Long-Lasting Legacy of Rent Controls: Perspectives on the Private Rental Market in Malta within the Context of a Dual Market

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 43-54
Brian Micallef

Up to a few years ago, the private rental market in Malta was a classic example of the dysfunction created by two diametrically opposed regimes – a rigidly-controlled one and a completely liberal one – co-existing side by side. Two recent reforms have sought to address this situation. The objective of this paper is to describe the state-of-play in the private rental market in Malta by providing a historical background to these recent developments. In addition to the distortions in the housing market that rent controls introduce, controls also contributed to the deterioration of the statistical infrastructure to collect data on this sector. From this perspective, the introduction of the 2020 rent reform for the post-1995 sector, in addition to providing a set of minimum standards to professionalize the market, also facilitated data collection efforts through the introduction of a rent register. This information provided an alternative source of information to complement the other data sources, which tend to be outdated, inadequate, or focus solely on specific segments of the market, thus allowing for a more detailed and complete view of the private rental market in Malta.

Alan J. Silman ◽  
Gary J. Macfarlane ◽  
Tatiana Macfarlane

Primary data collection is challenging and with increasing electronic data capture in routine healthcare and other aspects of life, it is possible to address several epidemiological questions by robust analysis of such ‘secondary data’. There are considerable advantages in terms of scope, size, and speed of study to be balanced against the quality and depth of using primary data. Even when such direct contact is not required, there is often the need to extract necessary information from individual subject records such as medical files. There is often no alternative source of information, although the greater digitization of information is changing that scenario with the potential that the availability of such information might preclude the need for primary data.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 47
Rijal Mamdud

Abstrak:Kemajuan teknologi saat ini, telah mengantarkan perubahan dalam segala aspek kehidupan manusia khususnya dalam pemenuhan informasi. Masyarakat modern dalam memenuhi kebutuhan informasinya lebih mengandalkan media massa sebagai solusinya. Karena lebih mudah, cepat dan hemat, termasuk pemenuhan informasi tentang pengetahuan agamaan mereka. Mereka tinggal duduk manis didepan kotak ajaib (internet, radio, koran dan televisi),  semua kebutuhan dan keingintahuannya akan tercukupi, mereka yaitu masyarakat menganggap apa yang di tampilkan dan ditayangkan oleh media massa adalah sebuah kebenaran yang tidak perlu diragukan lagi. Sehingga semua yang ada dimedia massa, masyarakat cenderung akan meniru atau melakukan apa yang di lihat dan di dengarkannya. Oleh karenanya dalam tulisan ini penulis akan membahas tentang bagaimana masyarakat muslim memeahami agama dengan pesan-pesan dakwah islami yang baik dari media massa yaitu baik dari internet dan televisi. Realita lain mengatakan bahwa para pelaku dan pemilik media massa sekarang ini kebanyakan dari kalangan non muslim. Pastinya pesan dan informasi yang disampaikan lewat mediamassa juga akan sangat dipengaruhi oleh pengelolanya. Karena kita tahu bahwa media tidak bebas nilai. Sehingga fenomena tersebut juga menjadi perhatian penulis dalam kesempatan kali ini. Tulisan ini menunjukan bahwa dakwah lewat media massa menjadi sebuah keharusan. Baik lewat media massa berbentuk, koran, televisi, internet, majalah atau yang lainnya. Karena menurut hemat penulis kegiatan dakwah adalah kegiatan mengajak, dan untuk konteks sekarang kegiatan mengajak akan lebih efektif dan efisien apabila lewat media massa. Sehingga kegiatan dakwah natinya akan lebih banyak dirasakan manfaatnya oleh semua kalangan masyarakat. Abstract:This study addresses two main issues, namely: 1) How is mediator interpersonal communication with litigants in the divorce process in the Tulungagung Religious Court?. To answer this problem, researchers used descriptive qualitative methods oriented to divorce case studies that took place in the Tulungagung District Religious Court. In order to obtain detailed data results, researchers used three methods of data collection, namely interviews, observation and documentation as non-human data sources. The results showed that 1) Mediators applied 5 principles of interpersonal communication in conducting mediation with litigants in divorce cases at the Tulungagung Religion court, namely: empathy, respect, can be heard or understood, clarity of messages, and a humble attitude that was shown through attitude and speech mediator, 2) The success of the mediator in interpersonal communication to reduce divorce rates in the Tulungagung Religious Court is caused by the firm and neutral attitude of the mediator in directing the litigant party and the open attitude of the litigant party.However, on the other hand, interpersonal communication sometimes shows low success because of the problem of complicated bargaining related to property, the firm attitude of the parties to divorce, and reluctance to follow the mediation process as a way to speed up the divorce process.

2015 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Nurnanigsih Nawawi

<p><strong>Abstract</strong>: <em>This study is aimed at showing the concepts of cultural values of Bugis society in Wajo, comprising of the values such as honesty, expertness, truth, mercy, and business summarized in the system of "pangedereng". These values could be traced through the historical records of sure’ Galigo / lontara, written in the sixteenth century. This investigation use qualitative research with data collection obtained from library and field, as well as interviews. Data sources include 'Sure’ Galigo Ritumpa'na Walenrengnge and manuscripts containing the Lontara advice from kings and Bugis wise men. Research findings indicated that the values were assimilated with the Islamic shari'a, in which its most values were strongly tied to the principle of siri’ (respectability). This principle serves as the basis of ethics and attitudes and is expected to be motivation, especially, for the young generations who live in the globalization era and are heavily loaded with the influence of scientific and technological development on one hand and are lack of moral, cultural, and religious values on the other hand.</em></p><p dir="RTL"> <strong>الملخص</strong>: استهدف البحث إلى تقديم تصور عن القيم الثقافية للمجتمع البوغيسي بواجو التي تشتمل على عدّة قيم وهي الثبات، و الذكاء، و الصدق، و المودة، و الجدّية في السعي. وتتوحّد القيم في صورة "pangadereng" الموجودة في الوثائق التاريخية "sureq galigo/lontara" وكان إبتداء كتابتها في القرن XVI . استخدم هذا البحث المدخل الكيفي مع البيانات المصدرة من المكتبة والميدان والمقابلة. ومن البيانات هو "sureq galigo ritumpakna walenrenge/lontara" الذي يشمل الوصايا من الملوك و الحكماء البوغيسيين. دلّت نتائج البحث أن القيم تتوحّد مع الشريعة الإسلامية وفيها تعاليم "siri" . ويرجى أن تكون هذه القيم دافعا – خاصة للشبان - حتى يسلكوا مسلك آبائهم، وهم عاشوا في عصر العولمة بما فيه من آثار تقدم العلوم والتكنولوجيا من جهة، ومن جهة أخرى كانوا بعيدين عن قيم الأخلاق.</p><p><strong>Abstrak: </strong><em>Penelitian ini bertujuan mengemukakan konsep-konsep nilai budaya bagi masyarakat Bugis Wajo yang meliputi nilai-nilai kejujuran, kecendikiaan, kebenaran, kasih sayang, dan usaha, yang terangkum dalam sistem "pangedereng", dapat ditelusuri melalui catatan sejarah sureg Galigo / lontara. Penulisan dimula</em><em>i</em><em> pada abad ke XVI. </em><em>Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pengumpulan data perpustakaan, lapangan, dan wawancara. Data antara lain berupa Sureg Galigo Ritumpa'na Walenrengnge serta naskah-naskah lontara yang memuat petuah raja-raja dan orang bijak Bugis. Penemuan yang bersifat nilai tersebut terasimilasi dengan syariat Islam yang senantiasa dinafasi "SIRI" dari bertingkah laku dan diharapkan dapat menjadi motivasi terutama bagi generasi muda yang hidup di arena globalisasi yang sarat dengan pengaruh IPTEK di satu sisi dengan kekosongan moral, budaya, dan agama di sisi lain.</em></p><p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Pangadereng, asimilasi, Islam, Bugis Wajo</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 46
Darisy Syafaah ◽  
Lismawati Lismawati

Abstrak:Penelitian ini membahahas dua persoalan pokok yaitu: 1) Bagaimana komunikasi interpersonal mediator dengan pihak yang berperkara dalam proses perceraian di Pengadilan Agama Tulungagung?, 2) Faktor apa sajakah yang  mendukung dan menghambat komunikasi interpersonal mediator Pengadilan Agama Tulungagung dalam proses mediasi perkara perceraian?. Metode yang digunakan peneliti untuk menjawab permasalahan tersebut adalah metode  kualitatif deskriptif  melalui studi kasus perceraian yang terjadi di Pengadilan Agama Negeri Tulungagung. Adapun untuk memperoleh hasil data secara rinci, penelitian ini menggunakan metode  wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  1) Mediator mengaplikasikan 5 prinsip hukum komunikasiefektif dalam  melaksanakan mediasi dengan pihak yang berperkara pada kasus perceraian di pengadilan Agama Tulungagung yaitu: empati, menghormati, dapat didengarkan atau dimengerti, kejelasan pesan, dan sikap rendah hati yang ditunjukkan melalui sikap dan tutur mediator, 2) Keberhasilan mediator dalam komunikasi interpersonal  untuk menekan angka perceraian di Pengadilan Agama Tulungagung disebabkan oleh sikap tegas  dan netral mediator dalam mengarahkan pihak yang berperkara  serta sikap pihak berperkara yang terbuka. Namun di sisi lain, komunikasi interpersonal terkadang menunjukkan keberhasilan yang rendah karena permasalahan tawar menawar yang rumit terkait harta gono gini, sikap kukuh para pihak yang berperkara untuk bercerai, serta keengganan mengikuti proses mediasi sebagai jalan untuk mempercepat proses perceraian Abstract:This study addresses two main issues, namely: 1) How is mediator interpersonal communication with litigants in the divorce process in the Tulungagung Religious Court?. To answer this problem, researchers used descriptive qualitative methods oriented to divorce case studies that took place in the Tulungagung District Religious Court. In order to obtain detailed data results, researchers used three methods of data collection, namely interviews, observation and documentation as non-human data sources. The results showed that 1) Mediators applied 5 principles of interpersonal communication in conducting mediation with litigants in divorce cases at the Tulungagung Religion court, namely: empathy, respect, can be heard or understood, clarity of messages, and a humble attitude that was shown through attitude and speech mediator, 2) The success of the mediator in interpersonal communication to reduce divorce rates in the Tulungagung Religious Court is caused by the firm and neutral attitude of the mediator in directing the litigant party and the open attitude of the litigant party.However, on the other hand, interpersonal communication sometimes shows low success because of the problem of complicated bargaining related to property, the firm attitude of the parties to divorce, and reluctance to follow the mediation process as a way to speed up the divorce process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 257-264
Kasmawati Kasmawati ◽  
Harisal Harisal

Imperative sentences are sentences that contain imperative intonation and generally contain the meaning of commands or prohibitions; in writing is marked by (.) and (!). The construction of imperative sentences of invitation in Japanese and Indonesian is done by using a constructive research. Contrastive research prioritizes concrete facts regarding the search for differences one by one which has the specificity of language so that it is more inclined towards differences. This study aims to describe the construction of imperative sentences of invitation in Japanese and Indonesian. The approach taken in this study uses a qualitative descriptive approach using the referential method. The data collection in this study used the deep listening method related to the use of written language, because the data in the form of invitation as a modality were taken from written data sources in the form of novels. The written data obtained by the read method was captured by a note-taking technique by being recorded on a data card. The data in the form of sentences containing imperatives, both in terms of structure and markers and their contents are classified into several types of imperative sentences. Furthermore, the basic analysis technique used is a technique for direct elements, namely dividing the elements in the form of imperative sentences. The results showed that the construction of the imperative form of solicitation sentences in Japanese consisted of the invitation form shiyou with the construction variants 'affirmative form of desire verb -masu + shiyou' and 'isshoni + affirmative form of desire verb -masu + shiyou'; shiyouka invitation form with the construction of 'isshoni + affirmative form of desire verb –masu + shiyou ka'; and, the form of shinaika's invitation with construction variants 'Interrogative form + Shinaika' and 'Particle mo + KK wishes in the form of a dictionary + Interrogative form + Shinaika'. On the other hand, in Indonesian, the construction of the imperative form of an invitation sentence in Indonesian consists of the form of an invitation form ‘Mari’ with the construction variants of 'Mari + active verb' and 'Mari + causative verb'; the form of ‘Marilah’ with the construction of 'Marilah + Active Verb'; the form of an invitation ‘Ayo’ with the construction variants of 'Ayo + Active Verb' and 'Ayo + Causative Verb'; and, form ‘Ayolah’ with the construction 'Ayolah + Active verb'.

Endang Maruti

The research aims to uncover the symbols in the novel The Alchemist and to gain knowledge about the moral teachings in the symbol. This research is descriptive qualitative approach. Data sources in this study are words, phrases or sentences in the novel Alchemist. Data collection method is a literature study method with note taking technique. Data were analyzed using description and content analysis methods. The results showed that the novel The Alchemist contained many symbols. These symbols include: (1) wise parents, who symbolize both negative and positive things. From his appearance, parents can symbolize something bad, but behind his old age he symbolizes a knowledge that is very much and wise; (2) stones that symbolize something hard, not easily broken, and can provide clues to something; and (3) deserts or deserts which can be interpreted as symbols of drought, aridity, unattractiveness, emptiness, despair, determination for ignorance, and also as symbols of devotion.  

Resdianto Permata Raharjo ◽  
Ahmad Sudali

This journal explains the results of cohesion and coherence analysis in the current new news discourse in Indonesia published by Republika, Thursday 16 May 2019. The research uses descriptive methods by describing and explaining the results of the analysis found in the study. This research is a type of qualitative research because the results tend to be released and descriptive. the technique used in this study is to take data, data collection is done in two ways, namely listening and taking notes. This study found the results of the use of cohesion and and the use of coherence. Cohesion is the integration between the parts that are characterized by the use of language elements. Cohesion is divided into two parts, lexical cohesion and grammatical cohesion. Grammatical cohesion includes conjunction, reference, release, substitution. Lexical cohesion includes antonyms, synonyms, repetitions, metonymy, and hypomini. Whereas, cohorence is the relationship between elements one with the other elements so that it has an integrated meaning.  

Zimmatul Liviana

The research grammatical interference in a collection ofshort stories Biarkan Aku Memula iwork Nurul F. Hudaisa collection ofshort storiesset in the back that Is start work Let Nurul F. Huda contains many grammatical interference.The problem of this   study were(1)how   the various morphologi calinterference containedin   a   collection of short stories Biarkan Aku Memulai work Nurul F. Huda. (2)how the various syntactic interference contained in a collection of short stories Biarkan Aku Memulai work Nurul F. Huda. The purposeof this studyis to describe the morphological and         Syntactic interference contained in a collection of short stories Biarkan Aku Memulai work Nurul F. Huda. Sociolinguistics is the study of language variation and use in society. Interference is the event of the use of language elements of one into the other language elements that occur in the speakers themselves. This research uses descriptive qualitative method because to describe the actual realityin order to obtainan accurateand objective. Qualitative descriptive methods were used to analyzethe elements ofa word orphrase that incorporated elements of other languages with the analysis and description of the formulation of the problem is the answer. Data collection techniques using observation techniques, the determination ofthe object of research, the selection of short stories.Based on the analysis of the data in this study can be found that there are six forms of interference morphology, namely (1) the prefix nasal N-sound, (2) the addition of the suffix, (3) the exchange prefix, (4) exchange suffixes, (5) exchange konfiks, (6) removal affixes. While the syntactic interference only on the words and phrases in a sentence. The results of the study it can be concluded that the interference morphology more common than syntactic interference.

2018 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
pp. 85-98
Bojan Kostadinov ◽  
Mile Jovanov ◽  

Data collection and machine learning are changing the world. Whether it is medicine, sports or education, companies and institutions are investing a lot of time and money in systems that gather, process and analyse data. Likewise, to improve competitiveness, a lot of countries are making changes to their educational policy by supporting STEM disciplines. Therefore, it’s important to put effort into using various data sources to help students succeed in STEM. In this paper, we present a platform that can analyse student’s activity on various contest and e-learning systems, combine and process the data, and then present it in various ways that are easy to understand. This in turn enables teachers and organizers to recognize talented and hardworking students, identify issues, and/or motivate students to practice and work on areas where they’re weaker.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 291-320
Asep Saefullah

Tulisan ini membahas fenomena penyebaran kitab-kitab cetak keaga­maan di Jawa Barat, khususnya di Sukabumi dan Cianjur. Jenis kitab ini biasanya menggunakan tulisan Arab dengan bahasa Sunda dan menggu­nakan aksara Pegon. Kitab-kitab cetak dari jenis-jenis itu diproduksi dan direproduksi, dan masih digunakan sampai hari ini. Oleh karena itu, fenomena ini dapat disebut sebagai “living tradition”. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan melacak dan merekam kitab-kitab yang diproduksi (disalin atau dikarang) dan direproduksi (dicetak atau digandakan) dengan metode seder­hana, yakni fotocopi dan pencetakan tradisional seperti stensil, sablon, dan "cetak toko". Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memetakan dan merevisi kategorisasi kitab-kitab tersebut dari kajian terdahulu berdasarkan jenis karya, seperti karangan asli, tuqilan, terjemahan, syarḥ (penjelasan), khulasah (ringkasan) yang lain, dan juga berdasarkan bahasa dan aksara yang digunakan. Selain itu, tulisan ini juga mengamati lembaga-lembaga atau individu-individu yang masih mereproduksi buku-buku (kitab-kitab) keagamaan sederhana seperti perusahaan percetakan atau pesantren yang menerbitkan kitab-kitab tersebut. Pada akhir artikel ini, ada beberapa saran dalam upaya untuk melestarikan kitab-kitab cetak dan karya-karya tersebut.Kata kunci: kitab, jenis karya, pencetakan tradisional, Sunda, Pegon, Jawa Barat This paper discusses the phenomenon of the spreading of religious printed books (kitabs) in West Java, especially in Sukabumi and Cianjur, which are characterized by the use of Arabic writing in Sundanese (or known as Pegon script). The printed books (Kitabs) of those types are produced and reproduced, and are still used to this day. Therefore, this phenomenon can be called as a “living tradition”. Data collection was conducted by tracing and recording religious books (kitabs) that are pro-duced (rewritten or compossed) and reproduced (printed or duplicated) with a simple method, known as photocopying and traditional printing such as stencils, screen printing, and “shop printing”. This paper aims to map and revise the categorization of these Kitabs from previous studies based on the types of works including original essays, tuqilan (quotations), translation, sharh (explanation), khulaṣah (summary), or the other, and also based on the language and the script used. In addition, this paper also observes the institutions or individuals that are still reproducing these printed religious books such as the printing company or pesantren that publish such kitabs. At the end of this article, there are some suggestions in attempts to preserve those printed kitabs and the works.Keywords: Kitabs, type of work, traditional printing, Sunda, Pegon, West Java

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