scholarly journals Multilingualism in Cameroon: An Expression of Many Countries in One Country

2021 ◽  
Paschal Kum Awah

Cameroon is a country with many languages interacting together. The languages have a complex history reflecting its complex culture. This paper focuses on some of these complexities and demonstrate how people belonging to different linguistic groups construct and deconstruct the concept of country using local languages. I will expand on the feeling of belonging to the country when a local language is used. The paper will set the context, provide a historical background of Cameroon, explain the language situation and settle on how the multiple languages spoken in Cameroon make village and ethnic entities countries within a country. It may not be possible to discuss the possible interactions between the multiple languages but levels of interaction of these languages will be established. The notion of country will be explained through the use of the languages and linked to the complexity in the governance process undermining the unity of the people of Cameroon.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Nita Handayani Hasan

The existence of folksong is an important thing for the Moluccas. It has functions as an entertainment and the way to deliver the events that existed in the past. This research discuss about jarjinjin and largula folksongs based on hermeneutics approach. The purposes of this research are to transcript and to understand the deepest meaning of the jarjinjin and largula folksongs, and to know the functions of those folksongs for the owner and the young generations. Jarjinjin and largula comes from Longgar village, Kepulauan Aru district, Maluku province. This research use qualitative description method. After transcripted and analyzed  the lyrics, the results show about the history of Longgar, Karey, and Gomu-Gomu village; the folksongs taught the people always remember the message of the ancestors in maintaining brotherhood and culture. For the owner, jarjinjin and largula made brotherhood relation closed beyond the villagers in Longgar, Karey, and Gomu-Gomu village; remaining the history of the ancestors; preservation of local languages; entertaining, because they have sang together and escorting by stampted drums and gongs; and maintaining and preserving the tradition. For young generations, they improved the knowledge about the history of Aru’s ancestors; practicing and demonstrating local language ability; reinforcing love of the history; and maintaining and preserving the tradition. Keberadaan nyanyian rakyat bagi masyarakat Maluku merupakan hal yang penting. Nyanyian rakyat berfungsi sebagai penghibur hati dan cara untuk  menyampaikan peristiwa-peristiwa yang ada di masa lampau. Penelitian ini mengkaji nyanyian adat yang berjudul jarjinjin dan largula dengan menggunakan pendekatan hermeneutika. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mentranskripsi nyanyian adat jarjinjin dan largula, mengetahui makna yang terkandung di dalamnya, dan mengetahui fungsi kedua nyanyian adat bagi pemilik lagu dan generasi muda. Lagu jarjinjin dan largula merupakan nyanyian adat yang berasal dari Desa Longgar, Kabupaten Kepulauan Aru, Maluku. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Setelah melakukan transkripsi dan analisis terhadap kedua lirik-lirik lagu, diketahui kedua nyanyian adat tersebut menceritakan perjalanan sejarah nenek moyang desa Longgar, Karey, dan Gomu-Gomu. Selain itu, dalam nyanyian adat mengandung ajaran untuk selalu mengingat pesan leluhur dalam menjaga persaudaraan dan adat-istiadat. Fungsi bagi pemilik lagu yaitu mendekatkan hubungan persaudaraan antar masyarakat Desa Longgar, Karey, dan Gomu-Gomu; mengingatkan sejarah perjalanan leluhur; pelestarian bahasa daerah; penghibur hati, karena dinyanyikan secara bersama-sama dan diiringi alat musik tifa dan gong; dan menjaga serta melestarikan tradisi. Sedangkan fungsi lagu jarjinjin dan largula bagi generasi muda yaitu menambah pengetahuan terkait sejarah perjalanan leluhur masyarakat Aru; media melatih dan mempertunjukkan kemampuan berbahasa daerah; memperkuat rasa cinta terhadap sejarah masa lalu; serta menjaga dan melestarikan tradisi.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 105-125
Nur Seha ◽  
Nur Alif Fatonah

PEMERTAHANAN BAHASA DAERAH DI LEMBAGA PENDIDIKAN BERBASIS AGAMA KABUPATEN PANDEGLANG, BANTENAbstrakKajian ini berpijak pada asumsi bahwa penggunaan bahasa daerah sudah mengalami penurunan pada sebagian besar anak-anak Banten. Sikap negatif pemilik bahasa daerah terutama generasi muda yaitu rasa bangga dan setia terhadap kepemilikan bahasa daerah sama sekali tidak terlihat. Hal itu menyebabkan tidak adanya kemauan dan motivasi untuk mempelajari bahasa daerah. Sumber data kajian adalah kuisoner yang telah diisi oleh 50 responden dan studi pustaka yang telah dilakukan sebelumnya terkait pemertahanan bahasa daerah. Metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Sementara itu, teori dalam kajian ini adalah sosiolinguistik. Berdasar pada analisis data, dapat disimpulkan penggunaan bahasa daerah di sekolah berbasis agama masih ditemukan, walaupun tingkat penggunaan bahasa daerah lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan bahasa Indonesia. Di lingkungan sekolah, sebagian besar responden menggunakan bahasa Indonesia untuk berkomunikasi dengan teman dan gurunya, baik saat pembelajaran maupun bertemu di lingkungan sekolah. Pada saat pembelajaran, guru juga lebih banyak menggunakan bahasa Indonesia untuk berkomunikasi dengan muridnya. Di samping itu, belum adanya kebijakan dari pihak sekolah yang menganjurkan penggunaan bahasa daerah sebagai alat komunikasi di sekolah menyebabkan penggunaan bahasa daerah di lingkungan sekolah masih rendah. Keberadaan bahasa daerah sebagai muatan lokal hanya ditemukan di beberapa sekolah. Mayoritas pengguna bahasa daerah lebih banyak menggunakan bahasa Indonesia sebagai alat berkomunikasi dibandingkan dengan bahasa daerah.  Dari segi intensitas penggunaan bahasa daerah, bahasa Indonesia justru lebih sering digunakan oleh masyarakat pemilik bahasa daerah sebagai alat komunikasi. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemertahanan bahasa daerah di sekolah berbasis agama Kabupaten Pandeglang masih rendah. Walau pun masih ditemukan penggunaan bahasa daerah, akan tetapi intensitas penggunaannya masih tertinggal daripada bahasa Indonesia.Kata kunci: pemertahanan bahasa daerah dan lembaga pendidikan berbasis agama LOCAL LANGUAGE MAINTAIN IN RELIGIOUS-BASED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS IN PANDEGLANG, BANTEN AbstractThis study rests on the assumption that the use of local languages has decreased in most Banten children. The negative attitude of the local languages owners, especially the younger generation, namely the sense of pride and loyalty towards the ownership of local languages is completely invisible. That cause the lack of willingness and motivation to learn local languages. The data source of the study were questionnaires that has been filled by 50 respondents and literature study that has been done previously related to maintaining local languages. This research used descriptive qualitative method. Meanwhile, the theory in this study was sociolinguistics. Based on data analysis, it can be concluded that the used of local languages in religious schools is still found, although the level wais lower than Indonesian. In the school environment, most respondents used Indonesian to communicate with their friends and teachers, both during learning activity and outside activity in the school environment. During learning activity, teachers also used Indonesian more to communicate with their students. In addition, the absence of a policy from the school that advocated the use of local languages as a communication tool in schools caused the use of local languages in the school environment was still low. The existence of local languages as local content was only found in a few schools. The majority of regional language users use more Indonesian as a communication tool compared to local languages. In terms of the intensity of the use of local languages, Indonesian was actually more often used by the people who own local languages as a communication tool. Thus, it can be concludes that the retention of regional languages in the religious-based schools in Pandeglang Regency is still low. Even though the use of local languages is still found, the intensity of their use is still lagging behind Indonesian.Keywords: local languages maintain and religious-based educational institutions

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-5
Fauzan Yuusril Nurlete ◽  
Agus Fatkhurohman

Indonesians have many diverse ethnic groups. Each tribe has different traditions and cultures. As with language, each tribe has a different local language to communicate and interact with their community and environment. Hitu is one of the villages (Negeri) on Ambon Island, Central Maluku Regency. People in Tanah Hitu communicate every day using the Hitu language. Hituese is one of the local languages in Indonesia. The Hitu Country dictionary application is a mobile-based application that can make it easier for the people of Hitu Village to find translations from Hitu - Indonesian - English or vice versa. This is because many foreign and domestic tourists visit Hitu Village. People in Hitu can certainly speak Indonesian, but not all are able to speak it fluently. Therefore, this dictionary was created to facilitate the community in Hitu. This mobile application can display vocabulary translations that can be searched from Hitu to Indonesian and Indonesian to Hitu or vice versa. This dictionary will use Android-based mobile devices and will also take advantage of current developments that are very sophisticated. The Hitu dictionary application will be easy to carry anywhere and can be accessed every day.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 184
Imron Hadi

Pembelajaran bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa asing yang merupakan representasi kebudayaan memiliki sejumlah kesulitan. Salah satu kesulitan itu berasal dari pengenalan bunyi. Sebuah cara alternatif untuk mengakomodasi masalah tersebut adalah dengan pengenalan bentuk onomatope. Onomatope menyediakan bermacam bunyi tiruan yang berbeda sebagai ikon lintas bahasa dan budaya untuk mengartikulasikan hal yang sama. Onomatope dapat berasal dari berbagai sumber, seperti komik, karikatur, novel, koran dan lain sebagainya. Onomatope dapat memberikan berbagai sudut pandang mengenai identitas kebahasaan dan kebudayaannya, setidaknya dalam bahasa Inggris, Indonesia, dan daerah.AbstrakTeaching English as a foreign language that is a representation of culture has some difficulties. One of the them comes from sounds recognition. An alternative way to accomodate the problem is by acknowledging an onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia provides several different kinds of imitative sound as a cross cultures and language icon to articulate the same thing. Its sources can be taken from comics, caricatures, novels, newspapers, and others. Onomatopoeia could give various perspective of its cultural and language identity in English, Indonesia, and local language.

1958 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 73-86
Geoffrey G. Willis

The preface to the Book of Common Prayer, entitled Concerning the Service of the Church since 1662, but before that simply The Preface, was derived substantially from the preface to the revised Breviary of Quiñones, which was one of the sources for the revised daily offices of the Church of England. It appeals from what it considers the corruptions of the medieval office to the ‘godly and decent order of the ancient Fathers’. This order, it says, was devised for the systematic reading of holy scripture in the offices of the Church, and it was the intention of the compilers of the English Prayer Book to restore such a regular order of reading for the instruction of the people. It represented a revolt against three features of the lessons in the medieval breviary: first, against the frequent interruptions of the reading of scripture in course by the occurrence of feasts with proper lessons; secondly, the lack of completeness and continuity in the lessons themselves; and thirdly, the use of non-biblical material in the lessons. Even if the daily office of the breviary, which is based on the ecclesiastical year, were not interrupted by any immoveable feasts having proper lessons, it would still not provide for the reading of the whole of scripture, as its lessons are too short, and also the variable lessons are confined to the night office.

2018 ◽  
Vol 64 (4) ◽  
pp. 686-702
Yudhishthira Sapru ◽  
R.K. Sapru

In the current phase of liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation, and now broadly governance, regulatory administration has acquired growing importance as an instrument of achieving socio-economic objectives. It is through instrumentality of regulatory administration that the government is able to exercise effective political and economic sovereignty and control over the country’s governance process and resources. Governments of nearly all developing countries have initiated policies and procedures to promote and strengthen regulatory bodies and agencies. However, the results of these promotional and regular activities have varied considerably, often reflecting large inadequacies in policies, organisational structures and procedures. Increasing emphasis is now being placed at the national level on a more flexible regulatory administration to enforce compliance with nationally established policies and requirements in various political, economic and social spheres. As a watchdog for the public interest, governments both at central and state levels should engage in activities for the promotion of social and economic justice, so as to ensure the happiness and prosperity of the people.

2020 ◽  
pp. 19-25

The name of the people reflects a lot - the history of inter-ethnic relations, cultural and language contacts, religious beliefs. The difficulty of studying the origin, sound and meaning of a name is due to the lack or insufficiency of language material. There are various hieroglyphic records of the Jurchen ethnonym. Such diversity is determined by time, place, local language and the choice of Chinese characters to fix the name of this community. However, the sound of all hieroglyphic records of the Jurchen name is almost identical. The word Jurchen is also recorded in Jurchen language. Available information indicates that the meaning of the Jurchen name is «gold». The meaning as «Eastern falcon/eagle» is also take a place, it reflecting the cultural characteristics of the Jurchens, their ethnic spirit and primitive religious beliefs.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-88
Wenny Hulukati, Maryam Rahim, Yusuf Djafar

Local language is one of the characteristics as well as a cultural richness of an area that needsto be preserved existence. In Gorontalo, some teenagers are not confident in their local languages, andchildren who are unable to communicate with Gorontalo language even in very simple contexts, especiallypeople in urban areas. Learning local languages of Gorontalo at the level of Early Childhood Education isconsidered to be one solution, considering the early age is a potential moment to develop various potentials,including the potential for language. Conditions encountered in early childhood education institutions showthat learning / language activities in Gorontalo are not structured, resulting in the development of Gorontalolanguage ability in children is very low. For that reason, learning language of Gorontalo in early childhoodneeds to be organized in a systematic and structured based on clear guidelines. These guidelines include:(a) learning programs that are appropriate to the characteristics of early childhood development, (b) learningmaterials appropriate to the characteristics of early childhood development, and (c) evaluation guidelinesthat can clearly measure the development of local language skills in children aged early. Keywords: learning, local language of Gorontalo, early childhood

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-51
Abdullah Abdullah ◽  
Andan Firmansyah ◽  
Asri Aprilia Rohman ◽  
Nurisriani Najamuddin ◽  
Rahmayanti Puang Kuma

Smoking is a usual activity that we always find in our society, although most of the people know the danger of it, the habit of smoking still can be found in a big amount in our society, especially in the teenage area, whose stand in the biggest amount of smoker in Indonesia in this present. Health education changes attitude of young generation through knowledge, which is influence by several elements, such as delivered information, manner or props used, and language. The purpose of this research was to identify the comparison of leaflets and videos using local language to improve knowledge of the adverse health effects of smoking in the teenager. This research used the Quasi Experiment design with Pretest and Posttest Two Group of 120 respondents. The questionnaire used to examine the knowledge of respondents. The result using the Wilcoxon test showed that leaflet and video with local language are equally effective to increase knowledge of respondents of the health effects of smoking(p= -0.000), mean score after intervention by using the local language leaflet is 1.98, and mean score by using local language video is 2.32. So, local video is more effective to improve the knowledge of teenagers about the danger of smoking than the use of local language leaflets.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (2) ◽  
pp. 132
Anisa Dimas ◽  
Yazid Rivai

Film “Yowis Ben 2” merupakan salah satu film komedi Indonesia yang memasukkan unsur bahasa daerah di dalam percakapannya. Hal tersebut menjadi nilai lebih untuk meninggikan bahasa daerah di lingkungan masyarakat. Penelitian ini berbentuk penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan pragmatik, yaitu analisis deiksis. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan bentuk-bentuk deiksis dalam film “Yowis Ben 2” karya Bayu Skak dan Fajar Nugros. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah percakapan yang terdapat di dalam film tersebut. Berdasarkan penelitian, film “Yowis Ben 2” memuat bahasa daerah yang merujuk pada suatu kegiatan yang sedang dibicarakan serta memiliki hubungan dengan dimensi ruang dan waktu pada saat dituturkan oleh pembicara atau yang diajak bicara. Deiksis berfungsi untuk memperjelas isi ujaran dalam film “Yowis Ben 2” karya Bayu Skak dan Fajar Nugros. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya ujaran deiksis persona, waktu, tempat, sosial, dan wacana. “Yowis Ben 2” is an Indonesian comedy movie that includes elements of local language in the conversation. This elements of local language becomes more value to elevate regional languages in the community environment. This research is in the form of a descriptive qualitative research with a pragmatic approach, namely deixis analysis. The purpose of this study is to describe deixis in the movie “Yowis Ben 2” by Fajar Nugros and Bayu Skak. The data source of this research is the conversations contained in the movie. Based on research, the “Yowis Ben 2” movie contains local languages that refer to an activity being discussed and has a relationship with the dimensions of space and time when spoken by the speaker or the person being spoken to. Deixis functions to clarify the contents in utterances that contain persona, time, place, discourse, and social.

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