physical accessibility
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Diagnostics ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 103
Camille Chênes ◽  
Heidi Albert ◽  
Kekeletso Kao ◽  
Nicolas Ray

Diagnostic networks are complex systems that include both laboratory-tested and community-based diagnostics, as well as a specimen referral system that links health tiers. Since diagnostics are the first step before accessing appropriate care, diagnostic network optimization (DNO) is crucial to improving the overall healthcare system. The aim of our review was to understand whether the field of DNO, and especially route optimization, has benefited from the recent advances in geospatial modeling, and notably physical accessibility modeling, that have been used in numerous health systems assessment and strengthening studies. All publications published in English between the journal’s inception and 12 August 2021 that dealt with DNO, geographical accessibility and optimization, were systematically searched for in Web of Science and PubMed, this search was complemented by a snowball search. Studies from any country were considered. Seven relevant publications were selected and charted, with a variety of geospatial approaches used for optimization. This paucity of publications calls for exploring the linkage of DNO procedures with realistic accessibility modeling framework. The potential benefits could be notably better-informed travel times of either the specimens or population, better estimates of the demand for diagnostics through realistic population catchments, and innovative ways of considering disease epidemiology to inform DNO.

Geoderma ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 406 ◽  
pp. 115498
Guocheng Wang ◽  
Mingming Wang ◽  
Xiaowei Guo ◽  
Yongqiang Yu ◽  
Pengfei Han ◽  

Sari Dewi Poerwanti ◽  
Yudi Harianto Cipta Utama

The Government of Jember Regency is actively implementing the Regional Regulation (PERDA) of Jember Regency No. 7 of 2016 concerning the Protection and Fulfillment of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, especially on equal distribution of access to information in public spaces, one of which is the library. This study discusses the accessibility of disabled users at the Regional Public Library of Jember Regency. The method used in this study is a qualitative description through data collection, interviews, observations and literature. The analysis of physical accessibility which includes parking areas, pedestrian paths, guide paths for library door services, circulation desks, signs, ramps, layouts and toilets so far has carried the spirit of a disability-friendly library, although it is not fully compliant with IFLA standards, but this is a capital for its development. management of the main causes of the program and the diversity of types of services with consideration of the degree of disability in the Jember Regency Public Library.

Tetyana L. PALYEY ◽  

Purpose. The article is aimed at the analysis of the current problem of the higher educational institutions, namely the creation of favorable conditions for teaching students with special educational needs. Methodology. Benchmarking – study and analysis of the experience of university libraries and other organizations. Formation of requirements for support of this category. Result. Creation of comprehensive assistance in learning and conditions conducive to the successful adaptation of students, their psychological rehabilitation and personal development in society. Therefore, one of the priority areas of libraries’ work is adaptation to learning, library and information services for users with special needs, providing them with free access to information, exercising their rights to receive quality services. Conclusions. Creating a virtual information space, ensuring physical accessibility, staff training contributes to the effective implementation of the tasks and motivating this category of users to personal adaptation and learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 76-80
Marina Skal'naya ◽  
Valeriy Cheplev

The key task of the Food Safety Doctrine of the Russian Federation is to ensure that the population of the country consumes food products that meet modern requirements of healthy nutrition at the level of rational norms. The article presents a comparative analysis of the level of consumption of basic foodstuffs in urban and rural households for the period from 2010 to 2019. The imbalance in the volume of actual consumption of basic foodstuffs in comparison with rational norms in all households was revealed. At the same time, a significant differentiation in the volume and energy content of the diet was found between urban and rural households. The underlying reasons for the current differentiation in the consumption of basic foodstuffs by urban rural households lie in the income inequality of the urban and rural population and the level of development of the commodity infrastructure in the city and in the countryside. The implementation of the Food Security Doctrine of the Russian Federation is impossible without solving the issues related to increase of the economic and physical accessibility of food products for every citizen of the country, especially rural citizens.

Julia G. Grekhneva

Ensuring accessibility of library services is one of the most urgent tasks of modern librarianship. The concept of “accessibility” which is actively used in the regulatory framework for librarianship and in the works of library scientists, at the same time remains insufficiently substantiated and developed. The article presents the options for the disclosure of the concept of “accessibility” and correlates the concepts of “access” and “accessibility”.In the regulatory framework in dictionaries and reference books on librarianship, the term “accessibility” started to be used relatively recently. The UNESCO Information for All program, as well as organization of the Open Access Movement to scientific information, played an important role in the awareness of the world community of the need for universal access to information. The beginning of the 2000s in Russia is a period of active study of electronic libraries, for which the concepts of “access”, “accessibility” and similar are an important component. During this period, there has been increasing the importance of the issue of barrier-free environment for people with disabilities, where the concept of physical accessibility is the key one. In librarianship documents, the term “accessibility” is also used as physical opportunity to obtain information.At the moment, this concept is introduced in the State Standard of Russia GOST R 7.0.103-2018 “Library and Information Services. Terms and Definitions”. The concept reflects the general trend of using the term “accessibility” mainly in the digital environment; however, the concept of “accessibility” is much broader and is not limited only to access to electronic resources and physical accessibility of the library. The concept of “accessibility” should be considered through information barriers (physical, assortment, navigation and search, deunification), since overcoming them will allow the library to become as accessible as possible. The problem of accessibility of library services has several aspects, and it is important that the scientific community and librarians realize the complexity of this problem and focus their attention not only on ensuring the physical accessibility of the library, but also on removing other information barriers.

Geomatics ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 383-398
Camille Chênes ◽  
Gregory Giuliani ◽  
Nicolas Ray

Urban sprawl has a strong impact on the provision and use of green spaces and, consequently, on the benefits that society can derive from these natural ecosystems, especially in terms of public health. In looking at the Sustainable Development Goals and other regional policy frameworks, there is a strong need for quantifying access to green spaces. This study presents and applies a methodology to model the physical accessibility at national and sub-national scales to public green spaces (i.e., urban green spaces and forests) in Switzerland, using AccessMod and ArcGIS travel time functions. We found that approximately 75% and 36% of the Swiss population can access the nearest urban green space within 5 min and 15 min, respectively, using motorized transport. For motorized access to the nearest forest patch, 72% and 52% of the population are within 5 min and 15 min, respectively. When considering only the main urban areas, approximately 55% of the population can walk to the nearest urban green space within 5 min. However, a high heterogeneity in access exists at cantonal and municipal levels, depending on road density, green space density, and population distribution. Despite some possible challenges in correctly delineating public green spaces, our methodology offers a replicable approach offering not only insights into sustainable urban development, but also the facilitation of comparison with other European countries.

Kamolnat Tabattanon ◽  
Clive D’Souza

Driverless shared automated vehicles (SAVs) have the potential to substantially improve independent mobility for the growing number of older adults and people with disabilities who are unable or ineligible to drive. However, early designs and deployments of SAVs have lacked accommodations for people with disabilities. This article describes a case study where post-production modifications were performed on a commercial electric SAV in an attempt to comply with US accessibility guidelines for conventional vehicles. Findings emphasize the key human factors considerations for physical accessibility and some lessons learned in order to inform the broader conversation about the accessible design of emerging SAVs. The case study highlights the need for considering accessibility and usability early in the design of complex technological systems such as automated vehicles.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 ◽  
Tri Nanda Maulidyah ◽  
Muhlasin Amrullah

This study discusses thematic learning for children with special needs which is carried out online or online learning which is part of distance learning with contemporary special methods that consciously combine internet-based technologies to support the success of students in learning even though it is done remotely. far. As for the benefits of implementing inclusive education for both children with special needs and normal children, they will learn to interact and help each other, teach students that there is no difference and we are all the same. In order to carry out thematic education for children with special needs to the fullest. For this reason, knowing the thematic learning abilities of students with special needs online is very important although basically it is not easy to implement because it requires special supervision from both parents and other families who are at home. Inclusive education does not discriminate in educating normal and abnormal children. Thus, the characteristics of inclusive schools are, among others: having physical accessibility and non-physical accessibility, which aims to maximize services for all children.

Il'nur Safiullin ◽  
Bulat Ziganshin ◽  
Elmira Amirova ◽  
Guzaliya Klychova ◽  
Marat Nizamutdinov

The article analyzes the issues of food security of the Russian Federation: the assessment of food security is carried out; The main indicators used were the achievement of threshold values of indicators of food independence, economic and physical accessibility of food and the compliance of food products with the requirements of the legislation of the Eurasian Economic Union on technical regulation. Conclusions are made that the structure of consumption does not correspond to scientifically grounded nutritional standards; the required level of consumption is not reached for such types of food as fruits, milk, vegetables; Russia's population spends less than one third of its own income on food, which indicates an average level of food availability. In recent years, high results of economic activity have been achieved in certain sectors of agriculture, however, there are also significant reserves for ensuring a more sustainable development of the agricultural sector in Russia, and, accordingly, ensuring food security.

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