scholarly journals Literature Review : Pengaruh Terapi Latihan Metode Bobath Terhadap Keseimbangan Statis Pada Pasien Stroke

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1486-1493
Fikri Haykal ◽  
Sigit Prasojo ◽  
I Isytiaroh

AbstractStroke is a neurological disorder which is has become the main factor in causing movement and body function disorder ini adults. The Problem occur freqentely in the patient in the balence disoreders ini accrying out activities and stiffness in the estremities. One of the physiotherapy apptoaches in by applying bobath method in impove the static balance. It aims to analyze the effect of bobath method exercise therapy on static balance in stroke patients from many articles. in this study the writer had scarched some articels via  PubMed adn  Google Scholar articles according to inclusion and exclusion criteria which are then reviewed. From that analyzed articles. It got the mean value pre intervenstion and after it. the average value in the treatment group before the intervention was given was 14.403 and after being given the intervention was 16.593, the obtained velue was 0.007. These results show the intervention bobath method can improve the ability of static balance in stroke patients. The method in proven can improve standing balance in stroke patients. So that it is highly recomended to implement this method as the physiotherapy intervention expesially in stroke patient based on the cometence.Keywords: Stroke; bobath method; static balance AbstrakStroke adalah gangguan neurologis yang menjadi faktor paling utama penyebab gangguan gerak dan fungsi tubuh pada orang dewasa. Permasalahan pada pasien stroke antara lain adanya gangguan keseimbangan dalam melakukan aktifitas dan kekakuan dalam ektremitas. Salah satu pendekatan fisioterapi untuk meningkatkan keseimbangan statis adalah metode bobath. Study ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh terapi latihan metode bobath terhadap keseimbangan statis pada pasien stroke berdasarkan dari berbagai artikel. Pencarian artikel melalui PubMed dan Google Scholar Articles untuk menemukan artikel sesuai kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi yang kemudian dilakukan review. Dari hasil artikel yang dianalisa nilai mean sebelum diberikan intervensi didapatkan rata – rata 14.403 dan sesudah diberikan intervensi sebesar 16,593. Hasil p velue sebesar 0,007. Hasil tersebut menunjukan bahwa intervensi metode bobath  dapat meningkatkan kemampuan keseimbangan statis pada pasien stroke. Metode bobath dapat meningkatkan keseimbangan berdiri pada pasien stroke. Metode bobath dapat digunakan sebagai intervensi fisioterapi khususnya pasien stroke sesuai dengan kompetensi.Kata kunci: Stroke; metode bobath; keseimbangan statis

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (10) ◽  
pp. 5542
Dominika Siwiec ◽  
Andrzej Pacana

The main factor that conditions the success of organizations is the development of products oriented toward customer satisfaction. An additional attribute of organizations is the use of sustainable development rules. The use of these rules and the simultaneous desire to create high-quality products encourage organizations to apply different methods to, for example, eliminate waste. This study aimed to develop a method to determine the research sample size required to predict a product’s quality level, taking into account current customers’ expectations. This method was developed by modifying a procedure to determine the research sample size as part of the calculated estimator of the mean value in the general population. Based on the concept of product sustainability development, the goal of the developed method was to determine the number of potential customers (respondents) needed to provide product requirements, which were then processed and used to predict the quality level of the product. This method was applied to simultaneously test a number of hypotheses, determine the test power, and detect statistically significant differences for several relationships of the sample sizes and the test power. This was achieved using universal hypotheses and the popular alternative-punctual (MAP) method. Testing of the proposed method showed that it was able to predict the quality level of products based on current expectations of customers.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 27
Muhammad Aulia U H ◽  
Iswinarno Doso Saputro ◽  
Magda Rosalina Hutagalung

Background: The incidence of burns in Indonesia progressively increases with the increase in its population and industries. From January to September 2000, 158 patients were treated in the burn unit of Dr Soetomo Hospital with a mortality rate reaching 5,8%. Burns have a direct effect in causing both local and systemic changes in the body, not occurring in other injuries. In severe burns, a hypermetabolic state can occur, which increases cardiac workload and causes muscle atrophy and other morbidities. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of propranolol on the hypermetabolic state in severely burned patients by measuring various clinical & laboratory parameters.Methods : This is an experimental study using pre and post test control group design with the objective of assessing the treatment outcome with oral propranolol given in 15 consecutive days for burn patients involving 25%- 60% TBSA. Measurements were taken three times, on day 0, 7 and 14.Results : Obtained 16 samples divided into 2 groups. In the treatment group, there was a significant decrease in CRP levels on days 0, 7 and 14 (p <0.05). The Mid Arm Circumference variable did not obtain a significant decreasing on days 0, 7 and 14. The albumin level studied showed a significant decreasing on day 0 & 7 days with a value of p = 0.045. From the comparison between the two groups, there were significant differences in CRP levels on days 0 & 14, with the mean value of the treatment group -5.12 + 2.88 and the mean value of the control group 2.86 + 7.37, and the value of p = 0.019.Conclusions: This study successfully proved that the administration of propranolol can overcome the effects of hypermetabolism which is characterized by decreasing in CRP levels.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 1300-1305
Arti Ayuningtiyas ◽  
Benny Arief Sulistyanto

AbstractDuring the Covid-19 pandemic, nurses are at the forefront. Many nurses experience stress and fatigue due to increased workload. Stress and fatigue that is obtained at work, both physical and psychological fatigue, is known as Burnout. This study aimed to describe the incidence of Burnout experienced by nurses during the Covid 19 Pandemic. This research is a literature review. This study was looking for some articles from PubMed,Garuda, and Google Scholar, with keyword. There were 5 articles that matched the research inclusion criteria. Critical analysis of 5 articles used the JBI instrument. These articles used the mean calculation. In the Emotional Exhaustion category, the mean value was 22.75 and SD was 8.828. it meant that the burnout level in the Emotional Exhaustion category was at a moderate level. In the depersonalization category, the mean value was 7.54 with SD 4.248. it meant that the burnout level in the depersonalization category was at a moderate level. In the personal accomplishment category, the mean was 19.676 with SD of 6.7. it mean that the burnout level in this category was a high level. The nurses experience burnout during the Covid-19 pandemic. The Emotional exhaustion category is a moderate level, depersonalization is at a moderate level, and personal accomplishment is at a high level.Keywords: Nurse, Burnout, Covid-19 pandemic AbstrakDimasa pandemi Covid-19 perawat berada pada garda terdepan, banyak perawat mengalami stress dan kelelahan dikarenakan beban kerja meningkat. Stress dan Kelelahan yang didapat saat kerja baik itu kelelahan fisik maupun psikis dikenal dengan nama Burnout penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kejadian Burnout yang dialami Perawat selama Pandemi Covid 19. Penelitian ini adalah literatur review. Hasil pencarian artikel dari database online yaitu Pubmed,Garuda dan Google Scholar, dengan kata kunci di dapatkan 5 artikel yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi penelitian. Analisa telaah kritis terhadap 5 artikel menggunakan instrument JBI. Terdapat 5 Artikel yang menggunakan perhitungan mean di dapatkan hasil kategori Emotional Exhaustion nilai mean sebanyak 22.75 dan SD 8.828 dimana hasil menunjukkan level burnout pada level sedang. Kategori depersonalization dengan nilai mean 7.54 dengan SD 4.248 dimana hasil burnout pada level sedang. Kategori personal accomplishment hasil mean 19.676 dengan SD 6.7 dimana hasil burnout menunjukkan level tinggi. Dari 5 Artikel yang di telaah di dapatkan Perawat mengalami Burnout selama pandemic Covid-19, kategori Emotional Exhaustion berada pada level sedang, depersonalization berada pada level sedang, dan personal accomplishment pada level tinggi.Kata Kunci : Perawat, Burnout, pandemi Covid-19

Yusuf Nasirudin ◽  
Dewa Putu Gde Purwa Samatra ◽  
Wahyuddin ◽  
Susy Purnawati ◽  
Ni Made Linawati ◽  

In the game of futsal, work of postural muscle balance needed to maintain the stability of the body for receiving the pass and put the ball into the other team's goal at the time of attack, changing the direction of movement quickly when returning to their respective positions and avoid of back disorder. This research is a form of experimental research that will test the effectiveness of the provision of trunk balance exercise is better than the strengthening of back exercises to improve muscle work balance of erector spine on futsal beginner players, in this study sample will be divided into two groups, the first group will be given trunk balance exercise to improve balance of erectorspine muscles work in futsal begginer players, the second group will be given back strengthening exercise to improve balance of erectorspine muscles work in futsal begginer players.This study was conducted for 6 weeks and the intervention performed 18 times during the study period. Samples measured by surface electromyography to measure work of right and left erector muscle by calculating the proportion of the work on the muscle, the measurement is performed at before the intervention and then intervention in accordance with the grouping which has been divided and then after completion of the intervention, the samples will be re-measured to obtain the value of the intervention.The results of the first group who has been given of trunk balance exercise shows the average value of the before treatment (83.82 ± 2.94) % and the mean value of the after treatment (96.74 ± 2.39) %, and in the second group who has been given strengthening back exercise shows the mean value of the before treatment (88.29 ± 1.89) % and the mean value after treatment (95.91 ± 1.75) %, with the probability value of both groups is 0.000 (p <0.05), and can be expressed there is a significant difference between both groups. In the fourth hypothesis test conducted comparative results of both groups, using independent samples t-test using mean value of the first and second groups, in the first group (12.92 ± 2.94) %, and the second group (7.61 ± 2.12) %, with a probability value 0.000 (p<0.05) and can be expressed in statistical analysis is no significant difference between both treatments were carried out and that means, giving trunk balance exercise is better than back strengthening exercise to improve balance of erector spine muscles work on futsal beginner players.

1959 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 261-271 ◽  
A. A. Townsend

To determine experimentally the mean value of a randomly fluctuating quantity, it may be necessary to measure the average value over a considerable interval of time. This problem arose in a recent study of the temperature fluctuations over a heated horizontal plate, and a system was used that depended on the counting of electrical pulses generated at a rate proportional to the quantity being measured. The advantage of this technique is that mean values may be measured over time intervals of almost unlimited length with little added difficulty for the experimenter. Circuits are described which measure: (a) the mean square of a fluctuating quantity and of its time-derivative, (b) the statistical distribution of the fluctuations, (c) the mean frequency of the fluctuation assuming a particular value, and (d) the mean product of two fluctuating quantities. Over the range of use, the stability and linearity of the calibrations is better than 1%, more than sufficient for work on natural convection. In its present form, the equipment responds uniformly to all frequencies below 100 c/s, but it would not be difficult to extend this range of response to higher frequencies.

2019 ◽  
Eko Prasetyo

The research aims to measure the effect of entrepreneurial self-efficacy (ESE), entrepreneurial attitude (EA), and entrepreneurial intention (EI) towards entrepreneurship education. The research subjects were all students of SMK Negeri Tempursari. Research conducted is a population study with a total of 187 students. The research instrument used a questionnaire. Data analysis used the MANOVA technique. The results of the study were: (1) The mean value of the ESE, EA, and EI of students who have received entrepreneurship education is higher when compared to the average value of students who have not received entrepreneurship education; and (2) EA and EI have no significant effect between students who have received entrepreneurship education and students who have not received entrepreneurship education. While in the ESE aspect there is a significant influence between students who have received entrepreneurship education and students who have not received entrepreneurship education.

Lena Susianti ◽  
Muhammad Anwar

This research was conducted to determine the effect of brainstorming strategies on students' creative thinking skills in workshop work subjects and technical drawing of class X students of Electronic Engineering at SMKN 1 Bukittinggi. The research design in this study is quasi-experimental. The instrument used was in the form of a matter of creative thinking skills tests that had been validated by an Expert, namely a lecturer majoring in Electronics Engineering. Validity test obtained the average value of validity of 0.85 which is in the valid category. Reliability test obtained Alpha Cronbach's value of 0.856 which is in the interpretation of the value of the pair very well. Because the questions are valid and reliable, the matter of creative thinking skills can be used. The results found the mean value in the experimental class (X TE1) 87.5 and the average value of the control class (X TE2) 74.0. After t-test, it was obtained that tcount> ttable so that Ha was accepted and Ho was rejected. It can be concluded that there is a significant influence on the application of brainstorming strategies to creative thinking skills.          Keywords: Creative Thinking Skills, Brainstorming Strategies, Validity, Reliability

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 121
Yohana Agatha Kembaren ◽  
Gamal Kartono ◽  
Mesra Mesra

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk, mendeskripsikan dan menginterpretasikan hasil karya poster peserta didik kelas XII IPS SMA Negeri 1 Kabanjahe, yang ditinjau berdasarkan unity (kesatuan), layout (tata letak), tipografi, dan warna. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 24 karya  poster peserta didik dengan sampel berjumlah 3 karya (12,5% dari total populasi) dan teknik yang digunakan adalah  purposive sample. Data dianalisis menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan cara mengetahui hasil validasi yang dilakukan validator, kemudian hasil validasi dianalisis berdasarkan kategorisasi yang berkaitan dengan objek yang  diteliti yang meliputi kesatuan (unity), tata letak (layout), tipografi, dan warna. Dari total 24 karya peserta didik, karya no 5 memperoleh nilai tertinggi (94) ,nilai sedang dengan kategori baik karya no 17 (89) dan no 22 kategori baik dengan nilai terendah (86,5). Sebanyak 11 karya (46%) memperoleh predikat sangat baik (A) dan sebanyak 13 karya (54%) memperoleh predikat baik (B). Berdasarkan analisis diperoleh kesimpulan hasil bahwa nilai pada aspek unity (kesatuan), didapat rerata berjumlah 89, 25, untuk layout (tata letak), dengan nilai rerata 89,41, tipografi  dengan nilai rerata 88,29, dan warna dengan  nilai rerata 88,95. Secara umum rerata untuk empat kategori dapat dinterpretasikan  berkualitas baik.  Kata Kunci: poster, kesatuan, tata letak, tipograi.AbstractThe research aims is to describe and interpret the posters work of the 12th social grade students  (XII SOS 1)  Public Senior High School 1 Kabanjahe (SMA Negeri 1 Kabanjahe) , which are reviewed based on unity, layout, typography, and color. The population in this study amounted to 24 poster works by students with 3 sample works (12.5% of the total population) The technique used in this research is purposive sample . Data were analyzed using qualitative descriptive methods by knowing the results of the validation conducted by the validator, then analyzing the results of the validation based on the categorization relating to the object under study which includes unity, layout, typography, and color, then the results of the validation were analyzed based on the categorization relating to the object under study which included unity, layout, typography, and color. From a total of  24 works of students, work No. 5 received the highest score (94),  intermediate value which in  the good category work No.17 (89) and number 22 which  good category with the lowest score (86.5).  The Total  of 11 works (46%) received an excellent rating (A) and 13 works (54%) received a good rating (B).Based on the analysis, the conclusion of the research results shows that the value of the aspect of unity obtained an average of 89, 25, for the layout with an average value of 89.41, typography with a mean value of 88.29, and color with a mean value 88.95. In general, the results of the mean scores for the four categories can be interpreted as good quality. Keywords: poster, unity, layout, typography.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (35) ◽  
pp. 3224-3229
Jasleen Kaur ◽  
Satya Bhushan Nayyar ◽  
Tejinder Sikri ◽  
Jasmine Kaur ◽  
Hardeep Singh Deep

BACKGROUND World Health Organization (WHO) clinically defines a stroke as ‘the rapid development of clinical signs and symptoms of a focal neurological disturbance lasting more than 24 hours or leading to death with no apparent cause other than vascular origin’. Hypo magnesia (ionized form) leads to neuromuscular hyperirritability, tremors, increased vascular resistance, coronary vasospasm and hypertension. Magnesium deficiency triggers vasoconstriction enhancing vascular endothelial injury and hence leads to atherosclerosis. In the present study, we wanted to evaluate serum magnesium levels in ischemic cerebral stroke patients and correlate its severity with the neurological disability using modified Rankin scale (mRS) and Canadian neurological scale. METHODS It was a longitudinal observational study, undertaken in the Department of Medicine in Sri Guru Ram Das Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Sri Amritsar from December 2018 to June 2020. 60 patients with acute ischemic cerebral stroke fulfilling the inclusion criteria were selected. 5 ml venous sample for serum magnesium level was taken within 24 hours and on day 5 of admission. Presence or absence of hypomagnesemia in patients after acute cerebral ischemic stroke was recorded during the hospital stay of patients, receiving standard management protocol of ischemic stroke. The correlation co-efficient of serum magnesium level with modified Rankin scale and Canadian neurological scale was calculated. RESULTS The mean age of patients was 61.6 ± 1.6 years, 42 (70 %) patients were male and 18 (30 %) were females and there was male preponderance. The mean serum magnesium level was measured as 1.78 ± 0.2 mg/dL, it was observed that the mean value for mRS was 3.93 ± 0.75 and Canadian neurological scale was 7.11 ± 2.01 within 24 hours and on the 5th day the mean value for mRS was 3.5 ± 1.09 and Canadian neurological scale was 8.02 ± 2.97. The present study observed a statistically significant correlation between mRS score and serum magnesium level as well as Canadian neurological scale and serum magnesium levels. CONCLUSIONS It was concluded through the results of this study that low levels of magnesium in the body can cause more severe stroke. KEYWORDS Stroke, Serum Magnesium, Hypomagnesemia, Modified Rankin Scale, Canadian Neurological Scale

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 141-144
Nyoman Sutarna ◽  
I Nengah Ludra Antara ◽  
Daud Simon Anakottapary

An injection system is a process of burning fuel on an internal combustion engine by using an electronic system to inject fuel with air into the combustion chamber. The carburetor system uses a nozzle to blur the fuel mixture with the combustor air. The purpose of this study was to determine differences in the value of fuel consumption from the injection system with the carburetor system. This research was conducted by the experimental method. The results of the analysis showed that the average value of fuel consumption even with the injection system was 51.53ml, while the mean value of the carburetor system was 90.40 ml, this meant that the injection system was more efficient compared to the carburetor system of 44.89 ml or 47%. Conclusion injection system at any rotation is more economical than the carburetor system. It is recommended to conduct further research by taking real data that is distance and travel time.

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