scholarly journals Peningkatan Pengetahuan Masyarakat Jemaah Mesjid Ulil Amri Tentang Pencegahan Dan Penanganan Diare Di Tingkat Rumah Tangga

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 34-40
Rahmawati Rahmawati ◽  
Hasnah Hasnah ◽  
Effendy Rasiyanto

Diarrhea can be prevented in various ways, including treating patients, providing health education about hygiene, and personal and environmental hygiene including water sources, trash cans, and disposal of feces. One of the efforts to prevent diarrheal disease is to provide counseling on diarrheal diseases. The selection of community service locations in Manggala Village, Manggala District, Makassar City, especially the Ulil Amri mosque congregation because the community, especially mothers do not have sufficient knowledge about proper hand washing, people who are not used to it. washing hands in every activity, and the community still lacks knowledge about diarrheal disease, its handling and prevention. Counseling in the context of community service is important because it can communicate information and materials about the dangers and possibilities of preventing diarrheal disease and protecting oneself, the community, and the environment from the spread of disease. Increasing public knowledge through counseling and demonstrations has shown very good results. The community was very enthusiastic about the material provided, the community was active in the question and answer session by seeing the many questions, opinions and experiences they issued that could be used to prevent and overcome diarrheal diseases and maintain environmental health.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 132
Mila Triana Sari

Lack of knowledge of the elderly about gout and various things related to gout will have a negative impact on the health of the elderly, family and society. One effort that can be done by nurses is to provide health education to the elderly. Elderly Posyandu in the Rawasari Community Health Center work area is one of the partners who have carried out the elderly posyandu activities according to the program, but in practice most of the elderly do not know about gout. The target and outcome of community service activities is to increase the knowledge of elderly gout, understanding, causes, signs and symptoms of gout, gout treatment, selection of foods that are allowed and which are not recommended for gout and complementary therapies for gout. The method of implementation used is survey, observation, interview, discussion, question and answer, demonstration through health education and examination of gout. This community service activity was attended by 25 elderly people. The results of this activity were 35% of elderly people suffering from gout, most of the elderly knew about gout and things related to gout, all the elderly attended health education from the beginning to the end and most actively participated during the activity. It is recommended to increase diposyandu activities for the elderly by providing health education with various material and regular health checks.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 18
Elok Triestuning ◽  
Rian Prasetyo ◽  
Diaz Nur Aindah ◽  
Regita Indira Ardianti ◽  
Dita Wardatul Anifa ◽  

Health Promotion Activities with the title Clean and Healthy Lifestyle with Hand Washing at SDN Rangkah Kidul Sidoarjo Sidoarjo District Sidoarjo Regency is one form of community service in the form of counseling aimed at growing and improving healthy behavior in children from an early age, especially in PHBS Hand Washing. The implementation of these activities on November 15, 2018 took place at Elementary School of Rangkah Kidul, Sidoarjo District, Sidoarjo Regency. The target is students of Elementary School of Rangkah Kidul, Sidoarjo District, Sidoarjo Regency. Before the activity is carried out, there is a process of compiling the activity for 3 weeks before the activity is carried out, starting from the selection of health counseling materials to the submission of licensing to the relevant parties. As an evaluation, the activity was attended by 50 students and 2 teachers, participants participated in the activity with enthusiasm and conducive, the activity can be carried out on time smoothly. Keywords: Hand washing, health promotion, elementary school, counseling.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 369-378
Kristiani Desimina Tauho ◽  
Firda Chamelia Panna ◽  
Olga Claudia Dos Santos ◽  
Presty Adventri ◽  
Windika Novtavia Manggopa ◽  

Washing hands is one way to prevent the transmission of Covid-19 which can be used from childhood. Therefore, this community service is carried out to improve children's knowledge, attitudes and skills regarding proper hand washing. This community service was carried out in the form of health education with discussion and simulation methods to the children of the Anugerah Orphanage, Salatiga City on March 10, 2021. The evaluation was carried out by looking at changes of cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects. We found that in the cognitive aspect, the participants were able to understand and apply washing hands properly, on the affective aspect, the participants valuing the importance of washing hands properly and on the psychomotor aspect, the participants were able to imitate correct hand washing. It is recommended that caregivers continue to observe children in applying proper hand washing to achieve a psychomotor naturalization level and experiencing level of attitude.

SinkrOn ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 62 ◽  
Embun Fajar Wati ◽  
Istikharoh Istikharoh ◽  
Tuslaela Tuslaela

One of the elements in the implementation of Higher Education is a lecturer. Lecturers are academic staff who are tasked with carrying out the Tri Dharma of Higher Education which includes education, research, community service. Lecturers who excel are entitled to be selected and get promotions and awards according to their academic performance. Therefore, we need a calculation method that can be used as a media for performance appraisal of outstanding lecturers who can facilitate assessment. This assessment includes performance appraisal which includes commitment, integrity, service orientation, discipline, cooperation, and leadership. In addition to the criteria, the assessment also includes the Employee Performance Target (SKP) assessment. This Employee Performance Target is in the form of a total assessment of lecturer performance. Two criteria, namely performance and SKP will be used as guidelines in the calculation of the selection of outstanding lecturers. Samples were taken as many as 20 lecturers at the Sriwijaya State Buddhist College in Tangerang. The simple additive weighting method is effectively used in the selection of outstanding lecturers with an assessment limit of more than 0.88. Of the many candidates, there were three lecturers with sufficient performance and SKP, with grades 0.922, 0.88, 0.94. So that the highest achieving lecturer with the highest value is 0.94.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-43
Ana Setyowati ◽  
Swasti Artanti ◽  
Ida Baroroh ◽  
Ivan Chabibillah

Health status is one of the important elements in efforts to improve the Indonesian Human Development Index (HDI). Meanwhile, the degree of health is not only determined by health services, but what is more dominant is the environmental conditions and people's behavior. Efforts to change people's behavior in order to support the improvement of health status are carried out through the Clean and Healthy Behavior (PHBS) development program. The aim of community service is to provide dental health education and hand washing. The method of health education carried out is the method of preparation of activities, the stages of implementation of activities, namely (1) Socialization and Licensing, (2) Conducting Affirmations and Pre Tests (3) Conducting dental health education and hand washing. (4) Evaluate the results of health education activities with the Post Test. The results of counseling activities that there is an increase in understanding and knowledge about the importance of Clean and Healthy Behavior, especially about Dental Health and Hand Washing.

2021 ◽  
Ahmed Ismail Mohamed ◽  
Mohamed Mussa Abdilahi

Abstract Background: In developing countries, diarrhea is the major cause for child death when children are less than five years’ old. Dehydration, malnutrition, delayed physical development and early childhood mortality are the major consequences of diarrheal diseases. In Somaliland, diarrheal diseases have been endemic and a major problem since 1994, with epidemics occurring annually. Objective: The aim of this study was to assess prevalence and risk factors of acute diarrhea among under five children living in Hargeisa IDPs, SomalilandMethods: A community based cross sectional study was conducted among mothers of under five children from August to September, 2020, in Hargeisa IDPs. 383 mothers were selected by using single population proportional formula. Data was entered, cleaned and analyzed using SPSS version 22. To explore association between variables, bivariate logistic regression was done for each independent variable with the dependent variable and those variables with a p-value of < 0.05 were adjusted into multivariate logistic regression. Finally, those variables having a P value < 0.05 were recognized as determinants of acute diarrheal disease.Results: The prevalence of diarrhea among under five children ling in Hargeisa IDPs was 51%. The children whose age older than one year [AOR= 3.586, 95% CI, 1.054, 12.196], didn’t breastfed exclusively [AOR= 4.006, 95% CI, 3.274, 4.596], didn’t met colostrum milk [AOR= 36.41, 95% CI, 24.312, 40.489], drinks water stored in Jerry-cans [AOR = 4.901 95% CI, 1.306, 8.387] and poorly practices hand washing [A0R = 5.739, 95% CI, 1.382, 7.822] were more likely to develop diarrhea than their respective contraparts. Conclusion: From this study we concluded that the prevalence of was very high (51%). Lack of awareness of exclusive breastfeeding and colostrum feeding, storing drinking water in unprotected container and poor hand washing practice were identified to be significance predictors for childhood diarrhea (P < 0.05).

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 920-924
Lilis Lismayanti ◽  
Rudi Kurniawan ◽  
Yanti Srinayanti

At the beginning of 2020, the whole world was shocked by the outbreak of a new virus, namely the corona virus which was suspected to be a new type of SARS COV-2. The Indonesian government has made various efforts to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic, including plans to provide a Covid-19 vaccine, but the public's main concern is on the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine, and whether the vaccine will be considered halal. Therefore, according to the review above, the researcher wants to carry out community service related to the perception of the covid-19 vaccine in the Benteng Village in order to have access to accurate information about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine. This community service method is counseling and assistance to partners. The results of the activity showed that the community was very enthusiastic about participating in the Covid-19 vaccine counseling according to an Islamic view which contained information about the vaccine program, safety, halalness and effectiveness of the Covid-19 vaccine and actively participated in discussions and Q&A with companions. In conclusion, the Covid-19 Vaccine health education can increase public knowledge about the Covid-19 vaccine according to the Islamic view

2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-6
Muhammad Budi Haryono ◽  
Rizal Dwi Bayuna ◽  
Syahrul Mahfudli Rohman ◽  
Adetia Rizki Wardana ◽  
Nashirul Umam

Abstract: Material selection and innovative and creative designs are needed as a medium for reducing production costs by changing the design of a product but still paying attention to the safety of its users. The problem that occurs in the surrounding community is the lack of public knowledge about the selection of materials that can risk accidents that will be experienced by users which can be caused by the material not being strong enough to support the load it gets. Innovative and creative design aims to reduce the mass of the material but still refers to user safety. Inappropriate design can increase the risk of accidents and wasted costs in the production process. The method used in this community service is a material selection workshop and an introduction to machine design using solidworks software. Therefore, this community service will greatly help the community in the Karang-tempel Village, East Semarang District, increase their insight into the selection of materials and innovative designs as an increase in the quality of production and ensure the safety of users.          Keywords: creative; desain; inovative; material selection; workshop Abstrak: Pemilihan material dan desain yang inovatif dan kreatif sangat diperlukan sebagai media pengurangan biaya produksi dengan merubah rancangan suatu produk akan tetapi tetap memperhatikan keselamatan dari penggunanya. Permasalahan yang terjadi di masyarakat sekitar akan kurangnya pengetahuan masyarakat tentang pemilihan material yang dapat berisiko akan terjadinya kecelakaan yang akan dialami pengguna yang dapat disebabkan oleh material tidak cukup kuat untuk menopang beban yang didapatkannya. Desain yang inovatif dan kreatif bertujuan sebagai pengurangan massa dari material akan tetapi tetap merujuk kepada keselamatan pengguna. Desain yang tidak sesuai dapat meningkatkan risiko kecelakaan dan pemborosan biaya pada proses produksi. Metode yang digunakan pada pengabdian masyarakat ini adalah workshop pemilihan material dan pengenalan rancang bangun mesin menggunakan software solidworks. Oleh karena itu pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini akan sangat membantu mas-yarakat di lingkungan kelurahan Karang-tempel, kecamatan Semarang Timur untuk menambah     wawasannya terhadap pemilihan material dan desain yang inovatif sebagai peningkatan kualitas hasil produksi dan menjamin keselamatan dari pengguna.Kata kunci: desain; inovatif; kreatif; pemilihan material; workshop

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 01-07
Sintiya Halisya Pebriani ◽  
Lily Marleni ◽  
Mardiah Mardiah ◽  
Adi Saputra ◽  
M. Sharpone Widodo M H ◽  

ABSTRAKDi era pandemi Covid-19 seperti sekarang ini menjaga kesehatan sangatlah penting guna mencegah penularan penyakit tersebut. Selain melakukan protokol kehatan dengan baik dan benar, upaya yang sangat penting dalam mencegah penularan penyakit ini adalah dengan peningkatan imunitas tubuh agar tidak mudah terserang virus, sebagaimana diketahui virus Covid-19 menyerang kekebalan tubuh sehingga tubuh tidak mampu melawan virus ini. Tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat ini yaitu masyarakat mengetahui bagaimana cara meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh di masa pandemi covid-19 sehingga terhindar dari penularan penyakit ini. Metode yang dilakukan berupa penyuluhan kesehatan tentang tips meningkatkan daya tahan tubu dimasa pandemic covid-19 dengan menggunakan media leaflet dan poster. Hasil penyuluhan menunjukkan masyarakat setempat memahami cara-cara meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh dimasa pandemi. Kesimpulan terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang cara menjaga dan meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh. Diharapkan dengan kegiatan ini masyarakat dapat menerapkan tips meningkatkan daya tahun tubuh dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kata kunci : Edukasi, Daya tahan tubuh, Covid-19 ABSTRACTIn the current era of the Covid-19 pandemic, maintaining health is very important to prevent the transmission of the disease. In addition to carrying out health protocols properly and correctly, a very important effort in preventing the transmission of this disease is to increase the body's immunity so that it is not susceptible to viruses, as it is known that the Covid-19 virus attacks the body's immunity so that the body is unable to fight this virus. The purpose of this community service is that the community knows how to increase their immune system during the COVID-19 pandemic so as to avoid the transmission of this disease. The method used is in the form of health education on tips to increase body resistance during the covid-19 pandemic by using leaflets and posters. The results of the counseling show that the local community understands ways to increase their immune system during the pandemic. The conclusion is that there is an increase in public knowledge about how to maintain and increase body resistance. It is hoped that with this activity the community can apply tips to increase the body's power in their daily lives. Keywords: Education, immune system, Covid-19

Triana Srisantyorini ◽  
Suherman Suherman ◽  
Wulan Askiani

Terjadi kejadian luar biasa kasus hepatitis A di Jawa Barat dengan 188 kasus tahun 2018. Hepatitis A masih banyak terjadi di negara negara berkembang seperti Indonesia. Salah satu faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian hepatitis A yaitu personal higiene yaitu kebiasaan cuci tangan. Tinggi nya angka kasus hepatitis A ini menjadi permasalahan yang diangkat untuk menjadi tujuan dari pengabdian masyarakat dengan cara meneliti dan memberikan penyuluhan mengenai pencegahan hepatitis A dengan melakukan pemantauan karakteristik kebiasaan mencuci tangan di Pesantren Sabilunnajat. Hasil dari penelitian yang kami lakukan didapatkan hasil bahwa 64,1% santri mempunyai kebiasaan selalu mencuci tangan pakai sabun. sebagian besar santri sudah mencuci tangan dengan air mengalir dengan pesentase 93,2%. 81,3% santri memiliki kebiasaan mencuci tangan sebelum menyiapkan makanan/sebelum makan. Saran yang kami berikan ke pihak manajemen pesantren adalah diadakannya penyuluhan kesehatan terkait kebiasaan cuci tangan khususnya dan personal higiene pada umumnya.---An outbreak of hepatitis A cases occurred in West Java with 188 cases in 2018. Hepatitis A still occurs in developing countries like Indonesia. One factor related to the occurrence of hepatitis A is personal hygiene that is hand washing habits. The high number of cases of hepatitis A is a problem that was raised to be the goal of community service by researching and providing counseling about prevention of hepatitis A by monitoring the characteristics of hand washing habits at the Sabilunnajat Islamic boarding school. The results of our observers showed that 64.1% had a habit of always washing hands with soap. most of the students had washed their hands with running water with a percentage of 93.2%.81.3% of students have the habit of washing their hands before preparing food / before eating. The advice we give to the management is the holding of health education related to hand washing habits in particular and personal hygiene in general.

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