2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-90
Endang Sugiyanti

Learning design must be arranged systematically. In the Learning process, the teacher plays an important role in determining the success or failure of learning achievement. The selection of appropriate learning media is something that teachers need to pay attention to with the application of Audio Visual media to improve students' understanding in following the learning process on the subject of Jurisprudence and pilgrimage material. The formulation of the problem is: How is the application of Audio Visual media in increasing the activeness and learning outcomes of students in the subject of Jurisprudence and Umrah in MTs Negeri 28 Jakarta, in collecting data the author uses tests, observations and student responses. The results of the application of audio-visual media answered from the formulation of the problem where the application of audio-visual media on the learning of the material of hajj and umrah pilgrimage has achieved success. Student learning outcomes in the fiqh learning of Hajj and Umrah material has reached its completeness with an average value of 88.09 with a percentage of 95.6% clearly visible improvement in learning outcomes after using audio-visual media has improved better.

Titin Suprihatin

The purpose of this study is to analyze student learning outcomes before using the method of learning make a match, describe the implementation of learning process Akidah Akhlak material behave commendable using the method of learning make a match, and describe student learning outcomes after using the method of learning make a match on the subjects Akidah Akhlak the material behaves commendable in the fourth class of MIS Cikulu. Make a match is an active learning method to deepen or train the learned material. Students are asked to look for pairs of cards which are answers or specific material questions in the lesson. One of the advantages of this technique is students looking for a partner while learning about a concept or topic in a fun atmosphere. This research uses Classroom Action Research method. Respondents in this study as many as 15 students of class IV MIS Cikulu Sukahurip Village, Pangandaran District, Pangandaran City. Based on the results of data analysis from the evaluation of students on subjects Akidah Akhlak material behave commendably by using the method of learning make a match obtained student learning outcomes in cycle I with an average value of 68.67 and on cycle II with an average value of 88. Thus there is a significant increase in the learning process by using the method of learning make a match on the subject Akidah Akhah material behave commendably between cycles I and II.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 97-108
Nurmisdaramayani Nurmisdaramayani ◽  
Muhammad Khalidin  ◽  
Sinta Triwindarti

Media is a supporting tool in a learning process. Its existence is sufficient to help educators in delivering material to students. The use of this media can affect student learning outcomes related to their understanding of the material. Howener the reality that occurs in MTs Al-Banna on the island especially in grade VII in the subject of morals learning outcomes have not been maximized. This is because the learning process still uses classical methods without involving the use of media in it. Teacher more often use the lecture method which makes students tend to get bored and pay less attention. With this fact it is necessary to do internal innovation. The learning process includes the application of media in improving learning out comes as a measure of student understanding. On of them is audio visual media, the use of this media is avite fun with the collaboration between images and sound, so it will be suitable if used to convey story material accompanied by practice. This research was conducted using a classroom action research method that includes two cycles. Each cycle consists of 4 steps namely: planning, implementing, observing, and reflevting. The results of research conducted on MTs Al-Banna island show a lot of improvement. In cycle I the student learning outcomes were 64% and 36% incomplete, while in cycle II experienced a drastic increase, the number of student who had complete was 92% and those who had not completed were 8%.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Elya Yuliana

The purposes of this research are to increase the students asking activity and student learning outcomes in class V of MI Yusuf Abdussatar Kediri, totaling 23 people. Learning to apply the process skills approach, teaches students to discover and develop the facts by themselves. the concept of learning presenting, students' courage in ideas, opinions and questions, effort, activity and creativity in the learning process and the level of student attitudes that dominate in the learning process. This learning activity helps students to be more active in asking.This research is a classroom action research conducted in two cycles, consisting of the action planning stage, the stage of implementation of the action, observation, and the stage of evaluation and reflection. Students and teacher activity data derived from observations and interviews for the assessment process, while data on student learning outcomes obtained through tests given at the end of each cycle. Indicators of success of this study extend from the average value grade students can reach the KKM 65 and with a percentage of 85%. The results showed that the average value of students in cycle I and II increased from 72.70 into 82.43 with the difference in value of 9.73. While the percentage of students who earn a minimum value standard upward cycle I and II also increased from 73.91% to 86.95% by a margin of 13:04%. This means that action research is in compliance indicators to be achieved. The results showed that the application process can increase the skill of asking activity and science learning outcomes in science teaching class V.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 189
Sasmono Sasmono

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah pembelajaran menggunakan model Project Based Learning (PjBL) dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada pelajaran kimia dengan pokok bahasan Hakikat Ilmu Kimia, serta untuk mengetahui besar peningkatannya. Metode penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) yang dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus. Variabel yang digunakan adalah peningkatan hasil belajar mencakup nilai kognitif dan psikomotorik. Adapun instrumen yang digunakan adalah pretes-postes, portofolio, lembar observasi, dan angket kuisioner. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh gambaran siswa yang mencapai Kriteria Ketuntasan Minimal (KKM) nilai kognitif sebesar 97% dengan rata-rata nilai 82, siswa yang mencapai KKM nilai psikomotorik sebanyak 100% dengan rata-rata nilai 91. Terjadi peningkatan keberhasilan guru dalam menerapkan model pembelajaran PjBL pada siklus I sebesar 88% meningkat pada siklus II sebesar 97%. Peningkatan keaktifan rata-rata siswa pada siklus I sebesar 82%, meningkat pada siklus II sebesar 93%. Ketertarikan rata-rata siswa juga mengalami peningkatan pada siklus I sebesar 84% meningkat pada siklus II sebesar 92%. Hasil observasi penerapan PjBL secara keseluruhan menunjukkan nilai sangat baik yaitu 95. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran menggunakan model Project Based Learning dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pokok materi hakikat ilmu kimia.   Project Based Learning to Improve Student Learning Outcome in Chemistry Lessons with the Subject Matter of the Nature of Chemistry Abstract The purpose of this study was to determine whether learning using the Project Based Learning model can improve student learning outcomes in chemistry lessons with the subject matter of the nature of Chemistry, and to determine the magnitude of the increase. Classroom Action Research is carried out in 2 cycles. The variables used are improvement in learning outcomes including cognitive, and psychomotor values. The instruments used were pretest-posttest, portfolio, observation sheet, and questionnaire questionnaire. Data were analyzed qualitatively descriptive. From the results of the study obtained a picture of students who reached KKM cognitive value as much as 97% with an average value of 82, students who achieved KKM psychomotor value as much as 100% with an average value of 91. There was an increase in the success of teachers in applying the PjBL learning model in the first cycle of 88%, increasing in the second cycle by 97%. The increase in the average activity of students in the first cycle was 82%, increasing in the second cycle by 93%. The average interest of students also increases in the first cycle by 84%, increasing in the second cycle by 92%. Observation of the application of PjBL as a whole shows a very good value of 95. Based on the results of the analysis of the data shows that learning using the Project Based Learning model can improve student learning outcomes of the subject matter of the nature of chemistry.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 231-239
Animar Animar ◽  

The spread of the Corona virus has had a significant impact on the world of education. The policy taken by many countries, including Indonesia, is to close all educational activities. This makes the government and related institutions have to present an alternative learning process. Many factors affect student learning outcomes coupled with changes in learning conditions due to the Corona virus (Covid-19) outbreak. The purpose of this study was to obtain information about the impacts and constraints of the Covid-19 outbreak on teaching and learning activities, especially in Geography subjects at SMA Negeri 1 Sikur. Data collection was carried out using the pretest - posttest method of students' abilities before and after the Covid-19 pandemic. Furthermore, data analysis was carried out by quantitative methods using paired sample t-test to test the difference in the effect of the two treatments on the interrelated sample groups. The results of the analysis indicate that there is a difference in the average Geography learning outcomes of 11th grade of social science students before and after the outbreak of the corona virus. Information was obtained that the average value of student learning outcomes during the face-to-face learning process was 86.27, better than the average value when the learning process was carried out online which was 75.73. Keywords: covid-19 impact, learning outcomes, geography

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 196
Muliati .

This research is a classroom action research that aims to improve the learning outcomes of class II SDI Bontociniayo through the use of the Problem Based Introduction (PBI) method. The subject of this study was class II SDI Bontociniayo with 26 students consisting of 15 female students and 11 male students.This research was conducted in two cycles, namely the first cycle was carried out 2 times and the second cycle was also conducted two meetings, which were conducted for 2 months. The result is an increase in student learning outcomes through the Problem Based Introduction (PBI) method is (i) The level of learning outcomes of class II SDI Bontociniayo in the first cycle included in the high category with an average value of 68.2 while in the second cycle progressed with the category very high with an average value of 77.4, (ii) There is an increase in the learning outcomes of class II SDI Bontociniayo through the application of the Problem Based Introduction (PBI) method, both qualitatively and quantitatively. This can be seen in the table and explanation in the attachment, in the first cycle and second cycle of each action starting from action I to action II.In connection with the above results, the learning model is considered to be quite effective in teaching especially in the field of science studies, because it can improve student learning outcomes both in doing their assignments in school and providing opportunities for students to always try (experiment) in each activity learning so that they can be more motivated to achieve maximum achievement.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 241
Afnan Mochammad Najmudin ◽  
N Hani Herlina ◽  
Diki Najib Fuadi

The preliminary study through preliminary observations found the fact that the learning outcomes of students in the mathematics subjects in grade 3 of SD Plus Al-Mu'aawanah were still low. This is because there are still many students who experience difficulties in working on math problems. Thus, it seems that one of them is needed for geoboard media to improve student learning outcomes on the subject of the concept of flat building. The purpose of this class action research implementation is to improve student learning outcomes in mathematics subjects the subject of the concept of flat building using geoboard media. This research method uses Classroom Action Research (CAR) in the subject of Grade 3 SD Plus Al-Mu'aawanah, amounting to 35 students. This study consisted of 3 cycles, data collection techniques with observation, tests and interviews. Data analysis uses analysis techniques of individual completeness and classical completeness. After conducting research in grade 3 of SD Plus Al-Mu'aawanah, the results showed that: 1) The teacher experienced an increase in the ability to develop RPP using geoboard media with an average value in the first cycle 87.75, cycle II 90.05, and cycle III 92.45. 2) The performance of teachers in the process of implementing learning using media geoboard has increased with an average value in the first cycle 89.72, cycle II 91.47, and cycle III 92.26. 3) Student learning outcomes using geoboard media have increased, with an average value in the first cycle 66.42, cycle II 72.28 and cycle III 81.42. Thus, if the preparation of the RPP and the implementation of learning using geoboard media optimally it will improve student learning outcomes.

Perspektif ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 38-43
Mira Santika ◽  
Gusmaweti Gusmaweti ◽  
Zulfa Amrina

The purpose of this study was to describe the increase in the effectiveness of communication and learning outcomes of fourth grade students in learning science through the Open Ended in SDN 26 Kampung Aur, this type of research is a class act, with the subject of the fourth grade students of SDN 26 Kampung Aur, which has 21 students. Research was conducted in the second semester of the school year of 2015/2016, the research instrument used is the effectiveness of communicating student sheets, sheets of assessment of learning outcomes in the cognitive aspects of students at level C1 (knowledge) and C2 (understanding). Based on the research results, the effectiveness of communicating students on the aspects asked in the first cycle obtain an average value of 49.99% increase in cycle II to 67.45%, the effectiveness of communicating students on aspects of the answer in the first cycle obtain an average value of 53.96% increased in the second cycle to 71.42%. While the results of student learning at the cognitive level C1 (knowledge) in the first cycle increase in cycle II 68.33 into 80.47, cognitive learning outcomes in level C2 (understanding) in the first cycle increase in cycle II 58.09 to 71.42 , It can be concluded that the Open Ended learning model can increase the effectiveness of communication and student learning outcomes in science teaching fourth grade SDN26 Kampung Aur.Keywords: Communicating Effectiveness, Results Learning, Model Open Ended, IPA

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (6) ◽  
pp. 382
Desy Eka Putri ◽  
Siti Nurinayah ◽  
Fifiet Dwi Tresna Santana ◽  
Dewi Safitri Elshap

This research was conducted to find out the differences from the learning methods of ordinary pictorial stories with the pop up models of the more unique and different pop up models, but also through this research it is hoped to provide new experiences for children, bearing in mind that learning is still focused on writing, reading and counting (calistung). This study uses the experimental method because there is a comparison between the control class and the experimental class. The subject and location of the study were group B students. The study population was the B-Saturn group and the B-Uranus group with a sample students, with a total of 28 students. Data collection techniques using pretest and posttest. Pretest technique using ordinary picture stories while in the posttest technique using picture models pop up. Results of Research The average value (mean) in the control class is BB (1.21), MB (0.21), BSB (0.42) and BSH (0.14) while in the experimental class the average value is BB (0.29), MB (0.21) , BSB (0.5) and BSH (0.14). Then it can be concluded that "Hypothesis is accepted", meaning that there is a difference between student learning outcomes to develop mathematical logical intelligence in the pretest and post test. So it can be concluded that there is an influence in "Developing mathematical logical intelligence in early childhood through the method of picture story pop up models in group B"This research was conducted to find out the differences from the learning methods of ordinary pictorial stories with the pop up models of the more unique and different pop up models, but also through this research it is hoped to provide new experiences for children, bearing in mind that learning is still focused on writing, reading and counting (calistung). This study uses the experimental method because there is a comparison between the control class and the experimental class. The subject and location of the study were group B students. The study population was the B-Saturn group and the B-Uranus group with a sample students, with a total of 28 students. Data collection techniques using pretest and posttest. Pretest technique using ordinary picture stories while in the posttest technique using picture models pop up. Results of Research The average value (mean) in the control class is BB (1.21), MB (0.21), BSB (0.42) and BSH (0.14) while in the experimental class the average value is BB (0.29), MB (0.21) , BSB (0.5) and BSH (0.14). Then it can be concluded that "Hypothesis is accepted", meaning that there is a difference between student learning outcomes to develop mathematical logical intelligence in the pretest and post test. So that it can be concluded mathematical logical intelligence by using the pop up model pictorial story method is better than groups that use ordinary learning.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 45
Reni Reni

This study aims to determine the effect of using the make a match method in visual media to improve student learning outcomes. This study is a classroom action research (CAR), which consists of four phases of activity, namely planning, action, observation and reflection stages for each cycle. The implementation of the activity stages is carried out in 2 cycles. The study is conducted in the even semester of the 2018/2019 school year from January to February 2019. The first cycle was held in the third and fourth weeks of January, and the second cycle was held in the fifth week of January and the first week of February. This study was conducted in class X MIPA 2 in SMA N 1 Pangkalpinang. Preliminary tests were carried out before the first training cycle and completed in order to describe the initial conditions of the students, prior to taking any action after the assignments completed with the assessment tasks by writing tests for each cycle.The results of the study show that the initial abilities of the students before starting the action were at an average value of 65 and the percentage of completeness of 35.48%. At the first cycle, there was an increase in the mean value to 73, with the completeness percentage of 64.52%. There were several evaluations from the first cycle, including time management, addition of intergroup discussions, and rules of the game. This evaluation was used as the basis for improvement in the cycle 2, obtaining the average value to increase to 80 and the completeness percentage reached 100%. The value and completeness, as well as the student activity increased in the second cycle, from those at the first cycle. Based on these results, the study concluded that the use of make a match method combined with the visual media improved the student learning outcomes.

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