Jurnal Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan
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Published By LPPM Akademi Kebidanan Harapan Ibu Pekalongan

2579-5481, 2549-2772

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 58-73
Islah Wahyuni ◽  
Linda Suryani

The use of drugs during pregnancy aims to improve the health of the mother and fetus. The provision must be adjusted to the needs of the mother and must be under the supervision of health workers. Maternal compliance in taking drugs during pregnancy is influenced by several factors, such as knowledge, attitudes, explanations of how to use drugs from health workers, perceptions and experiences and others. The purpose of the study was to identify the determinants of compliance of pregnant women in consuming drugs during pregnancy. The research sample was 54 respondents who were pregnant women from March to May 2021. The results showed that 29 respondents (53.7%) were obedient in taking drugs during pregnancy, based on the explanation of the majority of health workers, namely 34 people (79.1%), The majority of knowledge is good, namely 35 people (72.9%). Based on the attitude of the majority positive, namely 44 people (68.8%), based on anxiety about drug side effects the majority were 33 people (68.8%), based on the frequency of routine ANC visits (≥4x) namely 32 people (59.2% ). It is hoped that pregnant women can pay attention to the rules and procedures for taking drugs during this pregnancy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 92-99
Kholisotin Kholisotin ◽  
Kholifatun Naziro ◽  
Zainal Munir ◽  
Ahmad Kholid

During labor, women experience many reproductive changes, one of which is uterine involution. If the uterine involution is late to return to normal, it will cause subinvolution, puerperal gymnastic techniques and kegel exercises are the easiest techniques to use and are very effective. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of puerperal gymnastic and kegel exercises on uterine involution in postpartum mothers day 1-3 at BPM Hj. Nengah Mardani Tenggarang Bondowoso. This type of research uses a pre-experimental research methodology using a two-group interpretation-posttest design, with a sample of 30 respondents. The sampling technique in this study used total sampling. Data analysis used paired sample t test and independent t test. The independent t test results showed that there was no significant difference between puerperal gymnastic and kegel exercises in overcoming uterine involution in postpartum mothers with a p value of 0.039 (p value> α 0.05). Of the two techniques, Kegel exercises were more effective in reducing involution. uterus with a mean difference of 6.7333> than the mean puerperal gymnastic of 5.8000.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-113
Setiana Andarwulan

Hypertension is a degenerative disease. This disease is usually suffered by the elderly. The method of treatment taken is through the use of drug consumption [lowering blood pressure, but taking long-term drugs can have a chemical effect in the body, so the use of drugs made from natural ingredients becomes one of the drugs in reducing blood pressure. In addition, yoga can also be used to lower blood pressure. By following exercise regularly. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between blood pressure and yoga exercises. The method used in this research is pre-experimental, with a population of 30 respondents, through the sampling technique, namely total sampling. The result of this research is that there is a difference between the correlation test of yoga exercise and blood pressure through the chi square test, the Asymp value is obtained. Sig. (2-sided) 0.025. There is a significant difference between blood pressure before and after doing yoga exercises.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-91
Ike Prafitasari ◽  
Nurul Mawaddah ◽  
Oktovian Dwi Arini

Indonesia has reached the phase of the old structured country because it has an elderly population which reaches 9.27% ​​of the total population. Problems experienced were increasing due to the prevalence in the elderly due to decrease capability of physical and mental. Prolanist exercises a form of physical exercise that was overcoming adversity in the elderly. This study aimed to study the effect of prolanist exercises on anxiety in the elderly in the working area of ​​the Sumberbaru Health Center. The design of this study was pre-experimental with a total sampling technique with a total sample of 29 prolanist members. Analysis of the data used was a paired t-test statistical test. The results obtained before prolanis exercises most of the elderly were at mild anxiety levels, with an average HARS score of 19.76. After prolanis exercises the elderly anxiety almost half are in the level of mild anxiety, with an average HARS score of 18.10. Based on statistical tests with a significance level of α = 0.05, the results obtained p value 0,000. Because the value of p <α (0.05), Ho was rejected. So there was an effect prolanist exercises for anxiety the elderly at the Sumberbaru Health Center. Prolanis exercises activities created social interaction between the elderly so that the elderly cannot feel isolated. Prolanis exercises also increase oxygen absorption, pain management, and trigger endorphins to created a sense of calm thereby reducing anxiety in the elderly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 100-106
Isnaeni Rofiqoch ◽  
Sawitri Dewi ◽  
Diah Atmarina Yuliani

Pregnancy is a time of determining the welfare and development of the fetus in the womb. During pregnancy many women experience psychological changes, so a method is needed to reduce the problems that arise during the pregnancy process, this method is called a coping strategy. The purpose of this study was to identify coping strategies for stress in pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic in the South Purwokerto Community Health Center, Banyumas Regency. This research is a qualitative research with a phenomenological approach. The data collection method in this research is carried out by in-depth interviews. This research is expected to be able to dig up information about what psychological problems are faced by pregnant women and how they solve the problems faced during the covid 19 pandemic. The main informant in the meantime is mother pregnant, supporting informants are midwives and family members (husband, mother or sibling) as triangulation. The results of this study stress coping strategies during pregnancy are needed to reduce problems during pregnancy. This strategy for coping with stress during pregnancy during the COVID-19 pandemic is carried out with the mechanism of Emotional Focused Coping and Problem Facus Coping. Although the Emotional Focused Coping mechanism is more dominantly used by pregnant women because pregnant women are women where women prioritize feelings over logic.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 114-121
Dian Furwasyih ◽  
Yulia Arifin ◽  
Nur Femi

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many social problems for the community, including students. Students who are teenagers must adapt to the online learning system. Adolescents experience anxiety in the form of academic pressure, anxiety that they cannot follow online learning well, the task load is felt to be piling up, online learning is not effective because there is no direct interaction with lecturers, and so on. This quantitative descriptive study was designed to identify anxiety in students of the Diploma III Midwifery Study Program and Midwifery Study Program Undergraduate Program and Midwifery Professional Education Program STIKes MERCUBAKTIJAYA Padang. A modified questionnaire from the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS) form was distributed in google form to 138 Midwifery students. Data were analyzed using SPSS. The results showed that almost half of the respondents (42%) were 19 years old, almost half (47.8%) were in semester 2 or level 1. More than half (53.6) of students lived in boarding houses, with adequate internet network conditions by 61.6%. More than half (59.4%) of students stated that they were quite capable of doing assignments with computers and 63.7% stated that online learning was not effective. More than half of the respondents (54.3%) had a moderate level of anxiety in dealing with online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. This anxiety can be reduced by providing various counseling services such as individual counseling services, guidance and group counseling. Universities must be able to facilitate this with teleconsultation services with academic advisors and psychologists if needed if student anxiety adversely affects learning outcomes and causes disturbances to students' mental health.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 130-138
Swasti Artanti ◽  
Pedvin Ratna Meikawati

One of the efforts to produce quality human resources (HR) is to reduce morbidity and mortality of children under five. The development of the quality of human resources by optimizing the potential for growth and development of children can be carried out evenly, if a community-based health service system such as posyandu can be carried out effectively and efficiently and can reach all targets that need services such as child growth and development, pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers and postpartum mothers. . Posyandu is a form of Community Based Health Efforts (UKBM) which is managed and organized from, by for and with the community in the implementation of health development, in order to empower the community and provide convenience to the community in obtaining basic health services to accelerate the reduction of maternal and infant mortality. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between mother's level of knowledge and age of toddlers with visits by mothers with toddlers to the new normal era posyandu in Pekalongan city. This research was conducted using a descriptive correlative research method with a cross sectional approach, sampling with a saturated sampling technique with a total of 37 mothers who have toddlers 1-5 years. The instrument used was a questionnaire sheet and the analysis used was Chi Square statistical test. Based on the results of univariate analysis, most of the children who visited the posyandu were aged 3 years, namely 10 children (31.2%), with parental education as many as 22 respondents (68.8%) having higher education (PT), dominated by working parents as many as 24 children (75%). A total of 25 respondents (78.1%) visited the posyandu regularly and most of the respondents had a good level of knowledge, as many as 29 respondents (20%). The results of the bivariate analysis showed that there was no relationship between children's age and posyandu visits (p value 0.217) and there was a relationship between parents' knowledge level and posyandu visits (p value 0.002). It is hoped that parents who have children aged 1-5 years will continue to routinely bring their children to the posyandu in the new normal era even though they still apply health protocols.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 74-82
Hilda Prajayanti ◽  
Maslikhah Maslikah

Adolescence is a period of storm and stress, because adolescents experience many challenges both from themselves (biopsychosocial factors) and the environment (environmental factors). The complexity of health problems in adolescents, of course, requires a comprehensive and integrated treatment that involves all elements from across programs and related sectors. The establishment of the Youth Posyandu is expected to be a forum to facilitate adolescents in understanding adolescent health problems. Data collection uses primary data and secondary data. The instrument used in the form of interviews. The purpose of this study was to determine the description of youth participation in the participation of the Youth Posyandu. This study uses a qualitative descriptive research design with a case study approach, data collection uses primary data and secondary data. The data collection technique used in-depth interviews. The research instrument used an interview guide. The research subjects consisted of the main informants, namely teenagers who attended the youth posyandu as many as 5 people. The triangulation informants were 2 cadres and 1 health worker. The sampling technique used purposive sampling The data were analyzed using Content Analysis. The results showed that the youth posyandu activities included examination of TB, BB, TD, LILA and counseling on reproductive health. Factors that influence the participation of youth posyandu are by encouraging the cadres, the availability of facilities for the implementation of youth posyandu.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 122-129
Marliana Rahma ◽  
Achmad Sanusi ◽  
Fachruroji Fachruroji ◽  
Nandang Koswara

The case of maternal mortality in Subang Regency is still high. One of the pockets of the problem lies in the youth group. Teenagers with anemia, teens with unwanted pregnancies, teens with early marriage, to free sex. The root cause of the emergence of these problems is the lack of knowledge of adolescents about reproductive health. The purpose of this study was to analyze the management of adolescent reproductive health in the students of SMP N 2 Subang. The method in this study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods through data analysis in the form of interviews, observations and document studies. Informants in this study were principals, vice principals for curriculum, biology subject teachers, and students of SMPN 2 Subang. The research location is SMP N 2 Subang. The results of the study show the following: (1) Planning has not been effective because it has not represented the school's vision based on a healthy environment (2) Organizing has been running effectively, there are responsibilities and organizational structures (3) Implementation has not been effective because there are limited media/teaching materials (4 ) Supervision has not been effective because there is no compliance control for consuming blood-added tablets (5) The evaluation is effective because it involves the principal, vice principal in curriculum, Biology subject teachers and students (6) The inhibiting factor lies in the lack of learning media, lack of education and lack of supervision.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-37
Russiska Russiska ◽  
Susan Yuliyantika ◽  
Merissa Laora Heryanto

The Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) in Indonesia is around 90% at the time of delivery. in Indonesia until 2018 the Maternal Mortality Rate is still high at 305 per 1000 live births[1]. This is caused by postpartum bleeding due to several factors such as uterine atony and perineal rupture. The research objective was to determine the relationship between birth weight of infants and perineal rupture in Primipara at Japara Public Health Center, Kuningan Regency in 2019. The research method was analytic with a cross sectional approach, sampling with a total sampling technique with a total of 52 mothers giving birth. The instrument used was a checklist sheet and the analysis used Spearman Rank. Based on the results of the univariate analysis study, most mothers gave birth to babies with normal birth weight, namely around 59.6%, while most of the mothers experienced perineal rupture, namely around 51.9%. The results of the bivariate analysis showed a value (p = 0.09), this indicated that there was a significant relationship between birth weight of infants and perineal rupture in mothers who gave birth. It was concluded that there was a significant relationship between birth weight of infants and perineal rupture in mothers who gave birth. It is hoped that midwives will always carry out labor management in accordance with the standards of normal delivery care when giving birth and teach pregnant women how to massage the perineum.

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