scholarly journals Machines à exposer

Catherine Dumont d'Ayot

Résumé: Ateliers d’artistes, appartements et villas de collectionneurs, pavillons, scénographies et musées : l’exposition est un fil rouge de l’œuvre de Le Corbusier. Le rapport que l’homme entretient à l’œuvre d’art et les modalités de ce rapport sont des éléments fondateurs de son architecture et occupent une position primordiale dans sa vision de la ville. De la ziggourat du Musée mondial en 1929, jusqu’aux projets des années 1960 comme le Centre d’Art international à Erlenbach ou le Musée du XXe siècle pour Nanterre, les musées sont des pièces incontournables des ses grands plans d’urbanisme. Les projets de musées et de pavillons d’exposition entre 1929 et 1965 et les concepts des différentes expositions qu’il organise évoluent en parallèle de sa manière d’envisager le rapport à l’œuvre, que ce soit celui de l’artiste, du spectateur initié ou du novice. Les esquisses préparatoires des différents projets de musées et de pavillons retracent cette évolution. La critique du projet du Mundaneum par Karel Teige assume un rôle clé dans la transformation décisive du concept du musée qui a lieu entre le Musée Mondial en 1929 et le projet de Le Corbusier pour le Musée à croissance illimitée en 1930. C’est un changement séminal qui est décisif pour les projets futurs. L’architecture et la relation à l’œuvre d’art ne sont plus déterminées par le recours à une forme, mais par un mécanisme fonctionnel et organique: la croissance, à la fois image et symbole de l’évolution positiviste de l’humanité. Abstract: Exhibitions, museums, pavilions, artist ateliers, apartments and collectors’ villas: exposition runs like a red thread through Le Corbusier’s work. Man’s relationship to art is a fundamental element of architectural dispositifs. Art influences his vision of society as a whole, and museums are central to his major urban plans, from the ziggurat of the Musée Mondial in Geneva, to the museums in Ahmadabad, Tokyo or Chandigarh, to projects he realized in the late 1960s, such as the Museum of the 20th Century in Nanterre. The evolution of museum design between 1929 and 1965 and of the concepts Le Corbusier developed for the different exhibitions of his own œuvre are in keeping with his way of understanding the relationship to works of art, whether by the artist, a knowledgeable public or those encountering art for the first time. The sketches for the different museums and pavilions retrace this evolution. Karel Teige’s critique of the Mundaneum project assumes a key role in the transformation of the museum concept that occurred between the Musée Mondial of 1929 and Le Corbusier’s first designs for a Museum with Unlimited Growth in 1930. The architecture and the place for art in society are no longer determined by the use of a form but through a functional mechanism. Growth is understood as an image of the positive evolution of mankind. This seminal change is a key to the later projects.Mots clés: musée, exposition, fonctionnalisme. Keywords: museum, exhibition, functionalism. DOI:

Jerónimo Granados González

Resumen: Dentro de la obra de Le Corbusier, el espacio expositivo fue un tema ampliamente desarrollado. La idea de generar un prototipo teórico de museo, por ejemplo, fue recurrente a lo largo de toda su obra, como una idea latente, en gestación, a la espera del momento para ser llevada a la realidad de la construcción. En el caso concreto del museo de crecimiento ilimitado, desarrollado teóricamente a lo largo de la década de 1930, los pocos ejemplos construidos son ejecutados a partir de los años cincuenta. Al realizar una compilación de los ejemplos de espacios expositivos proyectados por Le Corbusier, siguiendo líneas tipológicas similares, en donde se incluyan no solo museos, sino también, pabellones y salas de exposición, montajes expositivos e, incluso, propuestas comerciales (donde lo expuesto es una mercancía), se constata que el número total de obras supera las ochenta, abarcando proyectos desde 1910 (la sala de exposiciones del Taller de artistas) hasta la muerte de Le Corbusier en 1965, con el último ejemplo proyectado: el museo del siglo XX en Nanterre. A la hora de analizar las distintas estrategias proyectuales empleadas por el maestro a la hora de enfocar la arquitectura expositiva, un punto interesante es el reclamo publicitario, la propaganda y la captación del interés de los visitantes, la relación con el diseño gráfico y la publicidad, el empleo del color, el grafismo o la cartelería. Todos estos aspectos son especialmente relevantes en el caso de pabellones de exposición y pabellones para marcas comerciales. Abstract: Within the work of Le Corbusier, the exhibition space was a theme widely developed. For example, the idea of a theoretical prototype of the museum was recurrent throughout his work, as a latent idea, waiting for the time to be taken to the reality of construction. In the case of the museum of unlimited growth, theoretically developed throughout the 1930s, the few built examples are executed from the fifties. In carrying out a compilation of examples of exhibition spaces designed by Le Corbusier, following similar typological lines, where not only museums but also pavilions, exhibition halls, expositions and even commercial proposals are included, we find that the total number of works exceeds eighty, covering projects since 1910 (the exhibition hall of the Ateliers d’Artistes) to the death of Le Corbusier in 1965, with the final example: the Museum of the 20th Century in Nanterre. When analyzing the different design strategies employed by the Master at the exhibition architecture, an interesting point is the study of advertising, propaganda (attracting the interest of visitors), the relationship with graphic design, and the use of color, graphics and signage. All these aspects are especially relevant in the case of exhibition halls and pavilions for trademarks.  Palabras clave: pabellones; exposiciones; museos; publicidad. Keywords: pavilions; exhibitions; museums; advertising. DOI: 

Elena Volkova

В статье рассматривается история способов показа иконы на протяжении всего периода её музейного бытования, которое началось около полутора веков назад. Всё это время методы демонстрации иконы в музее проявляли отношения между музеем, обществом и властью, а также отражали изменение понимания самого феномена музейного предмета. Начиная с первых экспозиций и до сегодняшнего дня ведутся дискуссии о статусе иконы в музейном пространстве, её интерпретации и разнообразных способах показа. Уникальность иконы заключается в том, что на её примере особенно ярко прослеживается изменение значения объекта при превращении его в музейный предмет, т. е. при его перемещении из одного контекста в другой. Современная музейная аналитика утверждает, что музей не является и никогда не являлся нейтральной средой сохранения памятников или информации. Он активно формирует рамки зрительского восприятия, наделяя экспонируемые предметы смыслом и превращая их в художественные или исторические памятники. Музей также придаёт им статус нормы и очевидности, активно формируя культурную идентичность. Когда объект изымается из аутентичной среды и помещается в музейную экспозицию, он теряет первоначальный смысл, но приобретает другое, новое прочтение. К инструментам, с помощью которых музей всегда формировал новые смыслы, относятся способы показа или музейный дизайн. Применительно к иконе представляет интерес возможность проследить, как с помощью способов показа меняется её значение: как икона изымается из сакрального контекста и обретает светские значения, как создаётся имитация сакрального в профанном пространстве музейной экспозиции. В истории музейного бытования иконы можно выделить несколько этапов. В экспозиции XIX века она теряет связь со своим сакральным пространством и рассматривается как один из объектов коллекционирования или научного изучения, подтверждая ценность рационального познания. К началу ХХ века относятся первые попытки музеев вернуть иконе священный контекст, но не ритуально-обрядовый, а философско- эстетический. Экспозиции 1930-х гг. максимально нивелировали и связь иконы с родным для неё сакральным контекстом, и понимание иконы в качестве философско-этетического феномена. Она превратилась в исторический документ, иллюстрацию к обучающему рассказу или идеологическому тезису. К концу ХХ века древнерусская живопись понималась как художественный шедевр, дающий возможность эстетического наслаждения. Современный подход синтезирует все используемые ранее способы показа. При этом стала достаточно распространённой практика помещения иконы в сакральный контекст, имитацию которого создают различные экспозиционные приёмы. Таким образом, рассмотренные в статье способы показа иконы, несмотря на всю их разнообразность, имеют сходные черты, обладающие некоторой повторяемостью. Они интерпретируют икону то как сакральный объект, то как профанный. Обоснования приёмов, с помощью которых происходит сакрализация/десакрализация иконы в музейных экспозициях, на разных этапах её музейного существования совершенно различны. Тем не менее можно обнаружить типологические сходства общих стратегий. На сами же способы показа влияют ценностные ориентиры и культурные нормы, формирующие те стратегии визуальности, которые превалируют в конкретный исторический период.The article examines the historical trends in icons display throughout the entire period of its existence as a museum object. Museum display of icons which started about a century and a half ago has always reflected relations between museum, society and power as well as changes in understanding of the phenomenon of a museum item as such. Throughout all this time, the status of an icon in a museum space, its interpretation and various ways of display have always been under discussion. The uniqueness of an icon lies in the fact that it gives a vivid opportunity to trace the transformation of meaning of an object when it becomes a museum item, i.e. is transferred from one context to another. The present museum analysis declares that museum is not a neutral storage space for monuments or information. It actively shapes the frames of perception, endows the exhibits with meaning and even grants them the status of the norm and obviousness, actively forming cultural identity. When an object is removed from its initial environment and included in a museum exhibition as a museum item it loses its original meaning, thus acquiring a new, different interpretation. The display policies and museum design have always been the tools with which a museum developed new meanings. As for icons, the opportunity to trace the change of their meaning depending on the ways of display is of interest. For example, how an icon is removed from the sacral context and acquires its secular meaning, how the sacral context is recreated within the secular space of a museum exhibition. Several periods can be distinguished in the history of museum existence of icons. In the 19th-century display the icon detached itself from its sacral space and was regarded as an object for collecting or academic research, thus confirming the value of rational perception. In the early 20th century, museums made first attempts to return to icons their sacral context, but not the ceremonial one, but the philosophic and esthetic. In the 1930s, the exhibitions maximally levelled both the connection of an icon with its native sacral context and its interpretation as a philosophic and esthetic phenomenon. It turned into a historical document, an illustration for educational stories or ideological thesis. By the end of the 20th century, Old Russian Painting items were perceived as masterpieces of art affording an opportunity of aesthetic enjoyment. The current approach synthesizes all previously used ways of display. Nevertheless, placement of icons into their sacral contexts recreated by means of various exhibition methods has become common practice. Thus, all the above mentioned ways of display of icons at different stages of their museum existence show, nevertheless, certain recurrence. Under their impact, an icon is perceived either as a sacral or a profane object. Explanations underlying the exhibition methods of sacralization/desacralization of icons were certainly absolutely different, though they don’t hamper the ability to see typological similarities between common strategies. For all that, only the values forming predominant visual strategies of particular time can influence display practices.

2016 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-2
Jovilė Barevičiūtė

Acting as a usual means of everyday communication and collaboration, dialogue is also a fundamental mode of human presence in the world. It is innate and, therefore, feels organic to people. Nothing but a dialogue determines and defines the inborn human potential of reflexivity, empathy and communitivity. Naturally, it is hardly surprising that as a phenomenon, a dialogue constantly fell within the purview of most prominent European thinkers and throughout different historical epochs, in the spaces of philosophy and communication, it unfolded in a diverse and multidimensional manner. Ancient Greek philosopher Plato wrote in the form of dialogue, this way opening the possibility to a reader to learn about the world and the order of things as well as defining a certain relationship between the perceiving subject and the perceivable object. In the early Middle Ages, writings of Saint Augustine encouraged people to immerse into themselves and start a conversation with God, which established a certain living relationship between spaces empirical and transcendental. Much later, towards the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century, German phenomenologist Edmund Husserl, who developed the theory of the intentionality of the consciousness, perceived that no living relationship between people is feasible without intersubjectivity. In this case, the communication is conditioned on the focus of at least two subjects on a certain object. This object, in particular, ensures the potential of the meaning, content and the purpose of communication. Another German author Martin Buber treated the dialogue as a phenomenon, in which an individual establishes a personal relationship with the Christian God, and this gives rise to a certain immediacy: a confrontation with the Ruler of the Kingdom of Heaven gives meaning to all the other interpersonal relationships. These are but few different philosophical interpretations of dialogue as a phenomenon. The universe of issues related to dialogue emerges from thinking perspectives of philosophers as well as communication theorists. On the one hand, the perspective of communication trivializes the phenomenon of dialogue, depriving it of its depth and profoundness; and on the other hand, it defines and specifies the concept of dialogue, assigning to it a form or function. This issue of the journal is devoted to the analysis of the phenomenon of dialogue both in the fields of philosophy and communication, inquiring into different contexts of its development. In her article Communication Solutions by Improving Interactive Art Projects, Gintarė Vainalavičiūtė analyses the relationship between visual arts and contemporary technologies, which determines both the rise of the forms of dialogue and non-traditional understanding of works of art. Mindaugas Stoškus contributed an article entitled Disciplines of Political Philosophy and Political Science: Antagonism, Cooperation or Indifference? in which he investigates the relationship between these two disciplines, conditions and problems pertaining to their dialogue, and the particularly intensified dynamics of the dialogue in the fifties of the 20th century. In their article Online Artistic Activism: Case-Study of Hungarian-Romanian Intercultural Communication, Gizela Horváth and Rozália Klára Bakó delve into the interactive relationship between works of art and their perceiver, as these works of art send messages via the social media environment. Moral Perception, Cognition, and Dialogue is an article authored by Vojko Strahovnik, in which he examines the causes for the rise of cases that hinder intercommunication and mutual understanding, such as disagreement, intercultural dialogues, etc. Problems of visual communication and the specificity of visual languages, bringing together subjects into dialogue are discussed by Arto Mutanen in his article Relativity of Visual Communication. Another article entitled Scientific Realism versus Antirealism in Science Education is a contribution by Seungbae Park, in which he attempts to define how the dialogue between teachers and students is possible, as he takes the position stating that the doctrine of scientific realism is much more effective than provided opportunities of scientific antirealism. And finally, Algis Mickūnas, in his article The Different Other and Dialogue, discusses the reasons why members of different communities find it difficult to establish dialogue-based relationships and why in some cases they remain imprisoned in the state of a monologue. This issue of the journal presents a truly wide field of investigations into opportunities and obstacles for communication, interaction and collaboration. It is pleasing to see that representatives of various humanities and social sciences joined the same dialogue. Looking forward to the productive insights in the future, the Editor would like to express her gratitude to the authors of this issue.

2011 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
pp. 139-143 ◽  
Gazi Islam ◽  
Sarah E. S. Zilenovsky

This note examines the relationship between affirmative action (AA) program perceptions and women’s self-ascribed capacity and desire to become leaders. We propose that women who believe that their organization implements a program of preferential selection toward women will experience negative psychological effects leading to lowered self-expectations for leadership, but that this effect will be moderated by their justice perceptions of AA programs. We test this proposition empirically for the first time with a Latin American female sample. Among Brazilian women managers, desire but not self-ascribed capacity to lead was reduced when they believed an AA policy was in place. Both desire’s and capacity’s relationships with belief in an AA policy were moderated by justice perceptions.

Daniel Martin Feige

Der Beitrag widmet sich der Frage historischer Folgeverhältnisse in der Kunst. Gegenüber dem Gedanken, dass es ein ursprüngliches Werk in der Reihe von Werken gibt, das späteren Werken seinen Sinn gibt, schlägt der Text vor, das Verhältnis umgekehrt zu denken: Im Lichte späterer Werke wird der Sinn früherer Werke neu ausgehandelt. Dazu geht der Text in drei Schritten vor. Im ersten Teil formuliert er unter der Überschrift ›Form‹ in kritischer Abgrenzung zu Danto und Eco mit Adorno den Gedanken, dass Kunstwerke eigensinnig konstituierte Gegenstände sind. Die im Gedanken der Neuverhandlung früherer Werke im Lichte späterer Werke vorausgesetzte Unbestimmtheit des Sinns von Kunstwerken wird im zweiten Teil unter dem Schlagwort ›Zeitlichkeit‹ anhand des Paradigmas der Improvisation erörtert. Der dritte und letzte Teil wendet diese improvisatorische Logik unter dem Label ›Neuaushandlung‹ dann dezidiert auf das Verhältnis von Vorbild und Nachbild an. The article proposes a new understanding of historical succession in the realm of art. In contrast to the idea that there is an original work in the series of works that gives meaning to the works that come later, the text proposes to think it exactly the other way round: in the light of later works, the meanings of earlier works are renegotiated. The text proceeds in three steps to develop this idea. Under the heading ›Form‹ it develops in the first part a critical reading of Danto’s and Eco’s notion of the constitution of the artworks and argues with Adorno that each powerful work develops its own language. In the second part, the vagueness of the meaning of works of art presupposed in the idea of renegotiating earlier works in the light of later works is discussed under the term ›Temporality‹ in terms of the logic of improvisation. The third and final part uses this improvisational logic under the label ›Renegotiation‹ to understand the relationship between model and afterimage in the realm of art.

2019 ◽  
pp. 42-44

Впервые в мире создана популяция зубров на территории 60 градусов северной широты. В новых климатических условиях разведения и сохранения зубров определены и проанализированы факторы существования вида на севере Европейской части РФ. Выявлены признаки, динамика численности, которые являются составной частью системы, предназначенной для управления биоразнообразием. Интродукция, являясь процессом введения в экосистему нехарактерных для нее видов, может усиливать изменения биоценозов как положительно, так и отрицательно. Насколько быстро и успешно проходит процесс адаптации заселенного вида, и усматривается его влияние на окружающую среду зависит дальнейшее существование зубров и в целом биоразнообразия. В статье обсуждаются вопросы взаимоотношения зубров с другими видами копытных и хозяйственной деятельностью человека, а также дальнейшим использованием зубров в сельскохозяйственном производстве. Пластичность зубров, выявление изменений и их анализ при вселении видов в новые условия обитания необходимы не только для определения развития или деградации биоценозов и в целом экосистемы, но и прогноза социально-экономических последствий интродукции как одного из методов сохранения редких и исчезающих видов фауны.For the first time in the world, a bison population has been created in an area of 60 degrees north latitude. In the new climatic conditions of breeding and preservation of bison, the factors of the species existence in the north of the European part of the Russian Federation are identified and analyzed. The signs, dynamics of abundance, which are an integral part of the system designed to manage biodiversity are identified, since the preservation of biological diversity on the planet is one of the main problems of our time. Introduction, being the process of introducing non-typical species into an ecosystem, can enhance changes in biocenoses, both positively and negatively. The question posing sounds especially when it comes to such a large hoofed animal as the European bison. How quickly and successfully the process of adaptation of the universe takes place and its environmental impact is seen depends on the continued existence of bison and biodiversity in general. The article discusses the relationship of bison with other types of ungulates and human activities, as well as the further use of bison in agricultural production. How these issues will be resolved positively depends on the future of these animals. Thus, the plasticity of bison, the identification of changes and their analysis, with the introduction of species into new habitat conditions is necessary not only to determine the development or degradation of biocenoses and the ecosystem as a whole, but also to predict the socio-economic consequences due to the introduction as one of the methods of preserving rare and endangered species of fauna.

David Willetts

Universities have a crucial role in the modern world. In England, entrance to universities is by nation-wide competition which means English universities have an exceptional influence on schools--a striking theme of the book. This important book first investigates the university as an institution and then tracks the individual on their journey to and through university. In A University Education, David Willetts presents a compelling case for the ongoing importance of the university, both as one of the great institutions of modern society and as a transformational experience for the individual. The book also makes illuminating comparisons with higher education in other countries, especially the US and Germany. Drawing on his experience as UK Minister for Universities and Science from 2010 to 2014, the author offers a powerful account of the value of higher education and the case for more expansion. He covers controversial issues in which he was involved from access for disadvantaged students to the introduction of L9,000 fees. The final section addresses some of the big questions for the future, such as the the relationship between universities and business, especially in promoting innovation.. He argues that the two great contemporary trends of globalisation and technological innovation will both change the university significantly. This is an authoritative account of English universities setting them for the first time in their new legal and regulatory framework.

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 3 ◽  
Mara Calvini ◽  
Maria Stella Siori ◽  
Spartaco Gippoliti ◽  
Marco Pavia

The revised catalogue of primatological material stored in the Museo Regionale di Scienze Naturali of Torino and in the Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e Biologia dei Sistemi of the Università degli Studi di Torino and belonging to the historical material of the Torino University is introduced. The material, 494 specimens belonging to 399 individuals of 122 taxa, is of particular importance since specimens were mainly obtained during the 19th Century and the beginning of the 20th Century. A relevant part of the collection was created by the collaborators of the Museum, among which it is worth to mention F. De Filippi, A. Borelli and E. Festa, while other material came from purchases and donations from private people or the Royal Zoological Garden of Torino. Great part of the specimens is stuffed but also the osteological materials are of particular importance, as many of them derived from the specimens before being prepared and consisting of skulls or more or less complete skeletons. After this revision, the Lectotype and Paralectotypes of <em>Alouatta</em> <em>palliata</em> <em>aequatorialis</em> have been selected, and the type-specimen of the <em>brunnea</em> variety of <em>Cebus</em> <em>albifrons</em> <em>cuscinus</em> has been recognized. In addition, some specimens of particular historical-scientific importance have also been identified and here presented for the first time.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 85
Juan Reinoso-Gordo ◽  
Antonio Gámiz-Gordo ◽  
Pedro Barrero-Ortega

Suitable graphic documentation is essential to ascertain and conserve architectural heritage. For the first time, accurate digital images are provided of a 16th-century wooden ceiling, composed of geometric interlacing patterns, in the Pinelo Palace in Seville. Today, this ceiling suffers from significant deformation. Although there are many publications on the digital documentation of architectural heritage, no graphic studies on this type of deformed ceilings have been presented. This study starts by providing data on the palace history concerning the design of geometric interlacing patterns in carpentry according to the 1633 book by López de Arenas, and on the ceiling consolidation in the 20th century. Images were then obtained using two complementary procedures: from a 3D laser scanner, which offers metric data on deformations; and from photogrammetry, which facilitates the visualisation of details. In this way, this type of heritage is documented in an innovative graphic approach, which is essential for its conservation and/or restoration with scientific foundations and also to disseminate a reliable digital image of the most beautiful ceiling of this Renaissance palace in southern Europe.

2021 ◽  
Vol 80 (3) ◽  
pp. 1329-1337
Jure Mur ◽  
Daniel L. McCartney ◽  
Daniel I. Chasman ◽  
Peter M. Visscher ◽  
Graciela Muniz-Terrera ◽  

Background: The genetic variant rs9923231 (VKORC1) is associated with differences in the coagulation of blood and consequentially with sensitivity to the drug warfarin. Variation in VKORC1 has been linked in a gene-based test to dementia/Alzheimer’s disease in the parents of participants, with suggestive evidence for an association for rs9923231 (p = 1.8×10–7), which was included in the genome-wide significant KAT8 locus. Objective: Our study aimed to investigate whether the relationship between rs9923231 and dementia persists only for certain dementia sub-types, and if those taking warfarin are at greater risk. Methods: We used logistic regression and data from 238,195 participants from UK Biobank to examine the relationship between VKORC1, risk of dementia, and the interplay with warfarin use. Results: Parental history of dementia, APOE variant, atrial fibrillation, diabetes, hypertension, and hypercholesterolemia all had strong associations with vascular dementia (p < 4.6×10–6). The T-allele in rs9923231 was linked to a lower warfarin dose (βperT - allele = –0.29, p < 2×10–16) and risk of vascular dementia (OR = 1.17, p = 0.010), but not other dementia sub-types. However, the risk of vascular dementia was not affected by warfarin use in carriers of the T-allele. Conclusion: Our study reports for the first time an association between rs9923231 and vascular dementia, but further research is warranted to explore potential mechanisms and specify the relationship between rs9923231 and features of vascular dementia.

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