2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (7) ◽  
pp. 1425-1432
Keshamma E ◽  
Sridhar B.T. ◽  
Dakshayini P.N. ◽  
Geethanjali R.

Some of the medicinal plants valued in Ayurvedic Rasayana for their therapeutic potential have seen scientifically investigated with promising results. Several plant-based principles have been isolated with a potential immunomod- ulatory activity that can explain and justify their use in traditional medicine in the past and can form the basis for further research in the future as well. Hence, the present review of the literature study was planned to document common and easily accessible functional food plants that can modulate the immune system and are biologically active against several medical problems arising from respiratory tract infections and in addition this review will serve as a guideline to the general public to include important medicinal food plants in their daily diet for strength- ening and improving their immune system and overall health. Based on the knowledge from this review of the literature study we hypothesize that plants may help individuals to overcome the infection by (i) modulating the body's immune system (ii) generating antiviral activity against the infection (iii) reducing other respiratory prob- lems. A substantial number of plant extracts and phytochemicals have been explored for their antiviral property. Herbal preparations owing to their holistic approach strengthen the body's immune system, which in turn may help the body fight against invading infectious viruses. In this review of the literature study, we documented twenty functional food plants with immunomodulatory and antiviral properties that have been reported to induce the im- mune system in several ways. These mainly include liquorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.), garlic (Allium sativum L.), tea (Camellia sinensis [L.] Kuntze), ginger (Zingiber officinale Roscoe), turmeric (Curcuma longa L.), pomegranate (Punica granatum L.), black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) and several others. Thus, the practice of ethnomedicine plays a pivotal role in boosting human humanity to combat various viral diseases and will also help human beings to protect against the current Covid-19 like pandemic situation. Keywords: Ethnomedicine, Immunomodulatory, Antiviral, Onion, turmeric, Zinger, Garlic, Tea, Black pepper.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Saumya Singh ◽  
Prithwish Kola ◽  
Dalveer Kaur ◽  
Gisha Singla ◽  
Vibhu Mishra ◽  

Nowadays, despite enormous scientific advances, viral diseases remain the leading cause of morbidity worldwide, and their potential to spread is escalating, eventually turning into pandemics. Nutrition can play a major role in supporting the immune system of the body and for the optimal functioning of the cells of the immune system. A healthy diet encompassing vitamins, multi-nutrient supplements, functional foods, nutraceuticals, and probiotics can play a pivotal role in combating several viral invasions in addition to strengthening the immune system. This review provides comprehensive information on diet-based scientific recommendations, evidence, and worldwide case studies in light of the current pandemic and also with a particular focus on virus-induced respiratory tract infections. After reviewing the immune potential of nutraceuticals based on the lab studies and on human studies, it was concluded that bioactive compounds such as nutraceuticals, vitamins, and functional foods (honey, berries, etc.) with proven antiviral efficacy, in addition to pharmaceutical medication or alone as dietary supplements, can prove instrumental in treating a range of virus-induced infections in addition to strengthening the immune system. Milk proteins and peptides can also act as adjuvants for the design of more potent novel antiviral drugs.

Meghit Boumediene Khaled ◽  
Nada Benajiba

The immune system is involved in the protection of host against environmental agents such as pathogenic micro-organisms (bacteria, fungi, and viruses) and chemicals, thereby preserving the integrity of the body. To preserve organism defense mechanisms, adequate nutritional status should be maintained with appropriate intakes of calories, vitamins, minerals and water that should be continuously provided by a healthy diet. The emergence of new infectious diseases with new pathogenic properties constitutes a serious health issue worldwide. Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) represents one of the most recent emerging infectious diseases, caused by a novel coronavirus member called (SARS-CoV-2), identified in Wuhan, Hubei, China in December 2019, and recognized as pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). The nutritional status of each COVID-19-infected patient should be assessed prior undertaking treatments. Nutritional support should be the basis of management of any infected individual. However, prevention measures remain the first priority and strategy to develop throughout proper hygiene, healthy diet and staying home. Keywords: Nutrition, Immune system, Viral diseases, SARS-CoV-2.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 79-84
Gupta BL ◽  
Prasad G

Hyperglycemia has been the primary metabolic condition for the origin of diabetic complications. The glucose in the cell is underutilized due to diminished entry of glucose into the cell and down-regulation of the Pentose Phosphate Pathway. The PPP is the potential pathway in maintaining the defense of the cell through GPx, GR, GSH, and GSSG. Particularly, GPx and GSH levels diminish in diabetes. Constipation in diabetes also plays an important role in decreasing the immune system as the excess glucose in the gut lining enhances the number of gut bacteria and fungi. Antioxidants have not been proved to enhance the immune and defense of cells in diabetes but the exhibitory roles of herbal medicines have been potential in exaggerating the immune and defense system by their unknown modulators and enhancers molecules. Turmeric and black pepper have been proven to enhance the immune and defense of the body in diabetics.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-49
Daniel Ataupah ◽  
Alvin Hendrik ◽  
Stimson Hutagalung ◽  
Rolyana Ferinia

Abstract: Covid-19 is a disease outbreak with terrible effects, where it can cause death. In this case the body will form an immune system to fight the incoming virus. One thing that will affect the immune system is anxiety. So the focus and purpose of the researcher is to show the relationship between anxiety and covid-19 based on the quote of the Lord Jesus in Luke. 21:26. A qualitative method with literature study and hermeneutics will be used in this paper. As a result, fear and anxiety are currently being experienced by everyone because of the covid-19 pandemic which can be interpreted as a pestilence and as a sign of the end of time. Although this is not a sign of the end times that can be measured with certainty, it is psychologically and emotionally disturbed and exacerbated by the news that is presented on the internet and social media in excess.Abstrak: Covid-19 merupakan sebuah wabah penyakit dengan efek yang mengerikan, di mana hal ini dapat menyebabkan kematian. Dalam hal ini tubuh akan membentuk sistem kekebalan tubuh untuk melawan virus yang masuk. Satu hal yang mempengaruhi akan sistem kerja kekebalan tubuh adalah kecemasan. Maka fokus dan tujuan dari peneliti fokusnya ingin menunjukkan korelasi antara kecemasan dengan covid-19 berdasarkan perkataan Tuhan Yesus dalam Luk. 21:26. Sebuah metode kualitatif dengan teknik studi pustaka dan hermeneutika akan dipergunakan dalam penulisan ini. Hasilnya, ketakutan dan kecemasan saat ini sedang dialami oleh setiap orang karena pandemi covid-19 yang dapat diinterpretasikan sebagai penyakit sampar dan sebagai tanda akhir zaman. Meskipun ini bukanlah tanda akhir zaman yang dapat diukur kepastiannya, tetapi memang secara psikologis dan emosional pikiran manusia menjadi terganggu dan diperparah dengan berita-berita yang disajikan di internet dan media sosial secara berlebihan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 68-78
Kurnia Putri Utami ◽  
Widya Wasityastuti ◽  
Marsetyawan HNE Soesatyo

An immune system recognizes and responds to antigens entering the body. Maintaining these roles, components of the immune system need energy obtained from nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids. This study reviews and discusses roles of lipids, particularly fatty acids, in regulations of the immune system. This study was conducted by conducting a literature study on published research articles written in English. The articles were obtained from PubMed and Google Scholar by using search keywords: lipid, fatty acids, immune, regulation, inflammation, and response. Lipids are a group of biomolecule compounds composed of carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen, and they are classified into simple, compound and complex lipids. Fatty acids are compound lipids that act as a main fuel for metabolism, an essential component for all membranes, and a gene regulator. Fatty acids have a modulating effect on immune cells, such as: acting as a host defence, activating the immune system, interacting with nuclear transcription factors, playing roles in inflammatory responses, promoting apoptosis, as well as influencing lymphocyte proliferation, cytokine production, and Natural Killer (NK) cell activities. However, the modulation of the immune system by lipids is influenced by various factors such as concentration and types of fatty acids, types of immune cells, and species. This study is suggested to provide an overview of beneficial roles of lipids in maintaining immunity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 92-100
Warsidah ◽  
Dzul Fadly ◽  
Arman Amran

Seaweed or known as macroalgae, is one of the marine commodities with valuable economic potential for domestic and foreign markets. West Kalimantan, especially on Lemukutan Island, is one of the cultivation centers for Eucheuma cottoni and E.spinosum. The use of seaweed as a functional food in various kinds of preparations has not been implemented optimally. This PKM activity aims to socialize the use and consumption of seaweed and diversify its processing in an effort to improve the immune system, especially during the Covid19 pandemic. A total of 256 participants stated that they were ready to attend the webinar, which was delivered in an online form distributed by the organizing committee. Socialization activities are carried out online with the material presented related to seaweed and its various preparations and its function as food in improving health status through repair, restoration, or enhancement of the immune system, so it is very important to socialize consumption and utilize this food as a defense agent for the body during pandemic Covid19 or after. The results of the evaluation of PKM activities through the pretest and posttest shows that the participants' knowledge regarding the material presented has increased from 40-50% to 80-90%, for that it is still expected that there will be similar activities with a wider target object in West Kalimantan which can improve the welfare of society in general. Abstrak Rumput laut atau dikenal sebagai makroalga merupakan salah satu komoditas perairan laut yang memiliki potensi ekonomi yang sangat bernilai baik untuk pasaran domestic maupun pasaran mancanegara. Kalimantan Barat khususnya Pulau Lemukutan merupakan salah satu sentra budidaya  Eucheuma cottoni dan E.spinosum. Pemanfaatan rumput laut ini sebagai pangan fungsional dalam berbagai macam olahan belum dilaksanakan secara optimal. Kegiatan PKM ini bertujuan untuk memasyarakatkan pemanfaatan  dan konsumsi rumput laut serta diversifikasi olahannya dalam usaha  untuk meningkatkan system kekebalan tubuh terutama di masa pandemic Covid19. Sebanyak 256 peserta menyatakan siap hadir di acara  webinar yang disampaikan dalam form online yang dibagikan oleh panitia pelaksana kegiatan. Kegiatan sosialisasi dilakukan secara online dengan materi yang disampaikan terkait rumput laut dan aneka olahannya serta fungsinya sebagai bahan pangan dalam meningkatkan derajat kesehatan melalui perbaikan, pemulihan atau peningkatan system kekebalan tubuh, sehingga sangat penting untuk mensosialisasikan konsumsi dan memanfaatkan pangan ini sebagai agen pertahanan tubuh dalam masa pandemic Covid19.  Dari hasil evaluasi kegiatan PKM ini melalui pretest dan post test menunjukkan pengetahuan peserta terkait materi yang disampaikan mengalami peningkatan dari 40-50% menjadi 80-90%, untuk itu masih diharapkan adanya kegiatan-kegiatan serupa dengan obyek sasaran yang lebih luas dalam wilayah Kalimantan Barat yang dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat pada umumnya.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 45-52
Mimatun Nasihah ◽  
Ida Susila

ABSTRAKVitiligo adalah penyakit yang menyebabkan terbentuknya bercak-bercak putih pada kulit. Penyakit ini dapat terjadi pada segala usia, tapi umumnya sebelum pengidap berusia 20 tahun. Ada yang mengalami penyebaran bercak dengan cepat dan ada yang lambat. Sebagian besar penderitanya kehilangan pigmen kulit secara perlahanlahan pada hampir seluruh permukaan kulit. Selama ini pengobatan medis kurang begitu memberikan efek penyembuhan yang signifikan. Salah satu alternatifnyaadalah melaluipenggunaan bijiladahitamsebagaialternatifpengobatan herbal. Kandungan piperine yang terdapat dalam biji lada hitam ternyata membantu menstimulasi pigmentasi. Penelitian dan pengaplikasianterutama dalambidang kesehatan masih terbatas sehingga perludilakukan banyak kajian dan penelitian lebih lanjut.Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan pengujian pengobatan penyakit vitiligo menggunakan cream biji lada hitam. Produk tersebut didapatkan dari percampuran antara biji lada hitam dengan basis cream emulgade, metyl paraben dan baking soda sehingga terbentuk cream. Pengujian yang dilakukanmeliputi uji pH, Uji mikrobiologi, Uji Farmasetika dan uji Efektivitas cream lada hitam dalam mengobati penyakit vitiligo. Hasil pengujian pH diperoleh hasil bahwa cream biji lada hitam dengan perbandingan 1:1, 1:2, 1:3 dan 1:4 adalah 7 yang merupakan pH normal untuk kulit. Uji mikrobilogi didapatkan hasil jumlah mikroba pada sampel sebesar 2.5 x 103 Cfu/gram. Tingginya nilai Angka Lempeng Total tersebut masih memenuhi persyaratan cemaran mikroba oleh BPOM yakni sebesar 104. Uji Farmasetika menunjukkan bahwa pemisahan fase tidak ada,terapat partikel kasar, struktur tidak rata, warna tidak rata dan tidak homogen. Uji daya lekatnya 16.1 detik, warna coklat kehitaman, konsistensinya semi solida, bau khas lada. Sementara uji daya sebar dengan beban 1000gram dihasilkan 5.2. Uji efektivitas cream lada hitam menggunakan Uji T Paired menghasilkan T hitung sebesar 4.522 sedangkan T tabel adalah sebesar 1.74588 sehingga nilai T hitung > T tabel, artinya terdapat perbedaan signifikan luas paparan vitiligo sebelum dan sesudah diberi cream ladahitam.Kata kunci: Vitiligo, Cream, Biji Lada Hitam. ABSTRACTVitiligo is a dermatology disorder characterized by whitish patches. This condition may occurs in all ages but commonly in twenties. The patches formed may spread fast or slowly throughout the body and gradually the skin loss its pigmen. By far, the treatments of vitiligo do not showed significant benefits. One of the alternatif treatments is the usage of black pepper seeds as herbal medicine. The Piperine content of black pepper seeds believed to help pigmentation process of the skin. However, the usage of black pepper seeds as vitiligo treatments still need to be overcome.This study was aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of black pepper seeds extract cream to treat vitiligo. The cream was formulated through the mixing of black pepper seeds extract with emulgade cream basic, methyl paraben and sodium bicarbonate. The cream then was evaluated for various parameters such as pH, mycrobiology, pharmaceutics and effectivity. The result of pH evaluation showed that all of formulation ratio (1:1, 1:2, 1:3 and 1:4) of the black pepper extract cream have neutral pH which is the same as normal skin pH. The microbiology test result showed the total number of viable microorganism were 2.5 x 103 Cfu/gram which is stil under the BPOM recommendation (104 Cfu/gram). The pharmaceutics test showed that the cream has no breaking phase, contain of some rough particle, unhomogen structure and colour. The adhessiveness of the cream was last for 16.1 second, has dark brown colour, semisolid consistency, and peppery smell. The spreadibility test using 1000 gram of weight showed 5.2 scale. The effectiveness test of the cream using Paired T-test showed calculated T-value was 4.522 which is hinger than the table value 1.74588. This concluded that there was significant different of vitiligo patches before and after the usage of black pepperextract cream.Keywords: Vitiligo, Cream, Black pepper seeds.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (8) ◽  
pp. 4170-4173
Preeti Devi ◽  
Shrinidhi Kumar K

Chronic as well as recurrent respiratory disorders are major concern in childhood pediatric practice as we commonly come across such cases in day to day pediatric practice. Recurrent respiratory infections are attributed to immaturity of the immune system, functional, structural limitations, dependency on others, unawareness of hygienic importance and nutritional issues related to weaning etc. Excess intake of sweetish substances, growth potential and school environment also contribute for the same. Mean time the congenital abnormalities of the respiratory and cardiovascular system; also, significantly contribute the recurrent respiratory tract infections. Ayurveda explains the stage of Bala or the childhood as stage of immaturity in structural, functional, emotional, and linguistic and behavior and sexual facets with predominance of the Kapha Dosha. Certain of the Respiratory problems in children are also aggravated by the habit of withholding the natural urges as maximum protective reflexes in the upper part of the body pertaining to respiratory system and helps to prevent the portal of entry for maximum infections. Protective reflexes like sneezing, coughing, hiccup, Shrama shwasa, yawning, lacrimation etc., are in true sense keep away the respiratory tract infections. Classics of Ayurveda explain the treatment Kasa in detail and by keeping classical explanation narrated in Kasa Chikitsa of different Samhita. However, classics explains that Pratishyaya when not treated leads to Kasa and Kasa further leads to Rajayakshama. Such incidences are quite common in children as there is immaturity of immune barriers in the growing stage of the child. Hence treatment should contain immune enhancing drugs or other modes of enhancing the immunity which helps to prevent such recurrent infections.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-23
Nur Amaliah ◽  

Abstract: The emergence of the novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China, wich  causes severe respiratory tract infections in humans (COVID-19), has become a global health concerm. Most coronavirus infect animals but can evolve into strains that can also infect humans. Recently, we showed that intravenous immunoglobin (IVIg) treatment reduces inflammation of intestinal epithelial cells and eliminates evergrowth of the opportunistic human fungal pathogen Candida albicans in the murine gut in association with downregulation of proinflammatory mediators combined with upregulation of anti- inflammatory cytokines. Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals. One of the roles of vitamins and minerals is as an antioxidant that can strengthen the human immune system. The role of vitamin A is more in the maintenance of epithelial cells, which is one of the epithelial cells of the body tissues involved in the non-specific immune system. Vitamin E or α-tocopherol has an important role in erythrocyte membranes and plasma lipoproteins, they are able to maintain the integrity of the cell  membrane because vitamin E has a phenol ring capable of providing hydrogen ions to free radicals. Vitamin C as an electron donor that can break the chain reaction of Reactive Oxygen Species and Reactive Nitrogen Species. Selenium is a trace mineral that is essential for protein synthesis and enzyme activity of glutathione peroxidase (GSH - PX). Selenium has a role as a catalyst in the breakdown of peroxide produced by the body to become a bond that is not toxic. Therefore, the adequacy of nutrients, especially vitamins and minerals, are necessary in maintaining optimal immune system as a preventive health efforts.   Abstrak: Munculnya coronavirus baru di Wuhan, Cina, yang menyebabkan infeksi saluran pernapasan parah pada manusia (COVID-19), telah menjadi masalah kesehatan global. Sebagian besar virus corona menginfeksi hewan tetapi dapat berevolusi menjadi strain yang juga dapat menginfeksi manusia. Baru-baru ini, kami menunjukkan bahwa pengobatan imunoglobulin intravena (IVIg) mengurangi peradangan sel epitel usus dan menghilangkan pertumbuhan berlebih dari patogen jamur manusia oportunistik Candida albicans di usus murine dalam hubungannya dengan downregulasi mediator proinflamasi yang dikombinasikan dengan upregulasi sitokin anti-inflamasi. Zat gizi mikro adalah vitamin dan mineral. Salah satu peran vitamin dan mineral adalah sebagai antioksidan yang mampu memperkuat sistem daya tahan tubuh manusia (sistem imun). Peran vitamin A banyak pada pemeliharaan sel epitel, dimana sel epitel merupakan salah satu jaringan tubuh yang terlibat di dalam fungsi imunitas non-spesifik. Vitamin E atau α-tokoferol mempunyai peran penting di membran eritrosit dan lipoprotein plasma, vitamin ini mampu mempertahankan integritas membran sel karena vitamin E mempunyai cincin fenol yang mampu memberikan ion hidrogennya kepada radikal bebas. Demikian pula dengan vitamin C sebagai donor elektron sehingga cepat memutus rantai reaksi SOR (Spesies Oksigen Reaktif) dan SNR (Spesies Nitrogen Reaktif). Selenium merupakan mineral kelumit yang penting untuk sintesis protein dan aktivitas enzim glutation peroksidase (GSH-PX). Selenium mempunyai peranan sebagai katalisator dalam pemecahan peroksida yang terbentuk di dalam tubuh menjadi ikatan yang tidak bersifat toksik. Maka karena itu kecukupan zat gizi terutama vitamin dan mineral sangat diperlukan dalam mempertahankan sistem kekebalan tubuh yang  optimal sebagai upaya preventif agar selalu sehat.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-5
Ghosh S

In Ayurveda, Giloy is considered one of the best medicines to treat various fevers and other conditions. Giloy is one of the three Amrit plants. Amrit means the ‘root of immortality’. Hence, it is also called Amritavalli or Amrita in Sanskrit. Giloy is scientifically known as Tinospora cordifolia or Guduchi in Hindi. The stem of Giloy is considered highly effective because of its high nutritional content and the alkaloids found in it but the root and leaves also can be used. This herb activates the immune system of our body and increase vitality in a person. Inclusion of Giloy juice or kadha in diet twice a day can improve immunity. It is full of antioxidants and helps to release toxins from the body. Giloy juice also detoxifies skin and improves skin nourishment. Giloy is also used for liver diseases, urinary tract infections, and heart-related issues. Thus, Giloy can improve immunity and many other metabolisms in our body. However, more in depth researches are arrested to throw some light in immune enhancing activity of this herb.

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