scholarly journals Travelling as inspiration in literature and teaching: Methodic approach to travel-related texts by Vida Ognjenović and Isidora Sekulić at middle-school level

Snežana Božić

This paper is instigated by the initial theoretical interpretation of literary work by Isidora Sekulić and Vida Ognjenović and it establishes and describes their methodic interpretation within the concept of project schoolwork, thematically framed by the issues of journey, travelling and travelogue. The literary project is based on teaching the texts included in the official curriculum ("Journey to the travelogue" by V. Ognjenović, "Storms" by I. Sekulić) and expanded by introduction of literary works close in topic and genre but not included in the official curriculum ("Letters from Norway" by I. Sekulić, "Travelling is an existential problem", "Light on water" by V. Marković). The goal of the presented concept is to overcome the recorded weak spots of curricular representation of Isidora Sekulić's work and the overall genre of travelogue in middle-school grade levels through methodical intervention, as well as to motivate the students to read and understand this type of text, as part of character education that would create open mind toward the experiences of travelling and coming into contact with the other.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 53-64
Ferdian Achsani

Literature and character education are two things that can not be separated. Literature as a reflection of the life of the community generally teaches the reader to be able to understand the wisdom of the displayed story. Literature can be used as a medium of learning, especially in the process of internalization of the value of character education to learners. The value of character education in the literary work is expected to be followed by the students. Currently, Indonesia is experiencing moral degradation. The need for moral cultivation to the learners aims to create human beings who are virtuous in the future. Each subject has the right to internalize character education to learners. So in the Indonesian language, the process of characterization of character education can be done when learning on literary materials. This study aims to describe the value of character education in Solopos children's stories. this research is included in qualitative descriptive research. The results of this study concluded that in the story Solopos child, there is a value of character education that can be taught to learners, especially at the elementary school level. The results showed that this child's story can be used as a reference for teachers, as a medium to internalize character education at the elementary school level. Sastra dan pendidikan karakter merupakan dua hal yang tidak dapat dipisahkan. Sastra sebagai cerminan kehidupan masyarakat, umumnya mengajarkan kepada pembaca untuk dapat memahami hikmah dari cerita yang ditampilkan. Sastra dapat digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran, terutama dalam proses penginternalisasian nilai pendidikan karakter kepada peserta didik. Nilai pendidikan karakter dalam karya sastra tersebut diharapkan dapat diteladani oleh peserta didik. Saat ini Indonesia sedang mengalami degradasi moral. Perlunya penanaman moral kepada peserta didik bertujuan untuk menciptakan manusia yang berbudi pekerti di masa depan. Setiap mata pelajaran memiliki hak untuk menginternalisasikan pendidikan karakter kepada peserta didik. Maka dalam bahasa Indonesia, proses penginternalisasian pendidikan karakter dapat dilakukan ketika pembelajaran pada materi kesastraan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan nilai pendidikan karakter dalam cerita anak Solopos. penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian diskrptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa dalam cerita anak Solopos, terdapat nilai pendidikan karakter yang dapat diajarkan kepada peserta didik terutama pada jenjang sekolah dasar. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa cerita anak ini dapat digunakan sebagai rujukkan bagi guru, sebagai media untuk menginternalisasikan pendidikan karakter pada jenjang sekolah dasar.

2006 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 408-415
Robert M. Horton ◽  
Traci Hedetniemi ◽  
Elaine Wiegert ◽  
John R. Wagner

Integrating mathematics, science, language arts, and social studies within the middle school curriculum can be an important and worthwhile endeavor. With integration, students realize that, at least in the real world, disciplines do not exist in perfect isolation and that the separations so often seen in school are arbitrary and, at times, unnecessary. Although any one of these disciplines can be the center of the integration, mathematics may be the most natural choice, especially when we focus on mathematical models, descriptions of real-world phenomena through mathematics. The Connections strand of Principles and Standards for School Mathematics states that students across grade levels should be able to “recognize and apply mathematics in contexts outside of mathematics” (NCTM 2000, p. 64). Students can naturally make connections when the mathematics they are learning is presented through problems emanating from other disciplines, particularly in science. In turn, students may grasp underlying concepts of the other disciplines better when they view them through a mathematical lens.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 53-64
Ferdian Achsani

Literature and character education are two things that can not be separated. Literature as a reflection of the life of the community, generally teaches the reader to be able to understand the wisdom of the displayed story. Literature can be used as a medium of learning, especially in the process of internalization of the value of character education to learners. The value of character education in the literary work is expected to be followed by the students. Currently Indonesia is experiencing moral degradation. The need for moral cultivation to the learners aims to create human beings who are virtuous in the future. Each subject has the right to internalize character education to learners. So in the Indonesian language, the process of characterization of character education can be done when learning on literary materials. This study aims to describe the value of character education in Solopos children's stories. this research is included in qualitative discrptive research. The results of this study concluded that in the story Solopos child, there is a value of character education that can be taught to learners, especially at elementary school level. The results showed that this child's story can be used as a reference for teachers, as a medium to internalize character education at elementary school level.

HortScience ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 39 (4) ◽  
pp. 810A-810
Kathryn L. Karsh* ◽  
Edward W. Bush ◽  
Dianne M. Lindstedt ◽  
Pam B. Blanchard

Louisiana requires schools to address designated educational standards at specific grade levels. Science is a challenging subject at the middle school level. A hands-on approach has been proven more effective than traditional classroom teaching. A program was developed by a cooperative effort between Louisiana Sea Grant and the LSU AgCenter Dept. of Horticulture within the Coastal Roots Nursery Program. Eight lesson plans were designed to meet 16 standards and 275 students in four schools. Pre- and post-test were given to each grade in addition to the Children's Attitude Toward Environment Scale (CATES). Additional pre- and post-test were given to classes not participating in the program. The evaluations tested both short and long term memory on material contained in the lesson plans. The data was analyzed by school, sex, and grade level.

2011 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 263-280 ◽  
Symeon P. Vlachopoulos ◽  
Ermioni S. Katartzi ◽  
Maria G. Kontou

The present study reported on the modification of the Basic Psychological Needs in Exercise Scale (Vlachopoulos & Michailidou, 2006) to assess students’ psychological need fulfillment in elementary school, middle school, and high school compulsory physical education classes. Data were collected from 817 5th and 6th grade students, 862 middle school students and 844 high school students, boys and girls. The findings supported an a priori correlated 3-factor structure of the Basic Psychological Needs in Physical Education scale (BPN-PE) with strong internal reliability for all three school grade levels. Support was also obtained for the nomological validity of the scale responses. Further, measurement invariance emerged for BPN-PE scores across boys and girls and across students who participated or not in out-of-school sports within each school grade level as well as across all three school grade levels.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 179-186
RN Herman ◽  
Mukhlis Mukhlis ◽  
Firman Parlindungan ◽  
Lia Lisyati ◽  
Rahmad Nuthihar

The research sought to understand the value of patriotism in the Hikayat Prang Sabi by using a qualitative approach. Hikayat was referred to narratives (saga) of war rooted in Acehnese cultural tradition, and Prang Sabi in Acehnese language meant ‘Holy War’. As a literary work, Hikayat Prang Sabi embodied the concept of jihad, which was usually sung during the time of war in the Acehnese history: Portuguese in 1511, Dutch in 1873, Japan in 1942, and the Republic of Indonesia in 1976. The source of the data was verses or stanzas of Hikayat Prang Sabi that contained patriotic values. These verses were then treated as the unit of analysis. A hermeneutic approach was employed to analyze the data. The findings show that Hikayat Prang Sabi contains two types of patriotic values: national and religious. National value refers to the sense of nationalism, ethnicity, and humanity. Religious value, on the other hand, displays the value of spirituality, prophecy, and peace. These values indicate the foundation of thinking and doing of the Acehnese people manifested in a literary work, which then can be transferred into the notion of character education.

Nikmah Sari Hasibuan ◽  
Irman Puansyah ◽  
Ahmad Yamin Hasibuan

His study aims to analyze the values of character education in the folklore of Sampuraga that developed in the Mandailng Natal community. This research uses descriptive analytical method, which is a method that is as clear as possible about the object under study, as well as describing the data as a whole, systematically, and accurately. The analysis is carried out using the theoretical basis used, then analyzed and interpreted in accordance with the study of theory so that the results of the research will be able to describe the problems studied objectively, systematically based on the theories the authors use. Based on the results of this study it can be concluded that first, the principle of an objective approach in the process of applying the elements that make up the literary work itself, such as plot, setting, characterization, language style, and perspective. An objective approach to Sampuraga Folklore. Second, there are four values of character education in the folklore of Sampuraga and Nasondang Ngilong-Ilong, namely the value of religious character education, compassion, hard work, and honesty.

Edupedia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-64
Agus Supriyadi

Character education is a vital instrument in determining the progress of a nation. Therefore the government needs to build educational institutions in order to produce good human resources that are ready to oversee and deliver the nation at a progressive level. It’s just that in reality, national education is not in line with the ideals of national education because the output is not in tune with moral values on the one hand and the potential for individuals to compete in world intellectual order on the other hand. Therefore, as a solution to these problems is the need for the applicationof character education from an early age.

Yuri Sasaki ◽  
Yugo Shobugawa ◽  
Ikuma Nozaki ◽  
Daisuke Takagi ◽  
Yuiko Nagamine ◽  

The aim of the study was to investigate rural–urban differences in depressive symptoms in terms of the risk factors among older adults of two regions in Myanmar to provide appropriate intervention for depression depending on local characteristics. This cross-sectional study, conducted between September and December, 2018, used a multistage sampling method to recruit participants from the two regions, for face-to-face interviews. Depressive symptoms were assessed using the 15-item version of the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS). Depressive symptoms were positively associated with living in rural areas (B = 0.42; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.12,0.72), female (B = 0.55; 95% CI: 0.31,0.79), illness during the preceding year (B = 0.68; 95% CI: 0.45,0.91) and non-Buddhist religion (B = 0.57; 95% CI: 0.001,1.15) and protectively associated with education to middle school level or higher (B = −0.61; 95% CI: −0.94, −0.28) and the frequency of visits to religious facilities (B = −0.20; 95% CI: −0.30, −0.10). In women in urban areas, depressive symptoms were positively associated with illness during the preceding year (B = 0.78; 95% CI: 0.36, 1.20) and protectively associated with education to middle school level or higher (B = −0.67; 95% CI: −1.23, −0.11), middle or high wealth index (B = −0.92; 95% CI: −1.59, −0.25) and the frequency of visits to religious facilities (B = −0.20; 95% CI: −0.38, −0.03). In men in rural areas, illness during the preceding year was positively associated with depressive symptoms (B = 0.87; 95% CI: 0.33, 1.42). In women in rural areas, depressive symptoms were positively associated with illness during the preceding year (B = 0.83; 95% CI: 0.36, 1.30) and protectively associated with primary education (B = −0.62; 95% CI: −1.12, −0.12) and the frequency of visits to religious facilities (B = −0.44; 95% CI: −0.68, −0.21). Religion and wealth could have different levels of association with depression between older adults in the urban and rural areas and men and women. Interventions for depression in older adults should consider regional and gender differences in the roles of religion and wealth in Myanmar.

2021 ◽  
pp. 155545892098233
Connor J. Fewell ◽  
Michael E. Hess ◽  
Charles Lowery ◽  
Madeleine Gervason ◽  
Sarah Ahrendt ◽  

This case explores the complexities of how consolidation perpetuates stereotypes among different social classes in a rural Appalachian school setting. Examined are the experiences at the intersection of social class in rural U.S. school districts when two communities—one affluent and one underresourced—are consolidated. We present a nuanced critical incident that focuses on how school leaders perceive and address students’ experiences with tracking and stereotyping—particularly at a middle school level where elementary schools from diverse backgrounds attend school together for the first time.

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