scholarly journals Актуальные вопросы формирования билингвизма у детей в дошкольных учреждениях юго-восточного региона Украины

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
Лариса Ивановна Казанцева

The article deals with the problem of Russian-Ukrainian bilingualism formation of preschool children under the conditions of the multicultural and multilingual environment of south-eastern Ukraine. It corresponds to the objective need to teach childrenthe Ukrainian language as a state language in preschool institutions with a predominantly Russian-speaking organization of the educational process. As it turned out, the process of bilingualism formation in children faces several contradictions arising between the sociolinguistic specifics of the South-Eastern region of the country and the linguistic situation in preschool institutions, between the actual level of preschool children’s knowledge of their native language and the Ukrainian language; between the level of language-consciousness development of children and the applied methodological tools of bilingualism formation. The most frequent errors in common practice in the formation of secondary phonetic, grammatical, dialogical, and communicative skills are singled out; the effective means of coping with cross-language interference, methodical ways of maximizing the positive impact of the transposition are named. Bilingualism formation in a multilingual environment can be successful if the training is based on the principles of reliance on pupils’ native language, on awareness and communication, taking into account the function of language units. The main conditions of bilingualism formation are the following: parity in the bilingual educational potential of preschool institutions’ speech environment; provision of conscious learning of a second language based on the native language; maximum immersion of children in the actual communicative speech and in language-play activities; the presence of positive emotional stimuli.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 22-26
Oksana Anatolevna Sbitneva

The article deals with the problems of motor activity, the development of physical qualities and speed abilities of students. The importance of physical culture and physical fitness is revealed. The search for effective means and methods of physical culture in preparation for passing the GTO standards is analyzed. The features of physical training of high-speed orientation of students to pass the GTO standards for speed are considered. The effectiveness of the use of speed-oriented exercises, which are necessary for students to achieve the norms of the GTO complex for speed, within the framework of physical culture classes, is revealed. Research methods. In the course of the study, a comparative analysis of the results was carried out. The method of control tests was used. The overall assessment of the effectiveness of the above tools and methods is expressed in positive dynamics. The results of the study. According to the results of the study, there is a positive trend. The analysis of the results according to the table of GTO standards in the framework of physical culture classes allows us to note the growth of indicators for all established tests. Systematic classes using high-speed, high-speed and power-oriented exercises with a gradual change in the load, improving the technique of performing exercises, contribute to the development of the physical quality «speed». Conclusions. Regular physical education classes with the use of speed exercises contribute to the development and improvement of physical qualities, the achievement of growth rates of GTO standards. The level of readiness of students to fulfill the norms and requirements of the GTO complex at the average level. Affordable, effective means and methods of physical training make it possible to actively use the scientific and educational potential of the university. The purposeful organization of the educational process contributes to achieving the proper level of physical fitness necessary for the successful implementation of the regulatory requirements of the AR PCS Complex GTO.

2018 ◽  
Vol 41 ◽  
pp. 04041
Roman Islamov ◽  
Oksana Greenwald ◽  
Nina Tunyova

Being one of the leading coal mining regions in the world, Kuzbass (Russia) demands from its regional higher educational institutions to master a range of competences of the graduates, namely mining engineers. Foreign language competence is considered to be among the key ones. The article reveals the concept of the competence, its relevance for mining engineers. We also analyze existing mobile applications from the point of view of their educational potential and present the results of the experiment conducted to assess effectiveness of mobile applications in mastering foreign language competence of mining engineering undergraduates. Our methods included interviews with students, classroom observations and surveys of students. The results suggest that integrating mobile applications in educational process is likely to have a positive impact on foreign language competence and increase students’ motivation and satisfaction with foreign language learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 127 ◽  
pp. 01013
Tamara Egorovna Andreeva ◽  
Antonina Afanasyevna Vinokurova ◽  
Sargylana Danilovna Vinokurova ◽  
Nadezhda Prokopyevna Nikolaeva ◽  
Kirill Namsaraevich Struchkov

The purpose of this article is to show the possibility of in-depth teaching of the native language in an educational institution, the formation of communicative competence in children, the core of which is in communication skills; introducing students to a new social experience by playing various roles in the Evenk language in educational and game situations through didactic materials, including gaming techniques based on the Evenk language materials. Research hypothesis: gaming techniques in the classroom will form ideas about the native language as a means of knowing one’s culture, promote in-depth teaching of the native language, stimulate the development of productive communication skills, gaining experience; motivate to learn the native language; purposefully listen to the teacher (classmates) when solving a cognitive task; help to obtain communicative results (communication skills by types of speech activity, conducting dialogues and monologues, etc.). The material was various scientific research on pedagogy, the experience of teachers of native languages applied in practice. The expected results of mastering the course “Native language (on the materials of the Evenk language”) will form communicative, linguistic, socio-cultural, educational and cognitive competencies. In the learning process, didactic and creative games, visual aids, dramatization of fairy tales, etc. will be used. Didactic games, if used appropriately and included in the educational process competently, can become an effective means of enhancing the activities of students in the lessons of their native language (on the example of the Evenk language); help to create a language environment while working with senior participants, thus contributing to the development of the native speech of students, as they become active participants themselves. Games can be viewed as a means of developmental teaching, as a means of realizing entertaining learning, acquiring specific practical skills in children, as well as instilling in children a love of knowledge in general, as well as the native language and culture of the people.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (33) ◽  
pp. e15256
Nadezhda Ilinichna Nikonova ◽  
Svetlana Yrievna Zalutskaya

The article deals with the problem of encouraging the reading activity of pupils through modern communication technologies. As a tool to attract the attention of teenagers to reading, the authors turn to a multimedia advertising product, namely, a book trailer. The relevance of its application in teaching is determined by the context of the time, digitalization and virtualization of education, social trends, and features of the perception of information by today’s reader and viewer. The article substantiates the fruitfulness of using the book trailer in the educational environment by the results of content analysis of scientific works of Russian and foreign researchers, practitioners, and practical testing in the educational process. As an experimental research method, the authors used a survey of pupils of the sixth and seventh grades of the Second Malzhagar Middle School named after M.E. Vasilyeva of the “Khangalassky Ulus” municipal district, as well as rural teachers of the literature of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) of the Far Eastern Region of the Russian Federation. The survey involved 47 pupils and 31 respondents from among regional teachers of the Russian language and literature. The problem of reading was considered in terms of uncovering the creative potential of pupils of the sixth and seventh grades who were studying under the elective program "Book Trailer: Create, Watch, and Read". The research results aimed at determining the book trailer as an effective means of developing pupils’ interest in reading, implementing their creative abilities in the course of developing a product for the information and educational environment of the region. The authors conclude that the creation of book trailers is one of the most relevant motivators for pupils in their cognitive activity as it combines work with a book and mastering modern communication technologies, increases interest in learning and the level of motivation to read.

2021 ◽  
pp. 135481662110091
Zhoufei Li ◽  
Huiyue Liu

The agglomeration of the tourism industry has important effects on its efficiency. This article used panel data on the Chinese provincial tourism industry for the 2011–2016 period, applied the location quotient index and three-stage data envelopment analysis method to, respectively, measure the degree of agglomeration and efficiency, and explained the impact of agglomeration on tourism efficiency. The empirical results of this study indicate the following. (1) China’s tourism industry shows a trend towards agglomeration, revealing gradient differences where the highest degree of agglomeration is in the eastern region, followed by the western and central regions. (2) After eliminating random and environmental factors, the adjusted efficiencies are lower than the unadjusted efficiencies. The average overall tourism efficiency is higher in the eastern region than in the central and western regions. (3) From the national perspective, industrial agglomeration can significantly improve the overall efficiency (TE), pure technical efficiency (PTE), and scale efficiency of the tourism industry. (4) Based on regional analysis, the agglomeration of the eastern tourism industry can significantly enhance its TE and PTE. Agglomeration for the western area has a significant positive impact on PTE. There is no significant relationship between agglomeration and efficiency in the central region.

Kingsley Okoye ◽  
Arturo Arrona-Palacios ◽  
Claudia Camacho-Zuñiga ◽  
Nisrine Hammout ◽  
Emilia Luttmann Nakamura ◽  

AbstractToday, modern educational models are concerned with the development of the teacher-student experience and the potential opportunities it presents. User-centric analyses are useful both in terms of the socio-technical perspective on data usage within the educational domain and the positive impact that data-driven methods have. Moreover, the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in education and process innovation has emerged due to the strategic perspectives and the process monitoring that have shown to be missing within the traditional education curricula. This study shows that there is an unprecedented increase in the amount of text-based data in different activities within the educational processes, which can be leveraged to provide useful strategic intelligence and improvement insights. Educators can apply the resultant methods and technologies, process innovations, and contextual-based information for ample support and monitoring of the teaching-learning processes and decision making. To this effect, this paper proposes an Educational Process and Data Mining (EPDM) model that leverages the perspectives or opinions of the students to provide useful information that can be used to enhance the end-to-end processes within the educational domain. Theoretically, this study applies the model to determine how the students evaluate their teachers by considering the gender of the teachers. We analyzed the underlying patterns and determined the emotional valence of the students based on their comments in the Students Evaluation of Teaching (SET). Thus, this work implements the proposed EPDM model using SET comments captured in a setting of higher education.

2011 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-69 ◽  
Jianghong Liu ◽  
Yuexian Ai ◽  
Linda McCauley ◽  
Jennifer Pinto-Martin ◽  
Chonghuai Yan ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 60 (11) ◽  
pp. 61-64
Lala Mustafa Akhundzadeh ◽  
Nailya Agaguseyin Orujeva ◽  

This article deals with the method of using regional studies in foreign language classes in a non-linguistic university. It speaks about the realization of interdisciplinary relations as one of the effective means of professsionalizing the educational process. The paper also considers some variants of activities at the English lessons. Combinations of such subjects as Geography and English, History and English are presented. The interests of students in the field of their specialty are revealed. The interdisciplinary relations as a means of increasing general education and cultural potential of higher educational institutions are also highlighted. The necessity for highly qualified specialists in various specialities is emphasized in this article. Key words: interdisciplinary relations, integration, didactic principles, linguistic and country studies, differentiation of sciences, the emergence of fringe sciences

2021 ◽  
Vol 54 (2) ◽  
pp. 121-129
Vera B. Tsarcova ◽  

The article is devoted to one of the problems of foreign language education – the definition of the role of interpretation in preparing students of special (language) directions to participate in the dialogue of cultures. Interpretation is considered as a phenomenon and as a way of comprehending reality, which allows the subjects of the dialogue of cultures to reach mutual understanding. The main characteristic of interpretation, which is necessary for the purposes of foreign language education, is its psychological character. It is determined by the psychology of the author, the psychology of the work, as well as the psychology of the reader-interpreter. It is proved that the interpretation of a work of art, which has universal, historical and personal plans, has huge epistemological and axiological possibilities. They activate the entire educational potential of interperetation (educational, developmental, cognitive, and educational). Russian Russian poet A. A. Fet (1820–1892) uses the poem “Wir saßen am Fischerhaus” by the famous German poet and publicist Heinrich Hein (1797–1856) and the translation of this poem into Russian to illustrate the interpretation technology. The poem is considered as a space of personal meanings of the author. They are the ones that are subject to interpretation and bring the reader-interpreter back from the poet's world to the modern real world. And the real world is full of unexpected cultural facts, closely related to the content of the work of G. Heine, with distant Lapland and the life of modern lapps. Thus, interpretation is presented as an educational strategy. Together with the strategies of contextualization, philologization and argumentation, it ensures the achievement of the main goal of foreign language education – the creation of an individual who can act as a genuine subject of the dialogue of cultures. The article also emphasizes the importance of the teacher as the organizer of the educational process and the subject of the dialogue of cultures.

Л.Д. Александрова ◽  
Р.А. Богачева ◽  
Т.А. Чекалина ◽  
М.В. Максимова ◽  
В.И. Тимонина

Изучение возможностей мозга для повышения качества обучения находится в центре внимания педагогической науки уже много лет. Развитие цифровизации позволило использовать в исследованиях специальное оборудование, с помощью которого можно оценивать и контролировать работу мозга, развивать умственные способности, познавательные функции и т. п. Нейротехнологии стали эффективным средством, позволяющим трансформировать образовательный процесс за счет подбора специального учебного контента с учетом индивидуальных особенностей обучающихся. Вместе с тем возникает необходимость в конкретизации терминологии и определении актуальных направлений исследований в данной области. For a long time, the study of the brain capabilities for the improvement of the quality of education has been an urgent direction in pedagogical science. Due to the development of digitalization, new areas of research have emerged related to the use of special equipment that makes it possible to assess and control brainwork, develop mental abilities, cognitive functions, etc. One of them is neurotechnology, which is an effective means of transforming the educational process: it offers educational content based on the individual characteristics of students. Thus, a need to concretize the terminology and determine the current research areas arises. The article aims to attempt to fill this gap with the help of a representative analysis of publications on neurotechnologies, as well as the essence of neuroeducation.

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