Wellness And Healthy Magazine
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Published By STIKES Aisyah Pringsewu Lampung

2656-0062, 2655-9951

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 225-230
Nova Yusenta ◽  
Komalasari Komalasari ◽  
Mareza Yolanda Umar ◽  
Yenny Marthalena

Angka Kematian Ibu dan Angka Kematian Neonatal Bayi di Indonesia masih tinggi dimana Kabupaten Pesisir Barat khususnya Kecamatan Bangkunat yang merupakan salah satu penyumbang tertinggi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah diketahuinya Pengaruh Konseling Tentang Program Perencanaan Persalinan dan Pencegahan Komplikasi (P4K) terhadap Motivasi Ibu Hamil Untuk Bersalin Di Fasilitas Kesehatan di Wilayah Kerja UPTD. Puskesmas Bengkunat Belimbing Tahun 2020. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua ibu hamil trimester III yang terdapat di Pekon Penyandingan, Pekon Pemerihan, Pekon Sumberejo dan Pekon Kota Jawa pada Bulan Maret tahun 2020 yang berjumlah 50 ibu hamil. Sedangkan Sample diambil dari populasi dengan teknik Total Sampling. Analisis bivariat dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Uji Non Parametic Yaitu Uji Wilcaxon Machted Pair Test. Hasil uji  Wilcaxon Machted Pair Test menunjukkan diperoleh p-value 0,001 (less than 0,01) yang artinya Ada pengaruh konseling tentang P4K dengan peningkatan motivasi ibu hamil untuk bersalin di fasilitas kesehatan di wilayah kerja UPTD. Puskesmas Bengkunat Belimbing tahun 2020.Abstract: Maternal Mortality and Neonatal Infant Mortality rates in Indonesia are still high in West Pesisir Regency, especially in Bengkunat sub-district, which is one of the highest contributors. The research objective was to know the influence of counseling about P4K by improving the motivation of pregnant women to childbirth in health facilities at the working areas of the UPTD community health center of Bengkunat Belimbing in 2020. The population in this research were all third trimester of pregnant women in the Pekon Penyandingan, Pekon Pemerihan, Pekon Sumberejo dan Pekon Kota Jawa on March 2020, which amounted to 50 pregnant women. While the sample is taken from the population with the Total Sampling technique. The bivariate analysis in this research uses the Non-Parametic Test Namely the Wilcoxon Matched Pair Test. The Wilcoxon Matched Pair Test results show that a p-value of 0.001 (less than 0.01), which means that there is an influence of counseling about P4K by increasing the motivation of pregnant women to childbirth in health facility at the working areas of UPTD community health center of Bengkunat Belimbing in 2020.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 331-336
Ayu Fitriana Hapsari ◽  
Agus Sudaryanto

Background. Nyeri akut adalah keluhan utama yang paling umum terlihat di gawat darurat (ED), nyeri sering tidak dirawat dengan baik di UGD. Pasien yang datang ke UGD sering membutuhkan perawatan tepat waktu, berpotensi termasuk pemberian obat untuk menghilangkan gejala mereka, seperti rasa sakit. Obat yang diprakarsai perawat telah menjadi salah satu strategi terpenting yang diterapkan di UGD untuk memfasilitasi perawatan tepat waktu. Objectives. Untuk membahas literature yang telah ada saat ini tentang keefektifan perawat memberian obat nyeri di UGD. Methods. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode studi literature review dengan menganalisis dari literature-literature review yang telah dipilih dan ditelaah dari beberapa sumber sehingga menjadi bahasan baru. Jurnal yang dibahas dalam topik bahasan ini dengan kata kunci yaitu: pemberian obat di Unit Gawat Darurat. Penulis melakukan penelusuran jurnal pada bulan Juli 2020, diperoleh dengan pencarian menggunakan Google scholar, Proquest, Pubmed. Kata kunci analgesia, gawat darurat, penelitian layanan kesehatan, regresi linier, pemodelan multivariat, perawatan keperawatan, nyeri. Result. Obat yang diprakarsai perawat adalah salbutamol untuk kondisi pernapasan dan analgesia untuk kondisi yang memungkinkan pasien menerima obat lebih cepat setengah jam dibandingkan dengan mereka yang tidak memiliki obat yang diprakarsai perawat. Intervensi tidak berpengaruh pada efek samping, waktu tunggu dokter dan lama tinggal. Analgesia terkait perawat dikaitkan dengan peningkatan kemungkinan menerima analgesia, mencapai pengurangan nyeri yang relevan secara klinis, dan kepuasan pasien yang lebih baik.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 277-282
Vivi Dwi Ariyanti ◽  
Septika Yani Veronica ◽  
Feri Kameliawati

Based on the data from the World Health Organization (WHO) in 2018, the number of dysmenorrhea cases in the world is very large.  The results of a preliminary study conducted at SMA Negeri 1 Seputih Mataram, Central Lampung showed that from 10 teenage girls who experience menstrual pain, a total of 2 teenage girls complained of pain with a mild pain level, 6 teenage girls complained of pain with a moderate pain level, and 2 teenage girls complain of pain with a severe pain level.  This research aims to determine the effect of carrot juice consumption on the reduction of primary dysmenorrhea pain levels in teenage girls at SMA Negeri 1 Seputih Mataram, Central Lampung in 2020. The type of this research is a quantitative research with a pre-experimental design namely one-group pretest, one-group posttest design which is given to 20 people by using accidental sampling technique and by giving carrot juice twice a day with 4 hours interval from the first administration. The bivariate test used in this study was the Wilcoxon test. The results of the research show that there is an effect of carrot juice consumption to reduce dysmenorrhea pain (p value 0,001 less than 0.05).  It is recommended for health workers to be able to make carrot juice as one of the teenage girls reproductive health treatment programs in order to reduce dysmenorrhea pain.  It is expected that the results of this research can be used as a source of information and implementation for the students/teenage girls in an effort to reduce the levels of dysmenorrhea pain through the consumption of carrot juice.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 251-258
Eka Tri Wulandari ◽  
Psiari Kusuma Wardani

Gaya hidup kembali ke alam(back to nature)menjadi tren saat ini sehingga masyarakat kembali memanfaatkan berbagai bahan alam,termasuk pengobatan dengantumbuhan obat (herbal). Sebenarnya,sudah sejak zaman dahulu masyarakat Indonesia mengenal dan menggunakan tanaman berkhasiat obat sebagai salah satu upaya menanggulangi berbagai masalah kesehatan, jauh sebelum pelayanan kesehatan formal dengan obat-obatan modern menyentuh masyarakat.Selain lebih ekonomis, efek samping ramuan herbal sangat kecil dan penggunaan obat herbal alami dengan formulasi yang tepat sangat penting dan tentunya lebih aman dan efektif (Hidayati, 2016). Mengetahui gambaran Herbal yang dikonsumsi ibumenyusui di Desa Wonosari  Kecamatan Gadingrejo Kabupaten Pringsewu tahun 2019. Penelitian ini dilaksanakandi Desa Wonosari  Kecamatan Gadingrejo Kabupaten Pringsewu tahun 2019. Jenis penelitian adalah study deskriptif dengan metode survey analitik. Subjek penelitian adalah ibu menyusui dengan populasi sebanyak 120 reponden dan sample penelitian menggunakan tehnik total sampling, dengan jumlah 120 responden. Tehnik pengumpulan data adalah data primer yaitu data yang diperoleh langsung dengan menggunakan lembar ceklis. Hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa sebagian besar responden mengkonsumsi daun katuk untuk meningkatkan produksi ASI yaitu sebanyak 52 responden (43,4 persen), selanjutnya adalah konsumsi daun kelor yaitu sebanyak 38 responden (31,6 persen), kunyit dan asam  9 responden (7.5 persen), daun turi 3 responden (2.5 persen), sangrai jagung 4 responden (3.3 persen) ,bayam 5 responden (4.2 persen), dan daun kacang panjang 9 responden (7.5 persen), sedangkan buah pepaya, jantung pisang dan sari kacang hijau tidak dikonsumsi oleh responden untuk meningkatkan produksi ASI. Memanfaatkan kembali tumbuhan dan makanan disekitar yang dapat memperlancar ASI. Dan bagi penelitian selanjutnya dapat melakukan penelitian dengan variabel yang berbeda sehingga diketahui bahan galaktogogue yang paling efektif dalam meningkatkan produksi ASI. Abstract: Back to nature lifestyle has become a trend recently so that the community returned to use various natural materials, including treatment with medicinal plants (herbs). Actually, since ancient times Indonesian people have known and used medicinal plants as an effort to overcome various health problems, long before formal health services with modern medicines reached the community. The aim of this research is to know the descriptions of Herbs consumed by breastfeeding mothers in Wonosari, Gadingrejo, Pringsewu in 2019. This research was conducted in Wonosari, Gadingrejo, Pringsewu in 2019. This type of research is a descriptive study with analytical survey methods. The research subjects were nursing mothers with a population of 120 respondents and the research sample used a total sampling technique, with a total of 120 respondents. The data collection is primary data, namely the data obtained directly by using the checklist. The results of this research show that most of the respondents consumed katuk leaves (Sauropus androgynous) to increase milk production as many as 52 respondents (43.4 percent), then the consumption of Moringa leaves was 38 respondents (31.6 percent), consumption of turmeric and tamarind was 9 respondents (7,5 percent), consumption of Turi leaves (Sesbania grandiflora) was 3 respondents (2,5 percent), consumption of roasted corn 4 respondents (3.3 percent), consumption of spinach was 4 respondents (4.2 percent) and long bean leaves was  9 respondents (7.5 percent), while the papaya fruit, banana flowers, and green bean extract were not consumed by respondents to increase breastmilk production. The researcher suggests nursing mothers to benefit plants and food around them which can increase breastmilk production. For other researchers, they can do further research with different variables so that it is known which galactagogue materials are the most effective in increasing breastmilk production.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 303-307
Eva Yunitasari ◽  
Suryani Suryani

Postpartum blues are strongly influenced by internal and external factors. Where the results of the assessment of patients said they felt confused, fatigue, lack of sleep, irritability and anxiety because their milk had not come out since 5 days postpartum. The patient also said that he did not get enough attention and help from her husband because her husband often went out of town. This type of research is research using the literature study method or literature review. The subject of this research was about postpartum mothers. The results of this study factors are factors that affect the postpartum blues are psychological factors that include family support khusu 's her husband. Demographic factors include age and parity, physical factors caused by physical fatigue due to the activities of babysitting, breastfeeding, bathing, changing diapers, and social factors include socioeconomic, education level, marital status. Factors that influence postpartum blues are psychological factors that include family support, especially the husband. It is expected to be able to detect early the occurrence of postpartum blues events so that actions can be taken in accordance with the conditions and needs of the mother. It is hoped that the results of this study will be additional information regarding postpartum blues

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 237-249
Faura Dea Ayu Pinasti

Coronavirus is a new type of virus that is now shocking the world because it has infected thousands of millions of global people in a short time. Anticipating the spread and increase in the number of patients, the application of health protocols needs to be done by the community. Some health protocols during the Corona pandemic period are; wearing masks, applying social distancing or physical distancing, maintaining hand hygiene and applying the ethics of coughing and sneezing. So this study aims to determine the level of public awareness in the application of health protocols during the Coronavirus pandemic. This study uses a cross-sectional method and an observational study. While the data collection process was carried out through a google survey and WhatsApp with a total sample of 130 participants. Based on the data obtained, most people have implemented several health protocols such as; wearing masks, applying social distancing or physical distancing and applying the ethics of coughing and sneezing well. But the implementation of health protocols such as maintaining hand hygiene has not been done well. 52.3 percent and 56.9 percent of participants did not wash their hands before eating and did not bring hand sanitizers when traveling as a form of self-protection.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 283-291
Jihan Francisca Raj ◽  
Yetty Dwi Fara ◽  
Ade Tyas Mayasari ◽  
Abdullah Abdullah

The world’s percentage of Exclusive Breastfeeding (EB) is still low. As in national scope the coverage of infants which was exclusive breastfeeding as much as 68.74 percent in 2018. Data coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in Lampung Province in 2018, is also still below the national exclusive breastfeeding coverage that is 61.63 percent. While the coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in TanggamusDistrict is still lower when compared to the coverage of exclusive breastfeeding in Lampung Province, which only reaches 53.2 percent. Exclusive breastfeeding can be influenced by several factors, including education, cultural customs, and the role of health providers. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors affecting exclusive breastfeeding in Puskesmas Pulau Panggung, Tanggamus District in 2020. This type of research is quantitative, the design of this research is analytic observational using a cross-sectional approach, and the population was mothers who have babies between 7-12 months who visit at Puskesmas Pulau Panggung, with a total sample of 106 respondents. The analysis used univariate and bivariate using the test chi-square. The results obtained by the mother who did not give exclusive breastfeeding as many as 57 people (53.8 percent), the level of maternal education in the low category was 67 people (63.2 percent). Most respondents have good cultural customs, namely 58 people (54.7 percent). Most health providers support exclusive breastfeeding, as many as 65 people (61.3 percent). There is a relationship between the level of education, cultural customs and the role of health providers toward exclusive breastfeeding in Puskesmas Pulau Panggung Tanggamus District, 2020. It is expected that health providers educate mothers about the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 349-359
Z Zulisda

Awal tahun 2020 pandemi Covid-19 memasuki  wilayah Indonesia yang sebelumnya pandemi yang sama mengguncang kota Wuhan Tiongkok, dan hingga saat ini beberapa wilayah terjangkit dalam waktu tidak terlalu lama berubah menjadi wilayah zona merah. Provinsi Kepulauan Bangka Belitung pun mengalami hal serupa, sekitar pertengahan bulan Maret 2020 terkonfirmasi di Kabupaten Basel satu kasus, disusul oleh Kabupaten Belitung, Kota Pangkalpinang, Kabupaten Bangka dan akhirnya seluruh Kabupaten Kota di wilayah Provinsi terpapar Covid-19. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui karakteristik pasien Covid19 reaktif yang dikarantina di non fasilitas kesehatan (Wisma Asrama Haji). Data yang diolah merupakan data sekunder bersumber dari Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Bangka Belitung dengan periode waktu Maret – Juli 2020. Adapun untuk dapat mencapai tujuan penelitian, metode yang digunakan antara lain : metode statistik deskriptif dan visualisasi grafik. Wisma Asrama Haji merupakan sarana yang diberdayakan untuk menampung pasien covid-19 reaktif dari seluruh kluster, sebelumnya tercatat tempat non fasilitas kesehatan sampai pada awal bulan Juni fasilitas kamar penuh. Lonjakan kasus Covid-19 (kasus reaktif) di Bangka Belitung terjadi di awal bulan Juni, untuk menampung semua kasus tersebut, Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi kembali membuka fasilitas karantina khusus atau wisma karantina kluster reaktif di gedung Asrama Haji dengan kapasitas 70 kamar. Setiap kamar disediakan hanya untuk satu orang penghuni atau kasus. Melalui proses karantina di wisma karantina ini, penyebaran kasus Covid-19 di Babel dapat dikendalikan secara bertahap, hingga sekarang kasus Covid-19 baik kasus reaktif maupun kasus terkonfirmasi mulai mereda, hanya 1-3 kasus dalam perawatan saat ini.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 297-302
Linda Timor Yanti ◽  
Nur Alfi Fauziah ◽  
Septika Yani Veronica ◽  
Hellen Febriyanti

Stimulasi Deteksi dan Intervensi Dini Tumbuh Kembang (SDIDTK) implementation for children under two years old in the village of Kuripan is 35 percent (out of 117 under two years) in 2018 and the lack of attention and knowledge of parents in the need for the importance of SDIDTK. The purpose research was to determine the correlation between parents’ knowledge about SDIDTK to the Implementation of Detection Stimulation and Early Intervention of Growth and Development (SDIDTK) on under-aged children in Kuripan village on Working Area of Inpatient Public Health Center of Penengahan, Penengahan district South Lampung in 2019. The design of this research is Correlative Analytics with a cross-sectional approach. The population in this study are parents who have children under two years old in the village of Kuripan Penegahan district South Lampung in 2018 numbering 117 people, a sample of 117 people with a total sampling technique analysis of data used in this study was univariate data analysis using percentage and bivariate using Chi-Square. The results showed that there was a relationship between parents' knowledge about SDIDTK and the implementation of SDIDTK in children under two years old in the village of Kuripan Penengahan district South Lampung (p-value 0,001) and OR 5,246.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 315-320
Wulan Sari ◽  
Eva Yunitasari ◽  
Riska Hediyah Putri

One of the stages of life that is definitely experienced by every woman is menopause. Menopause is not having menstruation for 12 consecutive months due to ovaries that have progressively failed in producing the hormone estrogen, follicles in the ovary experience decreased activity that can cause menstruation to stop so that women do not menstruate forever (WHO, 2016). Changes that often occur during menopause are physical changes, ranging from hair, eyes, skin to other physical organs. Target physical organs such as problems in the breast and vagina, as well as hot flashes that arise in the body (Hot Flashes). Not only physical changes that occur at menopause but psychological changes also occur at this time. The problems that arise from these psychological changes cause anxiety in most women. This type of research is research using the literature study method or literature review. Analysis using analysis of journal contents. The results of this study the factors that affect anxiety at menopause are physical changes, education, age, knowledge, family support, economic status, number of children, age of menarche, behavioral, cognitive and affective responses. For handling anxiety in menopause can be given hormonal replacement therapy to reduce symptoms and anxiety in menopause, guidance and counseling services. Suggestion: To health workers in Puskesmas or hospitals to provide counseling or guidance and counseling services. So that all mothers can know what menopause is and do activities that can benefit society to reduce the number of women who experience anxiety in dealing with physical, psychological, and sexual changes in menopause.

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