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2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 583-593
Syiva Multi Fani ◽  
Rukun Santoso ◽  
Suparti Suparti

Social media is computer-based technology that facilitates the sharing of ideas, thoughts, and information through the building of virtual networks and communities. Twitter is one of the most popular social media in Indonesia which has 78 million users. Businesses rely heavily on Twitter for advertising. Businesses can use these types of tweet content as a means of advertising to Twitter users by Knowing the types of tweet content that are mostly retweeted by their followers . In this study, the application of Text Mining to perform clustering using the K-means clustering method with the best number of clusters obtained from the Silhouette Coefficient method on the @bliblidotcom Twitter tweet data to determine the types of tweet content that are mostly retweeted by @bliblidotcom followers. Tweets with the most retweets and favorites are discount offers and flash sales, so Blibli Indonesia could use this kind of tweet to conduct advertising on social media Twitter because the prize quiz tweets are liked by the @bliblidotcom Twitter account followers.

2022 ◽  
Vol 35 (1) ◽  
pp. 63-80
Alba Diez-Gracia ◽  
Pilar Sánchez-García

Digital transformations entail continually reviewing the various Communication models and processes. The influence of the media themselves as agenda setters for an ever more active audience and social networks that select and make certain content they receive viral are also affected by such a convergent context. This current research analyses a model called here the ‘triple agenda’ within the media themselves, in which the journalistic criterion of relevance and their audience’s preferences in the web and the networks travel along different paths. The proposal includes the users and the viral effect as influencing agents in the shape and selection of news, generating a news gap of interests between the media and their audiences. In order to test this model, we study an exploratory case in ElPaí, applying a content analysis to the information (n=420) distributed among the online front page, what is most read by the audience in its webpage, and the most viral in its Twitter account. The main objective is to check whether or not these three spheres of relevance operate independently, showing different informative interests f rom the thematic selection that the medium establishes f rom its agenda, its audience and its social networks. The results confirm that there is a gap in the informative interests of the three spheres analysed, especially between the agenda marked by the medium and the interests that are reflected in their web audience, which is more attracted to soft news and the clickbait technique; while there is a greater coincidence of interests between the newspaper’s front page and the users’ selection in their social networks.

2022 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 206
Friska . Pakpahan ◽  
Anni Holila Pulungan ◽  
Meisuri . Meisuri

This study is based on the fact that the readers get words emotion after reading the tweets of covid-19 news. Various emotions found on the tweets of twitter relate to the Covid-19 news. Some of them make the readers being fear or sad of this pandemic. This study deals with semantic emotion of covid-19 news in twitter account of CNN Breaking News. The objectives of the study is to investigate how the semantic emotions realized in Covid-19 news. The study was conducted by using descriptive qualitative. The data of this study were words from tweets which contain semantic emotion of Covid-19 news in twitter. The sources of data in this study were Covid-19 news in twitter, after vaccine Covid-19 distributed since beginning of January 2021. It was found that emotions were realized in covid-19 news, namely: basic emotion, emotional relations, caused emotions, causative, emotional goals, and complex emotions. Contrary with the expectation, happiness was the dominant emotion found in covid-19 news on twitter. Happiness is an emotion to show pleasant, while covid-19 in unpleasant situation. But in this research, it was found that happiness had a high frequency.Keywords: Semantic Emotion, Covid-19, Twitter, Vaccine

2022 ◽  
pp. 250-274
Aznur Aisyah ◽  
Intan Safinaz Zainudin ◽  
Rou Seung Yoan

Internet application advancement has enabled Korean pop culture (K-Pop) to rapidly spread worldwide. However, technology alone is insufficient in delivering k-pop content to K-Pop fans because of language barriers. Hence, the translator's role is pivotal in decoding these data. Realising this crucial need, fans have acted as translators in interpreting enormous data file that have been improperly translated or unavailable in the original file. This research examined the translation process occurring in Twitter microblogging environment which is rarely analysed among linguistic scholars. the translation style of fan translators was identified, and the translational action involved discussed. K-Pop group, Bangtan Sonyeondan's (BTS) twitter account was selected as the main data source and Korean-English fan translation of the content distributed in the account was collected. The microblogging interface is equipped with the latest technology that supports multimedia data form, resulting in more dynamic translation work which needs to be highlighted in translation studies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 596-627
Paulo Mangerotti ◽  
Vasco Ribeiro ◽  
Patricia González-Aldea

ABSTRACT – The main objective of this paper is to understand populism and its relationship with social media, in particular, to analyze the official Twitter account of the former presidential candidate of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro. This paper starts with a theoretical review of the definition of populism presented by classic authors such as Boyte and Riessman (1986) and Bell (1992), and by more contemporary authors such as Mudde (2004), Panizza (2005), and Müller (2016). This article also seeks to identify whether the key characteristics of populism were present in the political campaign narratives. Starting from a qualitative and quantitative analysis of content shared on Twitter, we identified populist messages in Bolsonaro’s election campaigns, particularly ones that tend to blame the elites and trigger society’s fears. RESUMO – O principal objetivo deste artigo é compreender o populismo e a sua relação com as redes sociais, em particular, analisar a conta oficial do Twitter do então candidato a presidente do Brasil Jair Bolsonaro. Partindo de um levantamento teórico sobre a definição do populismo, desde autores clássicos como Boyte e Riessman (1986) e Bell (1992), até outros da atualidade como Mudde (2004), Panizza (2005) e Müller (2016), o artigo procura, também, entender se as características-chave do populismo estiveram presentes nas narrativas da candidatura de Bolsonaro. Partindo de uma análise qualitativa e quantitativa do conteúdo partilhado no Twitter, demonstrou-se a presença de mensagens populistas nas campanhas deste político, em particular numa dimensão relacionada com a culpabilização das elites e o instigar dos medos da sociedade. RESUMEN - El objetivo principal de este trabajo es comprender el populismo y su relación con las redes sociales, en particular, analizar la cuenta oficial de Twitter del entonces candidato a la presidencia de Brasil Jair Bolsonaro. Partiendo de una revisión teórica de la definición de populismo, desde autores clásicos como Boyte y Riessman (1986) y Bell (1992), hasta otros de la actualidad como Mudde (2004), Müller (2016) y Panizza (2005), el artículo busca, además, comprender si las características clave del populismo estuvieron presentes en las narrativas de la candidatura de Bolsonaro. A partir de un análisis cualitativo y cuantitativo del contenido compartido en Twitter, se demostró la presencia de mensajes populistas en las campañas de este político brasileño, particularmente en una dimensión relacionada con la culpabilización de las élites y la instigación de los miedos de la sociedad.

Cynthia P. Rosenfeld

There is no mythical “land of away.” We have a trash problem, and plastic is a major contributor. In 2015, we generated 34.5 million tons of municipal solid plastic waste (EPA, “National Overview”), and it is only a part of our waste. Ironically, plastic containers, from household cans to plastic liners to the large green curbside bins, held that solid waste at one time—and were soon to be their own contribution to the 3.4 million tons. The banality, opacity, and capacity of our waste bins facilitate consumer culture. Reflective design, however, can help us query our trash practices by defamiliarizing the trashcan through making its attributes and properties visible and explorable. “Talking Trash” is an act of reflective design in which I wove a waste bin from the environmental articles of various magazines. Next, I set up a Twitter account, @Talking_Trash_, to tweet about items I was placing in the bin. Then, I considered the pedagogical value of Talking Trash and similar reflective design projects in environment humanities classes. Ultimately, I argue that our trashcans engage in a rhetoric of the everyday that encourages consumer practice and waste-world-making. Talking Trash provides insight into the public and private natures of waste, the revealing and concealing our bins promote, and the affordances of materiality present in our waste bins. Talking Trash is an intervention of hope.

2021 ◽  
Emy Trisna Juwita ◽  
Alanna Zaynnisa Effendi ◽  
Moses Glorino Rumambo Pandin

Twitter is one of the most accessed social media, especially by teenagers, with a high rate of anonymity. This phenomenon raises questions regarding whether any effects arise from the usage of anonymous accounts. This study aims to find out the impact of using an anonymous Twitter account on its users from the perspective of Derek Parfit's self-identity theory. The research method used is a mixture of quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative data is obtained through surveys and qualitative through interviews. The survey was conducted online on a population of 50 teenagers, with the sample criteria being at least 18 years old and being an anonymous account user on Twitter. The sampling was taken randomly from the population. The interview method was carried out on the same people and sample with a smaller quantity to strengthen the survey data. The results show that using Twitter anonymously is directly proportional to being more open (oversharing). The results of this study are in accordance with Derek Parfit's self-identity theory which believes that a person will tend to be more forthcoming if they do not know each other's identity. With the finding that using anonymous accounts seems to provide an incentive to express themselves more freely, it is hoped that this research can be a source of additional studies and create a more reflective attitude for all social media users in general. This study is limited to anonymous users of social media Twitter in the adolescent age range.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 105-113
Ayu Nenden Assyfa Putri

Social media, especially Twitter, as one of the most widely used platforms on the internet, is now being used by political organizations to convey their political communication messages. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method by analyzing the communication style conveyed by the Gerindra party Twitter account to its followers. In looking for references, researchers use a systematic review method wherein the authors must describe the search to be used, determine where and when they should search, and what terms they should use. The results of this study indicate that the style of political communication conveyed by the Gerindra Twitter account has the aim of being accepted by Twitter users, whose users are young people. Unlike the political communication messages conveyed during the 2014 & 2019 elections, the Gerindra Twitter account conveys its political communication style in a relaxed and informative way. The relevance of the information diffusion theory in this study is when the Gerindra party takes advantage of the great opportunity of Twitter as a social media to communicate its political campaigns so that new voters can accept it in the future.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (Supplement_1) ◽  
pp. 765-765
Gunjan Manocha ◽  
Casey Morton ◽  
Elizabeth Chapman ◽  
Daniel Pellecer ◽  
Kahli Zeitlow ◽  

Abstract The pandemic has challenged training programs in numerous ways, specifically in the ability to conduct group based teaching sessions. To overcome this challenge Twitter was examined as a vehicle for engaging Geriatric Fellows in education about critical appraisal of clinical research. A secondary objective was to develop educational synergy among university-based programs. To achieve these aims, 5 Midwestern Geriatric and Palliative Medicine Fellowship programs agreed to enroll their fellows into a monthly Geriatrics Twitter Journal Club, that commences on Twitter Tuesday and lasts a week. Each month, an assigned fellow selects an article to discuss and creates a short video to introduce it. A Twitter meister deliveres structured questions to guide fellows’ collective input on the article being critiqued. Over a 3 month roll out of @GeriatricJC, the twitter account of the journal club has gained 144 followers that includes 20 fellows, 63 geriatricians/geriatric faculty, 28 organizational accounts, 5 students and around 28 other providers and experts. From December 2020- February 2021, account generated tweets resulted in an average of 397 impressions/day with 2548 visits to the account profile per month. Videos posted have averaged 73 views/video. Discussion in journal club using #GeriJC has garnered 178 tweets from participants. This project shows that Twitter is a feasible platform for a fellowship journal club among several training programs, thus expanding expertise in evidence-based medicine while lowering the administrative burden of preparing journal club within a single program and increasing both faculty and trainee convenience of learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Francesco Vitellaro ◽  
Giovanni Satta ◽  
Francesco Parola ◽  
Nicoletta Buratti

PurposeThe research objective of the paper is twofold. First, it scrutinises the current state of the art concerning adopting the most popular social media by European port managing bodies (PMBs). Second, it investigates the use of social media in the corporate social responsibility (CSR) communication strategies of European PMBs.Design/methodology/approachThe paper carries out online field research on the use of social media by the top-25 European ports. Then, it provides an in-depth case study of the use of Twitter by the Port of Rotterdam for CSR communication. Finally, a content analysis of the tweets published in the 2017–2019 timeframe is performed.FindingsEmpirical results demonstrate the extensive use of social media by European PMBs to reach a wider array of stakeholders. Uneven approaches emerge considering port sizes and cultural clusters. The content analysis shows that one-third of tweets published by the Twitter account of the Port of Rotterdam address CSR issues, especially green initiatives, advocating the use of social media to communicate CSR.Research limitations/implicationsThe study focuses on the European domain. A broader sample of ports worldwide should be examined to further investigate the drivers affecting PMBs' strategic adoption and use of social media, mainly to communicate CSR.Practical implicationsThe paper provides port managers with insights to strengthen CSR communication. Given the increasing pressure of the public opinion on environmental and social issues, the ability of European PMBs to communicate their CSR commitment through social media represents a key driver when searching for consensus of stakeholders and “licence to operate”.Originality/valueThe paper adds to the existing maritime logistics literature by introducing a promising field of research.

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