scholarly journals Suicyde and Internet addiction - psychological perspective

Marlena Stradomska

The subject matter of the paper lies on the borderline of two important social problems i.e. Internet addiction and suicide. The problem of suicide is still treated as a social taboo in contemporary world. Those who have attempted to kill themselves as well as their families are discriminated and ill-treated by their immediate environment and driven into inferiority complex. Every so often the only option left to such people is the Internet that offers an attentive ear and consolation because the access to professional help in the real world may be limited in a given place and in a given moment. On the Internet one may talk and exchange information on any topic at any time of night and day. The Internet is a cheap and widely available platform offering websites, chat rooms, forums and support groups for people experiencing the same problems. It should be emphasized however, that there are dark corners on the Internet which should not be visited by wide audiences. Some online contents are just not well-adjusted to the development age of young Internet users. This paper is a discussion of a metaphoric and literal aspect of suicide on the Internet and a call for more scientific research, educational campaigns and psychoprophylaxis related to the subject matter of suicide and self-destruction. The author emphasizes the necessity to raise awareness to the issue of suicide which is still a social taboo and subject to social myths. Although many specialist facilities, associations and institutions are already involved in addressing the problem, the number of suicide attempts has not been reduced mainly because the activities undertaken are scattered and badly coordinated. The effects of these efforts are not satisfactory neither for theoreticians nor for practitioners.

Benjamin Stodt ◽  
Elisa Wegmann ◽  
Matthias Brand

Internet addiction (IA) and cyberbullying (CB) represent two examples of dysfunctional Internet use (DIU) which are accompanied by negative consequences. In terms of prevention, the training of technical and reflective skills (Internet literacy) will be discussed with regard to these patterns. This study investigates the role of age, conscientiousness, and Internet literacy on IA symptoms and the participation in CB. Analyses reveal that positive attitudes towards online production and interaction and lower self-regulative skills can be associated with severe IA symptoms. Cyberbullies display less skills in reflecting on Internet content and also prove to have less self-regulative skills. Younger and less conscientious individuals are more likely to use the Internet dysfunctionally. Furthermore, significant correlations between experiences as a cyberbully and IA symptoms were found. In conclusion, the authors suggest that current media/Internet literacy curricula should be complemented by teaching reflective and regulative skills to prevent Internet users from negative consequences.

Benjamin Stodt ◽  
Elisa Wegmann ◽  
Matthias Brand

Internet addiction (IA) and cyberbullying (CB) represent two examples of dysfunctional Internet use (DIU) which are accompanied by negative consequences. In terms of prevention, the training of technical and reflective skills (Internet literacy) will be discussed with regard to these patterns. This study investigates the role of age, conscientiousness, and Internet literacy on IA symptoms and the participation in CB. Analyses reveal that positive attitudes towards online production and interaction and lower self-regulative skills can be associated with severe IA symptoms. Cyberbullies display less skills in reflecting on Internet content and also prove to have less self-regulative skills. Younger and less conscientious individuals are more likely to use the Internet dysfunctionally. Furthermore, significant correlations between experiences as a cyberbully and IA symptoms were found. In conclusion, the authors suggest that current media/Internet literacy curricula should be complemented by teaching reflective and regulative skills to prevent Internet users from negative consequences.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
Rosliza A.M. ◽  
Ragubathi M.N. ◽  
Mohamad Yusoff M.K.A ◽  
Shaharuddin M.S.

Introduction: Internet addiction is an increasingly worrying phenomena affecting people globally especially the youths. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of internet addiction among undergraduate students in a Malaysian public university and its associated factors. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study involving 322 undergraduate students, identified through cluster sampling was conducted using a pretested, self-administered questionnaire. The questionnaire includes socio-demography, use of information technology gadgets and internet usage. Internet Addiction test (IAT) was used to identify internet addiction. Data was analysed using SPSS version 22. Results: From 322 respondents, 25 (7.8%) were categorised as addictive internet users, while 182 (56.5%) were problematic internet users. The commonest online activity includes social networking (86.6%), entertainment (77.3%) and educational purposes (77.0%). From multivariate analysis, problematic and addictive internet use was significantly more common among male students (AOR=2.47, 95% CI [1.43, 4.26]), those who received study loan (AOR=1.93, 95% CI [1.10, 3.39]) and other types of funding (AOR=3.95, 95% CI [1.59, 9.80]) compared to those on scholarships, and those who spent between four to ten hours a day accessing the Internet (AOR=2.43, 95% CI [1.13, 5.23]) compared to those using the Internet for two hours or less a day. Conclusion: The prevalence of problematic and addictive internet use among respondents were higher compared to previous researches among Malaysian adolescents. It is recommended that an awareness programme on responsible use of the internet be conducted to prevent students from becoming addicted which may impact negatively on their educational performance and social life.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 145
Elena Piha

<p class="Body">This text is about making public space out of and within the omnipresent entirety of space which is the defining circumstance of the macrocosm that holds us and that we inhabit. It begins with a propositional discourse on how that omnipresent space differentiates into public space and further articulates into human places. It concludes with a comparative précis of eight actual projects for public space as programmed, designed, realised and adopted for different purposes in the different socio-cultural and geo-locational situations of five established cities. The focus is on similarity and difference, or how social demands, human aspirations and design rationales for public space might depend on their originating context. It is also more about socio-cultural constants from which design approaches or, better, attitudes arise than the socio-political, economic or otherwise practical variables of procurement and implementation of public space, which are fleeting and fluctuate by time, government, and popular opinion.<br />The text is organised in sections, which form a collage of things that matter in making public space in the contemporary world which is essentially defined by the contemporary urban condition where global interconnectedness—networks and inclusiveness—negotiates with site-specific differentiation—otherness and exclusiveness. The order of the text is from general to particular, abstract to concrete, so as to set the subject matter in the context of the larger whole it belongs to.</p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 112
Ayten Dinç ◽  
Ayşin Aşkın

Internet addiction is an important problem especially for the younger generation in today's technology. This study is to investigate internet addiction among vocational students in Çanakkale. Without using the sample selection, 266 students, who were at school at the time of the study and agreed to participate in the study, were included in the study. The data were collected by using the Form of Socio-Demographic Characteristics and Internet Addiction Test. 68.8% of the students connected to the internet via their mobile phones.  69.6% of them use the internet every day. They connected to the internet for averagely 8.2±7.2 hours. 54.5% of the students were normal internet users, 42.1% were risky internet users and 3.4% were internet addicted.Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file.Özetİnternet bağımlılığı, günümüz teknolojisinde özellikle genç nesil için önemli bir sorundur. Bu araştırmada Çanakkale'de bir meslek yüksekokulu öğrencilerinin internet bağımlılığı durumu incelenmiştir. Örneklem seçimine gidilmeden, araştırmaya katılmayı kabul eden 266 öğrenci çalışma kapsamına alınmıştır. Araştırma verilerinin toplanmasında sosyo-demografik özellikler formu ve internet bağımlılık ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Öğrencilerin %68,8’i internete cep telefonlarından bağlanmaktadırlar. Öğrencilerin %69,6'sının interneti her gün kullandığı görülmektedir. Günde ortalama 8,2±7,2 saat internet kullanmaktadırlar. Öğrencilerin %54,5'inin normal internet kullanıcısı, %42.1'inin riskli internet kullanıcısı, %3.4 ünün ise bağımlı internet kullanıcısı olduğu saptanmıştır. 

Dominika Topa-Bryniarska

The use of archimetaphor as an evaluative device of persuasion in the genre of journalistic commentaryThe present study explores the cognitive use of archimetaphor belonging to the evaluative devices of persuasion in emotional argumentation. The corpus consists of forty editorials taken from the Internet French newspapers and magazines. The subject matter of the gathered texts includes two thematic groups of reforms concerning the higher education system and the special retirement plan for public sector employees. Thanks to the archimetaphor the addresser may highlight or hide chosen aspects of the described problem in order to activate vital values concerning our life and existence. Therefore, the concept of “conflict” described in the analysed textes is conceptualised by means of four natural forces (elements) such as fire, air (wind), water and earth (soil) which leads both to the mechanism of naturalisation and axiological polarisation of the presented reality. The mechanism itself stems from two opposing relations: identification and differentiation, allowing the grouping of presented facts to the class of US (protagonists) and THEM (antagonists). In consequence, such axiological persuasion aims at influencing the addressees’ will and decisions and allows for nearly absolute acceptance of the opinions presented by the addresser. Użycie archimetafory jako perswazyjnego środka wartościującego w dziennikarskim gatunku komentarzaCelem niniejszego artykułu jest analiza kognitywnego użycia archimetafory, należącej do perswazyjnych środków służących wartościowaniu w argumentacji emocjonalnej. Korpus składa się z czterdziestu artykułów wstępnych zaczerpniętych ze stron internetowych francuskich magazynów i czasopism. Problematyka zebranych tekstów dotyczy dwóch tematycznych grup opisujących reformę szkolnictwa wyższego oraz specjalnego systemu emerytalnego dla pracowników sektora publicznego. Dzięki archimetaforyzacji nadawca może odpowiednio uwypuklić lub ukryć wybrane aspekty opisywanego zagadnienia w celu aktywowania wartości witalnych związanych z naszym życiem i egzystencją. To właśnie dlatego konceptualizacja pojęcia „konfliktu” poruszanego w analizowanym materiale odnosi się do czterech sił natury (żywiołów), takich jak: ogień, powietrze (wiatr), woda i ziemia (gleba), co z kolei prowadzi do naturalizowania i aksjologicznej polaryzacji opisywanej rzeczywistości. Mechanizm ów opiera się na dwóch typach relacji: identyfikacji i dyferencjacji (odmienności), pozwalających na pogrupowanie prezentowanych faktów do klasy MY (protagoniści) i ONI (antagoniści). Taka aksjologiczna perswazja ma za zadanie wpływać na wolę i decyzje odbiorcy, co skutkuje niemal bezwarunkową akceptacją prezentowanych przez nadawcę poglądów.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (57) ◽  
pp. 577-588
Daniel Bezerra da Silva ◽  
Joana Dar’c Moreira Pimenta ◽  
Maria Zilvanir Pinheiro ◽  
Raimundo Edilberto Moreira Lopes

Resumo – Este artigo tem como objetivo refletir sobre o poder das redes sociais na venda de produtos educacionais, sabendo que o universo tecnológico se faz a cada dia mais presente na sociedade. Assim, aumentando o vínculo de empresa e cliente. Inicialmente foram realizadas pesquisas e análises em diversas fontes de literatura sobre marketing digital e redes sociais. Tais ações foram necessárias para um aprofundamento teórico sobre a temática. Após as análises literárias, foram elaborados questionários e aplicados em forma de entrevista, coletando assim, informações através do público alvo. A entrevista foi aplicada através de links do Google formulários onde realizou-se uma análise da utilização do uso das tecnologias e quais suas estratégias utilizadas no marketing para vender de forma rápida e satisfatória para seus clientes. Foram entrevistadas quatro empresas bem conceituadas na área educacional, todas elas utilizam a internet como fonte de venda assim promovendo as mesmas e suas mercadorias. Ainda existem dificuldades no marketing digital, muitos ainda não o utilizam de forma correta e positiva pois é algo inovador que precisa sempre está de acordo com a necessidade do cliente, construindo uma relação fortalecida buscando o maior número de atrações fazendo com que as conheça e se relacione bem alavancando os negócios. Hoje o marketing digital é uma das maiores modalidades do comercio devido ao grande número de usuários da internet. Afinal, o mesmo é feito não só por computadores e celulares mais por um conjunto de pessoas e ações que buscam a melhoria e a qualidade de serviços para seus negócios. Palavras-Chave: Tecnologias. Vendas. Consumidores. Abstract:This article aims to reflect on the power of social networks in the sale of educational products, knowing that the technological universe is increasingly present in society. Thus, increasing the bond between company and customer. Initially, research and analysis were carried out in various sources of literature on digital marketing and social media. Such actions were necessary for a theoretical deepening on the subject. After the literary analyses, questionnaires were developed and applied in the form of an interview, thus collecting information from the target audience. The interview was applied through links from Google forms where an analysis of the use of the use of technologies was carried out and what are their strategies used in marketing to sell quickly and satisfactorily to their customers. Four reputable companies in the educational area were interviewed, all of which use the internet as a source of sales, thus promoting themselves and their goods. There are still difficulties in digital marketing, many still do not use it correctly and positively because it is something innovative that always needs to be in line with the customer's needs, building a strengthened relationship seeking the greatest number of attractions, making them know them and get to know them. relate well leveraging the business. Today, digital marketing is one of the biggest forms of commerce due to the large number of internet users. After all, the same is done not only for computers and cell phones, but also for a group of people and actions that seek to improve the quality of services for their businesses.Keywords: Technologies. Sales. Consumers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-54
N.V. Kochetkov

Objectives. This literary review is devoted to domestic research in the field of psychology of Internet addiction and addiction to computer games. Background. The popularity of topics related to Internet technologies is explained by their novelty, great dynamism and poorly studied, which causes social anxiety, catalyzing the activity of scientists in this area. In addition, one can note the high rate of spread of cyberdictions, due to which some authors are in a hurry to call them a threat to society. The structure of the study. The article provides data on the criteria, diagnostic techniques, causes, programs for the prevention and rehabilitation of Internet addiction and computer games, gives psychological characteristics of addicts, and traces the current trends in research into this problem area. Conclusions. According to the results of domestic empirical studies, Internet users, Internet addicts and gamers have negative psychological characteristics. The Internet has a destructive influence on the person, which is manifested in the simplification of speech, isolationism, and Internet users have difficulties in communication, a tendency to negativity, inadequate self-esteem, etc. Internet addicts will be characterized by deviations in the intellectual, motivational spheres, interpersonal relationships, coping strategies, value orientations, and planning. Users who are addicted to computer games will be distinguished by inconsistency with social norms, an overestimation of their capabilities, an unformed form of self, and unmotivated actions. Currently, the grounds for highlighting the criteria for cyberdictions are being rethought, more and more publications are turning to the positive impact of the Internet and computer games, noting their resource potential.

Informatics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 5
Enrique Rus-Arias ◽  
Pedro R. Palos-Sanchez ◽  
Ana Reyes-Menendez

The evolution of digital advertising, which is aimed at a mass audience, to programmatic advertising, which is aimed at individual users depending on their profile, has raised concerns about the use of personal data and invasion of user privacy on the Internet. Concerned users install ad-blockers that prevent users from seeing ads and this has resulted in many companies using anti-ad-blockers. This study investigates the sociological variables that make users feel that advertising is annoying and then decide to use ad-blockers to avoid it. Our results provide useful information for companies to appropriately segment user profiles. To do this, data collected from Internet users (n = 19,973) about what makes online advertising annoying and why they decide to use ad-blockers are analyzed. First, the existing literature on the subject was reviewed and then the relevant sociological variables that influence users’ feelings about online advertising and the use of ad-blockers were investigated. This work contributes new information to the discussion about user privacy on the Internet. Some of the key findings suggest that Internet advertising can be very intrusive for many users and that all the variables investigated, except marital status and education, influence the users’ opinions. It was also found that all the variables in this study are important when a user decides to use an ad-blocker. A clear and inverse correlation between age and opinion about advertising as annoying could be seen, along with a clear difference of opinion due to gender. The results suggest that users without children use ad-blockers the least, while retirees and housewives use them the most.

2018 ◽  
Vol 53 ◽  
pp. 401-415
Zofia Rudnik-Karwatowa ◽  
Jewhenija Karpiłowśka

Wortbildung und Internet / Словообразование и интернет / Tvorba riječi i internet [Word-Formation and the Internet] (Institut für Slawistik der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 22–25.03.2016). 17th International Conference of the Word-Formation Commission of the International Committee of SlavistsThe article is a report of the 17th International Conference held on March 22–25, 2016, at the Institute of Slavic Studies, University of Graz, by the Word-Formation Commission of the International Committee of Slavists. The subject matter of the conference – Word-Formation and the Internet – proved apt due to its topicality. The authors describe each presentation delivered during this academic event. Wortbildung und Internet / Словообразование и интернет / Tvorba riječi i internet (Institut für Slawistik der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 22–25.03.2016). XVII Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa Komisji Słowotwórczej przy Międzynarodowym Komitecie SlawistówArtykuł stanowi sprawozdanie z XVII Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej zorganizowanej w dniach 22–25 marca 2016 roku w Instytucie Slawistyki Uniwersytetu w Grazu przez Komisję Słowotwórczą przy Międzynarodowym Komitecie Slawistów. Tematyka konferencji Słowotwórstwo i internet okazała się bardzo trafna ze względu na jej aktualność. Autorki omawiają poszczególne referaty uczestników tego wydarzenia naukowego.

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