scholarly journals Hubungan Koordinasi Mata-Tangan, Power Tungkai Dan Percaya Diri Terhadap Hasil Keterampilan Lay-Up Shoot

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 88-95
Yopi Meirijal

The objectives to be achieved in this study are to find out: (1) The direct relationship of eye-hand coordination to the results of lay-up shoot skills in basketball games. (2) The direct relationship of leg power to the results of lay-up shoot skills in basketball games. (3) Direct relationship of confidence in the results of lay-up shoot skills in basketball games (4) A joint relationship between Eye-Hand Coordination, power and confidence in lay-up shooting skills in basketball games. The research method used to achieve research results using descriptive with correlational studies. The population was taken from the 2012-2013 class of students at the Pasundan Cimahi STKIP campus, the population taken was 133 people while the sample was 80 people. Based on the results of research and the results of data analysis that has been carried out, the following data can be obtained: (1) There is a significant relationship between eye coordination with lay-up shoot skills in basketball. (2) There is a significant relationship between leg power and lay-up shoot skills in basketball. (3) There is a significant relationship between self-confidence and lay-up shoot skills in basketball. (4) There is a significant joint relationship between eye-hand coordination, leg power and confidence in the results of shoot lay-up skills in basketball

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-23
Rama Adha Septiana

The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between wrist flexibility, eye-hand coordination, and confidence in basketball freethrow shooting skills. The research method used in this study is correlational. Samples were 28 students who took part in student activity units. The independent variables are wrist flexibility (X1), hand coordination (X2), and confidence (X3). While the dependent variable is shooting skills on basketball (Y). The results showed that first there was a significant relationship between X1 and Y, the correlation coefficient was 0.530 with a significance value of 0,000. Second, there was a significant relationship between X2 and Y, the correlation coefficient was 0.528 with a significance value of 0,000. Third, there is a significant relationship between X3 and Y, the correlation coefficient is 0.566 with a significance value of 0.0002. Fourth, there is a significant relationship between X1, X2, X3 together with Y, the correlation coefficient is 28.799 and 2.725 Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that wrist flexibility, eye-hand coordination, and self-confidence are significantly related to basketball freethrow shooting skills. For this reason, athletes must do exercises that can increase wrist flexibility, eye-hand coordination, and high confidence in order to improve basketball freethrow shooting skills.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Dedi Kurnia

The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between eye-hand coordination, agility and self-confidence with basketball dribbling skills. The research method used in this study is correlational. The object of this research is all Puragabaya / SMA / SMK students who take basketball extracurricular activities. The independent variable is eye-hand coordination (X1), agility (X2), and self-confidence (X3). While the dependent variable is the basketball dribbling skill (Y). The results of this study are: First, there is a positive and significant correlation between X1 and Y with a correlation coefficient of 0.76 and a determination index of 58.0%. Second, there is a positive and significant correlation between X2 and Y with a correlation coefficient of 0.81 and a determination index of 65.0%. Third, there is a positive and significant correlation between X3 and Y with a correlation coefficient of 0.73 and a determination index of 53.0%. Fourth, there is a positive and significant relationship between X1, X2 and X3 with Y, with a correlation coefficient of 0.83 and a determination index of 68.4%. It can be concluded that basketball dribbling skills can be improved by practicing eye-hand coordination, agility and self-confidence.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Mimi Haetami

AbstactThe purpose of this study, to find out how much the relationship between power limbs, eye-hand coordination, and a sense of confidence with the results of the ability to shoot shoots on basketball.This research method uses a correlation method with product moment calculation techniques. The sample amounted to 20 people from all extra-basketball players / athletes in SMK Negeri 4 Kota Pontianak.The calculation results obtained show; 1). There is a positive relationship between Leg Power (X1) with the results of Lay-up Shoot (Y) skills of 68%. 2). There is a positive relationship between hand eye coordination (X2), with the results of Lay-up Shoot skills (Y ) of 42.2%. 3) There is a positive relationship between self-confidence (X3) and the results of Lay-up Shoot (Y) skills of 47.5%.Thus there is a positive relationship between power limbs (X1) eye-hand coordination (X2) and self-confidence (X3) together towards the results of the Lay-up Shoot skill (Y) obtained from the R correlation coefficient of 81.8% . So the conclusions from this study show that power limbs, eye-hand coordination, and self-confidence have a significant relationship with the results of basketball shoot lay-up capabilities.Keywords: Lay-up, Leg Power, Hand Eye Coordination, Confidence

Goziyah Goziyah ◽  
Harninda Rizka Insani

The objective of this research was to provide an understanding of cohesion and coherence in the newspaper Bisnis Indonesia with title Kemenperin Jamin Serap Garam Rakyat. The research method used is the method of content analysis with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques using documentation techniques. Data analysis techniques begin with data reduction, data tabulation, data classification, data interpretation, and conclusions. The results show that in the news text in the newspaper Bisnis Indonesia there is a more dominant cohesion found pronouns, ellipsis, and conjunctions or hyphens. Then, the coherence that is found is the relationship of contradictions, general specific relationships, comparison relationships, causal relationships, review relationships, and referral relationships. Keywords: cohesion, coherence, newspapers

2021 ◽  
pp. 101-116
Sri Muryati ◽  
Titik Sudiatmi

Pembelajaran  tatap  muka  yang  digantikan  dengan  pembelajaran  daring  dengan  adanya  pandemi Covid-19 telah mengajarkan banyak hal. Aspek nonverbal dalam interaksi guru-siswa dan  suasana  kelas  yang  setiap  warganya  saling  mendukung  dan  memotivasi  dalam  membentuk  siswa  berkarakter  kuat  belum  mendapat  penggantinya.  Tujuan  penelitian  ini  untuk  mendeskripsikan  bentuk-bentuk  pendidikan  karakter  yang  terkondisikan  dengan  tuturan  direktif  guru  dalam  pembelajaran di Taman Kanak-Kanak (TK). Metode penelitian ini yaitu metode kualitatif deskriptif. Data  penelitian berujud tuturan direktif guru dalam pembelajaran yang  mengondisikan penguatan pendidikan karakter siswa TK. Untuk pengumpulan datanya digunakan teknik rekam, teknik simak, dan  teknik  catat.  Analisis  datanya  menggunakan  langkah-langkah:  mengidentifikasi  tuturan  guru  yang  merupakan tuturan direktif,  mengidentifikasikan tuturan direktif yang mendorong penguatan  pendidikan karakter, dan mengidentifikasikan penggunaan metode pendidikan karakter oleh guru. Simpulan penelitian ini yaitu bahwa tuturan direktif guru dalam pembelajaran di TK dapat menjadi sarana penguatan pendidikan karakter (1) cinta terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa; (2) disiplin; (3) jujur;  (3) mandiri; (4) kreatif; (5) kerja keras; (6) percaya diri; (7) toleransi dan cinta damai; dan (9) tanggung  jawab. Metode pendidikan karakter yang diterapkan guru yaitu metode penanaman nilai, keteladanan nilai, dan keterampilan nilai. TEACHER'S DIRECTIVE SPEAKING IN LEARNING AS CHARACTER EDUCATION  MEANSFace-to-face  learning  which  has  been  replaced  by  online  learning  due  to  the  Covid-19  pandemic has taught many things. The nonverbal aspects of teacher-student interaction and the class  atmosphere where each people support each other with strong character have not been replaced. The  purpose  of  this  study  is  to  describe  the  forms  of  character  education  conditioned  by  the  directive  speech  of  the  teacher  in  learning  in  kindergarten.  This  research  method  is  descriptive  qualitative  method. The data of this research were in the form of directive speech of the teacher in learning which  conditions the strengthening of the character education of kindergarten children. The data collection  used recording techniques, listening techniques, and note taking techniques. The data analysis used  the following steps: identifying the teacher's speech which is directive speech,  identifying directive  speech that can encourage the strengthening of character education and identifying the use of character education methods by teachers. The conclusion of the study that the directive speech of teachers in  kindergarten learning can be a means of strengthening character education (1) love for God Almighty,  (2) discipline, (3) honest, (4) independent, (5) creative, (6) hard work, (7) self-confidence, (7) tolerance  and  peace-loving,  and  (9)  responsibility.  Futhermore,  character  education  method  applied  by  the  teacher is the method of establishing values, exemplary values, and value skills. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 111
Novita Sari ◽  
Tritjahjo Danny Soesilo ◽  
Setyorini Setyorini

As long as humans live, they need interaction with other people both individually and in groups, as social beings humans will go through stages of life that influence one another. One of them is the adolescent stage which has a big influence on his life. This study aims to determine the significance of the relationship between emotional intelligence and social skills with self- adjustment in youth youth organizations of Bina Muda Desa Ngrawan. The population in this study amounted to 30 adolescents. Data collection techniques used in this study were emotional intelligence questionnaires, social skills questionnaires, and self-adjustment questionnaires that have been developed by researchers. The data analysis technique used in this research is the Kendall-tau technique which is processed with the help of the SPSS program. 26.0 for windows. Based on the research results obtained r = 0.560 and p = 0.000 <0.05, which indicates that there is a significant relationship between emotional intelligence and social skills with self-adjustment in youth youth organizations at Ploso Hamlet, Ngrawan Village, Getasan, District Semarang. From these results it can be concluded that the higher the score for emotional intelligence and social skills, the higher the score for self-adjustment. Conversely, the lower the emotional intelligence and social skills scores, the lower the adjustment scores will be.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 106-114

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya hubungan Kepercayaan Diri Siswa Dengan Hasil Belajar PAK Di Kelas VII SMP Negeri 4 Sumbul Kabupaten Dairi Tahun Pembelajaran 2020/2021, dengan hipotesis terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara Kepercayaan Diri Siswa Dengan Hasil Belajar PAK Di Kelas VII SMP Negeri 4 Sumbul Kabupaten Dairi Tahun Pembelajaran 2020/2021. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif inferensial, dengan populasi seluruh siswa kelas VII SMP Negeri 4 Sumbul yang berjumlah 86 orang dengan sampel berjumlah 65 orang. Data dikumpulkan dengan angket tertutup sebanyak 31 item yang disusun oleh penulis berdasarkan indikator variabel sesuai teori ahli. Uji coba angket dilakukan kepada 21 siswa yang bukan responden penelitian, dan telah diuji validitas dan reliabilitasnya. Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara Kepercayaan Diri Siswa Dengan Hasil Belajar PAK Di Kelas VII SMP Negeri 4 Sumbul Kabupaten Dairi Tahun Pembelajaran 2020/2021 dengan koefisien korelasi rhitung  rtabel atau 0,612 0,244 dan uji signifikan hubungan diperoleh thitungttabel sebesar 6,148 2,000, dengan demikiandapat disimpulkan Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima .Katakunci : Hasil belajar, Kepercayaan diri Abstract This study aims to determine the magnitude of the relationship between Student Confidence and PAK Learning Outcomes in Class VII Sumbul, Dairi District, 2020/2021 Learning Year, with the hypothesis that there is a positive and significant relationship between Student Confidence and PAK Learning Outcomes in Class VII SMP Negeri 4 Sumbul Regency. Dairi Academic Year 2020/2021. This study used an inferential descriptive quantitative approach, with a population of all students of class VII SMP Negeri 4 Sumbul, totaling 86 people with a sample of 65 people. Data were collected using a closed questionnaire of 31 items compiled by the author based on variable indicators according to expert theory. Questionnaire trials were conducted on 21 students who were not research respondents, and had tested their validity and reliability. The results of data analysis show that there is a positive and significant relationship between Student Confidence and PAK Learning Outcomes in Class VII SMP Negeri 4 Sumbul Dairi Regency 2020/2021 Learning Year with a correlation coefficient r count r table or 0.612 0.244 and a significant correlation test is obtained t count t table of 6, 148 2,000, thus it can be concluded that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted.Keywords: Learning Outcomes, Self-Confidence

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-39
Elly Wahyuni ◽  
Epti Yorita ◽  
Kintan Anissa

Abstract: Disease Pneumonia is an acute respiratory infection that attacks lung tissue, characterized by a cough accompanied by rapid breath or shortness of breath. Riskesdas in 2013 shows the incidence of pneumonia in Indonesia is 1.8% with a prevalence of 4.5%. If translated by number then at least from 23 infants who died every hour and 4 of them because of pneumonia and in 2015 there are 554,650 cases of reported pneumonia. This study aims to determine the relationship of nutritional status with the incidence of pneumonia in infants in hospitals dr. M Yunus Bengkulu Year 2017. The research method used is a quantitative survey with case control approach retrospectively. The number of samples for the case was 28 toddlers and for the control sample of 56 infants. The results of this study found that the variables of nutritional status and age there is a significant relationship with the incidence of pneumonia in toddlers with the value p = 0.00 OR = 9.2273 and p = 0.001 OR = 1.077. And there is no sex relationship with the incidence of pneumonia with p = 1.00. So the conclusion of this study is there is a significant relationship between nutritional status and age with the incidence of pneumonia in infants in hospitals dr. M Yunus Bengkulu where the variable age as an outside variable. The suggestion of this research is can be used as literature to increase the insight and information and health education, can increase the knowledge of health personnel to be more competent in handling the case of pneumonia, and hopefully the result of this research can be used as input or comparison material for subsequent researchers and Other researchers may develop research by linking other factors.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 102
Ahmad Rum Bismar ◽  
Arman Fadillah

This study aims to determine the relationship of the relationship between agility, flexibility, speed and coordination with dribbling skills in football games. This research is a descriptive correlational type of research. The study population was all male students of class XI of SMA Negeri 2 Makassar with a total sample of 150 male students who were selected by random sampling. The data analysis technique used is a single correlation analysis technique and the correlation of four predators. Based on the results of data analysis, this study concluded that: There was a significant relationship between agility and dribbling skills in football, (ro = 0.508> rt = 0.220); There is a significant relationship between flexibility and dribbling skills in football, (ro = 0.693> rt = 0.195); There is a significant relationship between speed and dribbling skills in football (ro = 0.693> rt = 0.195); There is a significant relationship between coordination with dribbling skills in the game of football (ro = 0.693> rt = 0.195); There is a significant relationship between agility, flexibility, speed and coordination with dribbling skills in football (ro = 0.693> rt = 0.195).

2022 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 64-70
Liharman Pintubatu ◽  
Zuldesmi Zuldesmi ◽  
David O. Mapaliey

ARTIKEL HUBUNGAN MOTIVASI BELAJAR DENGAN HASIL BELAJAR PEKERJAAN DASAR OTOMOTIF SISWA JURUSAN TKR SMK NEGERI 1 LOLAK Dr. Eng. Zuldesmi, ST, M, Eng, David O. Mapaliey, ST, M. Eng. Liharman Pintubatu ABSTRAK Pendidikan merupakan salah satu proses kegiatan pembentukan sikap kepribadian, keterampilan dan meningkatkan potensi diri setiap orang untuk menghadapi masa depan. Pada umumnya sikap kepribadian siswa ditentukan oleh pendidikan, pengalaman, dan latihan-latihan yang dilalui sejak kecil. Keadaan di SMK Negeri 1 Lolak bahwa, motivasi belajar siswa masih rendah dalam pembelajaran Pekerjaan dasar otomotif (PDO) terlihat dari aktifitas didalam kelas, kurang antusias dalam belajar dan mengerjakan soal saat diberikan guru, tidak mengerti apa yang akan dipelajari, dan tidak memahami mengapa sesuatu itu perlu dipelajari yang akhirnya kegiatan belajar-mengajar kurang efisien, siswa tidak kondusif pada saat guru menjelaskan. Dengan demikian tujuan yang hendak dicapai dalam penelitian ini yaitu Mengetahui hubungan motivasi belajar dengan hasil mengajar pekerjaan dasar otomotif Siswa Jurusan TKR SMK Negeri 1 Lolak Tahun Pembelajaran 2019/2020. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian kualitatif. Dan hasil penelitian: diperoleh hasil Tingkat motivasi belajar siswa bernilai 3,09 dengan nilai rata-rata tertinggi menunjukkan pada ulet dan tidak putus asa 3,29, nilai rata-rata terendah berada pada tekun dalam menghadapi tugas 2,94. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa motivasi belajar siswa di SMK Negeri 1 Lolak dikategorikan baik. “Kata kunci: Hubungan motivasi dengan hasil belajar pekerjaan dasar otomotif THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN LEARNING MOTIVATION WITH THE RESULT OF LEARNING THE BASIC AUTOMOTIVE WORK OF TKR STUDENTS IN SMK NEGERI 1 LOLAK Dr. Eng. Zuldesmi, st, m, eng, David o. mapaliey, st, m. eng Liharman Pintubatu ABSTRACT               Education is one of the processes of shaping students' personality, skills and improving each person's potential for what lies ahead. student's personality is generally determined by knowledge, experiences, and exercises passed through from infancy. The motivations of students in SMK NEGERI 1 LOLAK in learning basic automotive work is still low. It is seen from the activities in class, the students are often lack of enthusiasm for learning and working on the duty that given by the teacher, they also do not understand what will be learned, and not understanding why it needs to be learned, and those make teaching-learning process is less efficient. Thus the goal that must be achieved in this study is underlying the relationship between motivation of learning with the result of teachingbasic automotive work of TKR students SMK NEGERI 1 LOLAK,  2019/2020. The research method used is qualitative research. And research results: obtained results of the 3.09 value levels of students' learning rates with the highest average rates show on 3.29, the lowest average value being on diligent in facing duties 2.94. This shows that students' learning motivation in SMK Negeri 1 Lolak categorized well.   Keywords: The relationship of learning motivations with the result of learning basic automotive work.  

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