2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (9) ◽  
Amelia Triningtias ◽  
Eko Sugiyantio

<p><em>This research is based on the low awareness of the public about the dangers of smoking and the abandonment of smoking bans in public places even though there have been the Bogor City Regulation No. 10 of 2018 about Area Without Cigarettes. Considering that Sempur Park is one of the most important and beneficial public facilities for the people of Bogor City, then by using the Mazmanian and Sabatier implementation model, this study aims to determine the factors that support the successful policy implementation of area without cigarettes in Sempur Park Bogor City.</em></p><em>Keywords: Policy Implementation, Area Without Cigarettes, Sempur Park, Bogor City</em>

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Rodlial Ramdhan Tackbir Abubakar

Previously, Indonesia only issued Identity Cards for citizens who had reached the age of 17 years. However, after the presence of a new policy from the Interior Ministry of the Republic of Indonesia contained in the Republic of Indonesia Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 2 concerning Child Identity Cards, now Indonesian citizens who are less than 17 years old can have an identity card in the form of a Child Identity Card. The main problem in this research are the limitations of blanks and need additional personnel to improve services, especially in the context of issuing child Identity Cards. Besides, the realization of the issuance of child identity cards still far from the target and socialization to the public has not been conveyed in its entirety.. This study aims to examine how the implementation of Child Identity card in Bandung Regency. The research method used is qualitative with descriptive approach. This research is presented by using a narrative that discusses the implementation of child identity card policies in Bandung Regency. The focus of this research emphasizes the implementation model of Edward III covering communication, resources, disposition, and bureaucratic structure. The result of the research shows that implementation of Child Identity card in Bandung Regency has run optimally.Keywords : Public Policy; Policy Implementation; Identity CardAfandi, Warjio.2015. Implementasi Peraturan Daerah Kabupaten Asahan Nomor 11 Tahun 2011 tentang Pajak Daerah dalam Pencapaian Target Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan Perdesaan dan Perkotaan. Jurnal Administrasi Publik.Vol. 6, Nomor 2Afrizal. 2017. Pelaksanaan Kebijakan Pembuatan Kartu Identitas Anak di Kota Bandar Lampung. Universitas LampungAryanti. 2014. Implementasi Kebijakan Kependudukan Di Kabupaten Kuantan Singingi (Studi Kasus Pengurusan Akta Kelahiran Tahun 2012). Jurnal Online Mahasiswa FISIP. Vol. 1, Nomor 2, Halaman 2.Dwitamara. 2013. Pengaturan dan Implementasi Mengenai Hak Anak. Jurnal Hukum. Vol.18, Nomor 2, Halaman 1.Edwards III. 1980. Implementing Publik Policy. Congresinal. Quartely pressErdani, Indarja, Harjanto. 2017. Pelaksanaan Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 2 Tahun 2016 Tentang Kartu Identitas Anak di Kota Semarang. Diponegoro Law Journal. Vol.6, Nomor 2, Halaman 2.  Hafrida. 2016. Perlindungan Hukum Anak. Jurnal Ilmu Hukum, Ragam Jurnal. Vol. 7 Nomor 2, Halaman 1Monica, Noak, Winaya. 2015. Implementasi Kebijakan Kartu Tanda Penduduk Elektronik (E-Ktp) Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Denpasar Utara Provinsi Bali. Citizen charter journal. Vol.1 Nomor 2, Halaman 3.Muh. 2018. Respon Orang Tua Terhadap Kartu Identitas Anak. Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Kalijaga YogyakartaMustafa, Syahbandir. 2016. Penggunaan Diskresi oleh Pejabat Pemerintah untuk Kelancaran Penyelenggaraanpemerintahan Daerah. Jurnal Magister Ilmu Hukum, 4(2)Nugroho. 2009. Public Policy : Dinamika kebijakan, Analisis Kebijakan, Manajemen Kebijakan. Jakarta. GramediaPradika. 2018. Implementasi Kebijakan Kartu Identitas Anak (Kia) di Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kota Yogyakarta. Sekolah Tinggi Pembangunan Masyarakat Desa YogyakartaRahmawati. 2018. Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Program Kartu Identitas Anak (KIA) Di Dinas Kependudukan dan Catatan Sipil Kota Cilegon 2017. Universitas Sultan Ageng TirtayasaRamdhani, Ramdhani. 2017. Konsep Umum Pelaksanaan Kebijakan Publik. Jurnal Publik. Vol 11, Nomor 1, Halaman 10Subarsono. 2005. Analisis Kebijakan Publik. Yogyakarta. Pustaka pelajarSubarsono. 2013. Analisis Kebijakan Publik. Yogyakarta. Pustaka pelajarSudrajat. 2011. Perlindungan Hukum Anak Sebagai Hak Asasi Manusia. Jurnal Ilmu Hukum. Vol. 13, Nomor 2, Halaman 1 Suryono. 2014. Kebijakan Publik untuk Kesejahteraan Rakyat. Jurnal Ilmu Ilmiah. Vol.6, Nomor 2, Halaman 98Tangkilisan. 2003.Implementasi kebijakan publik : transformasi pikiran George Edward. Yogyakarta. Lukman Offset dan yayasan pembaruan administrasi publik indonesia.Wahab.2010. Pengantar Analisis Implementasi Kebijakan Negara. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta.Wardhani, Hasiolan, Minarsih. 2016. Pengaruh Lingkungan Kerja, Komunikasi, dan Kepemimpinan Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai. Journal of Management.Vol.2, Nomor 2Widodo. 2011. Analisis Kebijakan Publik: Konsep dan Aplikasi Analisis Proses Kebijakan Publik. Malang. Bayu MediaWinarno. 2007. Teori dan Proses Kebijakan Publik. Yogyakarta. Media PressindoWiranata. 2013.Perlindungan Hukum Anak. Jurnal Hukum Unsrat  Vol.1, Nomor 3, Halaman 5. Peraturan Perundang-undanganUndang-undang Nomor 24 Tahun 2013 Tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 23 Tahun 2006 tentang Administrasi KependudukanPeraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Republik Indonesia nomor 2 Tahun 2016 tentang Kartu Identitas Anak.

Genevieve Sansone ◽  
Geoffrey T. Fong ◽  
Gang Meng ◽  
Lorraine V. Craig ◽  
Steve S. Xu ◽  

Comprehensive smoke-free policies such as those called for by the WHO FCTC are the only way to protect the public effectively from the harms of secondhand smoke (SHS), yet Japan has been slow to implement this important health measure. This study examines baseline levels of smoking and SHS exposure in public places and support for smoking bans in Japan prior to the implementation of the 2018 national smoke-free law. Data are from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Japan Wave 1 Survey (Feb–Mar 2018), a web survey of adult cigarette smokers, heated tobacco product users, dual users, and non-users (total N = 4684). Measures included prevalence of smoking (whether respondents noticed people smoking inside restaurants and bars at their last visit, and workplaces in the last month), and support for complete smoking bans in these venues. Smoking prevalence in each venue was high overall in 2018 (49% of workplaces, 55% of restaurants, and 83% of bars), even higher than in China, the country with the greatest toll of SHS. Support for complete smoking bans was very high overall (81% for workplaces, 78% for restaurants, and 65% for bars). Non-users were less likely to be exposed to SHS and had higher support for smoking bans than tobacco users. These findings point to the ineffectiveness of partial smoke-free laws in Japan and reinforce the call for comprehensive smoke-free laws, which even smokers would support at higher levels than in many other ITC countries.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
pp. 14-24
Benedicta Alodia Santoso ◽  
Michael Bezaleel

AbstrakPerancangan komik 360 sebagai media informasi tentang pelecehan seksual “cat calling” bertujuan untuk menyampaikan informasi kepada masyarakat tentang isu pelecehan seksual secara verbal berupa cat calling serta bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kepekaan masyarakat tentang kejadian yang dihadapi oleh perempuan di jalanan serta tempat umum berkaitan dengan isu ini. Adapun yang menjadi latar belakang tulisan ini adalah karena tingginya tingkat pelecehan seksual secara verbal yang dialami oleh perempuan, sehingga dibutuhkan sebuah media informasi yang dapat memberi informasi dan gambaran tentang isu ini sehingga kesadaran masyarakat dapat meningkat. Komik 360 pada penelitian ini menggabungkan teknologi virtual reality dengan format video 360 dan gaya gambar komik, sehingga dapat menjadi media informasi yang menarik untuk menyajikan realitas yang dihadapi oleh perempuan dalam kesehariannya menggunakan fasilitas umum. Perancangan ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kepekaan masyarakat berkaitan dengan isu ini sehingga di masa depan perempuan dapat merasa lebih aman dan terhindar dari pelecehan seksual cat calling di jalan maupun fasilitas umum. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa hasil perancangan dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu media informasi tentang pelecehan seksual cat calling. Kata Kunci: cat calling, komik 360, seksual  AbstractThe aims of 360 Comic as a medium of information for cat calling sexual harassment are to convey information to the public about verbal sexual abuse issue and increasing public sensitivity about the incidents that happens to women in streets and public places. The background of this study is due to the high level of verbal sexual abuse that is experienced by women. There should be a media that can provide information about this issue to increase public awareness. 360 Comic in this research combined 360 virtual reality video format and comic images style. This research can be an interesting media to present the reality that women faced in their daily activities at public facilities. This research is expected to increase the public awareness and women safety in street and public space. Result of the research shows that the comic 360 is able to become an information media about cat calling. Keywords: cat calling, 360 comic, sexual

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-67
Slamet Setiawan

This study describes the implementation of the Public Private Partnership (KPS) policy between the Tangerang Regency Government and PT. Aetra Air Tangerang in providing drinking water for the people of Tangerang Regency. This study aims to determine how the success of policy implementation using Edward III's theory as a measure of success. The key informant in this study is the Regional Secretary of Tangerang Regency as the person in charge and implementer of the policy. This research was conducted in a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The data collection techniques in this study are by observation, interviews and desk study or literature study. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the Public Private Partnership (KPS) policy between the Tangerang Regency Government and PT. Aetra Air Tangerang in the provision of drinking water, has been running quite well, especially in terms of resources, disposition and bureaucratic structure. problems and constraints are found in the communication factor where the transmission, clarity and consistency of policies have encountered many problems and it is necessary to find the most appropriate solution, so that policy implementation can be maximized and achieve policy objectives optimally.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 92-107
Sevry Maringka ◽  
Lexie A. Lumingkewas ◽  
Steven Vleike Tarore

Based on the Implementation of the Covid-19 Prevention and Control Policy by the Minahasa Regency BPBD, the policy implementation model is more directed to the Public Policy Implementation Model proposed by Grindle. Policies have clear objectives as a form of policy value orientation. The objectives of policy implementation are formulated into specific action programs and projects that are designed and financed. The program is implemented according to plan. The implementation of a policy or program is – broadly speaking – influenced by the content and the context of implementation. Overall the policy implementation is evaluated by measuring program outcomes based on policy objectives. The results of this qualitative study prove that the legal basis is binding on policies in the prevention and control of Covid-19 BPBD Minahasa Regency.

With the broadening technology, the usage of several kinds revolutionary advancements in medicine industry are evolving day by day. These advancements have become more accurate than the existing manual procedures and they are reducing the usage of manpower. By using various technologies in the required medical fields, the time taking procedures are becoming handy in lesser time. In this paper, we are going to propose some technological advancements in field of medical sciences, which are mainly useful for the people who are all living and working in industrial areas. Here we are using Sensors and RF communication to monitor the Patient who has the wandering behavior. To monitor the patient health, heartbeat sensor and temperature sensor are used. Also, we place the gas sensor in all the public places to monitor the unwanted gas. If a patient enters the dangerous environments, an alert will be given to the patient in the form of a personalized buzzer, so that the patient will get alerted and he will take some precautions while travelling in those dangerous areas.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Sadia Ahmed ◽  
Avinash Aujayeb ◽  
Emma Cowens ◽  
Adam Evans ◽  
Felicity Gent ◽  

The purpose of study is to determine the degree of support for a general ban on smoking in public places and bans on smoking in specific locations amongst adults living in the North East of England. To assess the variation in support for smoking bans by smoking status and socio-demographic factors. Procedures: After appropriate training, ten medical students conducted interviews with members of the public in city centre locations. Interviewers adhered to a structured schedule and all participants gave informed consent. Quota sampling techniques were used to obtain a sample representative of the wider population in terms of age, gender and occupational social class. Main findings: Interviews were conducted with 538 individuals of whom 338 (63%) stated that they would support a general ban on smoking in public places. Support for a ban varied by smoking status and social class but not by gender or age group. Of the specific locations mentioned, support was greatest for smoking bans in restaurants and cafes (83%), shopping malls (72%) and workplaces (72%) and lowest for smoking bans in pubs and clubs (37%), the home (27%) and outdoor public places (23%). Conclusions: Local support for bans on smoking in public places in the North East of England is high - particularly in relation to bans in restaurants and cafes, shopping malls and workplaces. Introduction and enforcement of smoking bans in these locations would not be expected to meet with great opposition and may have a positive influence on public health.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 160-179
Reza Fajar Raynaldi

Covid-19 as a pandemic phenomenon has been impacting global life since last year. Almost all countries in the world encounter crises in various sectors. One of the countries that succeeded in handling the Covid-19 cases is New Zealand. The success attracted many researchers to conduct a research to analyze the New Zealand Government's moves in handling the pandemic to take a lesson from it. Moreover, the pandemic is still not over yet. This research focuses on the public policy dimension from the government of New Zealand to handle the pandemic and has an objective to analyze the factors that contribute to the effectiveness of policy implementation from the government of New Zealand, using the policy implementation model from George C. Edwards. This research uses a qualitative method with a desk study as a means for collecting data. The result of this research is clear communication, adequate resources, and slight disposition are the factors that contribute to the success and effectiveness of policy implementation in New Zealand in order to handle the Covid-19 pandemic. However, the bureaucracy structure factor with the fragmentation of health institutions between national and local governments might have undermined that success.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 61-65

Movement of the creative industry in Indonesia is growing rapidly, the public began to be interested to explore the creative industries. Inti matahari provides services such as the manufacture of residential parks, offices, public facilities, garden care and agricultural facilities targeting a segment of the people who are becoming aware of the importance of landscaping and wanting to spend more money on landscaping and orchard garden. The problems that arise in Inti Matahari is the difficulty to penetrate the market to new consumers and because the landscape industry is an industry that has a period of costumer in the manufacture of landscape, income gains are sometimes not sufficient to cover operating costs. To the authors want to do research where the authors want to see whether the consumer confidence, percept design quality, pecived capability of order, reputation already owned by Inti Matahari affect the purchase intention costumer interested interest in buying landscape and also the author wants to see how big the influence of price will play a role in repurchasing intention costumer, although costumer already interested in landscape design that given

2016 ◽  
Vol 851 ◽  
pp. 701-708
Cherng Shing Lin ◽  
Chao Hsing Chang

As the general public begin to attach greater importance to the firefighting capacities of large public infrastructures, it is high time for an overhaul of the medical, leisure and teaching infrastructures and so on concerning their firefighting capacities. In response to the especially drastic increase in the demands for medical resources, armed forces hospitals are being opened to the public for medical and teaching purposes. In order to meet the daily needs and maintain their operations in a sustainable manner, these hospitals have gone through many spatial and furnishing alterations, hence the changes in their original constructional and fire protection design. These changes, however, might lead to an increase in the risk factors. With Taoyuan Armed Forced General Hospital, which is fairly large in size, as the fireground for the simulation, and the previous cases of fire in the hospital as the basis for the numerical simulation analysis, this study is set out mainly to investigate and validate the impacts of the firefighting facilities (which are consistent with the fire codes and regulations) on the efforts of the people inside the hospital to escape from a fire under such a variety of circumstances as when the space is closed, open, or as the fire sources change in nature and position. Compartmentalization and precautions are used in the process to minimize fire losses. The main objective of this study is to develop some fire safety education materials for such public places as government organizations and schools.

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