scholarly journals On Designing Application of Finding Nearby Islamic Boarding Schools in West Java using Haversine Formula and Euclidean Distance Algorithms

Diena Ramdania ◽  
Rian Andrian ◽  
Mohamad Irfan ◽  
Rudi Abidin
2020 ◽  
Adib Rifqi Setiawan

Sharifah Halimah Alaydrus was born in Indramayu, West Java on 2 April 1979 as 5th of 6 children of Usman Alaydrus and Nur Assegaf. She acquired her religious knowledge from some well-known NU (Nahdlatul ‘Ulama) pondok pesantren (Islamic boarding schools or Islamic seminary): Darullughagh Wadda’wah in Bangil-Pasuruan, East Java; Pondok Pesantren at-Tauhidiyah in Tegal, Central Java; and Pondok Pesantren al-Anwar in Rembang, Central Java; then continued her study in Daruz Zahro, Tarim, Ḥaḍramawt. After graduating from Daruz Zahro Sharifah Halimah Alaydrus went back to Indonesia in 2002 and married in the same year. After her marriage, she start her da’wa to some pondok pesantren in East Java. Since then, she has become very active in da’wa not only in Jakarta, but also in other parts of Indonesia and abroad. Sharifah Halimah Alaydrus developing Ahbabuzzahro, that was opened in 2004, to share the expertise with the younger generation, which she and her juniors in Daruz Zahro are mentors, as part of her responsibility to equip young muslimāt with religious knowledge and to bring them closer to their religion. Her talent and achievement in becoming students of Habib Umar bin Hafiz have made them authoritative voices both locally and transnationally. The case of Sharifah Halimah Alaydrus demonstrates not only the new visibility of such women in Indonesian public Islam, but also illuminates the significant role played by female Indonesian preachers in the global Muslim world.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-112
Agusmanon Yuniadi ◽  
Nina Herlina Lubis ◽  
Mumuh Muhsin Zakaria

ABSTRACT: “Maenpo” is one of the pillars of culture so as to be one of the elements forming the character society in Cianjur, West Java, besides “ngaos” and “mamaos”. “Maenpo” is one of a stream of traditional martial arts that prefer the flavor, rather than physical violence. The flavors here means toying his opponents with the power of its moves, so that the opponents became frustrated. In this article will explain how the process of “maenpo” development since the Netherlands colonial rule until the Republic of Indonesia. For answers to that question, in the article used the method of history that consists of four steps, namely: heuristics, critique, interpretation, and historiography. The results of this study show that at the beginning of its development, “maenpo” grown in limited circumstances, namely the circle up (noblemen) of Sunda and Islamic boarding school. The “menak” (noblemen) of Cianjur mastered the “maenpo” not to be champions, but rather as one way of sharpening the ability it feels in understanding their relationship with God and his social environment. Also in the Islamic boarding schools’ environment, “maenpo”'s training as a means of developing the control of lust. Nevertheless, the development of “maenpo” relatively faster in the Islamic boarding schools environment compared to among the “menak” of Sunda in West Java, Indonesia.KEY WORD: Maenpo; Cianjur Regency; Sundanese Noblemen; Islamic boarding school; Cultivate a Sense. ABSTRAKSI: “Keberadaan Penca di Antara Orang Sunda”. “Maenpo” merupakan salah satu pilar budaya sehingga menjadi salah satu unsur pembentuk karakter masyarakat di Cianjur, Jawa Barat, selain “ngaos” dan “mamaos”. “Maenpo” merupakan salah satu aliran seni bela diri tradisional yang lebih mengutamakan rasa, bukan kekerasan fisik. Rasa di sini berarti mempermainkan lawan dengan kekuatan jurus-jurusnya, sehingga lawan menjadi frustasi. Dalam artikel ini akan dijelaskan bagaimana proses perkembangan “maenpo” sejak masa penjajahan Belanda hingga masa Republik Indonesia. Untuk memperoleh jawaban atas pertanyaan, dalam artikel ini digunakan metode sejarah yang terdiri dari empat tahapan, yaitu: heuristik, kritik, interpretasi, dan historiografi. Hasil kajian ini menujukan bahwa pada awal perkembangannya, “maenpo” tumbuh di lingkungan terbatas, yakni kalangan “menak” dan pesantren. Para “menak” Cianjur menguasai “maenpo” bukan untuk menjadi jawara, melainkan sebagai salah satu cara mengasah kemampuan rasa dalam memahami hubungan mereka dengan Tuhan dan lingkungan sosialnya. Juga di lingkungan pesantren, “maenpo” berkembang sebagai sarana pelatihan pengendalian hawa nafsu. Meskipun demikian, perkembangan “maenpo” relatif lebih cepat di lingkungan pesantren dibandingkan dengan di kalangan “menak” Sunda di Jawa Barat, Indonesia.KATA KUNCI: Maenpo; Kabupaten Cianjur; Menak Sunda; Pesantren; Mengolah Rasa.    About the Authors: Agusmanon Yuniadi is a Student of Doctoral Program at the Graduate School of Humanities Studies UNPAD (Padjadjaran University) Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Prof. Dr. Nina Herlina Lubis and Dr. Mumuh Muhsin Zakaria are the Lecturers at the Department of History and Philology, Faculty of Humanities UNPAD Bandung. Authors correspondence: [email protected] Suggested Citation: Yuniadi, Agusmanon, Nina Herlina Lubis Mumuh Muhsin Zakaria. (2018). “Penca Existence among the Sundanese” in MIMBAR PENDIDIKAN: Jurnal Indonesia untuk Kajian Pendidikan, Volume 3(2), September, pp.103-112. Bandung, Indonesia: UPI [Indonesia University of Education] Press, ISSN 2527-3868 (print) and 2503-457X (online). Article Timeline: Accepted (July 3, 2018); Revised (August 17, 2018); and Published (September 30, 2018).

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-24
Milawati Milawati

Heroes have a very big role in the process of the struggle for Indonesian independence. One of the national heroes who fought for Indonesian independence is K.H. Noer Ali. K.H. Noer Ali is a national hero from Bekasi, West Java. The spirit of fighting for Indonesian independence has been in his soul since he was a child. K.H. Noer Ali is a charismatic cleric figure who has a major influence during the Dutch and Japanese colonial times, and is a popular nationalist scholar who is loved by the people. K.H. Noer Ali is also an army cleric with the rank of colonel who is a symbol of the struggle of the people of Bekasi. K.H. Noer Ali contributed a lot to the process of Indonesia's struggle, both in the political, religious, socio-cultural and educational fields. K.H. Noer Ali participates in several Islamic organizations and serves as chairman of the MUI. K.H. Noer Ali is a founder of the Attaqwa Islamic boarding school. As a fighter who has a high spirit of nationalism and homeland command, K.H. Noer Ali participated in educating the nation's children by establishing Islamic boarding schools.

Edi Komarudin ◽  
Ramadhan Syaeful Bahri ◽  
Dyan Fachri Maulana ◽  
Ananda Rizky Maulana

Pesantren Matic application is a website-based application that provides features for recording financial statements and as a tool for business development for the West Java Boarding School Forum. With a website-based application, FPP West Java can start a business in the form of ustadz training and certification, boarding school management governance training and training in recording the pesantren's financial statements. The target of this program is Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia and especially West Java. The Business Model Canvas used explains that: key partners (Ministry of Religion of West Java Province, Indonesian Ulama Council, Islamic Boarding Schools), key activities (Financial Recording, Islamic Boarding School Training, Ustadz training & certification), key resource (West Java Boarding School Forum), value proposition (Integrated Ministry of Religion, Indonesian Ulema Council), Customer Relationship (Advertising (promos and subscriptions)), Channels (Website, Social Media, Advertising), Customer Segments (Pondok Pesantren, Ustadz), Cost Structure (Domain and Hosting Registration Fees) ), Revenue Streams (Financial Records, Islamic Boarding School Training, Ustadz training & certification).

Dadang Herdiansyah ◽  
Noor Latifah ◽  
Oswin Yohsa Ibarahim

Aktivitas fisik pada remaja, termasuk siswa, bermanfaat dalam meningkatkan status kesehatan dan meningkatkan pendapatan yang dapat mendukung produktivitas dan konsentrasi dalam pembelajaran. Selain itu, mencegah kanker kardiovaskular, diabetes, kanker usus besar dan kanker payudara dan depresi. aktivitas fisik memiliki tubuh dan tinggi yang panjang. Aktivitas fisik dapat berupa berlari, melompat dan melakukan latihan yang memiliki efek efektif pada peningkatan tulang. Anggota Pengabdian Masyarakat Ini untuk melihat dari pelaksanaan Senam Pingun pada siswa di Madrasah Sabilunnajat Ciamis Jawa Barat yang memiliki jadwal yang sangat baik untuk meningkatkan perlindungan otot. Latihan ini dilakukan ketika siswa melakukan olahraga rutin yang dilakukan oleh beberapa siswa untuk menemani mereka. Metode yang digunakan adalah menggunakan video senam penguin dengan durasi 3 menit dan diulang dua kali. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penerapan senam penguin adalah siswa baru yang disetujui yang berada dalam gerakan seperti ini yang unik dan tidak dikeluarkan. Semoga senam penguin ini bisa diterapkan oleh siswa dan pesantren.---Physical activity in adolescents, including students, is beneficial in improving health status and increasing income that can support productivity and concentration in learning. In addition, it prevents cardiovascular cancer, diabetes, colon cancer and breast cancer and depression. physical activity has a long body and height. Physical activity can take the form of running, jumping and doing exercises that have an effective effect on bone enhancement. Members of Community Service This is to see from the implementation of pingun gymnastics at students in the Madrasah Sabilunnajat Ciamis West Java who have an excellent schedule for improving muscle protection. This exercise is done when students do routine sports conducted by several students to accompany them. The method used is to use video penguin gymnastics with a duration of 3 minutes and repeated twice. The results obtained from the implementation of the penguin gymnastics are the new approved santri who are in movements like this that are unique and not issued. Hopefully this penguin gymnastics can be applied by students and Islamic boarding schools

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
pp. 332-360
Tatang Hidayat ◽  
Aam Abdussalam

Many national independent struggle movements in Indonesia began from traditional Islamic boarding schools (pondok pesantren). One of the the movements was established by KH. Zainal Musthafa of Tasikmalaya, West Java. This study aims to examine this scholar’s struggle of independence and his spirit in developing the nation's intellectual life. Based on interview and historical archives, this study shows that KH. Zainal Musthafa plays a vital role in the independence struggle. He was a role model, who was not only a Muslim religious scholar (‘ulamā’), but also a fighter against colonialism. His struggle was motivated by the values and principle of tawḥīd (Oneness of God) and the spirit of Indonesian independence. His struggle furthermore departed from and was shaped by, the teachings offered at traditional Islamic boarding school. This suggests that traditional Islamic educational system, spiritualism and mode of Islamic religiosity developed by pesantren constitute one of the most relevant aspects of Islam in the struggle for Independence and, as this paper argues, remain relevant to the contemporary Indonesian spiritual and intellectual life. It is through pesantren and their leaders that Islamic spiritualism and public intellectualism have thrived up to the present.

2019 ◽  
Apriyanti Widiansyah ◽  
Sutjipto ◽  
Mukhneri Mukhtar

The research aims to know the implementation planning of procurement-based boarding school lecturer. Ethnographic studies done with case studies on the Institute Islamic Shalahuddin Al-Ayyubi in boarding schools El-Nur El-Kasysyaf West Java Indonesia. Procurement planning lecturer research results-based boarding school is inseparable from the policy coordinator for the College of the religion of Islam, so that authorities of the College based boarding school only in determining the allocation of procurement lecturers and faculty based on the amount already approved by the Coordinator. Based on research, looks at the Institute Islamic Shalahuddin Al-Ayyubi in boarding schools El-Nur El-Kasysyaf West Java Indonesia doing improved quality lecturers by setting some changes to qualifying skill. Change the skill qualification plan, could not be released from a venture planed changes, begun through the process of skills development diagnostic, mastering the strategy of relations in the form of the system as well as cultural similarities. Priority procurement planning lecturer not only with the appropriate skills course, However, with regard to changes in the development of expertise, skills and attitudes there are lecturers resources, so it is able to achieve the goal of college-based boarding school, and can compete on a national and international level

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 360-368
Rangga Firmansyah ◽  
Nazlina Shaari ◽  
Sumarni Ismail ◽  
Nangkula Utaberta ◽  
Ismar Minang Satotoy Usman

In learning activity processes in Islamic boarding schools, students must study and live in a dormitory. It functions to replace a residential home where the privacy aspect should be taken into consideration. This study aims to observe the privacy aspects closely related to the female students' bedrooms, covering six elements examined in five case studies, including the sex-segregated dormitories, the main function of staying, visual privacy on the dimensions height of the windows, acoustic privacy, and olfactory privacy in terms of the connection between dormitory rooms. It was found that the privacy aspect in the dormitory room still lacked attention due to the addition of space functions and bathroom facilities in it. Meanwhile, adding personal facilities, such as storage and study areas, could enhance the students' privacy. Especially for the type of student bedroom, it is necessary to provide a place for drying clothes by utilizing the balcony area. Besides that, it is required to pay attention to the type, dimensions direction of window openings so that the level of privacy of female students will be more optimal.

2020 ◽  
Adib Rifqi Setiawan

Sharifah Halimah Alaydrus was born in Indramayu, West Java on 2 April 1979 as 5th of 6 children of Usman Alaydrus and Nur Assegaf. She acquired her religious knowledge from some well-known NU (Nahdlatul ‘Ulama) pondok pesantren (Islamic boarding schools or Islamic seminary): Darullughagh Wadda’wah in Bangil-Pasuruan, East Java; Pondok Pesantren at-Tauhidiyah in Tegal, Central Java; and Pondok Pesantren al-Anwar in Rembang, Central Java; then continued her study in Daruz Zahro, Tarim, Ḥaḍramawt. After graduating from Daruz Zahro Sharifah Halimah Alaydrus went back to Indonesia in 2002 and married in the same year. After her marriage, she start her da’wa to some pondok pesantren in East Java. Since then, she has become very active in da’wa not only in Jakarta, but also in other parts of Indonesia and abroad. Sharifah Halimah Alaydrus developing Ahbabuzzahro, that was opened in 2004, to share the expertise with the younger generation, which she and her juniors in Daruz Zahro are mentors, as part of her responsibility to equip young muslimāt with religious knowledge and to bring them closer to their religion. Her talent and achievement in becoming students of Habib Umar bin Hafiz have made them authoritative voices both locally and transnationally. The case of Sharifah Halimah Alaydrus demonstrates not only the new visibility of such women in Indonesian public Islam, but also illuminates the significant role played by female Indonesian preachers in the global Muslim world.

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