scholarly journals Frazematyczny potencjał połączenia wyrazowego bieda z nędzą we współczesnej polszczyźnie

LingVaria ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (2(32)) ◽  
pp. 47-59
Ewa Młynarczyk

Phrasematic Potential of the Word Combination: bieda z nędzą in Contemporary Polish The combination of synonymous words, whose origin may be associated with folk demonology and personified notions of Bieda [Poverty] and Nędza [Misery], has become the basis for a few phrasemes that are authenticated in contemporary Polish language. The analysis of research material that includes a variety of texts, differing in terms of topic, genre and style, is the evidence that apart from the phraseme bieda z nędzą, which is registered in dictionaries, also other multi-verbal units, whose basic element of composition is this particular word combination, are used in Polish. The primary significance of the analysed phrasemes results from the presence of two synonymous words denoting a difficult financial situation, which leads to the hyperbolisation of the phenomenon. From the pragmatic perspective, however, they are used mostly as negative evaluation units, referring to the material sphere, but also to various fields, phenomena and events, which, according to the speaker, are characterised by low quality, have visible shortages and symptoms of poverty, or result from negligence or bad taste. As expressively and axiologically marked terms, which are characteristic of the colloquial style, these phrasemes are encountered in comments and discussion forums, as well as media coverage, especially in headlines. Longer phrasemes, which are joined by a clear rhyme, are the elements of intertextual games in various cultural texts: artistic works, blogs and chrematonyms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 ◽  
pp. 67-75
Dorota Garbicz-Stodolna

The aim of the article is to define the status of political correctness in the Polish language and its re-lationship with linguistic politeness. An important element is to describe the various approaches and attempts to define political correctness and to reflect on the ideologization of the studied phenomenon. The first step is to develop a theoretical basis, discussing the issue of linguistic politeness and political correctness. In the next part, both phenomena are confronted and their relationships are discussed via the example of the lexeme Murzyn (Black). The analysis of the problem showed the ideological entangle-ment of political correctness and a negative evaluation of this phenomenon, despite the assumptions convergent with linguistic politeness, which does not raise objections from language users.

2018 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 111-137
Nawoja Mikołajczak-Matyja Mikołajczak-Matyja

The paper considers the relation of semantic opposition in terms of the prototype theory of concepts. Its purpose is to provide information on peripheral or border areas of the category of semantic opposition. Data from linguistic analyzes, as well as the results of contemporary corpus studies, indicate that pairs of co-hyponyms from multi-element sets are potentially relevant material in peripheral areas of the category of semantic opposition. A psycholinguistic study was conducted to verify the psychological reality of the data. 720 Polish language users were instructed to provide semantic oppositions to the list of 24 stimuli words (test of directed associations). The research material was Polish nouns belonging to 3 lexical fields: animals, plants and artifacts, with no obvious semantic oppositions (as bee, cabbage, vase). It turned out that, according to the hypothesis, proportions of reactions classified as co-hyponyms of stimuli are high: for 21 stimuli it was 52–94% of the response corpora and for 22 stimuli the dominant reaction was co-hyponym of the stimulus word (as cabbage-lettuce, bee-wasp, vase-flowerpot). The characteristics that determine the choice of a given co-hyponym as the semantic opposite of the stimulus were identified. The remainder of the response corpus was analyzed in order to reveal other ways and mechanisms for seeking the semantic opposition by respondents. The data obtained in the presented study confirm the necessity to incorporate the problem of co-hyponymic pairs from multi-element sets into reflections on the category of the semantic opposition.

2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-100
Izabela Łuc

The object of the analysis is the way of creating commercial utterances and functional names in which the formal indicator is the dialectal lexeme gryfnie recognized as a fashionable component of Polish language of consumption. According to the communicative practice of the creators of cultural texts, the use of the gryfny component valorizes products, identifies service objects, assesses offers and highlights the speakers of the language living in the Upper Silesia region. The analytical material coming from the advertisements spread by media and on the Internet was described from the perspective of cultural linguistics and pragmalinguistics. The references to cognitive conception of meaning fields were made taking into account the appropriate methodological solutions and the complex polisystem of commercial conditions.

2020 ◽  
pp. 101-116
Dorota Połowniak-Wawrzonek ◽  
Agnieszka Rosińska-Mamej

Due to the influence of the language of politics, the noun phrase, tłuste koty, has become established in modern Polish language. As the research material proves, the idiom fat cats has a negative connotation in the Polish language. Most often, it refers to rich people associated with business, as well as politicians and people in power, such as legislative, executive and judicial. The analysed texts provide many modifications of the expression under analysis, e.g., wypasione pisowskie tłuste koty, tłuste koty w sutannach, tłuste koty nadziane ośmiorniczkami, tłuste koty na złotych spadochronach, lejące krokodyle łzy podczas ucieczki z pogromu kociego na Wall Street, najtłustszy i wredny kot, okrąglutki, milutki, taki kotek tłuściutki. The most important function of modification is to express a critical opinion about people in the category of fatty cats. Through modifications, it is emphasized that the earnings of fatty cats are indecently high, often unreasonable and undeserved. Sharp social opposition causes financiers and politicians to avoid being responsible for their mistakes, for dishonesty. Fat cats are also accused of greed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 28 ◽  
pp. 147-162
Ałła Krawczyk

The aim of the article is to show some deviations from the Polish nationwide rules in selected polite expressions in the written text on a large amount of research material (over two thousand units), extracted from almost half a thousand issues of Polonia newspapers, published in Ukraine in the 21st century. What is analysed are some peculiarities of the structure of these units against the background of their pragmatic Polish nationwide equivalents, their functions in the press text of the inherited Polish language, and the communication capabilities both within and without the studied communicative community. The influence of Ukrainian polite expressions on the studied expressions of inherited Polish language is evaluated. The research results give rise to a reflection on the issue of differential acceptability — against the background of the general standard — of the features of the linguistic label in the inherited Polish language in Ukraine.

2019 ◽  
Vol 43 ◽  
pp. 23-40
Zofia Sawaniewska-Mochowa ◽  
Vilija Sakalauskienė

The Lithuanian and Polish linguistic legacy of Antanas Juška from a twenty-first-century perspectiveThis article presents the assumptions of new research on the legacy of Antanas Juška, recorded in Lithuanian and Polish. We assume that the forgotten works of this bilingual author from Lithuania, mainly translation dictionaries, are an underestimated study material for interdisciplinary research. They are particularly important for understanding the rich conceptualisations of the world by two collective subjects, Poles and Lithuanians, co-existing in Lithuania under the Russian partition. We have formulated two research hypotheses: (1) the bilingual dictionaries authored by Antanas Juška, who was a Catholic priest, are not only a valuable source of knowledge about the state of the Polish and Lithuanian languages in the nineteenth century, but above all specific cultural texts which form part of the social discourse of their time and place, and thus carry relevant ethnolinguistic and ethnocultural information; (2) bilingual dictionaries as a genre had an impact on the crystallisation of Lithuanian national awareness and the strengthening of cultural identity of Lithuanians in the second half of the nineteenth century.Juška’s linguistic legacy will be jointly studied by Polish and Lithuanian researchers from different perspectives, applying the tools and methods available in twenty-first-century humanities.I. In the ethnolinguistic and ethnohistorical paradigm: in view of the hypothesis that bilingual dictionaries constitute a narrative about the world and its historical time, we extract linguistic data that will enable us to capture the lexical and conceptual symmetry and asymmetry between the linguistic woldview of Poles and Lithuanians in the context of the crystallisation of Lithuanian national awareness.II. In the comparative perspective: (1) we will present Juška’s lexicographic legacy against the background of the Lithuanian and Polish lexicographic tradition; we will confront the lexicographic practice and the macro- and microstructure of his dictionaries with important works of Lithuanian lexicography and contemporary dictionaries recording colloquial, dialectal and regional vocabulary of various sub-regions of Lithuania; (2) we will compare the Polish material recorded in Juška’s translation dictionaries with dictionaries of the general, dialectal and regional Polish language from Lithuania; (3) we will answer the question whether the introduction of Russian translations into the Lithuanian-Polish dictionary published by the Imperial Academy of Sciences in Saint Petersburg was merely a political requirement stemming from the political situation and censorship, or whether these translations complement the meanings of the Polish and Lithuanian entries.III. In the sociolinguistic and communication aspect: language contact and multilingualism, and the attendant processes of borrowing, mixing and “combining” vocabulary among users of the regional Polish language and spoken Lithuanian.Our research draws the attention of linguists to old, underestimated texts. It also indicates the cognitive value of linguistic analysis open to history, ethnology and identity studies. By studying Juška’s linguistic legacy in the context of modern scholarship, we introduce it into the sphere of collective life of Lithuanians and Poles. In this way, we create a plane for a better mutual understanding which will foster the overcoming of negative national stereotypes. Litewska i polska spuścizna językowa Antoniego Juszkiewicza (Antanasa Juški) z perspektywy XXI wiekuW artykule przedstawiamy założenia nowych badań spuścizny Antoniego Juszkiewicza (Juški) zapisanej w języku litewskim i polskim. Wychodzimy z założenia, że zapomniany dorobek Juszkiewicza, autora dwujęzycznego z Litwy, złożony głównie ze słowników przekładowych, jest niedocenioną bazą materiałową do prowadzenia interdyscyplinarnych badań, a zwłaszcza do poznania bogactwa konceptualizacji świata przez dwa podmioty zbiorowe, Polaków i Litwinów, współegzystujących na Litwie w sytuacji zaboru rosyjskiego Przyjmujemy dwie hipotezy badawcze: 1) słowniki dwujęzyczne, skonstruowane przez księdza katolickiego A. Juszkiewicza, są nie tylko cennym źródłem wiedzy o stanie języka polskiego i litewskiego w XIX wieku, lecz przede wszystkim swoistymi tekstami kultury, wpisującymi się w dyskurs społeczny czasu i miejsca oraz nośnikami relewantnych informacji etnolingwistycznych i etnokulturowych; 2) słowniki dwujęzyczne jako gatunek tekstu oddziaływały na krystalizowanie się narodowej świadomości litewskiej i umacnianie tożsamości kulturowej Litwinów w drugiej połowie XIX wieku.Spuścizna językowa Juszkiewicza będzie odczytana wspólnie przez badaczy polskich i litewskich na nowo z różnych perspektyw, z wykorzystaniem narzędzi i metod, jakie daje nam humanistyka XXI wieku:I. W paradygmacie etnolingwistycznym i etnohistorycznym: zgodnie z przyjętą hipotezą, że słowniki dwujęzyczne są swoistą narracją o świecie i czasie historycznym, będziemy ekscerpować z nich dane językowe, które pozwolą nam uchwycić symetrię i asymetrię leksykalno-pojęciową między językowym obrazem świata Polaków i Litwinów w sytuacji krystalizowania się litewskiej świadomości narodowej;II. W perspektywie komparatystycznej: 1) ukażemy spuściznę leksykograficzną Juszkiewicza na tle tradycji leksykograficznej litewskiej i polskiej; skonfrontujemy warsztat leksykograficzny oraz makro- i mikrostruktury słowników A. Juszkiewicza z ważnymi dziełami leksykografii przekładowej litewskiej oraz współczesnymi słownikami rejestrującymi słownictwo potoczne, gwarowe i regionalne różnych subregionów Litwy; 2) porównamy materiał polski zarejestrowany w słownikach przekładowych Juszkiewiczów ze Słownikiem języka polskiego tzw. wileńskim, Słownikiem gwar polskich J. Karłowicza, ze słownictwem współczesnej polszczyzny gwarowej na Litwie; 3) odpowiemy na pytanie, czy wprowadzenie tłumaczeń rosyjskich do wydanej przez Imperatorską Akademię Nauk w Sankt Petersburgu części słownika litewsko-polskiego, mające w sytuacji zaborów podłoże polityczne, wniosło uzupełnienia znaczeń haseł polskich i litewskich;III. W aspekcie socjolingwistycznym i komunikacyjnym: w kontekście kontaktów językowych i zachodzących w sytuacji wielojęzyczności procesów zapożyczania, mieszania i „uwspólniania” słownictwa między użytkownikami polszczyzny regionalnej i mówionego języka litewskiego.Nasze badania kierują uwagę lingwistów na teksty dawne, niedocenione, wskazując, jak ważne poznawczo efekty można uzyskać w ich analizie, gdy otwieramy językoznawstwo na historię, etnologię, naukę o tożsamości. Włączając spuściznę lingwistyczną A. Juszkiewicza w obszar współczesnej nauki, wprowadzamy ją zarazem w sferę życia zbiorowego Litwinów i Polaków. Stwarzamy tym samym płaszczyznę do lepszego zrozumienia siebie nawzajem i przewartościowania negatywnych stereotypów narodowych.

Linguistics ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 67-76
Tetiana Zhyla ◽  

Religious discourse in recent decades belongs to the productive approaches of linguistic researches. Linguists study the genre varieties of a religious discourse, the pragmatics of language units in a religious text, there is an intensification of the description of religious discourse on the material of media texts. The research material in this article was the texts of printed and electronic Ukrainian Christian religious media. Evaluation is qualified as an intentional text-forming category of a journalistic text, a discursive dominant, a component of the linguistics of persuasion. The choice of the object of evaluation is important for the study of a religious text. In the texts of the religious media, the evaluation primarily includes sincerity and depth of faith, the conformity of worldviews to religious beliefs, actions of a person, an individual, including contemporaries of readers, or saints who have made a name for themselves in the name of the Christian faith as well as events related to political life. The linguistic presentation of the evaluation in the studied texts takes place by using the means of different levels of the language. First of all, the authors of publications in the religious media express evaluation by lexical means, adjectives show significant productivity in the implementation of evaluation value. The studied texts testify to the use of the phraseological resource of the language to express evaluation. We observe that a common means of expressing evaluation of human actions and deeds are constructions by which the authors of publications encourage certain actions, approve of an act that is evidence of a positive evaluation, or condemn certain actions, express prohibition, caution, which is a means of expressing negative evaluation. Evaluation in the texts of religious media is a linguistic means of expressing a pragmatic orientation towards the formation of Christian moral qualities.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. 293-315
Andrzej Szabaciuk

The aim of the article is to analyze the image of economic emigration from Ukraine to Poland created by pro-Kremlin media after 2014. It shows how Russian propaganda changed during the 20th century, what function it had from the tsarist period, through the years of the Soviet Union, to contemporary times. Its significance in the period after the decomposition of the union state was presented, and in particular the changes that it underwent since Vladimir Putin’s first presidency. There were shown ideological changes, which more or less influenced the public discourse, and thus also the media coverage. The functions of the Russian propaganda after the escalation of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and the way of presenting mass labour migration from Ukraine to Poland are presented, both in the context of creating a specific narrative about the current internal and foreign situation of Ukraine after the Dignity Revolution, as well as against the background of Polish-Ukrainian relations and migration processes taking place in Poland. It was shown which aspects of mass migration were most often presented by pro-Kremlin information platforms, in which context and how a specific propaganda discourse was constructed. An important element is the analysis of changes observed in the message of the state-controlled Russian media concerning the mass migration of Ukrainians to Poland and the analysis of the origins, scale, significance and consequences of this migration. More extensive research leads to the conclusion that the media controlled by the Kremlin authorities can skilfully construct the message by adapting it to the addressee. In Polish language information services, the information addressed to the recipient is much more detailed and prepared in such a way as to build an aversion between the host society and Ukrainian economic immigrants. While preparing the article, we used the analysis of data found with elements of a comparative analysis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (5) ◽  
pp. 551-578
Paweł Cichosz

AbstractAnomaly detection can be seen as an unsupervised learning task in which a predictive model created on historical data is used to detect outlying instances in new data. This work addresses possibly promising but relatively uncommon application of anomaly detection to text data. Two English-language and one Polish-language Internet discussion forums devoted to psychoactive substances received from home-grown plants, such as hashish or marijuana, serve as text sources that are both realistic and possibly interesting on their own, due to potential associations with drug-related crime. The utility of two different vector text representations is examined: the simple bag of words representation and a more refined Global Vectors (GloVe) representation, which is an example of the increasingly popular word embedding approach. They are both combined with two unsupervised anomaly detection methods, based on one-class support vector machines (SVM) and based on dissimilarity to k-medoids clusters. The GloVe representation is found definitely more useful for anomaly detection, permitting better detection quality and ameliorating the curse of dimensionality issues with text clustering. The cluster dissimilarity approach combined with this representation outperforms one-class SVM with respect to detection quality and appears a more promising approach to anomaly detection in text data.

Svitlana Tubaltseva

This paper examines how media and news reports in particular contribute to the construction of images on a particular event. For the purpose of it, the Winter Olympic Games 2014 in Sochi were chosen as a global media event owning to its controversial nature and various issues connected with these Games. The data were gathered from two prominent English-speaking news bureaus in Europe and examined to establish how centers of traditional Olympic stream and Western ideology comment on the Games hosted by an ideologically, politically and culturally different country. In attempt to address the aim, the research explores the thematic organisation (topics coverage) and the resources of appraisal in the articles dedicated to Sochi 2014. Despite its manual nature, the research combines both qualitative and quantitative approaches to the analysis of data. The findings revealed that all news bureaus constructed a negative evaluation of Sochi 2014 by means of the use of emotive language and selective coverage of topics relating either to the Games or to the host country. The paper is aimed to contribute to the existing research of critical discourse analysis and systemic functional grammar and present a pioneering study on the Olympic discourse by means of these two theoretical models

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