Analisis Kredit Macet pada Kredit Usaha Rakyat (KUR) PT. Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk Unit Rungkut Surabaya pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 368-379
Arsya Cheline Rafaella

COVID-19 pandemic is a phenomenon that has made all economic sectors down, and thats including the banking sector. This pandemic makes credit risk will increase, therefore the problem in this research its about causes of bad credit in People's Business Credit (KUR), and how are the efforts of BRI Rungkut Surabaya Unit in resolving and minimizing bad loans during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study using qualitative research with a descriptive approach, informed by informants from BRI KUR Rungkut officers and KUR debtors as well as data on bad credit financial reports. The results showed that bad loans at BRI Unit Rungkut Surabaya were caused by external factors in the form of business risks, natural and non-natural disasters, and bad faith from customers. Internal factors in the form of overcrediting, analysis errors, and feelings of pity. The steps to resolve and minimize bad loans carried out by BRI Unit Rungkut Surabaya are in accordance with the regulations given by the government during the Covid-19 pandemic.

2018 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 79
Julia ., Lendombela ◽  
Melsje Y. Memah ◽  
Agnes E. Loho

This study aims to identify internal factors and external factors of UD Betris, as well as to determine the strategy for developing the business of bamboo batik handicraft industry UD Betris. Betris in Meras Village. This research was conducted from April to June 2018. The data used were primary data and secondary data. Primary data is obtained through observation and interviews which are divided into two parties, namely internal parties (business owners and labor) and external parties (local government and consumers) with 8 (eight) respondents. Meanwhile, secondary data was obtained from literature studies. Analysis of the data used is by using a SWOT analysis. The results showed that internal factors include: raw materials, quality of raw materials, price of raw materials, product uniqueness, business spirit and craftsman skills, product prices, product durability and quality, not having financial records, traditional production equipment, product arrangement that has not been arranged neat, promotion is not efficient, does not have a special place of business, and there is no parking space. external factors include: high market opportunities, government support, opportunities for training, opportunities to participate in exhibitions, plastic substitute goods, interest in business successors, and the existence of competitors using modern production tools. Based on the SWOT diagram, the chosen strategy is a combination of SO, namely: 1) Maintaining product quality and continuing to develop products by innovating to create bamboo handicraft products with new designs. 2) Continue to work with the government and related agencies to develop and expand marketing areas so that products are better known to local and foreign communities through training and exhibition events. *jnkd*.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 47
Sujud Sujud

Murder is an inhuman crime, where the perpetrator of the crime kills with the intention of being planned in advance because it will kill other people's lives for a specific purpose, this crime is a crime of enmity between individuals and groups so that the victim is helpless, so the police investigator reveals his identity. Carefulness is needed. The problems discussed are what are the factors causing the crime of murder and how are the efforts to overcome the crime of murder. The research method used is normative juridical research. Data collection is based on literature study, based on the results of the research that the author has done, the factors that cause murder are internal and external factors. Internal factors, namely internal factors, and external factors, namely economic, environmental, and family factors. Efforts to tackle the crime of murder, namely penal and non-penal measures, are efforts to reduce the space for movement and opportunities for the committing of crimes. The suggestion in this research is that there is a need for cooperation between legal institutions and the government through police and military officers to prevent and cope with future premeditated murder, prosecutors and judges are requested to be able to prosecute and impose the maximum possible punishment on the perpetrators of the murder guided by the Criminal Code.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-19 ◽  
Christian Herdinata

Abstract In dealing with the factors affecting credit policy, a management should consider external and internal information before creating a policy. Internal factors include the structure and the amount of available bank assets and liabilities, and the type, state, and composition of available banking facilities and personnels. Meanwhile, external factors include the atmosphere of the business world in general and banking sector in particular, bank location, and others. The factors that need to be considered in credit policy cannot be separated from the problems that exist in banking activities. Since the factors affecting credit policy act as a guideline which influences credit management, it is important to analyze these factors. This research maps out some important factors in credit management and recommends certain practical steps that can be taken in credit management.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 299-308
Iskandar Iskandar ◽  
Rahmawati Rahmawati ◽  
Nurul Fahmi

Abstract The research objectives are: 1) To find out the factors that cause Non Performing Financing in murabaha financing at BPRS Rahmania Dana Sejahtera in Bireuen City. 2) To find out the Solution for Emphasis on Non-Performing Financing (NPF) Level on Murabaha Financing at BPRS Rahmania Dana Sejahtera in Bireuen City. The type of research the author uses here is a type of qualitative research with a descriptive approach, as well as data collection techniques using observation and interviews. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that: 1) Factors That Cause Non-Performing Financing are internal factors that arise from the bank with limited employee owned and new employees, while the internal factors of the customer, namely bankruptcy, incompetent in business, the filing of a business or collateral is not his, customers who use open funds in planning, as well as customers who are not responsible because of personal family factors. While external factors result from natural disasters, government regulations and conditions that are not in accordance with the plan. 2) Emphasis Solutions is carried out by applying a financing analysis consisting of a guarantee approach, character, repayment capability, feasibility study, and an approach to bank functions. Coupled with the application of the financing analysis principle of 5C (carater, capacity, capital, collateral, and condition of economy. Keywords: Non-Performing Financing, Murabahah Financing, Emphasis Solutions   Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: 1) Untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor penyebab Non Performing Financing pembiayaan murabahah pada BPRS Rahmania Dana Sejahtera Kota Bireuen. 2) Untuk mengetahui Solusi Tingkat Penekanan pada Non Performing Financing (NPF) pada Pembiayaan Murabahah pada BPRS Rahmania Dana Sejahtera Kota Bireuen. Jenis penelitian yang penulis gunakan disini adalah jenis penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif, serta teknik pengumpulan datanya menggunakan observasi dan wawancara. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa: 1) Faktor Penyebab Non Performing Financing adalah faktor internal yang muncul dari bank dengan terbatasnya pegawai yang dimiliki dan pegawai baru, sedangkan faktor internal nasabah yaitu kebangkrutan, tidak cakap dalam berbisnis, pengajuan usaha atau agunan bukan miliknya, nasabah yang menggunakan dana terbuka dalam perencanaan, maupun nasabah yang tidak bertanggung jawab karena faktor pribadi keluarga. Sedangkan faktor eksternal disebabkan oleh bencana alam, regulasi dan kondisi pemerintah yang tidak sesuai dengan rencana. 2) Solusi penekanan dilakukan dengan menerapkan analisis pembiayaan yang terdiri dari pendekatan penjaminan, karakter, kemampuan pembayaran kembali, studi kelayakan, dan pendekatan fungsi bank. Ditambah dengan penerapan prinsip analisa pembiayaan 5C (carater, capacity, capital, collateral, dan kondisi perekonomian. Kata kunci: Non Performing Financing, Pembiayaan Murabahah, Solusi Penekanan.

I Gusti Jaya Wiraraja ◽  
Made - Antara ◽  
Ni Wayan Sri Astiti

ABSTRACT Agricultural land has an important role as a medium to increase the income, standard of living, and welfare of farmers within. This study aims to 1) analyze the factors that influence the motivation of farmers in converting paddy fields, 2) analyze the social and economic impacts of land conversion in Subak Petangan, North Denpasar District. This research was carried out in the Subak Petangan Denpasar Utara which was chosen using  census with a population of 40 farm owner. The main instruments used in the data collection is questionnaires. Data analysis techniques used are factor analysis method and quantitative qualitative analysis. The study showed that land conversion are affected by internal and external factors. Internal factors are formed by the number of family member, level of education, life necessities (Maslow's hierarchy of needs), income from agricultural product. External factors are formed by lifestyle indicators, interest of the younger generation for farming, access to land management, availability of water irrigation. The sosial impact of land conversion are hampered on irrigation channels, the emergence of conflicts between farmers and owners of settlements, deterioration of cultural values in Subak Petangan, North Denpasar District and the economy impact are decreases in food source. All parties including the government as well as the subak member should be able to control and develop program or regulation to repress the land conversion's rate. Sosialy and economically, land conversion in Subak Petangan generate bad impact on the environment and culture around Subak Petangan rice field area.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 1518 ◽  
Pagnarith Srun ◽  
Kiyo Kurisu

Over the last decade, municipal solid waste generation in Phnom Penh has increased noticeably; however, the waste management system is far from satisfactory. Considerable amount of waste is left uncollected, as well as intentionally disposed of in public open spaces. External and internal factors can trigger these problems. Possible external factors are low collection frequency, low cleaning services, and insufficient facilities such as small dumpsters. Possible internal factors, which also play an important role in this issue, include low awareness, insufficient knowledge, and low responsibility for personal waste. To examine the influences of these internal and external factors on people’s waste disposal behaviors, we selected and conducted a questionnaire survey at four sites in Phnom Penh that differ in waste collection frequency and population density. A total of 413 valid responses were obtained. We developed a structural equation model to explain people’s intentions not to dispose of waste in public open spaces. The results showed that personal and social norms, such as perception of social pressure from friends and family and from the government, had significant influences on intention, whereas the influence of external factors was much smaller.

Ahmad Mukoffi ◽  
Yayuk Sulistiyowati

In the preparation of financial statements based on financial accounting standards is an improvement in quality of financial statements, which will leverage the credibility of the financial statements in question. The research’s object to be studied are MSMEs in Food and Beverage Sector. The formulation of the problem in this study is, a. How is the preparation of MSME financial statements in the Food and Beverage sector based on EMKM SAK in Tlogomas Sub-District, Malang City, b. What are the constraints faced by MSMEs in the Food and Beverage Sector in implementing EMKM SAK in Tlogomas Sub-District Malang, c. What strategy model is effective from the government so that MSMEs can apply the SAK EMKM optimally. This research method used a combination of research methods (Mixed Methods). With adequate accounting, MSME entrepreneurs can fulfill the requirements in applying for credit, such as making financial reports. The researcher offers a model for the application of electronic-based financial reporting, this is to attract investors to contribute their capital, considering that currently entering the free market. This program also makes easier for the Bank to read the financial statements of micro entities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 207
Lailatul Azizah

ABSTRAKKabupaten Pasuruan, Kecamatan Tosari merupakan salah satu wilayah yang memiliki potensi keunggulan ekonomi berupa kekayaan sumber daya alam untuk dikembangkan yaitu sektor pertanian holtikultura yang memiliki peran penting dalam mensuplay kecukupan gizi bagi masyarakat komoditas holtikultura diantaranya sayuran (kentang, bawang prei, brokoli, kubis dan sawi) namun potensi yang tinggi tersebut tidak didukung oleh kemudahan akses untuk menjual atau memasarkannya. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif. Peneliti akan menggambarkan tentang keadaan lapangan dengan tujuan untuk menemukan formulasi strategi pengembangan kontribusi usaha pertanian holtikultura dengan  menggunakan analisis SWOT. Dari hasil analisis kuadran Internal Factors Analysis Summary (IFAS) Dan External Factors Analysis Summary (EFAS) diperoleh gambaran bahwa “ kontribusi usaha pertanian holtikultura dikecamatan Tosari memiliki daya kompetitif yang rendah untuk menghadapi ancaman dari kawasan Agropolitan yang lainnya. Oleh karena itu strategi yang memfokuskan pada mekanisme dan optimalisasi pertanian serta pasar sasaran (target market). Adapun langkah yang perlu diambil diantaranya memperbaiki sarana dan prasarana infrastruktur (Assebilitas), memberi pembinaan dan penyuluhan kepada para petani, bekerjasama melakukan pola mitra antara pemerintah, sektor swasta dan petani atau pemangku kepentingan (stakeholders) untuk melakukan kegiatan On farm dan Of fram yang berkaitan dengan pengelolaan pasca panen kemana hasil produksi akan dibawa dalam bentuk mentah atau olahan.  Kata Kunci : strategi; pengembangan; pertanian holtikultura dan kesejahteraan    ABSTRACT Pasuruan Regency, District Tosari is one of the areas that has the potential for economic advantage in the form of natural resource wealth to be developed, namely the horticultural agricultural sector which has an important role in supplying nutritional adequacy for horticultural commodities including vegetables (potatoes, leek, broccoli, cabbage and mustard greens) but the potential is this height is not supported by the ease of access to sell or market it.  This research is a quantitative research. Researchers will describe the situation in the field with the aim of finding the formulation of a development strategy for the contribution of horticultural farming using a SWOT analysis.  From the results of the quadrant analysis of Internal Factors Analysis Summary (IFAS) and External Factors Analysis Summary (EFAS), it is found that "the contribution of horticultural farming in Tosari sub-district has low competitive power to face threats from other Agropolitan areas. Therefore a strategy that focuses on the mechanism and optimization of agriculture as well as the target market (target market). The steps that need to be taken include improving infrastructure facilities and infrastructure (Assebility), providing guidance and counseling to farmers, working together to make partnerships between the government, the private sector and farmers or stakeholders to carry out related On farm and Off fram activities. with post-harvest management where the products will be brought in raw or processed form.  Keywords: strategy; development; horticultural agriculture and welfare

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 115-129
Ahmad Ubaidillah

The Indonesian nation, which has undergone its independence for more than 70 years, experienced two major changes, namely in 1966 and 1998. 1966 gave birth to the New Order. The New Order period which lasted 32 years with a full orientation to pursue economic growth which was supported by security stability which killed democratic values. We have also gone through the reform era that was rolled out in 1998 which later gave birth to the state order as we feel today. During the 20 years or so of reformation, Indonesia's condition can be said to be more democratic even though it is still procedural which is marked by an election celebration party and post-conflict local election. However, economic orientation and development have almost no fundamental correction, no significant changes. The strategic economic policies taken by the government have not been in favor of the people. Potential economic resources are still held hostage by the interests of foreign countries. Both in the banking sector, insurance, capital markets, state-owned enterprises (BUMN), oil and gas mining and other economic sectors. The government only relies on the amount of economic growth, which does not contribute much to the real economy of the people. As a result, poverty and unemployment rates have not been significantly reduced. The quality of life of the people becomes low. In this paper, the author tries to study the economic growth which is always glorified by the ruling regime in the perspective of Islamic political economy. However, economic policies are inseparable from government political interference. Therefore, questions such as how is the political economy of Islam in view of economic growth amid the high poverty rate of the Indonesian people? Then what is the solution that Islamic political economy can provide in overcoming policies that are deemed not to benefit the people? From the discussion, the writer can provide some things that according to the authors are important to conclude. Islamic political economy is only one area of ​​science that will be built based on the tauhid paradigm. Basically, all existing science needs to be built within the framework of the monotheistic paradigm. The emergence and development of Islamic civilization for more than a thousand years is always based on the Tawhid paradigm. At that time, all science was built on the basis of monotheism. The problem of economic development can be solved by tauhid paradigm.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-94
M. N. Lakoza

The article reveals the main current trends of the government bond market in the Russian Federation. Various factors that influence the state bond market were studied. External factors included geopolitical risks, rating actions, monetary policy of world Central banks, and the dynamics of oil prices. The main internal factors were: lower inflation, the Bank of Russia’s monetary policy, the return of non–residents to Russian ruble debt, the strengthening of the ruble, the Bank of Russia’s policy in terms of banking regulation, and the flexible policy of initial placement of Federal loan bonds. In 2019, external factors did not have a primary impact on the Russian government securities market, but they determined the General background of investor relations. The market was largely influenced by internal factors.

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