scholarly journals Comparative Assessment of Deformation Under Plate Bearing Test and CBR Test for Subgrade Soil

Saad Issa Sarsam

A significant variation in the strength and deformation behavior of subgrade soil when tested in the laboratory and in the field. However, correlation of such variables is essential to evaluate the quality of the constructed subgrade. An attempt has been made in the present investigation to assess the deformation of control and stabilized subgrade soil in the laboratory and in the field. California bearing ratio (CBR) test was conducted in the laboratory and the static plate bearing test (PBT) was conducted in the field. Subgrade soil samples were stabilized with 6% lime, 17 % Cationic Emulsion, and combination of lime and emulsion. Similar stabilization was conducted at test sections in the field. The behavior of the control and stabilized soil in deformation under static PBT in the field and CBR in the laboratory was monitored and evaluated. It was noticed that polynomial correlation exists with high coefficient of determination between laboratory and field deformation for stabilized soil. It was observed that the deformation under CBR test decreased after implication of lime by (96 and 88) % for unsoaked and soaked testing conditions respectively. The deformation decreases by (92 and 85.6) % for unsoaked and soaked testing conditions respectively when emulsion was implemented. The deformation decreases by (91 and 88) % for unsoaked and soaked testing conditions respectively when combined stabilization was implemented. However, the deformation under PBT decreases by (75, 56, and 50) % for lime, emulsion, and combined stabilization processes respectively. It was concluded that testing condition (soaked or unsoaked) has no significant impact on the deformation of stabilized soil while it has a significant influence on the deformation of untreated soil under CBR test. On the other hand, the deformation of control soil shows no significant variation among field and laboratory testing in the model, however, the stabilized soil samples exhibit higher influence of field deformation on the polynomial models.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 1157
Steven Lius ◽  
Inda Sumarli ◽  
Ali Iskandar

The subgrade soils must be able to withstand the load that is transferred. The quality of the subgrade soil is important because if it is sturdy, the construction above it can also be sturdy as well. Therefore, in designing a construction, soil investigation, such as plate bearing test and dynamic cone penetrometer test, must be conducted. However, one method may be superior compared to others, that the author will analyze the correlation between them. Plate bearing test is an in-situ test used for determining the ultimate bearing capacity of soil by only applying pressure to it. Whereas, dynamic cone penetrometer test is a testing method to measure the thickness and strength of soil. In this research, the collected data will be analyzed and correlated. The result of correlation between ks and CBR from DCP test is the determinant coefficient value. The value for clayey soils is 0.6198 which means that the correlation value is strong. Meanwhile, for sandy soils, the values are 0.9841 and 0.9878 which means both of the correlation values are very strong. Furthermore, the correlation of Su values from both tests cannot be determined because the soil samples have not reached the fracture condition. Lapisan subgrade merupakan lapisan yang menahan seluruh beban di atasnya. Kualitas dari lapisan ini sangat penting, karena jika lapisan subgrade tersebut kokoh, maka konstruksi di atasnya juga akan kokoh. Oleh karena itu, dalam merencanakan sebuah konstruksi, penyelidikan tanah, seperti uji plate bearing dan uji dynamic cone penetrometer, di lokasi suatu bangunan yang akan dibangun itu sangat penting. Namun, setiap metode penyelidikan tanah tentunya memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan masing-masing, sehingga penulis akan menganalisa korelasi antara kedua pengujian. Uji plate bearing merupakan metode pengujian untuk menentukan nilai daya dukung tanah dengan hanya memberikan tekanan pada tanah. Sedangkan, uji dynamic cone penetrometer merupakan metode pengujian untuk mengetahui nilai ketebalan dan kekuatan suatu lapisan tanah. Pada penelitian ini, data yang sudah dikumpulkan akan dianalisa dan dikorelasikan. Hasil korelasi antara nilai modulus reaksi tanah dasar dan CBR dari uji DCP untuk jenis tanah lempung menghasilkan koefisien determinan sebesar 0.6198 yang artinya nilai korelasi tersebut kuat. Sedangkan, untuk jenis tanah pasir, didapatkan koefisien determinan sebesar 0.9841 dan 0.9878 yang artinya nilai korelasi tersebut sangat kuat. Kemudian, untuk korelasi nilai kuat geser tanah dari masing-masing pengujian belum bisa dijelaskan karena sampel tanah yang digunakan belum mencapai kondisi fracture.

2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Ahmad Iskandar

In the era of globalization, the competition in the business world becomes very tight. Companies vying to be able to continue to compete and survive in the business world. Each consumer must have had the expectation that the products they buy are able to provide satisfaction for them to be making purchasing decisions. Consumer purchasing decisions of companies to seeds virtual brand still low due to the brand image and quality of seeds that are still unsatisfactory.This study aims to determine the responses of respondents regarding brand image, product quality, purchasing decisions and how big an impact on the brand image itself against purchase decisions on the PT. Prabu Argo Mandiri Bandung and how much influence the quality of products on the purchase decision.The method by which the samples is Simple Random Sampling consists of 80 respondents. The method of analysis in this research using descriptive analysis and verification which is composed of multiple linear regression analysis. Product moment correlation analysis, and the coefficient of determination used to measure the level of influence of brand image and product quality on purchasing decisions.The results based on descriptive analysis of brand image variable is in good enough category, variable quality of the product is in the unfavorable category, and the purchase decision variable is in the unfavorable category. The results based on correlation test showed that the brand image is partially significant effect on purchasing decisions by 68% and the product quality is partially significant effect on purchasing decisions by 13%. Hypothesis test results suggested that the increased purchasing decisions partially and simultaneously influence through brand image and product quality.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (02) ◽  
pp. 274-293
Nur Hidayati ◽  
J.M.V. Mulyadi

ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to examine whether variables such as quality of goods/services procurement committee, income of goods/services procurement committee, procurement system and procurement system, procurement ethic of goods/services and internal control system have influence to fraud of goods/ services procurement in the ministry of health affairs agency. Population in this research is all auditor related in process of procurement of goods/services, while the object of research (sample) that is as much as 56 people. The technique of determining the sample using purposive sampling method. Data were tested using validity test, reliability test, multicolinearity test, heteroskedasticity test, multiple regression analysis, hypothesis test and coefficient of determination. The result of the research shows that the quality of procurement committee variables significantly and negatively affect the fraud of procurement of goods/services. The income of the procurement committee does not significantly affect the procurement of goods/services, procurement system and procedures have significant effect and negative to the goods/service procurement, ethics have significant effect and negative to the procurement of goods/services and internal control system significantly and negative to the fraud of procurement of goods/services. ABSTRAK Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji apakah variabel seperti kualitas panitia pengadaan barang/jasa, penghasilan panitia pengadaan barang/jasa, sistem dan prosedur pengadaan barang/jasa, etika pengadaan barang/jasa, dan sistem pengendalian internal memiliki pengaruh terhadap fraud pengadaan barang/jasa di Lingkungan Instansi Kementerian Kesehatan RI. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh auditor yang terkait dalam proses pengadaan barang/jasa, sedangkan yang dijadikan objek penelitian (sampel) yaitu sebanyak 56 orang. Teknik penentuan sampel menggunakan metode purposive sampling. Data diuji menggunakan uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji multikolinearitas, uji heteroskedastisitas, analisis regresi berganda, uji hipotesis dan koefisien determinasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel kualitas panitia pengadaan berpengaruh secara signifikan dan negatif terhadap fraud pengadaan barang/jasa. Penghasilan panitia pengadaan tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap terhadap fraud pengadaan barang/jasa, sistem dan prosedur pengadaan berpengaruh secara signifikan dan negatif terhadap fraud pengadaan barang/jasa, ketika berpengaruh secara signifikan dan negatif terhadap fraud pengadaan barang/jasa dan sistem pengendalian internal berpengaruh secara signifikan dan negatif terhadap fraud pengadaan barang/jasa. JEL Classification: M41, M42, H57

2018 ◽  
Vol 2018 ◽  
pp. 1-14 ◽  
Borja Millan ◽  
Santiago Velasco-Forero ◽  
Arturo Aquino ◽  
Javier Tardaguila

This paper describes a new methodology for noninvasive, objective, and automated assessment of yield in vineyards using image analysis and Boolean model. Image analysis, as an inexpensive and noninvasive procedure, has been studied for this purpose, but the effect of occlusions from the cluster or other organs of the vine has an impact that diminishes the quality of the results. To reduce the influence of the occlusions in the estimation, the number of berries was assessed using the Boolean model. To evaluate the methodology, three different datasets were studied: cluster images, manually acquired vine images, and vine images captured on-the-go using a quad. The proposed algorithm estimated the number of berries in cluster images with a root mean square error (RMSE) of 20 and a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.80. Vine images manually taken were evaluated, providing 310 grams of mean error and R2=0.81. Finally, images captured using a quad equipped with artificial light and automatic camera triggering were also analysed. The estimation obtained applying the Boolean model had 610 grams of mean error per segment (three vines) and R2=0.78. The reliability against occlusions and segmentation errors of the Boolean model makes it ideal for vineyard yield estimation. Its application greatly improved the results when compared to a simpler estimator based on the relationship between cluster area and weight.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 96-104
Badrudin Badrudin ◽  
Neng Gustini ◽  
Cep Ilyas Amirulloh

This study aims to determine and describe the relationship between financing management and the quality of diniyah education in Madrasah Diniyah Takmiliyah Awaliyah in the Bandung Regency. This study uses a quantitative approach. The data collection technique is done by distributing questionnaires (questionnaires) and documentation with a sample of 37 people. The data analysis techniques used are research instrument trials, partial analysis, correlation analysis, and coefficient of determination (contribution) analysis. The results showed that the achievement of financing management and the quality of diniyah Takmiliyah Awaliyah education in Bandung Regency showed a significant relationship between financing management and the quality of diniyah education. The linearity test of financing management (X) and the quality of diniyah education (Y) obtained a value of F = 1.611 with a significance level of 0.218, so it can be interpreted that it has a positive and significant linear relationship. This study has implications for the importance of effective financing management in improving the quality of madrasah.

Epigram ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
Ratna Yulianingsih ◽  
Tuti Hartati ◽  
Tuti Hartati ◽  
Mawarta Onida ◽  
Mawarta Onida

AbstractThis study aims to determine the effect of licensing service quality on community satisfaction in the Bogor Regency DPMPTSP. This research uses quantitative research method. Data collection in Bogor Regency uses observation and questionnaire. Data processing technique using Likert scale, while the technique of data analysis using test Validity, Reliability, Normality, Linearity, simple linear regression analysis, simple correlation analysis, coefficient of determination and test of correlation coefficient significance or T test. The results are: (a) The results of simple correlation coefficient test between the quality of service quality (X) and the satisfaction of society (Y) is 0.756 is strong, if it is concluded that there is strong correlation between variable (X) and variable (Y). (b) variable of service quality (X) give influence to variable satisfaction (Y) equal to 57,1% while the rest that is equal to 42,9% influenced by other factor not examined. (c) the result of t arithmetic is 10,633, while t table is 1,663 so that 10,633 > 1,663 so that service quality of permit in DPMPTSP Bogor Regency has significant influence to the satisfaction of society.Keyword: Service Quality, Public Service, Investment Service and One Stop Service.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas pelayanan perizinan terhadap kepuasan masyarakat pada DPMPTSP Kabupaten Bogor. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data pada DPMPTSP Kabupaten Bogor menggunakan teknik observasi, dan kuesioner. Teknik pengolahan data menggunakan skala likert, sedangkan teknik analisis data menggunakan uji validitas, reliabilitas, normalitas, liniearitas, analisis regresi liniear sederhana, analisis korelasi sederhana, koefisien determinasi dan uji signifikansi koefisien korelasi atau uji T. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa : (a) Berdasarkan hasil uji koefisien korelasi sederhana antara variabel kualiatas pelayanan (X) dan kepuasan masyarakt (Y) bernilai 0,756 artinya kuat, jika disimpulkan bahwa terjadi hubungan yang kuat antara variabel (X) dengan variabel (Y). (b) variabel kualitas pelayanan (X) memberikan pengaruh terhadap variabel kepuasan (Y) sebesar 57,1% sedangakan sisanya yaitu sebesar 42,9% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang tidak diteliti. (c) hasil t hitung yang didapatkan adalah 10,633, sedangkan t tabel adalah 1,663 sehingga 10,633 >1,663 sehingga kualitas pelayanan perizinan di DPMPTSP Kabupaten Bogor mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kepuasan masyarakat.Kata Kunci: Kualitas Pelayanan, Pelayanan Publik, Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (DPMPTSP)

2021 ◽  
pp. 2947-2956
Nazym Kozhanova ◽  
Nurzhan Sarsembayeva ◽  
Bozena Lozowicka ◽  
Zhassulan Kozhanov

Background and Aim: The quality of food, especially animal-based food, is crucial for human health. However, the quality of milk and other animal products has become an acute cause for concern in Kazakhstan . Technogenic dispersion of heavy metals (HMs) causes adverse effects on living organisms and creates unfavorable conditions for the existence of humans, animals, and plants. The purpose of this study was to analyze the content of several HMs in samples of soil, horse feed (hay, mixed feed, and bran), mare's milk, and manure to assess bioaccumulation and possible adverse effects on the bodies of horses. An additional purpose was to identify areas with acceptable conditions for obtaining environmentally safe horse breeding products in the agricultural zones of the Almaty region, Kazakhstan. Materials and Methods: Samples were obtained from two farms in the Almaty region in 2020 (spring, summer, and autumn). In total, 72 soil samples were analyzed, which were taken from the upper humus horizon to the depth of the arable layer. Eighty-six samples were taken from the feed of horses. Green feed was represented by perennial and annual grasses (alsike clover, Medicago sativa, sweet yellow clover, as well as pea and oat mix). Barley and wheat bran stored in the warehouses of the farm were sampled for the research as feed supplements. The mixed feed comprised components such as maize and sunflower. In addition, 46 samples of mare's milk and 28 samples of horse manure were collected. The HM analysis was performed in the laboratory of the Kazakh-Japanese Innovation Center. The residual amounts of HMs were determined using an absorption spectrometer with a voltammetric analyzer. The content of cadmium (Cd), lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), and arsenic (As) in all the studied samples of soil, feed, mare's milk, and manure did not exceed the threshold limit values (TLVs), suggesting that the intake of these toxic elements into the human body with food was low. Results: The average Cd concentration was in the range of 0.29-0.31 mg/kg in soil samples and in the range of 0.20-0.27 mg/kg in feed samples. In milk, the Cd concentration varied from 0.01 to 0.02 mg/L and was lower in summer and higher in fall. The total average Cd content in horse manure was 0.1844 mg/kg. The concentration of Pb in soil samples ranged from 1.09 to 1.30 mg/kg with the lowest value in spring and the highest in fall. In the feed, the concentration of Pb varied from 0.14 to 0.76 mg/kg and in milk from 0.03 to 0.15 mg/L. The average concentrations of Hg and As in soil samples averaged 0.022 and 0.019 mg/kg, respectively, and were within the TLVs. Conclusion: In the study areas, the calculated transition rates in the soil–feed–milk–manure system revealed that the greatest transition of HMs was observed for Pb and Cd, and a smaller migration was observed for Hg and As. The tendency of accumulation of trace elements continued in the feed.

2015 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 297
Aisyah Rahmawati

Survey methods are used to determine the effect of pricing policy implementation (X1), quality of service (X2), and customer loyalty (Y) on PT. Garuda Indonesia, for Jakarta-Surabaya route in 2014. With a population of 773 154 passengers and a sample of 400 respondents, the data is obtained through questionnaires using Likert scale. With a simple and multiple linear regression analyses, simple and partial correlation, with significance level at α = 0.05, it was found that, first, there is a positive relationship between pricing policy and customer loyalty. The variation that occurs in customer loyalty is determined by pricing policy. Secondly, there is a positive relationship between service quality and customer loyalty. The variation that occurs in customer loyalty is determined by service quality. Third, there is a positive influence of pricing policy and service quality on customer loyalty with the coefficient of determination ry1.22 = 0.354, so 35.4% variation happening to customer loyalty is determined simultaneously by pricing policy and service quality. The implication proves that customer loyalty can be enhanced by improving the pricing policy and service quality.

2021 ◽  
Magdalena Banach-Szott ◽  
Andrzej Dziamski

Abstract The aim of the research has been to determine the effect of many-year irrigation of unique grasslands on the properties of humic acids defining the quality of organic matter. The research was performed based on the soil (Albic Brunic Arenosol, the A, AE and Bsv horizons) sampled from Europe’s unique complex of permanent grasslands irrigated continuously for 150 years, applying the slope-and-flooding system; the Czerskie Meadows. The soil samples were assayed for the content of total organic carbon (TOC) and the particle size distribution. HAs were extracted with the Schnitzer method and analysed for the elemental composition, spectrometric parameters in the UV-VIS range, hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties and the infrared spectra were produced. The research results have shown that the HAs properties depended on the depth and the distance from the irrigation ditch. The HAs of the A horizon of the soils were identified with a lower “degree of maturity”, as reflected by the values of atomic ratios (H/C, O/C, O/H), absorbance coefficients, and the FT-IR spectra, as compared with the HAs of the Bsv horizon. The HAs molecules of the soils sampled furthest from the irrigation ditch were identified with a higher degree of humification, as compared with the HAs of the soils sampled within the closest distance. The results have demonstrated that many-year grassland irrigation affected the structure and the properties of humic acids.

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