumber In Gampong Babah Jurong Kuta Baro Aceh Besar DistrictAbstract. Farming cucumber suri. The purpose of this research is to analyze the benefits of farming cucumber suri and analyze the feasibility of farming timun suri. The location of the research done in Gampong Babah Jurong Kuta Baro, Aceh Besar Regency research conducted in May-June of 2017. The research method used was the census method, namely the population being sampled. Method of data collection is done by conducting interviews, observation and questionnaires with quantitative analysis. The results showed revenue received farming land with an area of suri cucumber of 750 m2 is Rp 1,501,736. The value of R/C 1 i.e. of 1.90, meaning farming cucumber suri is judged worthy to remain unanswered. The value of BEP production is 467 and BEP price is 1,933, where point staple farming cucumber suri occurs when the production reaches 467kg and a minimum price of Rp 1.933/kg. The value of ROI of 90.19%, meaning that every Rp 100  production costs that are incurred to provide income on farming suri cucumber Rp 90.19. Thus, farming cucumber suri in Gampong Babah Jurong Kuta Baro Aceh Besar District deserve to be organised and can give you an advantage.Analysis Of The Income And Eligibility Of Farming Suri Cucumber In Gampong Babah Jurong Kuta Baro Aceh Besar District

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 224-238
Susanti Dewi

       The purpose of this study is (i) identifying the non-financial feasibility of duck and duck cracker making business in terms of market, technical aspects and management aspects (ii) analyzing and (iii) comparing the financial feasibility of making duck and duck crackers in Central Amuntai District. The research was carried out on the "Dhandy" duck jerky in Antasari Village and "Mama Irfan" duck crackers in Kota Raden Hulu Village, Amuntai Tengah District, Hulu Sungai Utara Regency in May - August 2013. The research method used was case studies and data collection with interviews. Qualitative analysis of market, technical and management aspects is processed descriptively. Quantitative analysis uses investment criteria, namely analysis of present net value / NPV, return on investment / IRR, Net B / C ratio and return period of investment, the results of the two analyzes are followed by comparative analysis. The results of the non-financial aspects showed that the "Dhandy" jerky duck and "Mama Irfan" duck crackers viewed from the market or technical aspects were worth the effort. However, viewed from the management aspect, the two businesses are not feasible because they are still in the scale of small businesses, family efforts and implementation are still traditional. The financial aspect of the "Dhandy" duck jerky business is worth showing the NPV value of Rp.5,950,594, - the IRR of 12.92%, net B / C of 1.22 and the pay back period of 4,5024 years. Whereas the "Mama Irfan" duck cracker business is also worthy of the NPV value of Rp. 31,874,247, -, the IRR is 51.93%, net B / C is 2.71 and the pay back period is 2.4716 years. Comparative analysis shows that the "Mama Irfan" duck cracker making business is more feasible compared to the "Dhandy" duck jerky making business. The purpose of this study is (i) identifying the non-financial feasibility of duck and duck cracker making business in terms of market, technical aspects and management aspects (ii) analyzing and (iii) comparing the financial feasibility of making duck and duck crackers in Central Amuntai District. The research was carried out on the "Dhandy" duck jerky in Antasari Village and "Mama Irfan" duck crackers in Kota Raden Hulu Village, Amuntai Tengah District, Hulu Sungai Utara Regency in May - August 2013. The research method used was case studies and data collection with interviews. Qualitative analysis of market, technical and management aspects is processed descriptively. Quantitative analysis uses investment criteria, namely analysis of present net value / NPV, return on investment / IRR, Net B / C ratio and return period of investment, the results of the two analyzes are followed by comparative analysis. The results of the non-financial aspects showed that the "Dhandy" jerky duck and "Mama Irfan" duck crackers viewed from the market or technical aspects were worth the effort. However, viewed from the management aspect, the two businesses are not feasible because they are still in the scale of small businesses, family efforts and implementation are still traditional. The financial aspect of the "Dhandy" duck jerky business is worth showing the NPV value of Rp.5,950,594, - the IRR of 12.92%, net B / C of 1.22 and the pay back period of 4,5024 years. Whereas the "Mama Irfan" duck cracker business is also worthy of the NPV value of Rp. 31,874,247, -, the IRR is 51.93%, net B / C is 2.71 and the pay back period is 2.4716 years. Comparative analysis shows that the "Mama Irfan" duck cracker making business is more feasible compared to the "Dhandy" duck jerky making business.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-36
Dini Ameliawati

The purpose in this research was to determine the process of implementing the planting method in an effort to improve naturalist intelligence for children. The method used in this study is a class action research method which consists of four steps, there are: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. This research was conducted on 17 students at KB TK Asaloka on West Jakarta, from April to May 2019. The data collection techniques in this study were observation, field notes, interviews, and documentation. The results of the action in each cycle of class action research obtained an increase in children's naturalist intelligence from the start of the pre-cycle action with the acquisition of an average value are 1.3, or 32% if on percentage value. Cycle 1 get the acquisition of an average value 2.6, or 62% if on percentage value. Then, cycle 2 with the acquisition of an average value are 3.7, or equal to 92% on percentage value. The conclusion of this study is that planting methods are effective in increasing children's naturalist intelligence.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
pp. 172-187
Desy Ayuningrum

The study was conducted at Jalan Pondok Cabe 1 no 97, Pamulang Banten. The time allocation in the field was carried out from November to December 2016. The subject of the study was 1 child of B Kindergarten aged 6 years. Action research using Kemmis and Mc. Taggart. This design contains stages starting from planning, action, observation and reflection. Data collection uses assessment sheets, observations, field notes and documentation. Analysis of data using observations and tests of action with qualitative descriptive analysis based on the results of observation and reflection. The study was divided into three cycles, one cycle consisting of two weeks, the first cycle in the first week completing S at 36% then continued to increase in the second cycle of 72% and the third cycle reached 90%, from 11 memorization targets 10 memorization had been achieved.

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