Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan Komunitas
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Published By Persatuan Perawat Nasional Indonesia Jawa Tengah


2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-47
Nurul Faidah ◽  
Ni Wayan Suniyadewi Suniyadewi ◽  
Chani Mialuara Hutami

Pada lansia terjadi perubahan neurologis secara fisiologis mengalami penurunan jumlah dan ukuran neuron pada sistem saraf pusat yang mengakibatkan lansia tidak dapat memenuhi kebutuhan tidur normalnya. Salah satu terapi meningkatkan kualitas tidur pada lansia adalah melakukan pijat tengkuk menggunakan virgin coconut oil . Tujuan Penelitian: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pijat tengkuk dengan VCO terhadap kualitas tidur pada lansia. Metode:Desain penelitian yang digunakan pra eksperimental dengan One-group Pretest – Posttest Design, teknik sampling yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah non Probability Sampling yaitu dengan purposive sampling. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu, 33 responden dan diperoleh sampel sebanyak 15 responden adapun  kriteria inklusi dalam penelitian ini klien dengan gangguan tidur tanpa menggunakan obat penenang atau obat tidur, Klien yang kooperatif dan bersedia menandatangani informed concent, kriteria eksklusi Klien yang memiliki kesadaran composmentis Pelaksanaan penelitian untuk mengukur kualitas tidur diukur dengan Pittsburgh sleep quality index (PSQI) dari. pengukuran kualitas tidur lansia dilakukan sebelum dan sesudah pelaksanaan intervensi. instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu Pittsburgh sleep quality index. Intervensi pijat tengkuk dengan Virgin Coconut Oil ini dilakukan 2 kali dalam satu minggu selama 4 minggu. setelah dilakukan uji normalitas data diperoleh hasil 0,28 yang berarti data berdistribusi normal sehingga analisa menggunakan paired T-test.  Hasil:Hasil penelitian menunjukan kualitas tidur pre tes rerata kualitas tidur sebesar 7,9 dengan standar deviasi 1,4 dan post tes didapatkan rerata kualitas tidur sebesar 4,5 dengan standar deviasi 0,83. Berdasarkan analisa data menggunakan uji paired T-test diperoleh nilai p value = 0,000 <α (0.05) yang artinya ada pengaruh pijat tengkuk dengan Virgin Coconut Oil terhadap kualitas tidur pada lansia. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut, diharapkan lansia dengan masalah kualitas tidur agar rutin melakukan pijat tengkuk dengan VCO  secara teratur dan berkesinambungan. In the elderly, physiological changes occur physiologically decreasing the number and size of neurons in the central nervous system resulting in the elderly unable to meet their normal sleep needs. One of the therapies to improve sleep quality in the elderly is to massage the neck using virgin coconut oil (VCO). This study aims to determine the effect of cervical massage with VCO on sleep quality in the elderly. The research design used was pre-experimental with One-group Pretest - Posttest Design and the number of respondents was 20 people. The results showed sleep quality before being given progressive muscle relaxation therapy obtained an average sleep quality of 7.9 with a standard deviation of 1.4 and after being given progressive muscle relaxation a mean sleep quality of 4.5 with a standard deviation of 0.83. Based on data analysis using the Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test, p value = 0,000 <α (0.05) is obtained, which means there is an effect of nape massage with VCO on sleep quality in the elderly. Based on the results of the study, it is expected that the elderly with sleep quality problems can routinely perform neck massage with VCO regularly and continuously.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-5
Ni putu eka Sukayuni ◽  
IGAA Sherlyna Prihandhani ◽  
I Wayan Artana

ABSTRACTJumantik plays a role in the early vigilance system to monitor the presence and inhibit the development of the Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (Dengue) mosquito vector. Jumantik cadres are expected to be active in monitoring their environment to reduce the number of dengue cases. However, in 2020 there will be an increase in dengue cases in South Kuta. This study purposed to determine the correlation between the role of jumantik and the incidence of dengue fever at the UPTD Puskesmas Kuta Selatan. This study used observational quantitative research with a cross-sectional design. The sample amounted to 67 jumantik selected by total sampling. Data were collected using a questionnaire and documentary sheet of DHF case reports. Data analysis used Rank Spearman's test. It was found that the majority of jumantik's role was good (77.6%) and the incidence of dengue fever decreased (74.6%). The analysis shows that there is a significant relationship between the role of jumantik and the incidence of dengue fever in the UPTD Puskesmas Kuta Selatan with a moderate and positive correlation, which means the better the role of jumantik in carrying out their duties. The better the jumantik work, the incidence of dengue fever decreases (p value 0.002 <α 0.05 and coefficient correlation of 0, 427). It is recommended to the health office to carry out training and health education for jumantik on an ongoing basis which is carried out every one semester. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 6-18
Sri Hartutik ◽  
Anjar Nurrohmah

Pandemi Covid -19 merupakan bentuk kasus baru di dunia kesehatan yang mempunyai beragam dampak, baik biologis, psikologis, sosial dan spiritual. Kondisi seperti ini harus benar-benar diwaspadai terutama pada usia rentan dan resiko yaitu salah satunya usia lansia. Depresi pada lansia merupakan gangguan psikiatri dan merupakan masalah kesehatan mental yang sering terjadi dikalangan lanjut usia. Prevalensi depresi didunia sekitar 8-15%. Hasil survey dari berbagai negara di dunia diperoleh prevalensi rata- rata depresi pada lansia adalah 13,5 % dengan perbandingan wanita:pria 14,1: 8,6 dimana wanita dua kali lebih banyak daripada pria. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk Mengetahui gambaran tingkat depresi pada lansia di Masa Pandemic Covid-19. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian desain deskriptif cross sectional dengan teknik consecutive sampling yang bertujuan untuk melihat gambaran tingkat depresi lansia menggunakan instrument penelitian berupa kuesioner Geriatric Depression Scale Short Form (GDS-S). Berdasarkan penelitian didapatkan hasil Umur lansia yang mengalami depresi pada masa Pandemic Covid-19 sebagian besar adalah Usia lanjut (60–74 tahun), jenis kelamin perempuan, status perkawinan lansia sebagian besar  janda, riwayat penyakit lansia sebagian besar  hipertensi, tingkat pendidikan lansia sebagian besar SD. Kesimpulan penelitian gambaran tingkat depresi pada lansia pada masa pandemic covid-19 sebagian besar mengalami depresi ringan. Depression in the elderly is a psychiatric disorder and is a mental health problem that often occurs among the elderly. The prevalence of depression in the world is around 8-15% and survey results from various countries in the world show that the average prevalence of depression in the elderly is 13.5% with the ratio of women: men is 14.1: 8.6 where women are twice as many as men. . This research aimed to determine the level of depression in the elderly during the Covid-19 Pandemic. This type of research used a cross sectional descriptive design with consecutive sampling technique which aims to describe the level of depression in the elderly using a research instrument in the form of a Geriatric Depression Scale Short Form (GDS-S) questionnaire. The result showed Depression during the Covid-19 Pandemic was mostly elderly (60 - 74 years), female sex, most of the elderly marital status was widowed, history of elderly disease was mostly hypertension, education level of the elderly was mostly elementary school. The description of the level of depression in the elderly during the Covid-19 pandemic mostly experienced mild depression.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-24
Muhammad Muin ◽  
Noviana Rohmah

Prevalence of workplace accident among online motorcycle taxi driver was quiet high. Worplace accident may cause injury, disability, death, and decrease of productivity. Many factors contribute to cause accident among online motorcycle taxi driver, one of them was driving awareness. This study aimed to investigate correlation between driving awareness and worplace accident among online motorcycle taxi drivers. It is correlative descriptive quantitative method. Data of driving awareness gathered by situational awareness questionnaire. Data of worplace accident gathered by short answer questionnaire. The Population was online motorcycle taxi drivers who were operating around Tembalang Semarang City, sample taken with convenient sampling consist of 290 drivers. Cross tabulation among driving awareness and workplace accident presented by a table. Correlative analysis with Sommers’ d test to know correlation between driving awareness and workplace accident. Result showed that 41 (28,9 %) drivers performing bad driving awarenes experience no accident, 78 (54,9 %) near miss, and 23 (16,2 %) accident; 58 (49,6 %) drivers performing sufficient driving awarenes experience no accident, 42 (35,9 %) near miss, and 17 (14,5 %) accident; while 24 (77,4%) drivers performing good driving awarenes experience no accident, 6 (19,4%) near miss, and 1 (3,2%) accident. Sommers’ d test showed the coefficient correlation was 0,24, means there is correlation between driving awarenes and workplace accident among online motorcycle taxi drivers. Drivers and the company should doing efforts to prevent workplace accident in order to maintain safety and productivity, one of them by performing good driving awareness during working.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-36
Yulia Susanti ◽  
Ria Septiyana ◽  
Sekar Ella Praditta

Masyarakat memiliki peran penting dalam pembangunan nasional. Salah satu bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dalam pembangunan nasional adalah status kesehatan. Gerakan masyarakat hidup sehat (GERMAS) merupakan program peningkatan status kesehatan berbasis masyarakat. Pemerintah Jawa Tengah sendiri menetapkan indikator GERMAS di Jawa Tengah yaitu ABCDEF yang merupakan singkatan dari Aktivias Fisik rutin 30 menit sehari, Banyak konsumsi sayur setiap hari, Cek Kesehatan, Diberikannya ASI ekseklusif, Enyahlah secepatnya asap rokok dan Fokus pada pencegahan stunting. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan perilaku masyarakat dalam pelaksanaan GERMAS rural dan urban. Rancangan cross sectional digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data dalam variabel karakter perilaku masyarakat dalam GERMAS  di daerah rural dan urban. Lokasi penelitian ini di Desa Plantaran Kaliwungu Selatan dan Kelurahan Bugangin Kendal. Responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 288 orang. Pengumpulan data dengan wawancara menggunakan kuesioner terstuktur. Analisis data menggunakan software komputer. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah chi square untuk mengetahui perbedaan perilaku GERMAS pada masyarakat rural dan urban. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan perilaku gerakan masyarakat hidup sehat pada masyarakat rural dan kelompok masyarakat urban (p=0,001). Perlu dilakukan edukasi tentang indikator perilaku gerakan masyarakat hidup sehat, sehingga masyarakat dapat menjalani kehidupan secara sehat sesuai program yang dijalankan oleh pemerintah. The community has an important role in national development. One of the inseparable part of national development is health status. The Healthy Living Community Movement (GERMAS) is a community-based health status improvement program. The Central Java goverment sets the GERMAS indicator in Central Java, namely ABCDEF which stands for routine physical activity for 30 minutes a day, lots of vegetable comsumption every day, health checks, giving exclusive breastfeeding, get rid of ciggarette smoke as soon as possible and focus on preventing stunting. This study aims to determine the differences in communty behavior in the implementation of rural and urban GERMAS. Cross sectional design was used to collect data on the variable character behavior of the community in GERMAS in rural and urban areas. Location of this research is in the village of Plantaran Kaliwungu Selatan and Bugangin Kendal. Respondents in this study amounted to 288 people. Data collected with a questionnaire. Data analysis using computer software. The statistical test used is the chi square test to determine the differences in GERMAS behavior in rural and urban communities. The results showed that there were differences in the behavior of the healthy life movement in rural and urban (p=0,001). Education needs to be carried out on indicators of the behavior of community movement to live a healthy life, so that people can live a healthy life according to the programs run by the goverment.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 7
Gasik Prawestri ◽  
Elis Hartati

Children with intellectual disabilities are one type of disabilities that frequently occur in Indonesia. The total number of children with intellectual disabilities in Semarang based on the data of poor citizens’ management information system (SIMGAKIN) in 2012 is 667 children. The condition of children with intellectual disabilities that occurs will result in a lack of self-care in maintaining health. Self-care such as good dental and oral hygiene status and toilet training independence is needed to deal with the problems of children with intellectual disabilities. The purpose of this study is to describe the dental and oral hygiene status and toilet training independence in children with intellectual disabilities. The research method used is descriptive with the quantitative method. The sampling technique used is a total sampling of 55 respondents. Retrieving data using OHI-S inspection sheet for dental and oral hygiene status and independence questionnaire for toilet training. The results showed that the depiction of the dental and oral hygiene status of children with intellectual disabilities in the category of good is 43.6%, medium is 50.9%, and poor is 5.5%, while the toilet training independence in the category of independent is 21.8%, less independent is 50.9%, and total dependence is 27.3 %. Schools are expected to facilitate the implementation of the program to maintain and improve self-care on dental and oral hygiene and independence in toilet training.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 21
Devi Widyaningrum ◽  
Dwi Retnaningsih ◽  
Tamrin Tamrin

Background: Family support a trait that supportive and always provides help and assistance if needed by one of the family members. Form of family support in the form of information, assessment, instrumental, and emotional. According to records from the Health Profile of Central Java in 2017, the number of patients with hypertension was 8355 people. Family support also affects the occurrence of medication adherence in patients with hypertension. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of family support with medication adherence in elderly people with hypertension in the Gayamsari Community Health Center in Semarang.Research Methodology: This study uses quantitative research with a descriptive correlation method with a cross sectional approach and research instruments using questionnaires. The sample technique used Purposive Sampling Technique. The population 210 elderly and the sample 137 elderly. Analysis of the data used is the Spearman Rank test.Results: The results of this study were obtained from 62 elderly respondents with good family support, 46 (33,6%) had high medication adherence and 15 elderly received less family support, 15 (10,9%) had moderate medication adherence . Spearman Rho statistical test results showed that ρ value 0,000 ≤α 0,05. Correlation coefficient 0,874 which means there is a relationship of family support with medication adherence in elderly people with hypertension in the Gayamsari Community Health Center in Semarang city very strong.Conclusion: There is a relationship of family support with medication adherence in elderly patients with hypertension in the Gayamsari Community Health Center in Semarang.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Thomas Erjinyuare Aquino Amigo ◽  
Cornelia Dede Yoshima Nekada

The elderly population which increases rapidly along with the downgrading of various systems generate impacts on the health condition of the elderly, thus, long-term care is required. The long-term care requires health cadres or caregivers who support the health workers, however, health cadres or caregivers need to conceive a decent knowledge regarding long-term care on the elderly. According to this phenomenon, therefore, the researchers were interested to conduct a study concerning the impact of the long-term care education for elderly on the knowledge of health cadres. This research aimed to discover the impact of long-term care education for elderly on the knowledge of health cadres in Pokoh Hamlet, Wedomartani, Ngemplak, Sleman, Yogyakarta Special Region. The research was performed through a quasi-experimental method with nonequivalent control group pre and posttest design. The knowledge of the respondent was measured before the education regarding long-term care is provided, then, the respondents were educated, and the knowledge of cadre about long-term care was measured at end of the meeting. Respondents involved in this research were individuals who follow the education and cadres or local people who nurse the elderly. The knowledge of cadres was measured through the questionnaire of long-term care. The statistical hypothesis test was performed on the obtained data through Wilcoxon’s test. A total sampling was used as the sampling technique in this research which resulted in 16 respondents as the sample. The results of this research indicated that the median score of the knowledge of health cadres was 39.5 before the intervention and 45 after the intervention with 0.000 of p-value, there was a significant difference of knowledge between before and after the long-term care education was given on health cadres. The conclusion is that there was a significant difference between the long-term care education with the knowledge of health cadres. Health cadres are expected to be able of performing screening on elderly who require long-term care and also capable of performing long-term care on the elderly which focused on the fulfillment of basic needs. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 27
Istianna Nurhidayati ◽  
Fitri Suciana ◽  
Ida Zulcharim

Diabetes mellitus in Klaten have increased, especially in Karangnongko health center in 2016 there were 15 (0.002%) patients and in 2017 there were 538 (0.05%). This study aimed to determine  relationship of health beliefs with medication adherence in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in the Karangnongko health center. This research used descriptive analytic design with cross sectional approach. Sample this study was 44 respondents, obtained by purposive sampling technique. The instruments of data collection used questionnaires. The results of the Pearson correlation analysis concluded average age of respondents was 53 years, the youngest age was 40 years and the oldest was 63 years, the sex of female respondents (75.0%), education level of elementary school (50.0%), not working (56.8%), duration of diabetes mellitus <5 years (75.0%), fasting blood sugar> 126 mg / dl (88.6%), other perceived health problems (61.4%), drugs consumed biguanide (79.5 %). Health belief in this study at least 65, a maximum of 141 and an average of 112.66 ± 21,824. Medication adherence  at least 3, a maximum of 8 and an average of 6.34 ± 1,413. Pearson correlation test results  was a relationship of health belief with medication adherence (p = 0,000). Relation of health belief with medication compliance showed a moderate positive correlation with correlation coefficient value or r =0.489 which means the greater the confidence of health hence the higher compliance of drug in diabetes mellitus type 2  at Karangnongko Health Center. Health belief have a relationship with the adherence of taking drugs diabetes mellitus type 2 at Karangnongko  Health Center.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 15
Nurul Khasanah ◽  
Artika Nurrahima

The North Semarang region has a very high frequency of tidal flooding. Therefore, it is very necessary to maintain health for victims of tidal flooding. Health care efforts are useful to anticipate, and prevent health problems that may occur afterward. Previous research was still limited to address medication problems so that this study performed preventive health care efforts. This study aims to explore the experience of tidal flooding victims related to their health care efforts in Terboyo Wetan Village, District of Semarang Genuk, in 2019. This qualitative research was combined with a qualitative descriptive approach. Semi-structured in-depth interviews were further employed. The samples of this research were five participants selected using purposive sampling technique. Then, the data were analyzed by a method, namely thematic analysis. This study identified three themes, which include: (1) The impact of tidal flooding experienced by the community, (2) Health care efforts for victims of tidal flooding, and (3) Health services during tidal flooding. Health care efforts that have not been maximized are efforts to prevent the emergence of health problems due to tidal flooding as indicated by the limited use of boots, and inappropriate manners in maintaining sanitation, and health. Those can be observed from only a few participants who cleaned the house, and the environment properly. The efforts done by the participants are still considered less appropriate in preventing the spread of disease. In other words, health care efforts at the prevention stage have not been yet effective although the treatment stage has been already optimal. At last, to conduct further research regarding the factors that influence health care efforts for victims of tidal floods is also expected in the future.

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