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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Hendrik Nunner ◽  
Arnout van de Rijt ◽  
Vincent Buskens

AbstractA twenty-year-old idea from network science is that vaccination campaigns would be more effective if high-contact individuals were preferentially targeted. Implementation is impeded by the ethical and practical problem of differentiating vaccine access based on a personal characteristic that is hard-to-measure and private. Here, we propose the use of occupational category as a proxy for connectedness in a contact network. Using survey data on occupation-specific contact frequencies, we calibrate a model of disease propagation in populations undergoing varying vaccination campaigns. We find that vaccination campaigns that prioritize high-contact occupational groups achieve similar infection levels with half the number of vaccines, while also reducing and delaying peaks. The paper thus identifies a concrete, operational strategy for dramatically improving vaccination efficiency in ongoing pandemics.

G. Sozykina

Forming the future specialist’ social responsibility during the studies is an urgent problem of higher education, as social responsibility is an important personal characteristic that is directly related to solving professional and life problems. The formation of students’ social responsibility is influenced by many factors, one of which is the activities of student self-government. Goal. The determination of the role of student self-government bodies in the university environment and in the students’ social responsibility formation. Methodology. The use of situations of involving in real professional-labor relations, participation in competitions, exhibitions, solving production tasks, example of life and activity of senior colleagues, collective labor actions and courses and groups is a powerful integrative factor that contributes to the formation of a responsible attitude of future professionals to performing their duties, and as a consequence, increasing the level of social responsibility. The positive consequences of involving students in self-government are manifested in the emotional uplift of students, expanding the range of their interests, positive and active attitude to self-improvement, in the pursuit of ethical behavior, skills of emotional and volitional self-regulation, etc. Results. An effective involvement of student self-government bodies in the management of a higher educational institution in order to increase social responsibility. Originality. It is shown that the bodies of student self-government have wide possibilities of influence on forming students’ social responsibility through providing the purposeful forming of necessary knowledge and skills needed for development of responsibility. Practical value. The importance of student self-government in the formation of students’ social responsibility is confirmed in the protection of educational, scientific, social, creative, national-cultural, spiritual, sports, economic and other interests of students, the formation of skills of future organizers, leaders.

Jianwei Deng ◽  
Jiahao Liu ◽  
Wenhao Deng ◽  
Tianan Yang ◽  
Zhezhe Duan

Objectives: To solve the labour shortage, we clarify the definition and dimensions of sustainable employability, and make it possible to develop sustainable employability scales in the future and lay the foundation for subsequent quantitative research. Finally, people’s sustainable employability can be improved. Highly sustainable employability employees can continue to work in the labour market and their working lives can be prolonged. Labour market supply will increase and labour shortage will be partly solved. Methods: We discuss the concept of sustainable employability based on some previous studies. Our conclusion is that the existing definitions and measurement dimensions are problematic. The swAge-model, a tool that helps us understand how to make working life more sustainable and healthier for all ages, can be the basis of sustainable employability. Results: We develop a discussion paper concerning the definition and measurement dimensions of sustainable employability using the swAge-model with an added factor of intrinsic work value and the dynamic chain. Conclusions: Our definition of sustainable employability takes environmental factors into consideration and makes it clear that it is not a solely personal characteristic, but the result of an interaction between individuals and the environment, thus distinguishing employability from work ability. We use the swAge-model as a basis to make the composition of our definition more logical and informed. Our measurement dimensions are clearly described to facilitate the future development of a scale, and our concept may ultimately help to extend the working lives of older and retired workers and thus solve the future labour shortage problem.

2021 ◽  
pp. 263440412110628
Szymon Chrząstowski

A sense of security is a key issue in attachment theory and its derivation, attachment narrative therapy. This article focuses on an analysis of threats to security that result from the socio-cultural context in which psychotherapy and supervision are conducted. Europe is perceived as a relatively safe place. However, growing populism and nationalism are affecting the context in which psychotherapy is being carried out, by reducing the sense of security of patients, therapists and supervisors alike. The article explores this phenomenon. An example of supervision will be provided, carried out by Arlene Vetere shortly after the brutal murder of a prominent Polish politician. Consideration will be given to the agreement of views between the supervisee and the supervisor, as well as its significance to the supervision. The manner in which security is built within supervision rooted in attachment narrative therapy will also be analysed. The thesis posited is that a sense of security is not an innate personal characteristic but results from actively working towards it and a description of such actions is also offered in the article.

Zaverukha O.Ya.

In the article the author conducts a theoretical analysis of the scientific literature on the definition of self-realization of a young person, reveals its structure, shows the areas where it works. And also shows the place of self-education in the structure of self-realization of the individual.Purpose of the article is to reveal the essence of readiness for self-education in the structure of self-realization of a young person.Methods. To achieve our goal, we used the following research methods: analysis, synthesis of theories of self-actualization and readiness for self-education, structuring scientific and psychological sources of information, which allowed to generalize and systematize the views of scientists on the research.Results. The author argues that the concept of self-realization in modern psychological science is under development, that is, there is still no generally accepted definition of this term. The most commonly used definition is the realization of the possibilities of self development through effort, co-creation, cooperation with other people, society and the world at large. The author argues that the features of personal self-realization are influenced by external and internal factors that hinder and contribute to the factors of self-realization, because each person by nature has a huge potential, which in the process of human life is realized under external influences. The degree of capacity development also depends on personal factors, external environmental conditions and their interaction with each other. He states that the mechanism of self-realization is launched in the case when the individual reaches the appropriate level of development. Orientation is based on self-determination and self-knowledge of the individual. Personal self-realization is individually special, manifested in the components of its structure and in quantitative indicators. There are different levels and types of self-realization, the highest of which meets the criteria of usefulness and satisfaction of self-realization for the person as a whole and for the environment.Conclusions. It was found that the readiness for self-education lies in the plane of additional areas of self-realization on a par with social interaction, social activity, hobbies, etc. Since self-education is motivated by intrinsic motivational factors of self-improvement and requires the use of special means of finding and mastering social experience, the author concludes that the readiness for self-education should be developed at student age, as during this period a person is able to overcome obstacles. her intellect is the basis for choosing the means and forms of active self-educational activity. Thus, the readiness for self-education has every chance to become a stable personal characteristic. Readiness for self-education is a system consisting of the following components: skill, efficiency, awareness, awareness and is represented by the unity of moral and volitional, cognitive and motivational components. The study of those components and individual aspects of self-education is the main requirement for their knowledge in the relationship and unity.Key words: self-realization, self-education, readiness for self-education, self-improvement, professional development, competitiveness. У статті представлено теоретичний аналіз дефініції самореалізації молодої особистості, розкрито її структуру та сфери, де вона працює, а також місце самоосвіти у структурі самореалізації особистості. Мета статті – розкрити сутність готовності до самоосвіти у структурі самореалізації особистості молодого віку. Методи. Для реалізації мети використано такі методи дослідження, як аналіз, синтез теорій самоактуалізації та готовності до самоосвіти, структурування науково-психологічних джерел інформації, що дало змогу узагальнити та систематизувати погляди вчених із досліджуваної проблематики.Результати. З’ясовано, що поняття самореалізації в сучасній психологічній науці перебуває на стадії розроблення, тобто загальноприйнятного визначення цього терміна досі немає. Найбільш уживаним є визначення про здійснення можливостей розвитку «Я» через зусилля, співтворчість, співдію з іншими людьми, соціумом та світом загалом. Визначено, що на особливості особистісної самореалізації впливають зовнішні та внутрішні чинники, що перешкоджають та сприяють чинникам самореалізацій, адже у кожній людині природою закладено величезний потенціал, який у процесі життя людини реалізується за умови зовнішніх впливів. Міра розвитку потенціалу також залежить від особистісних чинників, зовнішніх умов середовища та їх взаємодії. Констатовано, що механізм самореалізації активується тоді, коли особистість досягає відповідного рівня розвитку. Спрямованість відбувається на підставі самовизначення та самопізнання індивіда. Особистісна самореалізація особлива, вона виявляється у компонентах її структури та у кількісних показниках. Є різні рівні та види самореалізації, найвищий із яких відповідає крите-ріям корисності та задоволеності самореалізації як для особи загалом, так і для оточення. Висновки. З’ясовано, що готовність до самоосвіти лежить у площині додаткових сфер самореалізації разом із соціальною взаємодією, суспільною активністю, захопленнями тощо. Оскільки самоосвіта спонукається внутрішніми мотиваційними чинниками самовдосконалення та потребує використання особливих засобів пошуку та засвоєння соціального досвіду, авторка доходить висновку, що готовність до самоосвіти необхідно розвивати у студентському віці, позаяк у цей період людина здатна долати перешкоди на шляху свого становлення та самовдосконалення, її інтелект є основою для обрання засобів та форм активної самоосвітньої діяльності. Таким чином, готовність до самоосвіти має всі шанси стати стійкою особистісною характеристикою. Готовність до самоосвіти є системою, що складається з таких компонентів, як умілість, дієвість, усвідомленість, обізнаність, та представлена єдністю морально-вольових, пізнавальних та мотиваційних складників. Саме вивчення цих компонентів та окремих сторін самоосвіти є головною вимогою їх пізнання у взаємозв’язку та єдності.Ключові слова: самореалізація, самоосвіта, готовність до самоосвіти, самовдосконалення, професійний розвиток, конкурентоздатність.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
Tijn van Diemen ◽  
Ilse J. W. van Nes ◽  
Charlotte C. M. van Laake-Geelen ◽  
Dorine Spijkerman ◽  
Jan H. B. Geertzen ◽  

Abstract Background People with a recent spinal cord injury (SCI) often follow intensive rehabilitation. Learning appropriate self-care, deal with their impairments and prevent secondary health conditions (SHCs), is highly important during rehabilitation. To date it is not clear how self-care skills are taught to people with SCI. The objective of this study was to understand how people with SCI experienced the learning of appropriate self-care skills during inpatient rehabilitation, including the role of the rehabilitation team. Methods Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted with 15 people with SCI, recently discharged from initial inpatient rehabilitation. Interviews were audio-taped, transcribed and analyzed thematically. Results Two main themes and seven sub-themes were identified. Participants stated that the contribution of the rehabilitation team to learning self-care, including prevention of SHCs, was mostly made by optimizing opportunities to learn through experience. For preventing SHCs, education and lessons learned from the professionals during therapy and the formal educational program, was experienced as especially important. Further, the motivational attitude of the professionals which participants found stimulating and was based on respect, combined with their positive contribution as one team, were seen as essentials elements for learning appropriate self-care. However participants did not recognize the contribution of the nursing staff as part of their rehabilitation, although it was seen as very important. An important aspect of the participants’ own contribution was challenging oneself to learn self-care. This was done in different ways by the participants. Further, their own mental adjustment was considered important in the learning process. The gaining of confidence was by most participants seen as personal characteristic, although they also recognized the importance of the team effort and the experiences they underwent. Conclusions Learning appropriate self-care was mostly done through experience, by challenging themselves, and making use of the opportunities given by the members of the rehabilitation team. The same strategies used by the rehabilitation team to teach people with SCI to perform appropriate self-care, were also helpful for the participants to gain confidence. Explicit attention for self-care training as an important goal in SCI rehabilitation may strengthen the nursing staff’s role and stimulate interdisciplinary working.

2021 ◽  
Vol 68 (3) ◽  
A. Algozhina ◽  

This article examines the innovative qualities of a modern higher education teacher. Currently, training has acquired many new opportunities and continues to evolve. A modern teacher in our world should easily apply the latest approaches and techniques that contribute to the expansion and enrichment of the student's consciousness. The relevance of the research is due to the fact that a modern teacher must be ready for innovation and try something new. It is such a personal characteristic as innovation that contributes to the inclusion of a person in an innovative society, not only from the position of personal adaptation in it, but also inclusion as an active participant in processes. The article presents the results of a study of the degree of expression of the factors of innovative personality traits, such as creativity, orientation towards the future and risk for the sake of success of teachers of two areas of teaching.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
N. E. Serebrovskaya ◽  
I. S. Kohergina

Introduction. The interest of the scientific community in the issue of ontogeny of subjectivity in the era of changes in all spheres of life, the reform of national education associated with the digitalization of education and other challenges is growing again. The problem of psychological support for the formation of subjectivity during the period of study at school is of particular relevance. It is subjectivity that is an integrative characteristic of a student's personality associated with transformative activity and the achievement of one's own goals. Subjectivity determines how a person interacts with the surrounding world and people, how he defends his position in interaction with people and society as a whole. The personal and professional choice of a student is associated with the ability to understand and model possible alternatives to his life path and to be responsible for the results. In primary school age, there are personal prerequisites for the development of subjectivity. The components of subjectivity in the structure of a student's personality are his features, such as the presence of an educational and professional motive, a motive for achievement and development, responsibility for one's actions and decisions, the ability to control oneself in a variety of situations, including difficult life situations, and an active behavioral position. School education, which includes not only the pedagogical influence on the student, but also his subjective educational activity, involving his active participation in building his own personality, is precisely the space that bears a great semantic and functional load from the point of view of the formation and development of intrapersonal mechanisms and formations. The creation of "correct", creative conditions for the education and development of a child in the process of schooling is a significant moment in the work on the formation of his subjectivity, including in relation to the choice of a professional path. The work on the formation of the subjectivity of schoolchildren in the field of modern general education is becoming an important and responsible task from the point of view of the development of a full-fledged personality and the future professional self-determination of school graduates.Materials and Methods. The article is an analytical review with elements of a pact research, where an attempt was made to systematize scientific psychological and pedagogical knowledge on the problem of the formation of subjectivity during the period of schooling. To study this personal characteristic, we conducted a theoretical and empirical study. The formation of subjectivity is due to the development of self-awareness and the motivational-semantic sphere of the individual. The most important, from our point of view, are such criteria for the development of subjectivity in a student as motivational indicators, the ability to reflect, the nature of interaction with adults, and the level of self-regulation. In accordance with the criterion-level approach, we identified three levels of development of the subjectivity of schoolchildren: low, medium and high.Results. All selected and studied by us criteria of subjectivity of primary and secondary schoolchildren are in the stage of active formation. That is why this study is of a trial, pilot nature. The data we have obtained demonstrate only the existing trend in relation to the personal development of children at certain stages of schooling. That is why the above mentioned criteria for the development of the subjectivity of schoolchildren need further study, and their typology needs additional refinement.Discussions and Conclusions. The conclusion is substantiated that the above mentioned criteria for the development of the subjectivity of schoolchildren need further study, and their typology needs additional refinement, which is a promising direction for further theoretical and empirical research. The work on the formation of the subjectivity of schoolchildren in the field of modern general education is becoming an important and responsible task from the point of view of the development of a full-fledged personality and the future professional self-determination of school graduates. Based on the results of the study, we consider it necessary to create meaningful and systemic conditions conducive to the development of the child's ability to subjective activity, awareness of himself and his life. The conditions are listed, that allow the development of the child's internal potential as a subject of his own activity in various aspects, not only educational, but also extracurricular, conducive to creative activity and self-development.

E.Yu. Narusova ◽  
V.G. Struchalin ◽  
E.N. Strelnikova ◽  
I.V. Paruleva ◽  

Complex conditions at work places cause exhaustion of psychological and physiological resources of a human, which affects employee’s efficiency. The occupational burnout syndrome, by a number of signs, is similar to the emotional burnout, however, its source is a situation at work. The phenomenon includes a set of negative emotions and experiences directly associated with work. The basic signs of occupational burnout are as follows: the feeling of eternally deep fatigue, overwhelming exhaustion, cynical and indifferent attitude to colleagues, disappointment in one’s own work results, and depreciation of one’s own expertise. One might think that he/she works insufficiently, then gradually the disappointment grows and causes anxiety and complete exhaustion. When unattended, these emotional disorders develop into severe diseases. The occupational burnout is a phenomenon that recently became of focus of research of various disciplines, from psychology to labor protection. With the other occupational deceases caused by hazardous factors of production environment, the occupational burnout as a result of the effects of stress on human organism leads to decreasing work efficiency, is harmful for employee’s health and may cause illnesses. Employee’s adaptation to occupational requirements is associated with development of useful personal characteristic and suppression of those hampering one’s professional functioning. Such changes affect the psychological and emotional condition of an employee. In order to determine the recommendations how to overcome stress at work, the level of occupational burnout of 14 employees of a design & construction bureau was conducted via using V.V. Boiko’s test «The diagnostics of emotional burnout level» modified by E.P. Ilyin.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-169
S. Horák

The foreign policy of states is often viewed through the prism of the geopolitical, geostrategic or geoeconomic determinants. It is forgotten that in addition to these factors, foreign policy also has a strong human, or personal, factor. This factor is especially evident in authoritarian regimes of the personalist type, in which decisions, including on foreign policy issues, are made by the leader or a narrow stratum of the elite alone. In this case, the personal factor and personal interests of the leader are not limited to other regulators (institutions, elections, etc.). A foreign policy centered on the interests of the first person in this case may differ significantly from what one would assume when analyzing state policy and the national interests of the country. Since power in Turkmenistan is in the nature of a personalist regime, the article attempts to explore, within the framework of the available (very limited) information, the foreign policy of this country from the perspective of the personal interests of the head of state and the Turkmen elite rather than those of the state. In addition to the theoretical framework of the study and a brief personal profile of both presidents, the article also provides examples relating to the two main factors of interest to the leader of the nation and his elite - economic profit and regime security. Comparing the regimes of the first and second president in foreign policy also demonstrates the continuity of the political culture and system in the country. The study shows that the Turkmen regime combines all features of the theoretical conceptions of personalist foreign policy if we look at them as an interrelated complex. The personal characteristic of the president, his almost unshakable position in decision-making, as well as the interests of his entourage, including his family, play a key role in it. On the other hand, the singularity of decision-making makes it easier for those foreign players who have the necessary information about the country’s leader and know how to lead him to the decision they want without regard to other interest groups or institutions in the country.

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