scholarly journals Pengaruh Pernikahan Dini terhadap Kesehatan Mental dan Fisik: Sistematik Review

Azarine Pandita Widyadhara ◽  
Tasya Meilani Putri

Abstrak Latar Belakang: Dalam kehidupan rumah tangga pasti tidak luput dari permasalahan-permasalahan. Salah satu penyebab utama dalam permasalahan rumah tangga adalah belum dewasanya pasangan. Pernikahan dini terjadi disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor. Salah satu faktor yang sering ditemui di masyarakat yaitu karena faktor ekonomi. Faktor ini yang paling sering dijadikan alasan untuk menikahkan anak yang masih di bawah umur dengan seseorang yang dianggap mampu secara ekonomi. Metode: Studi ini menggunakan desain sistematik review dengan mengikuti Panduan Pilihan untuk Ulasan Sytematic Review dan Meta Analyses (PRISMA) dan menggunakan flowchart berdasarkan daftar periksa PRISMA 2009, yaitu dengan menghilangkan artikel yang tidak relevan dengan menggunakan kriteria inklusi, penyaringan, kelayakan, dan pengunduhan akhir artikel yang relevan. Hasil: Pernikahan yang dilakukan di usia muda sering terjadi dikarenakan perjodohan, kehamilan diluar nikah, dan faktor ekonomi. Berbagai macam faktor yang memicu hal tersebut terjadi karena adanya dorongan faktor ekonomi, kehamilan diluar pernikahan, mengalami putus sekolah, dan pengaruh pasangan untuk menikah muda. Pernikahan yang dilakukan di usia muda pun sering kali membuat pasangan mengalami kegagalan dalam meraih kesejahteraan psikologis. Kesimpulan: Berdasarkan penelitian ini, dapat dilihat bahwa dalam pengaturan atas kehidupan anak yang bersifat normatif, seperti menikah diusia dini dapat menimbulkan atau menyebabkan berbagai dampak negatif bagi anak. Kata Kunci: Dampak, Pernikahan muda, Faktor   Abstract Background: In the life of the household certainly is not free from problems. One of the main causes of problems in the household is couples who are not yet mature. Early marriage occurs due to several factors. One factor that is often encountered in the community is due to economic factors. This factor is most often used as an excuse to marry an underage child to someone who is considered economically capable. Method: This study uses a systematic design review by following the Choice Guidelines for Sytematic Review and Meta Analyze Review (PRISMA) and using a flowchart based on the 2009 PRISMA checklist, namely by removing irrelevant articles using inclusion, filtering, eligibility, and final download criteria relevant article. Results: Marriage conducted at a young age often occurs due to arranged marriages, extramarital pregnancy, and economic factors. Various types of factors that trigger this occur because of the crush of economic factors, the existence of pregnancy outside of marriage, having dropped out of school, and the influence of couples to marry young. Weddings conducted at a young age often make couples fail to achieve psychological well-being. Conclusion: Based on this research, it can be seen that in regulating the lives of children who are normative, such as marrying at an early age can cause data or cause various negative impacts on children. Keywords: Impact, young marriage, factors

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-26
Siti Fatimah Nurhayati ◽  
Indah Kurniasasri

This study is entitled "Analysis of Early Age Marriage From an Economic, Social and Religious Perspective: Study in Purwodadi District Grobogan Regency" with the aim of analyzing patterns of early marriage and factors that encourage early marriage. The research data uses primary data with a population of 103 and taken as many as 50 samples. Methods of data collection through observation, interviews, questionnaires and documentation. The analytical tool in this study uses descriptive qualitative analysis. The results showed that there were 2 reasons for early marriage, namely because of their own desires and arranged marriages. There are 3 patterns of early marriage, namely dispensation from the religious court, increasing the age of the KTP and siri marriage, and there are several factors driving the occurrence of early marriage which include economic factors, social factors and religious factors.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pola pernikahan usia dini dan faktor-faktor yang mendorong terjadinya pernikahan usia dini. Data penelitian menggunakan data primer dengan populasi sebanyak 103  dan diambil sampel sebanyak 50. Metode pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara, angket dan dokumentasi. Alat analisis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat 2 alasan dalam melakukan pernikahan usia dini yaitu karena keinginan sendiri dan dijodohkan. Terdapat 3 pola pernikahan usia dini yaitu dispensasi dari pengadilan agama, menuakan umur di KTP dan nikah siri, serta ada beberapa faktor pendorong terjadinya pernikahan usia dini yaitu meliputi faktor ekonomi, faktor sosial dan faktor religi.

Bakti Budaya ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 30
Setiadi Setiadi ◽  
Atik Triratnawati ◽  
Suzie Handajani ◽  
Agung Wicaksono ◽  
Khidir M. Prawirosusanto ◽  

AbstractA Community Service Activity (PkM) are carried out by the Anthropology Department Team in Wonotirto Village, Temanggung Regency. Early marriage is still a challenge for quality family development. There is a fact that, for the target community, getting married at an early age is not a problem, while from a government perspective it is a serious problem, especially the adverse impacts on social, economic, and reproductive health aspects. Participatory solution of early marital problems is important to be made as a priority. Preliminary observations show that there are economic and cultural reasons that encourage someone to be married off at an early age. The PkM results several important things related to the condition of the community and their understanding of early marriage. First, in general, the community realizes the importance of more mature planning in preparing for the formation of a new family. Second, early marriages that occurred in the last decade were caused by pregnancy due to the promiscuity of children, the habit of watching porn videos, and dropping out of school while the previous decade was due to arranged marriages. Third, adolescents targeted by the program have committed to campaign for the prevention of early marriage. They post and disseminate messages on prevention of early marriage through the WA group. Fourth, young people want the facilitation for  activities of post-school youth.----------AbstrakKegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PkM) dilakukan oleh Tim Departemen Antropologi di Desa Wonotirto, Kabupaten Temanggung. Pernikahan usia dini masih merupakan tantangan bagi pembangunan keluarga yang berkualitas. Ada fakta bahwa bagi masyarakat sasaran kegiatan, menikah pada usia dini bukan sebuah masalah, sementara dari perspektif pemerintah hal tersebut merupakan permasalahan serius, terutama dampak buruk dalam aspek sosial, ekonomi, dan kesehatan reproduksi. Penanganan secara partisipatif masalah perkawinan usia dini penting untuk dijadikan sebagai prioritas. Observasi awal menunjukkan adanya alasan ekonomi dan kultur yang mendorong seseorang dinikahkan pada usia dini. Tahapan-tahapan PkM menghasilkan beberapa hal penting terkait dengan kondisi masyarakat dan pemahaman mereka tentang perkawinan usia dini. Pertama, secara umum, masyarakat menyadari pentingnya perencanaan lebih matang dalam menyiapkan pembentukan keluarga baru. Kedua, perkawinan usia dini yang terjadi pada satu dasawarsa terakhir disebabkan oleh adanya kehamilan akibat pergaulan bebas anak-anak, kebiasaan menonton video porno, dan putus sekolah, sedangkan dasawarsa terdahulu akibat perjodohan. Ketiga, anak-anak remaja sasaran program telah berkomitmen mengampayekan pencegahan perkawinan usia dini. Poster dan pesan-pesan sosialisasi pencegahan perkawinan usia dini mereka sebarkan melalui grup WhatsApp. Keempat, remaja menghendaki adanya fasilitasi kegiatan bagi remaja pascasekolah.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 92
Fransiska Novita Eleanora ◽  
Andang Sari

<div><p>Recognition and protection of children's rights is fully a shared responsibility of both the parents, the government and the wider community that guarantees its survival and development and the growth of children in a strong, healthy and intelligent state. The main role in the development of children in addition to nutrition and vitamin intake or fulfillment of clothing, food and shelter, is also needed attention to the development of children in the future which is the right of the child to get education and teaching so that the aspirations can be achieved and succeed as he wants. But with the changing times it turns out that the rights of children are neglected in the sense that they are not fulfilled as expected, because they are triggered by economic factors so that children cannot attend school or continue  their  education  due  to  marriage  at  a  young  age  or  so-called  early marriage.  With  the  occurrence  of  marriage  at  a  young  age  for  children  is  a violation of the rights of children, and children experience the destruction of their future because they are not ready and mature thinking and psychology because basically children should be protected from any threat or anyone. Protection of children's rights is absolutely granted, and has been regulated in the child protection law and marriage law regarding the age limit of children, the fact that there is still a high level of child marriage. The research method that is used or used in this writing uses literature studies based on the literature of journals, books, magazines and even from legislation relating to child protection and child marriage. The results showed that economic factors are the dominant occurrence of early marriage and lack of awareness of parents and community members on the protection and prevention of child marriages, on the other hand there is the assumption that by marrying their children, the obligations of parents are completed and by carrying out the marriage live independently without depending on their parents. The involvement and participation of the government can also prevent early marriage, especially in the application of sanctions in the rules that have been set, because if you want to protect children's rights, one of them is to prevent early marriage, or in other words stop child marriage.</p></div>

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 163-172
Dahriah Dahriah ◽  
Abdul Jabbar ◽  
Muhammad Rusdi

Motivated by the existence of problems regarding the rise of early marriage in the Maritengngae sub-district of Sidenreng Rappang district. The reason for the rise of early marriage in Maritengngae sub-district is the lack of socialization and government education about the dangers arising form early marriage. The factors that cause people to marry off their childern at an early age, namely : The desire to immediately get additional family members, matchmaking by parents or traditional factors, economic factors, educational factors, and Married by Accident (MBA) or pregnant outside of marriage.The research method used is descriptive qualitative research method to provide a clear picture of the problems studied in the Maritengngae district. The informant in this study is the purposive sampling method. There were 22 research informants, including 10 children married early, 5 parents who married their children at an early age, 3 village / kelurahan heads, maritengngae sub-district heads, religious court judges, 1 instructor of the National Population and Family Planning Agency (BKKBN), and Head of the Office of Religious Affairs (KUA) of the District of Maritengngae, Sidenreng Rappang Regency. Based on the results of the research in the field the researchers stated that the government's strategy in minimizing early marriage in the maritengngae sub-district of Sidenreng Rappang was not yet running optimally. This can be seen from the rise of early marriages that occur. And lack of understanding and education by the government to the community.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 44-50
Houang Mui Lee ◽  
Phung Anh Loo

Gamification teaches children many new abilities at a young age. It also increases their emotional well-being and emotional intelligence. Gamification enables your kid to study in a distraction-free atmosphere in a familiar setting. Gamification helps foster a positive attitude toward learning by creating engaging, personalized, and amusing learning materials. The majority of educational learning applications include unique music that will aid language development. Gamification allows your kid to study and participate at their own speed, free of peer or teacher pressure

Early marriage is one of the major social problems in Bangladesh. Poverty has been the major factor leading to early marriage in Bangladesh. However, this study was an attempt to investigate the determinants affecting the early marriage. The study is explanatory in nature as it tries to explain the determinants that affect early marriage in the Khulna district of Bangladesh. The study was carried out in two areas, i.e, Paikgacha Village under Paikgacha Upzilla and 23 No. ward of Khulna city. The study adopted a survey research design. The population targeted by the study included only female respondents of 18 ages or above age group. 287 respondents were selected through a simple random sampling procedure using an interview schedule as survey research for data assortment. The major finding of the revision was that most of the respondents (64.5%) were married and got at an early age. Results revealed that the majority of the respondents were affected by socio-economic factors as for their early marriages. The study, however, identified the association of premature marriage of the respondents with socio-cultural factors (p<.001), economic factors (p<.005), areas of residence (p<.001) at a strong significant level. So the study concluded that early marriage is affected by different socio-demographic factors such as parental education and income, parental early marriage, husband education, and income, area of residence.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 34-39
Jamilah Jamilah ◽  
Raudlatun Raudlatun

Abstract. In the current era of globalization, early marriage still often occurs. Factors causing early marriage are economic factors, educational factors, parental factors, and pregnancy factors outside of marriage. Early marriage also has physical and psychological effects. As for physically covering the household economy because at the age of adolescence is still unable to provide for his own family, while economic factors are factors that can prosper the household, besides that there is also a risk of pregnant women, in adolescence are generally a danger to health because if a person is under age 20 years of pregnancy results in death of mother and child or can experience premature childbirth. While the psychological impact of early marriage there is a severe depression which is a symptom that causes a person to become a private person who is not sociable, and there are conflicts that lead to divorce because of emotions in adolescents who are unstable lead to prolonged conflict in couples who marry at an early age which results in divorce.Abstrak. Di era globalisasi saat ini pernikahan dini masih kerap terjadi. Faktor-faktor penyebab terjadinya pernikahan dini adalah faktor ekonomi, faktor pendidikan, faktor orang tua dan faktor hamil di luar nikah. Pernikahan dini juga mempunyai dampak secara fisik maupun psikologis. Adapun secara fisik meliputi ekonomi rumah tangga karena pada usia remaja masih belum bisa menafkahi keluarganya sendiri, sementara faktor ekonomi merupakan faktor yang dapat mensejahterakan rumah tangga, selain itu ada pula resiko ibu hamil, di usia remaja umumnya bahaya bagi kesehatan karena apabila seorang yang berusia dibawah 20 tahun hamil mengakibatkan kematian pada ibu dan anak atau dapat mengalami melahirkan sebelum waktunya. Sedangkan dampak pernikahan dini secara psikologis terdapat depresi berat yaitu suatu gejala yang mengakibatkan seseorang menjadi pribadi yang tertutup dan tidak mudah bergaul, adapula konflik yang berujung perceraian karena emosi pada remaja yang tidak sabil mengakibatkan terjadinya konflik secara berkepanjangan pada pasangan yang menikah di usia dini yang mengakibatkan terjadinya perceraian.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (10) ◽  
pp. 109-115 ◽  
Jennifer Oates ◽  
Georgia Dacakis

Because of the increasing number of transgender people requesting speech-language pathology services, because having gender-incongruent voice and communication has major negative impacts on an individual's social participation and well-being, and because voice and communication training is supported by an improving evidence-base, it is becoming more common for universities to include transgender-specific theoretical and clinical components in their speech-language pathology programs. This paper describes the theoretical and clinical education provided to speech-language pathology students at La Trobe University in Australia, with a particular focus on the voice and communication training program offered by the La Trobe Communication Clinic. Further research is required to determine the outcomes of the clinic's training program in terms of student confidence and competence as well as the effectiveness of training for transgender clients.

2020 ◽  
Andrea Breanne Wilson ◽  
Will Althoff

UNSTRUCTURED Emotional well-being can be negatively impacted by lack of social interaction. This study examined the effects of social isolation on emotional well-being. Respondents filled out a weekly survey for a period of 10 weeks, reporting their positive and negative affect (PANAS-X) and the effects of quarantine on their emotional well-being. Results indicate that quarantining had a negative effect on respondents’ emotional well-being. Activites and outings, suggested by the CDC, could potentially decrease the negative impacts of quarantine.

2021 ◽  
pp. 155982762110012
Fei-Chi Yang ◽  
Aishwarya B. Desai ◽  
Pelareh Esfahani ◽  
Tatiana V. Sokolovskaya ◽  
Doreen J. Bartlett

Background. Tai Chi is a form of exercise that is accessible to people from different socioeconomic backgrounds, making it a potentially valuable activity for health promotion of older adults. Purpose. The objective of this scoping review was to summarize the current knowledge about the effectiveness of Tai Chi for older adults across a range of general health outcomes from published, peer reviewed, unique meta-analyses. Methods. Meta-analyses were retrieved from Medline, Embase, AMED, CINAHL, SPORTDiscus, PsychINFO, Web of Science, PubMed Health, and the Cochrane Library from database inception to late August 2019. Multistage deduplication and screening processes identified eligible full-length meta-analyses. Two people independently appraised 27 meta-analyses based on the GRADE system and organized results into 3 appendices subsequently collated into heterogeneous, statistically significant, and statistically insignificant tables. Results. “High” and “moderate” quality evidence extracted from these meta-analyses demonstrated that practicing Tai Chi can significantly improve balance, cardiorespiratory fitness, cognition, mobility, proprioception, sleep, and strength; reduce the incidence of falls and nonfatal stroke; and decrease stroke risk factors. Conclusions. Health care providers can now recommend Tai Chi with high level of certainty for health promotion of older adults across a range of general health outcomes for improvement of overall well-being.

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