direction opposite
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2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (4-1) ◽  
pp. 11-27
Maria Filatova ◽  

The author of the article reveals the theological context of the origin of the concept of actual infinity and clarifies the problem of actual infinity. The author shows that this problem is not a paradoxical category of thinking, but a problem of the unity of two realities (eternal, unchanging and infinite, and temporary, changeable and finite), which has been misunderstood. The author raises the question of the relevance of the problem of actual infinity brought by Christianity for modern secularized science and philosophy. The author shows that the problem of the unity of the two realities was declared much earlier than Christianity. This problem was already dealt with by the ancient Eleans. They initiated the one-sided view and incorrect understanding of this problem, which opened the main path of development of the entire Western European philosophy. With the advent of Christianity, all the dangers identified by the Eleans (and above all by Zeno) and then still unclear on this path received a new sharpness and now real force. The author of the article shows that the regularity of the relation of the finite, the actually infinite, and the potentially infinite, revealed by Zeno, was the basis for changing the classical rationality to the non-classical one. In turn, the fact of the collapse of the classics has become evidence of modernity that the problem of actual infinity is not a mental paradox, but contains the real possibility of changing the finite nature. But this change is not carried out in the direction suggested by the recognition of actual infinity itself, but in another direction, opposite to it, but closely connected with it. The disclosure of the essence of this connection will be the disclosure of the problem of actual infinity.

2021 ◽  
Gi-Yeul Bae ◽  
Steven J Luck

Computational models for motion perception suggest a possibility that read-out of motion signal can yield the perception of opposite direction of the true stimulus motion direction. However, this possibility was not obvious in a standard 2AFC motion discrimination (e.g., leftward vs.rightward). By allowing the motion direction to vary over 360° in typical random-dot kinematograms (RDKs) displays, and by asking observers to estimate the exact direction of motion, we were able to detect the presence of opposite-direction motion perception in RDKs.This opposite-direction motion perception was replicable across multiple display types andfeedback conditions, and participants had greater confidence in their opposite-direction responses than in true guess responses. When we fed RDKs into a computational model of motion processing, we found that the model estimated substantial motion activity in the direction opposite to the coherent stimulus direction, even though no such motion was objectively present in the stimuli, suggesting that the opposite-direction motion perception may be a consequenceof the properties of motion-selective neurons in visual cortex. Together, these results demonstrate that the perception of opposite-direction motion in RDKs is consistent with the known properties of the visual system.

2021 ◽  
pp. 003329412110512
Panagiota Koutsimani ◽  
Anthony Montgomery

Studies have shown strong associations between burnout and depression and burnout and anxiety but their exact interrelationships still remain unclear. Few studies have examined the psychosocial mechanisms that might underlie these two relationships. Non-work social factors such as perceived family support can affect mental health. The present study investigated the distinctiveness and the reciprocal associations between burnout and depression, and burnout and anxiety by collecting data twice over an 8 month interval. Perceived family support was examined as a mediating and a moderating factor underlying the two relationships. The Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey, the Hospital Depression and Anxiety Scale, and the Julkunen Family Support Scale were administered to employees of the general working population ( N = 52). First, our results revealed moderate associations between burnout and depression, and burnout and anxiety, supporting the distinctiveness of burnout from the two psychological phenomena. Second, the exhaustion and cynicism burnout dimensions showed reciprocal associations with depression. Moreover, anxiety was found to be a consequence of cynicism while it presented reciprocal associations with the exhaustion dimension of burnout. Perceived family support did not mediate the burnout-depression and burnout-anxiety relationships. However, it moderated the depression-exhaustion relationship in a direction opposite from our hypothesis.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2064 (1) ◽  
pp. 012001
V F Tarasenko ◽  
D A Sorokin ◽  
D V Beloplotov ◽  
M I Lomaev ◽  
E Kh Baksht ◽  

Abstract This article presents the results of experimental studies of different modes of a runaway electron beam (RAEB) generation in high-pressure gases as well as X-rays caused by it. In particular, the mode with the greatest beam current amplitude, the one with two current pulses, that with the X-ray pulse duration of 100s ns, the mode in which a RAEB propagates in the direction opposite from an anode, and some others are described. The effect of the cathode design and material on the RAEB current amplitude and duration in atmospheric-pressure air is shown. When analyzing the most common modes, the features of the gap breakdown are used.

А.В. Тутуков ◽  
А.В. Федорова

Обнаружение планетной системы K2-290 A с двумя копланарными планетами, которые обращаются в направлении, обратном вращению центральной звезды, ставит задачу поиска адекватного сценария возникновения таких систем. В данной статье представленные нами ранее сценарии образования планетных систем пересматриваются для оценки возможности формирования в их рамках планет с орбитальным вращением, обратным вращению их центральных звезд. Оценки показывают, что аккреция холодного газа гигантских молекулярных облаков старыми звездами солнечной массы, движущимися в этих облаках с низкой относительной скоростью менее ∼ 1 км/с - это наиболее вероятный сценарий возникновения таких планетных систем. С другой стороны, обратное вращение только одной из нескольких планет системы может быть результатом взаимодействия близких массивных планет на неустойчивых орбитах. Detection of planetary system K2-290 A with two coplanar planets, which rotate in the direction opposite to the rotation of the central star, poses the problem of finding an adequate scenario for the emergence of such systems. In this article, the scenarios for the formation of planetary systems are revised to assess the possibility of forming within their framework planets with orbital rotation opposite to the rotation of their central stars. Estimates show that the accretion of cold gas from giant molecular clouds (GMOs) by old solar-mass stars moving in GMOs with a relative speed less than ∼ 1 km/s - this is the most probable scenario for the emergence of such planetary systems. On the other hand, the opposite rotation of only one of the several planets of the system can be the result of interaction of nearby massive planets in unstable orbits.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1-2) ◽  
Julia Mossbridge ◽  
Dean Radin

Objective: We set out to gain a better understanding of human psychic or “psi” functioning by using a smartphone-based app to gather data from thousands of participants. Our expectations were that psi performance would often be revealed to be in the direction opposite to the participants’ conscious intentions (“expectation-opposing”; previously called “psi-missing”), and that gender and psi belief would be related to performance. Method:We created and launched three iOS-based tasks, available from 2017 to 2020, related to micro-psychokinesis (the ability to mentally influence a random number generator) and precognition (the ability to predict future randomly selected events). We statistically analyzed data from more than 2,613 unique logins and 995,995 contributed trials using null hypothesis significance testing as well as a pre-registered confirmatory analysis. Results: Our expectations were confirmed, and we discovered additional effects post-hoc. Our key findings were: 1) significant expectation-opposing effects, with a confirmatory pre-registered replication of a clear expectation-opposing effect on a micro-pk task,  2) performance correlated with psi belief on all three tasks, 3) performance on two of the three tasks related to gender, 4) men and women apparently used different strategies to perform micro-pk and precognition tasks. Conclusions: We describe our recommendations for future attempts to better understand performance on forced-choice psi tasks. The mnemonic for this strategy is SEARCH: Small effects, Early and exploratory, Accrue data, Recognize diversity in approach, Characterize rather than impose, and Hone in on big results.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Javier Omar Morales ◽  
Nikki Walker ◽  
Robin W. Warne ◽  
Justin G. Boyles

AbstractEnvironmental and biotic pressures impose homeostatic costs on all organisms. The energetic costs of maintaining high body temperatures (Tb) render endotherms sensitive to pressures that increase foraging costs. In response, some mammals become more heterothermic to conserve energy. We measured Tb in banner-tailed kangaroo rats (Dipodomys spectabilis) to test and disentangle the effects of air temperature and moonlight (a proxy for predation risk) on thermoregulatory homeostasis. We further perturbed homeostasis in some animals with chronic corticosterone (CORT) via silastic implants. Heterothermy increased across summer, consistent with the predicted effect of lunar illumination (and predation), and in the direction opposite to the predicted effect of environmental temperatures. The effect of lunar illumination was also evident within nights as animals maintained low Tb when the moon was above the horizon. The pattern was accentuated in CORT-treated animals, suggesting they adopted an even further heightened risk-avoidance strategy that might impose reduced foraging and energy intake. Still, CORT-treatment did not affect body condition over the entire study, indicating kangaroo rats offset decreases in energy intake through energy savings associated with heterothermy. Environmental conditions receive the most attention in studies of thermoregulatory homeostasis, but we demonstrated here that biotic factors can be more important and should be considered in future studies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 927 ◽  
Ye Chen ◽  
Ebru Demir ◽  
Wei Gao ◽  
Y.-N. Young ◽  
On Shun Pak

Particle–wall interactions have broad biological and technological applications. In particular, some artificial microswimmers capitalize on their translation–rotation coupling near a wall to generate directed propulsion. Emerging biomedical applications of these microswimmers in complex biological fluids prompt questions on the impact of non-Newtonian rheology on their propulsion. In this work, we report some intriguing effects of shear-thinning rheology, a ubiquitous non-Newtonian behaviour of biological fluids, on the translation–rotation coupling of a particle near a wall. One particularly interesting feature revealed here is that the wall-induced translation by rotation can occur in a direction opposite to what might be intuitively expected for an object rolling on a solid substrate. We elucidate the underlying physical mechanism and discuss its implications on the design of micromachines and bacterial motion near walls in complex fluids.

Omkar Devidas Kadam

It is of common observation that, when we ride on a bus, train, or vehicle, the trees alongside seem to travel in the direction opposite to ours. This is on account of the relative motion between us and the trees. Interestingly, it is the motion of the trees that are far away from the road that appears strange. The trees that are far away when observed in the presence of other objects in the foreground almost give the illusion that they are moving along with us in the same direction of the ride. Realizing that not many people are aware of this illusion and hardly there is any illustration to explain it, in what follows, I discussed how this perception could be explained with the help of basic geometry and motion analysis. We refer to this illusion as ‘false relative motion’.

2021 ◽  
Antoine De Comite ◽  
Frederic Crevecoeur ◽  
Philippe Lefevre

Expected reward is known to affect planning strategies through modulation of movement vigor. Strikingly, although current theories suggest that movement planning consists in selecting a goal-directed control policy, the influence of reward on feedback control strategies remains unknown. Here we investigated this question in three human reaching experiments. First, we varied the explicit reward associated with the goal target and found an overall increase in movement vigor for higher reward targets, highlighted by larger velocities, feedback responses to external loads, and background muscle activity. Then, assuming that larger feedback gains were used to reject perturbations, we sought to investigate whether this effect hindered online decisions to switch to a new target in the presence of multiple successful goals. We indeed observed idiosyncratic switching strategies dependent on both target rewards and movement vigor, such that the more vigorous movements were less likely to switch to a new goal following perturbations. To gain further insight into a causal influence of movement vigor on rapid motor decisions, we demonstrated that biasing the baseline activity and reflex gains by means of a background load evoked a larger proportion of target switches in the direction opposite to the background load associated with lower muscle activity. Our results highlight the competition between movement vigor and flexibility to switch target during movement.

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